The Cursed Chronicles: Year 6

By NotSoAverage_Fangirl

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Our heroes return to Hogwarts for what's certain to be an eventful sixth year. Their fifth year tied up all l... More

Prologue/ NEW CAST
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 40

152 2 1
By NotSoAverage_Fangirl

Scorpius' head felt foggy as he hurried back to the common room. He struggled to process all that he had just discovered. Katrina was being manipulated by Thomas into hurting Albus, and she was only doing it to protect him......

It was hard for him to wrap his head around it, but one thing was for sure. Two of his best friends were hurting and he was not having it. He thought he couldn't be angrier than when Albus told him what happened by the bridge, but he was wrong. Seeing Katrina like that hurt too badly for words. Thomas was going to pay. But for now, he'd have to keep this quiet. For Albus' sake and for Katrina's. 

He was careful as he dashed through the hallways not to create noise and to check for teachers before turning corners. He finally made it to the Slytherin Common room, a little winded. 

"Albus!" he whispered, shaking his friend, who had fallen asleep on a couch in the common room. Albus sat up sleepily. Scorpius watched his expression slip from sleepy to dismal as he remembered the events of the night before. 

"What?" he asked. "Why are you so out of breath?"

"I went to go find out what's going on." Albus' face hardened. 

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did. I found Katrina-"

"I don't care."

"You will! It's not her fault! Thomas put this hex on her and she's only trying to-"

"I don't. Care." Albus said flatly. "I don't want to hear whatever excuse she gave you." Scorpius was taken aback. Of all the possible reactions, he hadn't imagined this.

"Albus, she's trying to protect you! You should have seen her, this is tearing her apart! She can't tell anyone or else Thomas will kill you!"

"Exactly what she'd have you think," Albus said bitterly. "Anything to make her the victim." Scorpius' brow furrowed. Irritation was rising in his chest.

"I can't believe this! She's like, your best friend! She's sacrificing everything for you! You're not even going to give her a chance?"

"I can't believe you're buying this!" Albus retorted. "She's obviously trying to win back everybody after what she did!"

"I found her sobbing in the counselor's office at 3:00 AM! What, do you think she's trying to win back the counselor?"

"It's an act!"

"At 3:00 AM?!?!?"

"I've had enough of this!" Albus rose angrily, and stormed towards the staircase. "I'm going to bed, and I don't want to hear anything about this in the morning!" He turned and fled up the stairs to the sixth year dorm without leaving Scorpius time to respond. 

He was angry. He couldn't believe him. This didn't feel like the Albus he knew at all. This Albus was bitter, unforgiving, and cruel. He didn't like this Albus one bit. 

Worst of all, Katrina would have to find out eventually that Albus didn't believe her, and that would break her heart. 

No matter how angry he was at Albus, he knew that he couldn't stay mad at him. Mostly because he knew Katrina would never stand for this situation hurting their friendship, but also because he knew Albus was hurting and needed his best friend. Maybe with time he would come around. 


Katrina didn't want to face her friends, so Professor Griff allowed her to stay in his office for as long as she needed. She took a light nap, and Maverick fetched her some breakfast from the great hall. She probably could have gone to her first class that morning before the task, but the thought made her sick to her stomach. The thought of leaving at all made her sick to her stomach. 

Maverick flew to the carriage to grab her wand and ring, and some more comfortable clothes than her uniform. She was grateful for the pants to cover her skinned knee. She didn't want to raise any more suspicion than she already had. 

When it was finally time to leave, she took a deep breath. 

"I can do this," she whispered, as she reached for the door handle. 

"Best of luck," Professor Griff called to her as she turned the handle and opened the door. "Remember to have confidence in yourself. You are stronger than you think." As she closed the door behind her, Katrina got the feeling his advice had multiple meanings.

As she made her way to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, (She was not looking forward to seeing Myrtle. Let's just say she and Myrtle had a little.....disagreement in her third year.) she avoided eye contact with the people around her, which was difficult since her wardrobe was noticeably different. Everyone who saw her whispered about her, realizing that she must be heading to the second task. 

"Where are you going?" Katrina jumped a little and whirled around as she neared the top of a staircase. She had finally found some solitude as everyone settled into their classes. Thomas was at the foot of the stairs. A sinking feeling settled in her stomach as she realized that she would be the reason Thomas made it to the second task. She inhaled and exhaled deeply through her nose to calm herself.

"The second task," she said. His eyes narrowed.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" he hissed. 

"I just figured it out last night," she explained. "I didn't have time."

"You should have come found me. Where were you this morning?"

"We don't have time for this!" she exclaimed, hoping to avoid the question. "You need to hurry if you're going to make it to the task!" Thankfully, he seemed to follow her logic. 

"Where is it?" 

"The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets," she said. 

"I'll be there soon," he declared before dashing down the stairs, probably to run as fast as humanly possible to his ship to grab whatever he could. 

Katrina hurried down the hall to the bathroom. When she entered, Albus and Nicole were already there. Albus looked away as soon as he noticed her. Her heart wrenched painfully. She knew that even if Scorpius had told him that he would have to act like he didn't know, but he seemed so unfeeling as he stared at the old sinks, that she felt like she'd been slapped.

"We'll give Mr. Done a few more minutes to show up," Professor McGonagall said to break the silence. The three champions nodded vaguely. Nicole wandered slowly and awkwardly towards Katrina. 

"Hey," she said a little uncomfortably. 

"Hey," Katrina returned, trying a friendly smile. Nicole smiled a little too. 

"Can I be honest? I'm pretty nervous," Nicole confessed. "Sandy's always been really into this kind of stuff, but.... I don't know I've always kind of preferred the more domestic magic styles. I don't think I'll do very well."

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Katrina encouraged. "The cup wouldn't have picked you if you weren't worthy to be a champion. I mean, you didn't even put your name in and it picked you anyways. You must be pretty qualified."

"Thanks," Nicole said with a warm smile. "I know you don't have to do that, especially since we're competition and all. I really appreciate it."

"Any time," Katrina said. The more she talked with Nicole, the more at ease she felt. That is, until a few moments later. 

"Ah, Mr. Done, we've been waiting. I was concerned you hadn't figured out the clue." The hint of skepticism and mild amusement in McGonagall's face said she didn't buy for one second he had solved the clue.

"Oh, yes," Thomas said with a phony smile. "I had it figured out ages ago. Quite simple, really." McGonagall nodded a little. 

"Right. Well, I suppose we'll get started then." Thomas came and stood next to Katrina. He gripped her arm and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"I'm impressed. Potter can't even look at you. Keep this up and he'll live. Remember to throw the task. I'm watching. Laugh like I said something funny." Katrina did what she was told and giggled a little. Nicole glanced at them, a little confused. Even Albus spared the slightest glance. McGonagall raised an eyebrow, and Katrina thought she read concern in her wrinkled expression, but she didn't say anything.

"Once I am finished explaining the task, I will apparate all of us into the chamber and the task will immediately begin. Our judges are already waiting for us. As all of you will know, since you discovered the clue, your performance in this task is hinged on your knowledge of the second opening of the Chamber of Secrets." Thomas gave Katrina a small side glare that no one else noticed. 

"Today's task will be a dueling tournament. The bracket has already been decided. While two champions duel, the other two will watch. During the duel, champions will be asked questions. Some questions will be asked to both champions. In this case, the first to offer the correct answer will receive an aid in their duel. Some questions will be posed to an individual champion. In cases such as these, the champion will be hindered if they provide an incorrect answer. Points will be scored according to how well you do in your duels. Are there any questions?" Nobody said anything. Katrina prayed her knowledge was enough. 

"Then let the task begin. Everyone hold hands. Come now, don't be shy." This was a rather awkward process, as Nicole automatically assumed that Katrina would want to hold hands with Albus, and stood between Mcgonagall and Thomas. Thomas grabbed her hand, and there was an awkward few seconds where Albus and Katrina looked at each other, before reluctantly taking each other's hands. Katrina hoped his reluctance was as fake as hers was. It felt so good to hold his hand. But there was something weird about the way he held hers. It made her heart hurt. 

In a blur, Katrina was sitting with Nicole in a viewing box that had been built above the chamber. Professor McGonagall, Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Granger-Weasley, and the headmaster and headmistress from Illvermorny and Beauxbatons sat in the box with them. Mrs. Potter smiled and winked at Katrina, who returned a small smile. She felt extremely uncomfortable being in the same box as her seeing how her and Albus' friendship was currently faring. Since Nicole was next to her, she could only assume that-

She was correct. Thomas and Albus were below them in the chamber, already firing shots at each other. Even though they had only been down there a few seconds, they were already drenched. 

"Mr. Potter, who did many suspect to be the heir of Slytherin after an incident coincidentally occurring at dueling club?" Professor McGonagal spoke into her wand like a microphone and it echoed throughout the chamber. Albus ducked to dodge an incoming spell.

"Harry Potter!" he answered as he fired back. 

"That is Correct. Mr. Done, what creature resided within the chamber of secrets?"

"A Basilisk!"

"That is Correct. For open response, name one of the victims of the Basilisk."

"Hermione Granger!" Albus said quickly, as he blocked a spell. Down the row, Katrina noticed the minister straighten. 

"Correct." Below Albus' feet the floor rose so that he had the upper ground. Thomas found it difficult to get a shot close. 

"Mr.Done, who was the first victim during the second opening of the chamber?"

"Moaning Myrtle!" he answered through strained breaths as he vainly attempted to land a hit on Albus. 

"That is incorrect. The student now reffered to as Moaning Myrtle was a victim during the first opening of the chamber, not the second. The correct answer was the caretaker's cat, Mrs. Norris." Thomas grunted in frustration. He was completely unprepared for the jets of water that shot from the floor, pummeling him. While he was distracted, Albus leapt from his pedestal. When the jets died, Albus was ready. 

"Expeliarmus!" he cried, and Thomas was helpless as his wand flew out of his hands. "Petrificus Totalus!" Thomas straightened like a board and toppled over. 

"Mr. Potter is the winner of this duel," Professor McGonagall announced. Mrs. Potter whooped, and the other judged raised their eyebrows at her. She winced. 

"Oops, sorry." Before Katrina could fully prepare herself, she was in the chamber, and Nicole was across from her. Katrina fired a spell, and Nicole quickly blocked it. 

"Miss Dawson, what did onlookers believe the message proclaiming Ginny Weasley's capture was written in?"

"Her blood!" Nicole answered quickly, firing a spell at Katrina. Katrina realized her ring would be of little use in this challenge. Everyone would be able to see where she was regardless. 

"Correct. Miss Fizzleworth, what was the message really written in?"

"Rooster blood!" Katrina answered. Nicole fired a powerful spell at her, and she hit the floor, rolling violently until she was on her stomach again, and firing back at Nicole, who dodged it. 

"Correct. For open response, who wrote the message?"

"Ginny Weasley!" They responded at once.

"Both Correct. Draw." Katrina, who was already on her feet, ducked an incoming spell, and fired two back. Nicole dodged one and blocked the other. Her hair was starting to come out of her braided updo, and like Katrina, she was soaked. 

"For open response, what is the full name of the heir of Slytherin?"

"Tom Riddle!" Nicole cried, cutting her defensive spell close. 

"Tom Marvalo Riddle!" Katrina corrected, throwing up her defense as well. 

"Miss Fizzleworth is correct." All at once, the water on the floor drained, leaving the floor dry. Nicole seemed puzzled as to why this was a benefit, but Katrina understood immediately. 

What are they, mind readers?

Katrina slipped on her ring and disappeared. Nicole made a noise of surprise. She turned wildly, wand up, trying to find Katrina. Katrina shot a disarming spell, and Nicole just managed to block it. She fired a shot back at where she'd seen the spell come from, but Katrina had already moved. 

"Miss Dawson, How many victims of the basilisk were there during the second opening of the chamber of secrets?"

"Five?" Nicole answered uncertainly.

"Incorrect. Six." Nicole's wand arm went limp. She yelped in surprise and quickly grabbed her wand with her other hand. Katrina threw a spell at her, and she sloppily but up a defense. The spell knocked her backward but failed to disarm her. She fired back, but the shot went off-target. Using her non-dominant hand was throwing her totally off her game. 

"Miss Fizzleworth, which victim was paralyzed through Nearly Headless Nick's ghost?" Katrina cursed under her breath. 

"Um.... A hufflepuff...dangit I know his it....Ernie Macmillan?"

"That is incorrect. The correct answer was Justin Finch-Fletchley." The water returned, filling higher than before, almost knee-height. Nicole searched diligently for movement. Katrina froze. Before Nicole could figure her out, she fired a spell. Nicole was looking in a separate direction, and only barely deflected the shot, but another shot from Katrina hit her in the shoulder. She cried out in pain. Katrina felt really bad. Nicole fired back. It hit Katrina in the stomach, and she cried out in pain, but managed a shot at Nicole. It disarmed her. Her wand went flying and sank beneath the deep water.

"I yield," she said. She held up her non-limp arm a little in a lame attempt at surrender. Katrina found herself transported back in the box, and sitting next to Albus. She took off her ring and hissed quietly, clutching her stomach. Thomas was now in the chamber with Nicole, who's arm was no longer limp. The water had lowered back to it's original level, four or five inches high. Albus looked at her, and Katrina unfortunately missed the flicker of concern on his face. She was too busy looking at the large gash across her stomach. Mrs. Potter came over. 

"Are you alright?" she asked, crouching next to Katrina to observe the cut. "We can pull you from the competition at any time. That's an awful wound." Katrina gritted her teeth and shook her head.

"I'm alright," she managed. Mrs. Potter's brow furrowed with concern. "Are you su-"

"I'm sure," Katrina insisted. Mrs. Potter seemed skeptical, but she knew there was nothing she could do, she rose and walked back to her seat, but when she arrived, her eyes remained trained on Katrina, worry written all over her face.  Katrina ripped off some extra fabric at the bottom of her shirt and tied it securely around the wound. For now, that would have to do. 

"Here, let me," Albus muttered, taking the ends of the fabric from her, and tying them. She winced as the cloth tightened around her stomach. When Albus was done, he turned away and wouldn't look at her. Her heart hammered in her chest. She was surprised her nanny cam hadn't gone off, but she supposed it was a harmless gesture. And he was still acting stony and indifferent. 

Katrina took out her wand. She lifted her blood-stained shirt slightly and pointed it at the crudely bandaged wound. She whispered a spell that alleviated the pain a little. She hadn't been paying attention to McGonagall's questions, but she barely had time to whisper that spell when McGonagall announced:

"Thomas Done takes fourth place and Nicole Dawson third." Albus and Katrina were transported into the chamber. 

The fight was a blur, but it was probably one of the most exhilarating things she had ever done. She and Albus matched each other perfectly in every aspect of their duel. The pain in her stomach grew as the fight wore on, but she ignored it, even when a hand to her shirt drew back fresh blood. 

The fight would have gone on forever. Neither of them held back. Had it not been for Katrina's hindering wound, she was fairly confident she could have overpowered him eventually. But at this rate they were evenly matched, and Thomas' words echoed in her head. She was not thinking clearly enough to interpret them logically. 

She purposely blocked a spell too late, which sent her flying backwards into the stone statue. Her wand clattered against the statue and dropped into the water. She didn't make an effort to move. Her entire body hurt. She noticed vaguely that Albus wasn't in the chamber anymore. 

She could faintly hear Professor McGonagall announcing the results. 

"Katrina Fizzleworth in second, Albus Potter in first. Albus Potter is awarded 50 points. Katrina Fizzleworth is awarded 30 points. Nicole Dawson is awarded 20 points. Thomas Done is awarded 10 points. The current Totals place Albus Potter and Katrina Fizzleworth tied for first with 80 points each, and Thomas Done and Nicole Dawson tied for second with 30 points each."

Everything was starting to get really fuzzy. She moved her hand to her stomach again, and there was more blood then before. Her head throbbed. 

"Katrina? Katrina!" Katrina opened her eyes as much as she could, and vaguely made out the figure of Mrs. Potter next to her before she passed out. 

I'm baaack. We'll see how long this update period lasts. It seems like this book is going to take me absolutely forever to finish because I keep taking such long breaks. XD I still have like two books planned after this too......... 

Long haul? Anyone? Just me?

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