The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 70: Something Peachy

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"Like this (Y/N)." Yang exlcimes as she guides my arms to a certain direction and manner. "Ok... Like this?" I asked after doing a certain punching form. Which is simalier to what certain Boxer's do. "Yup! That's it!" Yang exclaimed. Yang and I were training today obviously. We were training until classes begun. Which was soon. "Now follow my led." Yang said. "Yeah ok." Yang then throws a punch combo. One left cross, one right cross, and finally a left hand uppercut. "Your turn." Yang says. I follow her lead. Copying the combo she just demonstrated. Throwing the two punches then the upper cut. "Ok! That was good!" Yang exclaimed. "Now let's add more to it." She said. As now she added onto her combo. Instead of one of each, the punches she threw into the air we're now two for each fist. Before doing a swift left and right sidesteps dodges, then end it off with a quick jab. "You move (Y/N)." Yang said. I nod. I take some soft deep breaths, before letting out a inhale, and started to copy Yang's demonstrated combo. I throw my punches into the air, throwing a left punch, then a right. Another right. And another left. I then preform the left and right sidesteps. My fists close to my chest before throwing a quick jab. "Nice!" Yang said. But I felt it wasn't enough. And I proved my point by then performing a swift strong straight jab into the air, before bringing my fist back and after taking a few steps forward, I leap into the air, and swift punch the air with a downward right hook.

My feet land back onto the ground with a clatter. And im rewarded with more Yang praise. "Oh wow!" Yang exclaimed. "That was an awsome little touch you add (Y/N)! Man I don't even know why I'm training you. You seem to know what your doing." Yang said with a smirk. "No I still need your training Yang. It was just something I wanted to add." I replied. Smiling. "Well it was a good addition." Yang says smiling a wider smile. "Now come on, lets keep going." She says as we get back to the center of the training room. Getting back to our fighting stances. "Ok (Y/N), since your becoming more expirneced with fighting with your firsts, and are even becoming to add your own touches to your combos, we'll start doing more experienced combos alright?" Yang said ready to start. "Ok. Let's do it." I reply. Confident. Yang gives me a rather..... Devious smirk.

My confidence faltered a bit at that smirk of hers.. "Don't get cocky (Y/N)... Becuase onces were done, you'll be begging me to stop. Not only are we training, but we'll have some good old fashion sparing... And that will leave you sore for days..." Yang said. That smirk never leaving her cheeks. Yup... There gose my confidences... All of it. Its gone. It now got replaced with pure terror. Lord save me... "Shouldn't have been cocky (Y/N)." Venom jokes. "Shut up... Leave me alone." I reply to him internally as I ready myself for our now harder training. "Lord above please don't let me die..." I said internally.

2 hours later...
"Ah....ahh.....Ow..." I groan as I take slow, soft, and gentle steps down the halls. Holding my stomach, and my ribs. "Ahh my back... My rips... My everything..." I muttered again as I continued down the hall. Limping slightly. My destination you wounder? As I should be in bed, letting myself heal, my destination was not combat class thank god, no it wasn't any class with Ms. Chitoge and Ms. Tsugumi, and no. It wasn't any class with Professor Port, and none with Ms. Yamada. No, it was a new class I was having.

A Dust class.

Dust is a naturally occurring energy that is linked with Aura. But it of course can be used for more then that. As it can be used for Hunter's and Huntress' weapons too. And it was found by early humans which helped in combating Grimm. That's just a quick run down of what Dust is. And what it could do. As they are elemental and have different colors. Such as Red, Dark Orange, Yellow, Green, Dark Blue, Blue, Pale Blue, Cyan, Etc.

So I was about to learn more about Dust today. Well... More then how much Weiss teach and explain to me. Im not ungrateful, what she explained to me about Dust was good, but because of her rather... Ice Cold attitude, it made it hard to bare. So to learn more about Dust and its origins, I just decided to take a class on Dust. A class that Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang are in as well. As with Jaune and his team. Same with Kazuto and his team. Which im glad. Got lucky with this class arrangement. And all of them were already there, waiting in their seats or sitting on the tables. And there were of course other students. Ready to start class and just waiting for the teacher to arrive. As they weren't here. At the moment.

Then... There's me. Unlike everyone less, they either walked into the room or sped walked in. Me? I stumbled, limped, and poorly entered my way into the class, struggling to push the door open. Before finally letting myself in. "Ow... Ow... Ow, oww..." I utter as I homd my stomach and limp towards a spot near the team. They of course noticed me, stumbling about. Trying to near my desired spot to sit. Ruby, Weiss amf Blake rush over to help me. All except Yang. Who was looking smug. Jaune and his team looked shocked. As did Kazuto and his team. "Looking a little sore there." She teases. "Yeah no thanks to you..." I argue back. Giving her a glare. "Yaaaang!" Ruby exclaimed. "I told you not to be so aggressive with him in training!" "What? You know me. Always going 200%. Sparing or in a real fight." Yang replies. Weiss rolls her eyes. Blake had a worried look on her face. "You know im still human right?" I ask her. "I still can get bruises and feel painful pain!" I exclaimed. ''Come on. Out of anyone here, you can take far worst." Yang said. I glare at her. She had a point yes. Im Superhuman in speed, strength and durability, but again. I'M STILL HUMAN.

"We'll talk about this later, class is starting." Yang said. As she said that, the bell rings the same time she said that. It blaring its annoying racket. And hearing it, I already want it to shut up. And as soon as we all sit in our respective seats, my wish was granted. As the bell finally fell into silence. As all sat in our seats, waiting for our teacher to arrive. Which was soon. But before our tracher arrived and we soon become buried amongst piles and piles of paperwork and homework, I took a moment to see the team's reaction to this new class and teacher. Who was said to have been absent for... Something I don't know. But from my understanding, and from the expressions and actions Team RWBY was doing, this is what I got.

Ruby did not look too excited, or edger to be here, nor did she look happy to even start class. And Ruby normally has that problem. As her attention span was insanely low, but this was worse.

Weiss, being Weiss, looked respectful and very much ready to start class. Heck I'd say she actually wanted to see this Professor. Which is a new. As Weiss would respect them, not really have eagerness to meet one of them. Especially this Professor. Who, again. Was gone for a while. And recently came back.

Blake looked calm and ready as always. Not really having any annoyance or boardom when it comes to school work and classes. She was just... I don't know how to explain it. I guess would say ready for anything. But the only time she really shares her feelings towards school work or the class we were in will be in our dorm. That's where she explains how she truly feels about a class. Example, Professor Poet's class. She really dislikes it. And right now, she was just reading her book as waiting for the professor to arrive and for class to official to be.

Yang.... Yang was being Yang. Just think if Blake and Ruby combined. She looked bored and uninterested. But as Ruby, woukd joke around and do random things as she waited or when she finished her work and just sat around. And I gotta admit, I got good laughs in at Ruby's and Yang's shenanigans. They are also the resson why Professor Port's class is bareable. But still.... I wonder why Ruby was dreading to see this teacher, let alone start the class. And why Weiss is the complete opposite. Was she strict? Was she another Professor Goodwitch? Or.... Worse then Goodwitch. Which is the last thing I want. If that was the case... I want no part of this. And I also understand Ruby's dread.

But finally amongs the small sounds of our, and many other students talking, we heard a different voice. "Ahem. Class, class. Please, quite down. Class is now beginning." The voice said. I turn my head to face the owner of this voice, and.... Wow... But say, never seen a professor dressed like that. Its not anything, its just... Well... Shes dressed in a real unique way.

The professor walks to the center of the room, and becoming the center of attention for the whole class. "A Good morning to you all, Children. Let me start of off by saying..." She pauses for a split second. Which gave me a good enough time to really get a good look at her...

She then grabs on the edge of her bored, and flips it to the chalk side. Which showed her name. "It's GREAT to be back!" She exclaimed happily.

"Professor Peach huh...?" I thought to myself. "Pretty Peachy name. With an equally peachy person." I got a reply from that last internal comment. "That's the worst joke I ever heard." Venom said. "Screw you. Like some alien slimeball like you can make a better joke." I replied to him. "Actually I can. Im more clever then you think." Venom said. "Whatever! I have to start class shush." I said. "Welcome back Professor Peach!" Weiss said happily, yet still sounding respectfully. And when I say she sounded happy, I mean she sounded happy. Never would suspect her to be a teacher fangirl. "Thank you Miss Schnee. And Miss Rose, I see you're looking as glum as ever at the prospect of my lessons." Professor Peach said. "S-SorryProfessor!" Ruby exclaimed quickly. "I was... Um... Just... Something was in my breakfast this morning! And... Its giving my a tummy ache! Hahaha... Ow..." Ruby said. Holding her stomach. Though she wasn't giving really convincing. "Miss Rose, you couldn't lie to save your adorble life. Never change. Unless you have to." She said. Still having a smile on her face. Suddenly something clicked in my mind. Memories flush my brain as I was brought back to the day we had to collect treesap from the Forest. And I briefly remember Weiss talking about how the resson we we're there was to help Professor Peach volley some samples for her experiments.....

So that day, also known as the day Jaune killed a massive Ursa, which was a good thing. But was also know as the day I WAS NEARLY COMPLETELY MASSACRED BY THAT URSA AND HOW CARDIN ALSO DAMANED ME TO DIE BY THROWING THAT SAP AT ME.... And all for Peach to get some experiment samples...?

Here comes the rage...... Here it comes..... "(Y/N) stop having a spaz attack with your hand. Your in class. Rant later." Venom said. And of course he was right so I tried to force myself to calm down. And as I soon found myself calming down, I started to think on what Peach just said. 'Never change unless you have to?' What's that's mean? Insult? Compliment? Suggestion? Heck that could be all three together? "Ok class! I think we've been talking with each other enough, lets begin our lessons!" Professor Peach exclaimed. "Yaaay..." Ruby muttered. "Can you stop doing that you dolt!" Weiss exclaimed to her in a whisper. Well... Let's see what Peach's class has in store.

Hour Later...

The bell rings again... And remember when I said I was being annoyed by it and wanted it to shut up...? Well in this very moment, I HAD NEVER BEEN SO RELIVED TO HEAR THAT LOUD DINGING... As it of course means class was over, and we can leave. WHICH MEANS WE CAN ESCAPE THIS CLASS...! I got up, and swiftly packed my stuff more quickly then everyone else. "Ok class make sure you remember and study the subjects and topics you wrote down, have a good day children!" Professor Peach Said. Wanna know why I wanted to escape this classroom? Well... Ms. Peach is one of those teachers, THAT NEVER SLOW DOWN WHEN EXPLAINING AN UNHOLY AMOUNT OF UNNECESSARY TOPICS!

So I rushed out of the room, with little amounts of braincells still working, as I made my way to a bench in the hall. I took a seat on it, trying to relax my overworked brain and sooth my headache. Yeah I got a litteral headache from Peach overwhelming me. Professor Peach didn't really give us actual assignments, but what she gave us, it was still overwhelming a tone of work. Again... Professor Peach didn't assign us work. No it wasn't work, but it was an unholy amount of stuff to study. Which was about the topic on, of course. Dust.

And it wasn't a brief discussion on Dust, like if you ask someone a quick and simple question. No, Peach have us an FULL ON HISTORY! Of Dust. When it was discovered, when humans begun to utilize it, what different types are there in the world, etc.... Etc... Etc... You get the picture. I rubbed at my temples as I tried to massage the pain away. "That was awful... Too much work..." I muttered. "Hmm... Yeah it was. And I didn't even do the work." Venom replied to my comment. "Yeah I don't know why your complaining..." I said. Still massaging my temples. The pain was actually pretty painful. And the loud hallways weren't exactly helping. "Ahh... Why did you have to destroy my brain like that Peach... Nerdy idiot nearly killed me with all her pointless history lesson." I muttered. Suddenly boots came into my view. One white. The other red. I looked up, having a claer indicator who those colored boots belong to. And I was correct. Ruby and Weiss stood in front of me. Ruby having a calm expression. Surpsing for her, and Weiss had a slight annoyed look to her. Usual expression for her. "You shouldn't be talking about Professor Peach behind her back..." Weiss said. Sounding real disappointed in me. "Didn't mean to say what I said out loud." I thought to myself. "Sorry..." I replied. "You should be apologizing to Peach. Not me. Your lucky I'm nice enough to not tell her. And your lucky she didn't hear you. You'd be put into detention. Hmph!" Weiss said. Looking away and giving me this attitude look. Rising her head slightly high. "Ahh don't be like that Weiss." Yang's voice suddenly cuts through the sounds the crowd in the hall were making. "He's just voicing his opinion. And don't act like you have teachers that you hate or find annoying." Yang said. "Hmph! I do not!" Weiss said. With some prideful sounding attitude. "I treat every teacher with the up most respect." "That's not what I saw in your eyes..." Blake said. Joining Yang by her side. "What do you mean by that?" Ruby asks curiously. Weiss looked at her as well. Still having that respectful head raise. "I can real people pretty well. And the looks in Weiss' eyes when she's Port's class, wasn't oke of respect." Blake said. "It was pure irritation." Now I saw a faulted in Weiss' respectful look and stace. " *GASP* WEISS!? GETTING IRRITATED WITH A TEACHER!?" Ruby exclaimed. "No I don't!" Weiss shouts. "I do-!" "Weiss its alright." Blake cuts in calmly. "We all have teachers we like, we all have teachers we dislike. Teachers we love. Teachers we hate. And Professor Port just so happened to be in your dislike category." Blake said. Weiss continies to try and defend herself from admitting to having a teacher she dislike. But with two people constantly teasing her about it, amd Blake kist telling her its fine to have dislikes, she eventuality, gave in and caved in. And admits. And yeah, we agree 200% with her. Port made learning a living hell, he's a real boredom creator, and he FULL ON KILLS YOU with his ego filled stories. Like my god... So glad I dont him this trimester but have Ms. Yamada and Ms. Chitoge, and Tsugumi. And I enjoy being theor classes. Evem though Chitoge and Tsugumi still dont trust me with my... Secret. Whatever better then Port's classes.

Finally, my headache faded. And I stood back onto my feet. After the girl finally finished getting Weiss to admit she has people and teachers she dislikes. And not in respectful dislike ways. Like the way Yang would come up with brutal insults for Cardin's team. And they are pretty good ones...  Though sometimes their stupidly hilarious. "Well classes are almost over. So what you guys wanna do when were done?" I asked them. Blake was about to open her mouth, when I butt in saying "THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHITE FANG." I say. Blake closed her mouth and looked away. "Blake come on..." Yang said. "Sorry... I just...." Blake starts. "No it's ok. We understand. But just don't harm yourself in quest for the White Gang. Don't let it take all your time." Weiss said. Blake looked back at us, and she nodded. "Ok." She said. And... Im not sure if the others caught this... But I swear... I saw Blake smirk. "So, what classes do you have next?" Yang asks us. "Well as the team leader, I will check..." Ruby muttered as she pulls out a schedule. Guess she still hasn't figured hers out yet. And its also nice of her to have our schedules too. How thoughtful of her. The five of us managed our routes and schedules, and we're soon heading our way to our next classes. The five of us talked to one another as we walked down the hall. "Ruby your seriously need to stop eating your cookies on your bed." Weiss said. "What? Why?" Ruby asks in reply. "Why less you sold, you drop crumbs! And it falls onto my bed! Weiss exclaimed. "Well its not my fault you moved under my bed!" Ruby replied. "Ruby our beds are not even true bunkbeds. Their basically made up of glue and ducktape!" Weiss said. Yang was laughing. And Blake was hiding her laugh. I don't know why. She should laugh more. Ruby and Weiss kept on their argument about cookies and crumbs, while Yang, Blake and I just stood back and watched. Laughing silently. Until... Every guys worst nightmare happned...

"(Y/N)!" Ruby and Weiss exclaimed. I jumped as I turned to them. "Y-yes?" I question. "Who is right in this argument!?" Weiss exclaimed. "Awww Crap..." I said internally. "I'm right! Im just snacking!" Ruby exclaimed. "Your SNACKING. Is covering my bed in crumbs! Soon rats will be covering my bed!" Weiss argues. "Well its not my fault! I don't control where the little crumbs want to find!" Ruby argued back. They continued arguing. And I was looking back and forth between Ruby and Weiss. I didn't know who to side with...
"(Y/N) WHO IS RIGHT!?" They exclaimed. It was too much. I bolted.

"GUYS I DONT KNOOOOOOW!!!" I yell as I ran ahead. "DON'T DRAG ME IN THIS!!" I yell. Running blindly. "Wait (Y/N)!" Yang exclaimed. "Watch where you going WATCH WHERE-!!"

Too late... I ran right into my unknown roadblock...


I fall onto the floor. Right onto my stomach. "(Y/N) You ok!?" Team RWBY exclaimed. After they checked if I'm ok, which I was. They checked on who I ran into.

It was Ms. Scathach. Now it wouldn't be as bad, if it wasn't for the fact she was in an akward and embarssing position... Of course, I immediately checked on her safety. Trying to ignore the akward position she's in towards me...

"Yes... Im alright..." She said. Slowing sitting up. "Here, let me help with your papers and books." I say as I picking them up. And stacking up the books, then stacking her papers above them. Ruby and the others helped me. Though I couldn't do anything about her glasses. That was beyond my power. After we helped her up, and given her the fallen papers and books, Ms. Scathach suddenly gave me a glare. Eyebrows raised. Which instantly brought me panic. "Why were you running in the halls to begin with?" She asks me. Having a stern and surious voice in tone and in expression. I looked at Ruby and Weiss. Wordlessly telling them to explain why THEY made me run blindlessly. But the two looked away, Weiss whistling a tone. Ruby was pretending a book, WHICH WAS UPSIDE DOWN. I then looked at Yang and Blake. Yang wasn't even there.... Blake was reading the upside book with Ruby...


Yet again, I agree with you Venom. "Well?" Ms. Scathach asks. Waiting for my answer. "Where do I start...?" I muttered.


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