Draupadi's Mahabharat

By arna8661

86.3K 2.5K 441

Daughter of the Earth, Out of Yagna, Princess of Panchla, Queen of Indraprasth, Wife of five, Staked by her o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67

Part 46

1K 26 5
By arna8661

And now we were going to perform a Rajasuya Yagna. In one generation, only one king could perform a Rajasuya Yagna. That meant Duryodhana would not get such a chance in his life – unless Yudhishthira died. Immediately, this became Duryodhana's only ambition. 

Today was Rajsuya Yagna and I wanted everything to go really smoothly. Because all the kings were coming from outside and if anything went wrong it would have spoilt our reputation in front of all the people.

All the guests for the day had arrived and were seated in the main hall where the whole ceremony was to take place. The invited guests were seated and all ready so the Yagna started. The vedic chants filled the beautiful hall.

After the Rajasuya yagna, Yudhishtra was crowned the King of Indraprastha. Then began the discussion of whom should be given the first respect. Everyone unanimously decided that it should be Krishna. Everyone except Shishupala, King of Chedi. 

Shishupala was born to Krishna's cousin and the King of Sedhi. He was born with 4 arms and 3 eyes. Immediately after his birth, a heavenly voice was heard "When the child meets his slayer, his additional organs will disappear". All of the child's uncles and aunts had come to bless him. When Krishna lifted the baby, his extra arms and his third eye fell off. Shishupala's mother knew that the child will meet his end in the hands of Krishna and pleaded Krishna to forgive the child and let him live. Krishna said he will pardon 100 misdeeds of Shishupala. As years passed, Shishupala grew to be a strong person and with his strength, his enemity against Krishna also grew.

As Shishupala objected to Krishna being given the prime respect, Shishupala began speaking ill about Krishna. Krishna kept silent till he finished. But Shishupala did not stop. Krishna warned him but he paid no heed and went on to hurl abuses at Krishna. He said:

A livid Shishupal rises from his seat. He addresses Yudhishthir thus, "O Pandava, this Krishna does not deserve the first right of honour when so many great lords and men are sitting here. This oversight does befit you, O great king. O Pandavas, you are mere children and do not know the subtleties of Dharma. You were ill advised and hence can be forgiven.

But this old man Bhishm should have known better. With age, he has truly become senile. He is bereft of all intelligence and basing in false glory.

How does this Yadava, a mere cowherd, deserve precedence over others when he is not even a king? Possibly, you revere Krishna considering him as an elder. Even then, how does he be accorded precedence over his own father Vasudev? Possibly, you regard Krishna as a well-wisher, but then how does he earn precedence over Drupad?

If you believe Krishna to be your preceptor, then does he deserve worship ahead in the presence of guru Drona? Perhaps you believe that Krishna to be a priest of the yagya, then how does he deserve first choice worship in the presence of the great Sage Ved Vyas himself?

O Bharata, many of us have come as a mark of respect to your great righteousness and being a follower of Dharma. We are not afraid of your might. You have greatly rebuked us by selecting Krishna over and above all of us. We have not come here to be insulted so."

Then directly addressing Krishna, Shishupal continued his tirade.

"O Krishna, you are truly vile and conceited. The Pandavas may have been driven by the fear of you, but at least you should have considered whether you were truly deserving for the honour. How could you even accept it, when you are totally unworthy of it? Like an undeserving dog lazing around in the corner and lapping up the discarded food, you must be believing that you have gained superiority by accepting the worship. O Madhusudana, your worship is very much akin to a marriage of an impotent man. We have seen the Pandavas for what they are. I no longer wish to be party of this farce." So saying, Shishupal started to leave the hall.

Yudhishthir rushed after Shishupal and begged him to come back. He said to him, "O King, please come back. You utterances are not worthy of you. They are improper and harsh. It is hardly conceivable that the great, learned, aged and expert in dharma, our grandsire Bhishm himself, is wrong. This great son of Shantanu can never yield bad advice. Therefore, do not say things that offend him. Behold these kings."

Seeing this, Bhishm said to Yudhishthir, "It is futile to plead with one does not recognize Krishna for who he really is. Krishna is the true patriarch of all the worlds. Krishna is the origin of the universe and he causes its final dissolution. In this assembly, I see no king who has not been subdued by the glory of Krishna. Therefore, in the presence of all these elders and great men, I worship Krishna and none other." And then he bowed to the Lord.

Bhishm continued, "The sun, the moon, the stars and all other celestial objects dwell in Krishna. Shishupal, imbecile as he is, does not perceive this and always maligns him. If Shishupal deems the worship unfit, he may do as he please."

Sahadeva, the youngest Pandava rose and said, "I will trample upon the heads of those who cannot tolerate the worship of Krishna."

But some of the kings, friends of Shishupal and people jealous of Pandavas such as Duryodhan, Duhshasan, etc. were becoming agitated. Shishupal sensed this and addressed them directly, "O Kings, rise to this blasphemy. I am here to lead you. Let us fight Krishna and the Pandavas."

Seeing this Yudhishthir was greatly perturbed and he conferred with Bhishm. Bhishm advised him not worry. "Fear not, O great king, can a dog slay a lion? The dim-witted Shishupal wants to drag other kings to abode of Yama along with himself. If Krishna wishes, he can deprive Shishupal instantly of his life. At the times of death and destruction, the mind of the deprived often becomes unsettled and starts taking questionable decision, like this king of Chedi here."

When the already livid Shishupal heard this, he became even more furious and shouted, "O Bhishm, why do you tarnish the name of your race? Whom are you trying to frighten? You are a senile old man. Why does your tongue, which praises Krishna, not split into a 100 pieces? What is so astonishing of Krishna and what has he ever achieved? All he did was slew a horse (Keshi) and a bull (Arishta/Dhenuka). He subdued the snake Kaliya. What is so great about killing and subduing animals who possess no combat skills? He killed Putana, a woman.

What is so wondrous about lifting Govardhan which is no bigger than a large ant-hill? He even killed his own uncle Kansa whose salt he had eaten. O degenerate Bhishm, perhaps you have not heard of the words of the learned. The valiant never strike a woman, a cow, a brahmin and those whose food one has eaten. So, how does one who has killed a woman, a cow and his bread-giver become worthy of worship."

Shishupla Continue "O aged one, you are praised as old and wise. But I know all that is a mere mask. Your celibacy is all in vain. You take great pride in your vows but the real truth is that perhaps you have taken them to nurture your vanity or hide your impotence."

When Shishupal uttered these most humiliating words, Bheem became furious. He rushed to Shishupal with an intent to kill him. But Bhishm held him back. Seeing this Shishupal laughed and said, "O leave him. Let him come and face me. He will see the nature of a true kshatriya and I will soon send him to Yama's abode. He will perish like a moth in the fire of my glory."

At the 101th time, Krishna called his ultimate weapon , the Sudarshan Chakra. The Chakra cut off the head of the King of Sedhi and that was the end of Shishupala!

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