Everything I Need; Christian...

By whydontwe26

66K 1K 82

Sequel to Don't Break My Heart! Cassie and Christian are finally engaged to each other. The two of them are g... More

We're Expecting
Gender Reveal
I Didn't Want to Wait and I Fell
There's No Cheese
Almost Six Months
I'm Sorry
Ice Chips
Ten Centimeters Dilated
I'm a Horrible Mother
You Just Need Someone
I Can Not Believe That Just Happened
Double Date
You Guys Couldn't Wait Thirty Minutes
Opening Day
Do You Guys Think Christian Would Like It?
What the Fu*k
What Happened to Him?
Oh So You Keep Tabs?
I Love You Like Crazy
Did You Come to Workout or Watch?
He Gave This Back to Me
Cheating On An Anniversary?
Oh God No
Two Pink Lines
You're Stressing Me Out
I'm Feeling Super Sick
What a Waste of the Pill
Where Did He Hear That?
You're Pregnant?
Wedding Day Pt. 1
Wedding Day Pt. 2
I Promise
I Don't Want to Talk
Seriously Cassie?
It's Mrs. Yelich Now
Mama Sick
We Are Finishing Tonight
Why Would You Say That?
I Want to Keep My Hot Dog
Because He Likes You
You're Hurting Me
This Man is Good at a Lot of Things
Happy Birthday
Take it Back Please
Couples Massage
Start Packing
I Don't Need His Name or Money
My Second
You Suck
Today's the Day
You Know You're Not Fine
We Love You Two Equally
Are You Peeing On Me?
Absolute S*it
Everyone Wants You
They Get it From Daddy
Everything Alright?
We Are Going To Be Fine
Eye Doctor
I Need to Talk to You
He's Good for a F*ck
Is Daddy Okay?
Behind My Back
Another One
Not Ready
Off Day
Growing Up
Choked Up
Day Drinking
Cheer Up
Date Night
Like the Night I Met You
Tiny Crush
Two Out of Three
Celebrate at Home
Proud of You
To New Beginnings
Thank You! 💙

Precious Cargo

946 17 0
By whydontwe26

Cassie's POV

As I woke up, Christian and I were still cuddled in bed. I kissed his hand and he finally woke up. "What time is it babe?" I asked him.

He took his phone and gasped a little. "It's 1:30."

"Are you serious?" I asked while jumping out of bed. He nodded his head and I went into the closet. "What do I even wear babe?"

"Hey calm down, don't stress. I picked out a white dress with blue flowers. I think it'll look good on you. Try it on." I did as he said and then looked at myself in the mirror. "You're so beautiful C."

"Thank you so much handsome," I said and kissed him. "Are you guys still doing the beer thing?" The guys had some sort of a baby shower where they all got to come over if they brought a pack of diapers they got to drink.

"Yes!" He shouted as I walked to the bathroom to start doing my hair and all the other small things. A few minutes later he walked into the bathroom, and I could see him out the corner of my eye and he was so excited. "Look at my shirt."

I turned my head and smiled. 'The man behind the bump' the shirt said. I laughed and went and hugged him.

"You're the cutest CY," I said and he grabbed my butt.

"I love that you made that my nickname," He said and then started doing his hair.

"Well I couldn't call you C, because you call me that. So CY it was." I watched as finished getting ready.

"Whatever you want to call me, I'm fine with it."

"Okay, what's up bitch," I said and he turned around quickly.

"I'll be your bitch," He said and grabbed my hips.

"Oh my gosh, stop getting turned on. We are already late." Christian started kissing my neck and I put my hands on his sides. "CY."

"I'll be quick babe," He said against my neck.

"The baby shower is starting in ten minutes and we still have to drive to your moms," I said.

"Three minutes tops," Christian tried to convince me.

"That's no fun for anyone. After the baby shower and the thing with your friends we can do it if you're not too drunk."

"Ugh okay. Are you sure you can drive us home, because if not I'll stay sober."

"I'll attempt, I'll be in the slow lane if that's fine. We will take the Jeep because if I wreck it, at least it won't be your car."

"Woah we can not get in a wreck, you're carrying precious cargo."

"I'm just saying if it does happen, at least I won't wreck your car."

"What do you want for breakfast?" Christian asked as we went downstairs.

"A protein shake I guess." He looked at me as he opened the fridge.

"You guess? I'll stop and get something if that's what you want."

"I'm not too hungry but I don't want to starve because they kids need to eat."

"Oh okay," He said and handed me a shake and then my vitamins. We left the house, and as Christian was driving he just decided to point out everything that was wrong with my car. "C, you need an oil change, you have a quarter tank of gas, your blinker is making a weird noise and your back left tire is going bald."

"I know babe, there's not much I can do before I get tired. You know you can help and do it for me."

"Alright I'll get it done tomorrow, but we need to stop at a gas station before we go to my mom's." I nodded and watched him drive. I don't know why but he was so sexy whenever he would drive.

As we got to Alecia's, she looked at Christian and I. "You're late."

"We woke up at 1:30, sorry," I said and she just laughed.

"Guys are in the back Christian," Alecia said.

"I just got here mom, and you're already kicking me out."

"You're lucky I let the guys come over here," She joked with him.

"Well I want a picture with my lover," He said and kissed my head. Alecia made us go over to the  decorated wall and she got a bunch of pictures of us.

"Okay now go outside, it's girl time," I said kicking him out of the house.

"I love his shirt," Larisa said and I agreed. We started playing a bunch of baby shower games and it was a lot more fun than I expected it to be.

"Cas can we come in?" Christian asked as he opened the back door.

"Get out Christian!" Alecia yelled and we laughed.

"Well I was asking Cas," He said and the guys walked in. They all looked at us and I gave Christian a glare. He came behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder and rubbed my stomach.

"Guys are suppose to be outside," I said and he groaned. My mom gave Christian that look and he left right away.

We ate some food before playing more games. "Cassie you want to open some gifts?" My mom asked and I nodded. "I'll allow the guys to come in if they want."

My anxiety went through the roof. The guys came in a few seconds later and then made a lot of noise. Christian came and sat next to me. "I love you," He said and then kissed my cheek.

"Love you too," I said and gave him a fake smile.

I started opening up all the gifts and I was overwhelmed with everything we had got. My hormones got the best of me and I started crying. When aren't I crying during this pregnancy? Christian rubbed my back. A couple minutes later, I got up and started giving everyone hugs and thanking them.

After the baby shower, we helped clean up and then left. "Cas!" Christian yelled at me.

"Stop fucking yelling or we will seriously get in a crash!" I yelled back at him.

"Well you're acting like you don't know how to drive," He said and I pulled over to the side of the freeway.

"Christian if you don't like the way I drive, you can walk home," I said and unlocked the doors.

"Are you serious?" I nodded. "Why are you driving crazy?"

"Christian, I have a big ass belly. You made this shit happen. Also when you scream at me, it doesn't help."

"Can you just attempt at driving right?"

"Bro I have a fucking license. I know how to drive. Call your mom if you don't want to be in the car with me."

"Just drive home," He said and I got back onto the freeway.

"I don't know why you hate my driving now. When we first started dating, you didn't have anything to say."

"I just think your driving isn't as good as mine. And it's not super safe when you can't even turn the wheel without it hitting your stomach."

"I know I'm fat, fuck." He rubbed my thigh and then I glanced at him.

"You're not fat, you look so fucking sexy. In fact, I think I should get some when we get home."

"I was going to drop you off and then go shopping."

"Nope, I already told you. Next Black Friday we can go shopping. I don't want you getting hurt babe."

"Babe please, we can go together." He shook his head no and I groaned. "Well it looks like neither of us are getting what we wanted."

When we got home, Christian got everything out of the car and we went up to the nursery. The two of us started organizing everything. "I think we should pack the hospital bags."

"Babe you're due in January."

"Well I've read that twins come earlier because they don't have enough room to grow." Christian grabbed the bag and we started putting everything in it.

"Pack a bag for yourself," I told him as we went to our room. I watched him pack a bag for himself and then I did mine. "Can we cuddle baby?"

He nodded his head and I laid next to him. Christian rubbed my stomach and felt the babies kick. "It's really going to happen soon."

"Is it bad that I'm really nervous?" I asked him and he shook his head no.

"We are first time parents babe, we both have a little bit of nerves but I know we are both super excited. But you're super good with your niece and nephews so this parenting thing should come to you very easily."

"I'm really trying my best to prepare myself for parenthood but sometimes I still can't believe that we are having two little ones. They are definitely going to be a handful."

"They get it from their momma," Christian said and I hit him gently. "I hope they look just like their momma and love you like I do."

"I want them to look like you because you were so adorable when you were a baby. They better have your eyebrows."

"Why are you so obsessed with my eyebrows?" Christian asked me.

"They're perfect, like you."

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