Love Me Not (Shawn Mendes)

By cmstyles123

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Shawn and I both got up to leave, but before I could reach the door, Shawn slammed it shut behind me, leaving... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

105 2 0
By cmstyles123

It's Halloween tomorrow. My second favorite holiday. Right behind Christmas.

Shawn and I are going to a Halloween party that Niall Horan was hosting. Yeah, you heard me right. That Niall Horan. I'm so excited!

I'm a HUGE One Direction fan, so this is totally surreal that I get to go to a Halloween party hosted by him. When the band broke up, I was distraught. I'm so glad that they all continued to pursue music, though.

The party is in New York City. We've been back in the city for a couple days now, since Shawn had some business to attend to at Island Records. I'm not complaining though. It gives me a chance to catch up with my college friends, which is where I was headed now.

As I approached the entrance to the campus, I looked up at the school that I went to for about a year until all this Shawn stuff began. Not gonna lie, I really miss it.

I texted my friends in our groupchat that I was here. I got a text back right away from Hailey saying that they were a minute away.

I took in a deep breath and wrapped my jacket a little tighter around me. It wasn't too cold outside, but the brisk October air still made me shiver.

I looked down at my phone to see if I had any new texts, but was interrupted when someone crashed into me, wrapping their arms around me.

"CASSIE!" Hailey yelled. I laughed and hugged her back.

"HEY GUYS!" When I was finally able to pry Haileys arms from around me, I hugged Lexi and Jasmine as well.

"I've missed you so much!" I exclaimed.

"We miss you too!" Jasmine replied. "And you have a lot of explaining to do!"

I had to tell them I was fake dating Shawn before I left, and I knew that they would be curious as to what I've been up to since then. I nervously smiled. "A lot has happened you guys don't even know."

"Then why are we doing here? Let's go to Starbucks and you can tell us all about it." Lexi said excitedly. She loved her coffee. And drama.

We all nodded and made our way to the Starbucks on campus. We made small talk on the way and got into the line. I asked them how their classes were going, what they've been doing, and just about how their lives are going. It was so great to catch up.

Once we ordered and got our drinks, we found a table in the very corner where there was no one around to hear our conversation.

As soon as we sat down, they began shooting questions at me.

"What is he like?"

"Are you guys in love?"

"What celebrities have you met?"

"How is it living with him?"

"Is he how you pictured him to be?"

My mind was spinning as I figured out which question to answer first.

"Uh..........yes?" Was my genius reply.

Jasmine looked to the rest of the girls, then back to me. "Maybe just tell us everything?" She offered.

"Oh gosh," I began, "where do I start?"

"How about you tell us how this happened in the first place."

So I went on to tell them about my mom setting up the meeting with Andrew and how he told me that he wanted me to fake date Shawn. I told them about our first date and how much of an asshole he was to me for the whole first month, then about the night he had the bad dream and our fight. I also had to tell them about the weird tension between him and Camila. I left out the parts about Shawn and his anxiety. That was between us.

"He sounds like a dick." Hailey replied after hearing my story.

"Yeah he does." The other girls agreed.

"Oh but I'm not done...Something changed in him after the fight. I kinda ignored him for the week after and he seemed a little weird around me too. One night, he left the apartment to go drinking and he got into a frickin fight at a bar. So I had to go pick him up. It was crazy."

"He got into a bar fight?" Jasmine interjected. "He definitely isn't how I pictured him to be."

"Yeah me either. But when I picked him up and brought him back to the apartment, he said he was sorry and I was so confused since he was always such an asshole. I had never once heard him apologize to anyone before that. He went on to tell me that he was acting this way because he found out that Camila cheated on him for their whole relationship." They all just nodded, taking it in.

"Wow. I knew they dated, but I didn't know that he liked her that much." Lexi said.

"Yeah, and I felt a little bad for him, even though he was horrible to me. I told him that he should really try to move on and not let her get to him. He said that night that he was going to try to actually be nice to me from then on. And he has."

"Well that's good." Hailey replied.

"Yeah and-" I stopped, debating whether I should say this or not.

"And what?" Jasmine ushered me on.

"-And we almost kissed that night." I was silent as I waited for them to reply. I didn't know what they would say.

"Wow." Was all they said.

"Did you want to kiss him?" Jasmine asked after a short silence.

"No......Yes.....I don't know." I put my face in my hands. Had I wanted to kiss him? So much happened that night...I was tired and didn't know how I felt. I did not want to kiss him........Right?

"Have you kissed since then?" Hailey asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No." I answered, biting my lip.

"Are you guys at least getting along now?" This time it was Lexi's turn to ask a question.

"Yeah. We're actually getting along great. We've been spending a lot of time together just talking and getting to know each other. He's actually pretty funny and sweet sometimes." I told them, smiling to myself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the girls all look at each other.

"You like him." Hailey said.

"What?" My voice got higher. No I don't. "I do not. We're just friends. He wouldn't seriously have feelings for a girl like me."

"Cassie, you are a great person. You're beautiful, smart, funny. Why wouldn't he? Don't put yourself down." I stared at Hailey as she spoke.

He wouldn't like me. I'm not his type. He literally said that the first day we met. He's meant to be with someone more famous than me. That's who he is probably going to date after this year is up and our contract ends. Maybe a model or an actress. For some reason the thought made my heart sink.

I shook my head at my own thoughts. "It doesn't matter guys. I don't like him. Nothing is going to actually happen between us." I tried to say in the most serious tone I could muster.

They all rolled their eyes at me. "Whatever you say Cassie." Jasmine smirked at me.

"Don't give me that look. I don't." I really don't want them thinking that.

Jasmine put her hands up in defense. "Hey! I believe you. I said 'whatever you say.'"

I lightly pushed her arm. We all laughed and were quiet for a second.

I decided to change the subject. "Guess where I'm going tomorrow though?" I asked excitedly.


"To a Halloween party hosted by Niall Horan!" I turned towards Jasmine because we were both big One Direction fans compared to the other two girls.

Her eyes got really wide and her mouth formed the shape of an O. "WHAT?!" She shrieked.

We all shushed her and looked around to make sure no one heard. Then I looked back at Jasmine, who had an apologetic expression on her face. "Yes! Fucking Niall Horan, can you believe it?!"

"I'm so jealous! Ugh I wish I had a famous boyfriend!" She slumped down in her seat. We all laughed at her.

"Fake boyfriend." I reminded her.

"Whatever I'm so jealous of you!" You have to take pictures and FaceTime us to tell us all about it!" she replied.

"Duh! I'm so excited you guys."

And we chit chatted for the next couple of hours until I had to leave for the hotel again. It felt so good to see my friends, or anyone besides Shawn and Andrew really. I don't know when I will get to see them next, so I was really relishing in this time I had with them now.

One conversation we had earlier kept crossing my mind though. Did I like Shawn? They knew me so well, and wouldn't lie. Did it seem like I had a crush on him? I need to watch how I talk about him from now on. I don't want my family and friends thinking that because I don't. We're just friends. I really don't like him....right?

•Next Day•

Andrew got matching costumes for Shawn and I. I thought the idea was stupid, but Andrew believed that the fans would think its cute. I'm not so sure about that though. His fans hate me. Like, a lot.

Anyway, he dressed us up as Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter. As far as couples costumes went, I'm glad we are going with this one because Shawn and I both love Harry Potter. Him a bit more than me probably.

"I used to make wands from sticks I found in my backyard." Shawn told me in the car on the way to the party.

"No way! That's so cute!" I smiled and pinched his cheek.

"Hey. Don't do that." He laughed and playfully batted my hand away.

"I can't believe you did that!" I exclaimed.

"I just love Harry Potter so much. I started at a young age." He replied.

I laughed again. The image of Shawn as a kid hovering over a stick he was painting to look like a wand flashed through my head. How cute.

"I mean I also love Harry Potter, but I never did that. That's a little weird." I teased.

"Hey! I had fun and that's all that matters." He replied pointedly.

"Wha-" I was about to start speaking when the driver cut me off.

"Mr. Mendes, Ms. Becker,  we have arrived."

We both looked out the window, and sure enough, the club came into sight, loud music pouring out of the establishment. There were people crowding the door, many of which had cameras. Paparazzi. Great.

Paparazzi were present at basically all of our dates, and I eventually grew to dislike them. They were everywhere, and it was annoying. Even at our apartment. It sucks to be in the spotlight and have no privacy. I had to deal with it for Shawn though.

"Thanks Joe!" Shawn said as he opened the door and grabbed my hand. My heart did a little flip. I wish it would stop doing that.

As soon as I hopped down from the car, we waltzed hand-in-hand towards the entrance of the club, smiling at paparazzi so they could get some good photos.

At the door, there was a bouncer who asked for our names.

"Shawn and Cassie." Shawn told the man and smiled down at me.

He checked the list. "Alright you guys are good to go." He nodded at us.

We thanked him and turned around towards the paparazzi.

Shawn put his arm around my waist as we posed for more pictures. Once we were sure that they got enough, we walked inside.

There was a worker standing inside the entrance. "Hello Shawn, Cassie." He greeted both of us. "We just have to put X's on your hands since you are underage." We both nodded and allowed him to draw on the back of our right hands with black marker.

Once that was done, we walked further into the club.

The interior was decorated with cobwebs, skeletons, and pumpkins everywhere. It looked so cute.

"Let me take your jacket." I could barely hear Shawn over the loud music that blasted from the speakers.

"Okay!" I yelled and let him take off my jacket. His hand brushed my arm. I felt goosebumps rise.

He handed my jacket along with his to the attendant who was taking care of everyone's coats and then turned to me.

"Want something to drink?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll go with you to the bar." I replied.

We weaved our way through the crowd of sweaty bodies, Shawn greeting people as we went. We passed Khalid, Taylor Swift, and even Drake, just to name a few. He introduced me to all of them. I can't believe I get to meet these people!

I probably looked so crazy, just standing there with my eyes and mouth wide open, not moving a muscle. I was so starstruck.

"It was so nice talking to you Shawn! And by the way, you are one lucky guy." Taylor frickin Swift nudged my shoulder and smiled at Shawn. She was dressed as a cat.

"Yeah," he looked down at me, " I am." We looked at each other for a second. My heart rate picked up before I realized that we were acting. Taylor squealed, pulling me out of my trance. This has been happening too often lately, more than I'd like to admit.

"I can't! You guys are too cute." Shawn just smiled.

"Have you seen Niall?" Shawn yelled so she could hear him.

"Yeah! He was at the bar last time I saw him. I love the costumes by the way!" She yelled back.

"Thanks!" They shared hugs, she even hugged me, and then we continued towards the bar. I can't believe how this night is going and it just started!

When we finally reached the bar, Shawn ordered us both Cokes since that was both of our favorite drinks and we searched for Niall.

"I see him!" Shawn suddenly said. "This way." He grabbed my shoulders and lead me in the direction that Niall was in.

My breathing became heavy at the prospect of meeting Niall Horan. I've wanted to meet him for SO long, but I never had the money to.

I guess Shawn really is good for something. I can't believe what my life has come to.

"Niall!" Shawn clapped Niall on the back.

He turned around and I swear my heart stopped. I WAS IN FRONT OF NIALL HORAN!
I felt tears almost prick at my eyes.

"Hey Shawn!" He had the most beautiful smile on his adorable Irish face.

They bro hugged, while I just stood to the side, having no idea how to act in front of Niall. I tried my best to not cry.

"How have ya been, mate?!" Niall asked Shawn.

"I've been great! Been writing some new music for my album and working on some other cool stuff!" Shawn replied casually.

"That's good to hear! Everyone is so excited for your new music, especially me." Niall leaned in towards Shawn as he said that, making both of us laugh.

Niall's eyes then trailed down towards me.

"And might this be your new girlfriend I've been seeing in all the tabloids?" He asked, smiling at me. His accent was even cuter in person.

"Yeah, this is Cassie." Shawn hugged me from behind. All I could do was stare at Niall.

"I love you!!!" I blurted out. My eyes shot open and I covered my mouth. I heard Niall and Shawn both laugh at my outburst.

"I mean, I'm a really big fan! I started following you in the One Direction days! Flicker by the way, is a masterpiece." I told him a bit more calm so he didn't think that I was a freak.

His smile got impossibly wider. "Well thank you darlin'. That's so nice to hear! I worked hard on that album!" He said happily.

This is a dream come true. I was talking to one of my favorite people ever. My family will never believe this!

We talked to Niall for a really long time, and I mean a REALLY long time. So long that Shawn excused himself so he could talk to other people. At least I think that's where he went. I wasn't sure because I was so into my conversation with Niall.

At one point, he revealed to me that some of the other members were at the party too. Frickin Harry Styles and Liam Payne were here! Are you kidding me?

He asked if I wanted to meet them and of fucking course I did! So we found them in the crowd of people and Niall introduced me. Harry was my favorite from the One Direction days, so I had a really hard time keeping it all in. He was very polite considering I was acting like a crazy person, blurting out questions and probably embarrassing myself. I couldn't help it.

I swear if I didn't know any better I would have thought that this was a dream.

As the party came to an end, Shawn was no where to be found, not that I cared, I was talking to 3/5s of One Direction!

Unfortunately, Liam had to leave and Niall had to say goodbye to all of his guests. I felt bad that I kept him from mingling to other people at his own party. I apologized before he left but he assured me that it was okay.

Once they were gone, Harry turned to me. "Well it was so nice meeting you Cassie. Shawn is a lucky guy." Why does everyone keep saying that? They're too nice! And I can't believe Harry Styles is one of the people who has said that to me tonight. Crazy!

I blushed. "Oh stop. Thanks for talking to me tonight though. I really hope I didn't freak you out too much with my fangirling!"

"Not at all! It was my pleasure!" Harry went in for a hug and I hugged him back. I have dreamed about this moment my whole life.

As we broke apart, I saw Harry look over my shoulder before I was roughly tugged backwards. It was Shawn.

"Oh." I said startled, almost tripping over my own feet. "Bye Harry!" I tried to wave at him, but I was being tugged towards the door. I didn't get to see his reply.

"Shawn?" I called, confused by his sudden roughness. He didn't say anything and kept walking. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were set in a tight line.

"Hey." I tried to get his attention as I stumbled along after him. "What's going on? Where have you been all night?"

No answer.

"Shawn! What's going on?" Nothing.

I sighed frustrated and dug my heels into the ground to stop him. My hand was yanked from his strong grip.

"Hey!" I yelled at him as we finally came to a halt. His eyes found mine. I couldn't tell what emotion was behind them. "What's going on?" I demanded.

Shawn's jaw tightened. "We're leaving." Was all he said. He reached out for my hand but I pulled it away.

"Not till you tell me what's going on." I stood my ground. Why was he acting like this? I thought we were past  this.

He thought for a second and looked around. He took in a deep, almost angry breath. My wrist was then quickly grabbed before I was pulled into the coat closet, the door closed behind us. The room was empty of people, it's only inhabitants being the few coats that still hung, waiting to be claimed by their owners when they left.

When I realized that we were alone, I ripped my hand away, annoyed at his behavior.

"What's wrong with you?" I yelled, feeling pissed off.

"Oh, so you get mad when I touch you, but Harry Styles can put his arms all over you?" He asked sarcastically. What?

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Don't play stupid. I saw you hug him." He pointed his finger at me.

"What, me and Harry?" I questioned. Okay, so he saw us hug. What's the big deal?

"You know that I bring you to these parties so you can be seen with me, right? Not so you can go gallivanting off with other guys for all the paparazzi to see!" He yelled. Woah.

"Shawn, there aren't even any paparazzi in here! They're outside! What is this about?!" What is he trying to get at? I'm confused about the situation, but also angry at his tone with me.

"What? Do you want everyone to think you're a two timing slut or something?" He ignored my question, breathing heavy.

My jaw dropped, mouth wide open in shock. That was so uncalled for.

"Well what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes at him.

"What it means is that you were wasting our time that could have been spent sucking up to executives because you were so caught up with the One Direction boys." He hissed, spitting the phrase 'One Direction boys.'

"You're being so stupid." I rolled my eyes at him, annoyed beyond belief. So he's mad that we couldn't schmooze executives? Why can't he do that himself?

I walked towards the exit, ready to storm out, but a hand reached out to stop me.

"I'm not done!" He spoke. I ignored him and tried to shake his grip.

"I bet if Harry Styles did this to you you'd be all over him!" He spat.

The pieces started to come together. I could only think of one reason he would be acting like this, talking about Harry Styles and I.

I stopped fighting him. "Shawn, are you jealous?" I asked.

He tensed up for a second and stopped moving, his grip on me still there. He looked away from me, literally anywhere but at my face.

"Answer me." I demanded.

"Of course I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous?" He was getting defensive.

"Shawn, we're fake dating, remember? This isn't real. You said so the first day I met you." I reminded him.

His ragged breathing was the only thing heard in the room after that. We stood there for a minute, collecting our thoughts.

He turned his head to me, another unrecognizable look in his eyes before saying "We have to go. Joe's here." And without another word, he pulled me out of the coat room closet and out the front door. Few paparazzi were left, but Shawn and I still plastered on fake smiles for them to take pictures. All I wanted right now was to get away from him.

Once in the car, I scooted as far away from him as possible, still annoyed at him for the way he pulled me away from Harry.

He was definitely jealous, he had to be. But why? He said himself that I wasn't his type. I don't get it. I've come to realize that I think I do like him. I just don't want to get my hopes up just to be crushed like last time.

So I ignored him the whole ride back to the hotel. We entered through the back entrance avoiding the paps.

As soon as the car came to a stop, I jumped out and got into the elevator. I tried to close it before Shawn could get in, but I was too late. Just as the door was about to close, a hand shot out and the doors opened back up. He walked in and stood next to me. I still refused to talk to him.

I could feel him giving me side glances every so often, but I just pretended not to notice.

When we got back to the suite, I stormed into my room and slammed the door. Because of our situation and the size of the suite, Shawn and I were given separate rooms. Thank god.

I stood in front of the closed door for a second just trying to collect myself. I thought we were over the fighting, but I guess not. Not to mention the fact that he took me away from Harry frickin Styles.

I sighed and moved to the bed. I sat down, taking off my cloak and holding it in my hands. He basically told me to stop acting like a slut. Number one, we aren't even dating, and number two, I was just talking to Harry, who has been my idol since I was young. What's the big deal?

Whatever. I don't care anymore.

To get my mind off of him, I focused on taking off this costume. I brushed through my frizzy hair and removed the makeup on my face. I jumped into the shower to make sure I got everything off.

On the bright side, at least I got to meet 3/5's of my favorite band ever. All the boys exchanged numbers with me, which was so cool! They told me to text them if I ever needed anything. I don't know what I'll ever need from them, but I'll be sure to find something some day.

I stayed in the shower for as long as I could before I turned into a prune. Must have been an hour. I don't know for sure.

I towel dried my body and hair when I got out, putting on some sweats and a sweatshirt before making my way into my room. When I opened the bathroom door, I saw someone sitting on my bed. I jumped before I realized that it was just Shawn.

"Shawn?" I asked annoyed. "What are you doing in my room?"

He turned to look at me upon hearing my voice and stood up. "Oh-Uhh. Hey." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey. What are you doing in my room?" I asked again, waiting impatiently for his answer. Can't he see that I don't want to talk to him?

"Listen," he began, "I-I'm sorry about the way I acted at the party."

I just rolled my eyes. "You were being a dick for no reason."

"I was, I know." He slowly walked over till he was standing in front of me. "I don't know what came over me. I guess I just saw you with Harry and I needed you to-"

"Shawn," I cut him off, "Harry and I were just talking. That's it. I told you this before that One Direction were my favorite band when I was younger and honestly, still now. Meeting them was like a dream come true. Talking to them was all I ever wanted, and I finally got to do it. You came over and interrupted in the most rude way possible." I told him.

His head hung low. "I know and I'm sorry. Sorry for that, sorry for saying that you looked like a slut. I didn't mean it." He really looked sorry, which made my anger melt away a little.

"It's okay Shawn. Just please talk to me before you get angry at me for nothing. I really want us to get along and be friends." It hurt to say the word 'friends.'

"Okay, okay. I will." He said, half smiling at me. A thoughtful look then crossed his face as we spoke no words to each other. "And by the way, you were right before." He looked almost nervous as he said it.

I gave him a look of confusion. "About what?"

"I was jealous earlier."

My body froze upon hearing those words. Smile immediately wiping off my face. "What?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. I was jealous." He seemed more confident this time.

"Why would you be jealous of-"

Before I could say anything more, he pulled me closer and crashed his lips on mine.

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