Everything I Need; Christian...

By whydontwe26

67.3K 1K 82

Sequel to Don't Break My Heart! Cassie and Christian are finally engaged to each other. The two of them are g... More

We're Expecting
Gender Reveal
I Didn't Want to Wait and I Fell
There's No Cheese
Almost Six Months
I'm Sorry
Precious Cargo
Ice Chips
Ten Centimeters Dilated
I'm a Horrible Mother
You Just Need Someone
I Can Not Believe That Just Happened
Double Date
You Guys Couldn't Wait Thirty Minutes
Opening Day
Do You Guys Think Christian Would Like It?
What the Fu*k
What Happened to Him?
Oh So You Keep Tabs?
I Love You Like Crazy
Did You Come to Workout or Watch?
He Gave This Back to Me
Cheating On An Anniversary?
Oh God No
Two Pink Lines
You're Stressing Me Out
I'm Feeling Super Sick
What a Waste of the Pill
Where Did He Hear That?
You're Pregnant?
Wedding Day Pt. 1
Wedding Day Pt. 2
I Promise
I Don't Want to Talk
Seriously Cassie?
It's Mrs. Yelich Now
We Are Finishing Tonight
Why Would You Say That?
I Want to Keep My Hot Dog
Because He Likes You
You're Hurting Me
This Man is Good at a Lot of Things
Happy Birthday
Take it Back Please
Couples Massage
Start Packing
I Don't Need His Name or Money
My Second
You Suck
Today's the Day
You Know You're Not Fine
We Love You Two Equally
Are You Peeing On Me?
Absolute S*it
Everyone Wants You
They Get it From Daddy
Everything Alright?
We Are Going To Be Fine
Eye Doctor
I Need to Talk to You
He's Good for a F*ck
Is Daddy Okay?
Behind My Back
Another One
Not Ready
Off Day
Growing Up
Choked Up
Day Drinking
Cheer Up
Date Night
Like the Night I Met You
Tiny Crush
Two Out of Three
Celebrate at Home
Proud of You
To New Beginnings
Thank You! 💙

Mama Sick

694 10 0
By whydontwe26

Christian's POV

We just lost a game in the post season, so we were done for the year. As I drove back home, I chose not to let my job frustrations follow me home. When I walked in the house, I took my shoes off and then the kids ran to me.

This was odd and unusual because they were never down here if Cassie wasn't down here too. "Mama sick," Noah said and I furrowed my brows.

"How so Noey?"

"She throw up."

"I tired," Mason said and I tried focusing on one thing at a time.

"Okay I'll put you guys down for a nap," I said and took them to their rooms. They both fell asleep fast and then I went to our room. She was sleeping on the bed. "Cas," I said and rubbed her head. Her head was kinda warm.

"What do you need?" She asked me and scooted over on the bed.

"Noah told me you were throwing up," I told her and she opened her eyes.

"Well Noah's lying," She said and turned the other way and fell back asleep. I left the room and cleaned around the house since we were leaving in two days.

Cassie's POV

When I woke up, it was six. How did I sleep until dinner time? I went downstairs and seen Christian sitting on the couch. "Hi babe," I said and sat on his lap.

"Hey, are you feeling better?"

"I feel like I have the flu again. Hopefully I'll feel better in a couple days or so."

"I don't like seeing you sick. What do you want for dinner? Vegetable soup? Any soup? Let me know so I can make you something."

I laughed a little. "I'll take vegetable soup. Are you still willing to risk getting sick for a kiss."

"Definitely," He said and pulled me in. I laughed a couple seconds into the kiss. "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too Mr. Yelich," I said and kissed him one more time before letting him get up. I brought the kids downstairs and we sat on the couch and watched Paw Patrol while Christian started dinner.

"Mama ice cream," Mason said in the middle of the episode.

"Where would you get that idea?" I asked and turned around and seen Christian eating my ice cream.

"This is my medicine," He said and I continued to stare at him. "I'll go out and get you some more after dinner."

"Alright," I said and watched the show until dinner was ready. We ate and fed the kids at the same time.

"So if anyone comes down our driveway, take the kids to the room."

"Christian I know. I stay by myself a lot." Christian knew how I got, I hated being home by myself at night just because what happened at my apartment with Jay and Daniel, and I just didn't like to as well because our nearest neighbors were like six or seven miles away. "Let's go lay in mommy and daddy's room," I told the kids after Christian left.

"We get ice cream too?" Noah asked and I shook my head no.

"Daddy is going to get me medicine because I wasn't feeling good earlier."

"Oh," He said and sounded so disappointed. I watched the kids play around on the bed until Christian got back. 

"What are you two doing in here?" Christian asked the boys and started tickling them. Their laughs were so adorable and I was so in love with them. They reminded me so much of Christian and I loved it.

"Okay daddy I tired now," Noah said and then Mason copied him.

"Okay give mommy a kiss so I can put you two to sleep." They came over to me and kissed my cheeks.

"I love you Mason, and I love you Noah." Christian took them to their room and about fifteen minutes later he came back with my ice cream.

"Do I get to play on my playground now?" He asked and shut the door. I looked at my chest and shrugged.

I let Christian do whatever pleased him while I ate my ice cream and watched Hulu. "You're so beautiful," Christian said taking a breather for a few minutes.

"You know you don't have to lie to get in my pants."

"I'd never lie to get in your pants. Believe me Cas," He said and then I fed him some ice cream. The two of us shared our ice cream and watched some Hulu.

"Christian can you grab me the heating pad?" I asked as we got ready for bed.

"Yes," He said and went into the bathroom and came back with it. Christian set it on my and I felt sick to my stomach.

"I don't feel good at all," I said and he rubbed my back. "Christian."

"What's wrong baby?"

"My head hurts and my stomach," I said and he kissed the top of my head.

"Would you like medicine?"

"No just some cuddles," I told him and he laid behind me and wrapped his arm around me. "Are you seriously hard right now?"

"I'm sorry," He said.

Christian's POV

I was woken up by Cassie yelling, "Babe!" I stretched a little and then went downstairs. I kissed her for a couple of seconds and then looked at her. "Can you make me breakfast?"

"You sound like the kids," I said and opened the fridge. "What would you like babe?"

"A bowl of cereal," I turned my head to see if she was serious.

"You woke me up to make you a bowl of cereal?" She nodded and then I went to the cupboard and got her cereal out.

"Thank you," She said as I pushed the bowl in front of her. I nodded and then kissed her cheek before heading back upstairs to get the boys up. "Do you want to go on a date tonight?"

"I always want to go on a date with you," I said, "Dinner and a movie?"

"Exactly what I was thinking," She said and held Mason. "Mase you want to go see Uncle Cam?"

"No!" He said and he definitely sounded like he had Cassie's attitude.

"Uncle Collin?" She asked and he got excited and nodded. "What about Uncle Collin and Uncle Cam?"

"No!" He yelled and the two of us laughed.

"Why not Uncle Cam?" I asked him and found myself something to eat.

"I don't know," He said and the two of us just laughed some more. We finished eating and then the boys decided they wanted to go over to my mom's house. So Cas and I got ready to take them.

I walked into the room and watched Cassie. "I'm trying to blow your back out," I told Cassie as she put on a pair of jeans.

"Maybe tonight you can," She responded and I got excited. I grabbed onto her hips as soon as she was done and she looked at me. "Stop being needy right now."

"You should know I'm needy just like you."

"Grab the kids," She said. After getting them, we got in my car and drove to my mom's.

"Hi boys!" My mom yelled as they ran to her.

"Grandma!" The two of them yelled and we laughed. I held onto Cassie's waist and she looked at me and then took my hand off.

"Is Cam here or is he at his place?" Cassie asked my mom.

"He's here right now." She went upstairs and I sat on the couch with my mom.

Cassie's POV

"Wake up!" I yelled and sat on Cam's back.

"What do you want?" He asked and then opened his eyes. I got off of him and let him turn over to see me.

"Come downstairs, I want to hang out with you," I told him and then left the room. I sat next to Christian and he grabbed my thigh. "Christian I don't want to be touched right now."

"What's your problem?"

"I just don't want to be touched right now. I love you though," I said and kissed his lips for a couple of seconds.

"Alright," He said and then we watched Cam come down the stairs. Cam laid across my lap.

"What are we doing today?" Cam asked as I rubbed through his hair.

"This is my wife, she should be rubbing through my hair," Christian said and got jealous. He laid down on the other side of my lap and then I started rubbing through his hair.

"I was going to drop the kids off over here because they wanted Collin to watch them tonight and then they wanted to see their Grandma. But other than that, Christian and I are going out tonight."

"What the boys didn't want to hang out with me?"

"Nope Mason made it very clear that he didn't want to."

"What the heck?" He asked and I laughed. "What about Noah? What did he say?"

"We didn't ask him. But I mean you could try to get them to hang out with you."

"So what are you two doing today?" Alecia asked as she walked back inside with the kids.

"Dinner and a movie," Christian said and then the both of them sat up. "But the kids wanted Collin to watch them tonight, so can we leave them here for the day?"

"Of course you can, I love seeing my grandkids."

"Alright well we are going to head out then," Christian said and I didn't know why he was being so impatient.

"Okay bye, I'll see you guys later. Bye Mase and Noah." Christian and I picked them and then we kissed them goodbye. As we got in the car I looked at Christian. "Why did we leave so fast?"

"Because I need you." I rolled my eyes and turned towards the window. "And I want a coffee so what do you want?"

"I don't want coffee," I said and he grabbed onto my leg and started massaging it.

"Cas why do you hate me now?"

"I don't hate you but I don't want to have sex right now and I wanted to spend time with your family."

I looked at his arm that was on my thigh and it was pretty hot because of all of his veins. "Well then we won't have sex. It's fine." He was about to move his arm but I stopped him. "Damn I turned you on that quick?"

"Be quiet," I said and laughed a little. "I think I might want you after all."

"In the car or at home?"

"Christian at home," I said and hit him in the chest. He laughed and then drove us to Starbucks.

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I got my wisdom teeth out.

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