The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 68: Search and Destroy

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"UGH! WHAT TH-!" A painful sounding thud echoes out through the room. Then another. Then a clatter followed immediately after. The clatter of a suit wearing goon. Now unconscious. After I smashed his head against the wall, then the table. His body laid limp. After I shoved him aggressively back onto the ground. Though he wasn't there for long as I had to dragged him into a closet near by. Which was a lucky placement. I opened it and dumped his body inside. Putting his fallen red sunglasses inside with him. I closed it and continued my way through the building.

I had already entered the building those traders entered after finishing their business with the Blacklight soldier. I had to sneak in through a window. A window I had to smash. Which of course, causes the guards inside to come and search the area. They barrage in quickly through the door, guns drawn, ready to shoot!

Though they found nothing. There was nothing in the room. Nothing but glass the shards of the bursted window. "Search the area." One of the guards said. They start to search the room. Going through all of the room's areas and supplies. Moving out, to the side, or straight shoving it out of the way. Trying to find the source of what made the window explode like that. As it looked as if a large rock was thrown at it. But there was no rocks in the abandon docks they were at. But after a while (7 or more minutes to be specific) they stop the search. "Must be my imagnaiton." One of them say. "It could have been some dumb bird." Another one of the guards say. Then footsteps were heard. I wait for a bit... Then peek out from my hiding spot. And from the little spot I peeked from, I looked to my left, then my right.

Nothing. I was in the clear.

But just to be extra sure... "Hey. Venom." I call. Venom's slime like snake body formed from my back as he looked at me curiously. "Is there anyone there?" I asked. Venom slightly extended his neck, as he searched the area without giving our position. Not only was he checking our lefts and rights, but he was using his senses to complete make sure none of the guards were still lingering around in the area. And judging by the nod he gave me, we were in the clear. I slowly crawled out of the hiding spot we hid in. Trying to make little noise as possible. The spot me and Venom hid in was a corner with lots of random items and junk the room was packing. But the viards actually went thought the area. Moving and shoving the items we hid behind out of the way. Normally, it would be a fatal error to be found right there of course. But, im not entirely normal. Espeially in the case with Venom. As in that moment, where I thought I was about to be caught, Venom revealed something to me.... An ability he had.

And that was camouflage and invisibility.

Venom used his ability right when the guard was suppose to expose our hiding spot. But thanks to his invisibility, they saw nothing. And this was powerful invisibility. As the guard wasn't able to even sense my presence. I was finally able to leave my hiding spot without making a sound, as I finally took my first steps sneaking through the building. I was down low as I slowly stepped across the room. And of course still trying to be as quiet as possible. And trying to avoid knocking something over. But finally, I reached the door frame, and slightly peeked out the frame. I looked right, left, and straight. Seeing down the three halls. "Were good. Go." Venom said. I decided to take the right halls. Still moving at my slow stealth speed. Being low as I stepped. Like in a certain fantasy game I saw Yang play. As I made my way to another room down the hall, my ears started to pick up on something. It was a conversation. Though what the conversation was about I have no idea. And in ordee to know what it was about, I had to get closer. Or closer to the door frame. But im pretty sure everyone could tell why I would be unsure and nervous to do that. But I had to do this. For two reasons.

Reason 1. I need to learn and know everything these people are doing here. As it could be of use.

Resson 2. I've noticed im a pretty nosey person.

So I had to get near this door and listen in on this conversation either way. So... As I neared the doorframe, the converstaion between these people became more clear the closer I got. "...for Blackwatch last I heard." One of the men said. "For Blackwatch? What do they need it for?" Another asks. "Look I don't know. And honestly I don't wanna know. Anything Blackwatch dose is nothing good. And don't even get me started on what GenTek dose." The first guy said. "Yeah. But... Im really curious. I wanna know." The second guy said. The conversation then seemed end. As I then heard footsteps. Then the man walked put the room. But he didn't see me. He seemed to go back to patrolling. I sighed as he walks away. I move closer to the door, and after a small pause, I lean in and take a peek inside the room. It was very slow and low-key. But I managed to pull it off and take a look inside. This room had a fridge, table, chairs, and some cabinets. Obviously a kitchen. And the guy inside wasn't looking on my direction. As he was most likely on break or something, he was having a drink. Too bad he gave me an opening. I slowly make my way towards him. Trying to be as quiet and slow as possible. The suit wearing man continues to casually drink his beer, as I grow closer. Until finally, I was in striking range. And I immediately took action. "UGH- WHAT THE-!" He screamed as I quickly put him into a headlock and yank him out of his chair. Right as he tried to scream, I immediately silenced him by putting my knife to his face. "Don't!" I exclaimed quietly to him as I neared the knife to his face. Not my bowie knife, but my hunting knife.

It quickly got him to go silent as I could see his reflection on the knife's jagged blade. And I see how scared he was looking at the stainless blade. "Ok... Ok... Just take it easy..." He says. In a shaking tone. "Got any weapons on you?" I asked him. "No..." He replies. "Well let me see..." I say. "Try anything, and I will hurt you." I say. I start to search his suit as I checked his pockets.

But immediately, and suddenly... I felt the painful hit of an elbow to the stomach. My stomach. "GUUUAH...!" I cough out as I felt the man escape my grip. I held my stomach as I slowly looked up. The man ran ober to me then delivered another hit to my stomach, causing a other pained yell an gag for me. And from the wind being knocked out of me. As I held my stomach, in pain. I looked up and see the man run over the counter and swiftly pulled a knife from a counter. With a loud swish. "Aw crap...!" I say in pain. Still holding my stomach as he charges me. I try to brace myself, but someone came in to the rescue. And that someone was Venom.

Right as the man raised his knife up to bring it down, Venom fires his tendrils. Which painfully force the man pinned to the wall, wrapping around his limbs, pinning them down. "WHAT!? WHAT THE HELL-!? MMMPH!" As the man yelled in protests, Venom silenced him by wrapping a smaller tendril around his mouth. Which gave me time to stand back up and recover from the hits to my gut. I walk up to him. "Im going to ask you this ones, and you better answer it truthfully. Do you understand? Nod your head yes." I said to him. With the most serious sounding tone I can manage. He only responded with a whimper of sorts. My patience suddenly vanished for this man. As I aggressively grabbed his shoulders. "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?" I hissed quietly with clenched teeth. He quickly nods his head Yes. I ask him my question. "Where is the doctor...? And where did your men take those parts that Blackwatch soldier gave your men...?" I asked in a low, quiet tone. Only for him to hear. And Venom understood my intention so he released the man's mouth. "HE-!" He tries to scream, but I swiftly cover his mouth firmly. He struggles to escape my and Venom's grip. Especially with my hand over his mouth. As he tries to bite my hand. But my armored reinforced gloves made that impossible. Then the sound of a painfully sounding pop was heard, followed by the sound of the man's muffled scream of pain. Venom had broken or dislocated one of his guy's bones. And I try to hide my discomfort to that. As I close my eyes and turn my head a bit. The sickening pop didn't help either. It wasn't like some cartoon sounding pop, it sounded simalier to what cracking your fingers would sound like, but amplified. As the pop had a boney crackle to it. Again... It made me wince, as I felt the slightly tremble of a disgusted tremor in my arms from Venom's brutal interrogation method.

The man still yelled in pain from his damaged bone, but it finally slightly died down. And I took the opportunity to ask again. "You get the picture if you lie or scream for the others?" I asked. He still writhed in pain. "HEY!" I exclaimed as I smacked him across his face. "Did you hear me!? Do you get the picture!?" I exclaimed. He nods slowly. "Where are those parts? Is there anything less in this building I should know about?" I asked. Venom release the man's mouth again after I let go of his mouth a while ago. "...SO-!"  But I had to cover it again. As I had a look of irritation, as I smacked his youth closed and he still tried to yell for help through my hand. I turned my head as I nod. Venom took that as a sign...

Another pop. And another scream of pain from the man. This time there was a sickly boney crack within that pop from the man's bone. "Ok! Ok! I'll tell!" I hear the man say muffled within my hand. I take it off. "I'll tell you everything just stop..." And this time. He wasn't lying. He told me everything he knows. Where some files they had here were at, which were also of Blackwatch and GenTek, where the parts they took from that soldier were taken, and where the doctor was located. "That's all I know.... Please let me go..." The man says weakly. As having two of your bones damaged can really drain you. I start making my way out the room. "Thank you... Venom." I call. I could practically hear the man panic. And feel Venom perking his head up. "Knock him out." I say. "WAIT WHAT NO-!" The man was cut off as Venom swiftly threw the man right into the wall. Creating a painful thud. Which immediately put the man into unconsciousness. But I was already out the room when that happned. No doubt the other guards would hear and come to search what caused the thud. So getting out of there was the best and smart choice. And of course, that's what I did. As I walked down the hall. I then hid myself within the shadows as I spy on the men that entered the room. "What the...!?" One of them exclaimed. "What happned to him!?" Another asks. "No... You don't think its the Black Beast..!?" A third guard asks. "No.... No no no. That cant be true... No way that braincell lacking brute would find this place." The fourth guard said. I heard every bit of that conversation. So did Venom. "Oh...  So I have no intelligence huh...?" Venom says, having a angry sounding growl in his tone. More so then usual. "Easy Venom..." I whisper. "Were taking this quietly. We gotta find the doctor. Whatever they are doing, its for Blackwatch, and a corrupt organization with lots of power like that shouldn't have such a thing." I say to him. I can hear hin sigh. "Fine. Then lets us get there quickly. These people make me sick. And I've seen bad people." Venom says as I took the opportunity to move along. As the guards were distracted by the knocked out body in the room. And it worked out well as I continued down the building. Of course sticking to the shadows to avoid being caught. I continue down the halls, following the route that guard told us. Hope he wasn't lying... If he is... Venom might do more then break a bone. We continue down the halls, and avoiding any room with an open atea or door. To make sure no one inside would see us pass by. And one or two doors had someone in those rooms. And in those moments, we had to think of something quick. And Venom pulled the simplest, and oldest trick in the book.

And that trick was creating a loud sound somewhere around the area.

How were we gonna make said sound?

Venom had that covered. As he extended one of his tendrils and entered the room. As his black tendril slithered along the ground like a snake, i hear him tapping the wall, then knocking something over. After he did, he immediately retracted himself back out and into my back. Footsteps follow after as I hear "What was that?" It worked. As he was no longer near the door frame. Same gose to the other room we passed which had another guard. We pulled the same trick and pass by. As we sneak through the halls, I mutter under my breath "Some guards you hired Roman..." I continue moving through the halls as I keep my slow pace. As I turn a corner, I then quickly hug the wall, as down the hall, were two guards walking down it! Though I moved back quickly, and swiftly hid behind the wall edge. "Oh Crap..." I mutter as my heart started to thunder again in my chest. "What do we do here Venom..." I asked. "I got an idea..." Venom replies. "Which is...?" I ask. "Wait for them to get closer." Venom could feel my shock and insult coming. "Trust me, before calling me an idiot for thinking my idea." Venom says quickly. I sighed, and decided to hold out on being insulting Venom for ones. As I really HAD to trust Venom at this very moment. So I did. As I muttered "Ok... Do whatcha gotta do." I say. And I could practically feel Venom's grin. "Thank you."

I hear the guards footsteps grow closer, as they talked. "Hey, you'd hear about what happned to Ian?" One of them ask. "Ha! That cocky idiot finally got what was coming to him. What he gets for working with GenTek." The second guard said. I was growing more worried... What if Venom messes up... Or hes too late...

"Calm yourself (Y/N)... I got this..." I hear Venom say, cutting off my panicked thoughts. "Yeah. If there is one thing I'm not entirely comfortable with this job, it's were partners with GenTek- WOAAAAAH!!" "AHHHHH!!!" The two guards yell as the second they exit the hallway they walked out of, Venom fires a tendril and pushes the two guard straight into the wall with tremendous force, and an equally tremendous thud of the wall. Which caused a large dent and hole in the wall. And do to the guards hitting their head, they were out in mere seconds. "I thought we were suppost to be quiet...?" I asked. Rising an eye brow. "Ahh they wont find us. Just blend into the shadows and I'll handle the rest." Venom said. I roll my eyes. "Yeah ok... Amd if you mess up?" I asked. "It won't happen just quickly get to the doctor, were trying to get answer." Venom said. No argument there. I quickly was back on the move. Sneaking around the area.

As I continued moving through the building, and taking Venom's advice. Stick to the shadows. Though as I moved though the building, my ears caught something. Another conversation. I focus my hearing on the conversstion... This is what I made out. "...Repeat! We have someone in the building! Repeat! We got someone in the building taking out our men!" I mutter under my breath. "Ah Crap..." They realized were in the building. Their gonna be more alert. And that means getting to the doctor and possibly destroying whatever weapon, or... Whatever their making might be taken away out of here and taken somewhere less. Most likely an area well never find or get into. We had to move fast.

And that's what we did. Venom also had a hand in this, as I was now quickly moving in my crouched, stealth walk. Like I was speed walking. But in a more quick manner. I also pulled off a few quick slides to get to places faster and to avoid guards. And im surprised I pulled off some of them. But im glad I did. And Venom helped by using his camouflage invisibility, and his tendrils. By either swinging me across areas to gain ground, or to quickly pass by someone. And to hide from guards. As he could just rise me up to the ceiling, and use his camouflage, and just like that. We disappear into the shadows. Ones they pass by, he drops me back onto the ground, amd we continue moving. I stop by another end in the hallway, and I noticed a change in scenery. As along the floor, and covering the many walls and corners, were loads and loads of random assortment items. There were so many, I couldn't even make out one. And there were also crates holding said items. To large, to the smallest. My ears also caught something... No it wasn't a conversation, but it still was something equal of importants. The sounds I was hearing were ones you'd hear in some construction or some factory. Because all I heard were the sounds of a drill, something mechanical, like a robot arm ( The whinning sound they make when they move their joints in movies) and a few voices. I sneaked my way closer, trying to be ever so careful, as the many broken, shattered and burnt parts on the ground were not making that easy. And I knew if I stepped on one, I would be exposed and my cover would be blown. So I had to watch my step, AND watch if ant guards were near me.
Yeah it was a stressful task. But I sighed up for it and it was my call so I have to do it. I continued my slow pace across the hall. Taking slow and gently gentle steps. As I would continue my slow steps, then I look up and around. Checking for any guards. And no one has showed up. But lucky no one showed up. But I wasn't gonna take chances. I still kept my snail pace. But I did it in a quick manner so I get out of this situation im in. And I soon did. Thank God. But I of course didn't do it alone. As Venom saved me a few times from either nearly falling or from stepping on the wrong spot that would cause a loud sound. But we both managed and we made it to safety.

Well.... Safety from stepping on junk and blowing our cover. We continued making our way to where the doctor was located. And as we neared a certain room amongst three other down a dead end hall, the one I was talking about was not only having sounds coming out, but was also the only one having a bright light coming from it. So it was obvious that was the room. Espesailly for a room holding a GenTek doctor.

I slowly approached it, and as I neared the door, over tue very loud sounds, I could just make out the sounds of voices. I tired to listen in over the loud sounds that drowned it out. But it was no use. Even with my advanced hearing, I could not make out a single bit of what the voices were saying. Or how many were in there. All I knew there were an unknown amount of people inside, possibly the doctor, and they were doing something inside. And the guards were possibly guarding the doors. How was i gonna pull this off? I kept thinking to myself different ways I can pull this off without leaving here with bullet holes, or you know... Dying.

"(Y/N)! Get back!" Venom suddenly exclaimed. "What wh-" "Don't argue just do it!" Venom ordered. I did as told and hid into the shadows were the hall's wall ment the corner and the door's entrance. The door I wanted to enter. And just as I hid, the door then suddenly bursted open! And two suit wearing men walked out. "No, no, no! Get back here right now!" A voice yells from inside the room. "Shut up you Damn ghoul! We have an intruder in the damn building, and our men are being taken out, your stupid experiments can wait! I dont care if their main priority right now, Becuase right now we have to deal with the intruder!" One of the guards yells. The second guard was already down the hall as the one that yelled at the now confirmed to be Doctor Brim followed after them. Major luck snd blessing was with me today, as this was now my.... No. OUR opportunity to get in the room and get our target. We hear Vrim angerliy mutter to himself and the sounds of violent smashing and clanking sounds follow after some of this major yelling and swearing. He suddenly stops and I hear him say "Fine... Like I need them... I need to get this done... Alex Mercer and Dr Grooves needs this built as soon as possible.... I wont let them down.... I WON'T LET THEM DONW. AND NO ONE WILL STOP THAT." He says. Finishing it off with a very stern tone. "This man is gone to reality..." I muttered. Its obviously he lost to reality and only wishes to please his superiors which was Alex and this Grooves person. And I remember that name, he was in that memory flashback Alex forcefully showed me that time I snuck into that GenTek building in downtown Vale. So I had to keep a mental note on that man. He obviously has power in whatever position hes in. But we all know who's the big bad... And he wears a hoodie and four layers of clothing.

Quickly, I took a peek inside the room, and it was as I expected. The room was a mess, with many different materials, and items stroon about. Covering the floor and taking up almost every desk. Now we needed a plan to get in. Venom cant use his invisablity as we needed to be still for that. And I can't just walk in and rush him. He'll possibly scream and alert the others. So what could I do? But I soon caught on something, it was a sound. Footsteps. Footateps coming from the room. Dr Brim was either pacing or circling around the room. Was he panicked? Dose he know we're here? Why is he acting like this? Then I heard his voice again. He sounds like he was yelling to a phone or some wakie talkie as he rants. "Where are you guys!?" He yells. With that, I knew who he was talking to. Those guards that left. I wasn't able to catch what the guards said. But I was obviously to hear what Brim said. "I don't care if your friends or partner is huet or killed! You'll all be killed if I don't finish this project!" He yells. His back was turned on the door. Thats when I walked in slowly...
"If there really is someone in here, it has to be Subject V-03! Get you and your partner here now! You must hurry, before that thing kills me too!" He yells. Holding his walkie talkie tightly.

Until he heard my voice.....

"Dr Brim..." I start as he turns to me. The anger in his face immidenly disappeared... "YOU...!" He exclaimed. "I have questions for you..." I say in a low, quite tone. Only for him to hear. I lunged forward and grabbed him by his button up red shirt and lab coat. He tires to break free, and punxh or push away my hands, but that wasn't going to happen... As with a quick turn and shove, I smashed his head against the bookcase. "Awww...! He groaned in pain as he was dazed from the hard hit to the head. Right after I aggressively shove him back onto the chair near the desk this thing he was working on was. It was a weapon of sorts, that was clear do to the obvious from the wooden gun stock, and the base, even with magazine. But it wasn't a normal magazine. As it looked like a battery in the shape of a small spray can. He tires to get up and run, but I punched him and he fell back hard onto the chair. "Ugh...!" He grunts as she falls hard onto the chair again. He looks at me again... Manly my face. But it wasn't like a normal stare, he was looking at me, he wasn't looking at me in my eyes. No. It looked like he was looking at me face, like my features... He rises his shackey right hand at me.

"No... I know you.... Diamond Peak..." He says with pure terror in his tone. But i wasn't focusing on that. I was focusing on what this GenTek lap dog was doing here, and if he knew something about me, I WANT TO KNOW. "You don't know... What we did to you...!" He says.

"Dr Brim talk to me!"

I hear one of the guards say on the radio. That was on the ground. "You know many things Doctor... Things I want to you. And from the sound if it, you knoe thing about me." I said. With the same low time. I suddenly then delivered a swift right punch across his face. "Now tell me..." A other punch to his face. This time to his left side... "I want to know what you know what me... And what your doing here with this weapon..." I ask him. He slowly faces me again, after the second punch really knocked his head to the left. "Your stupid if you think I'll tell you... You damned experimental abomination." He says. Already before I even said my first word to him, I felt my anger grown in passion. But this comment he made about me, fueled that burning red flame. I gave him another punch. Then another. On his nose and right side of his jaw. "My  patience is very LOW DOCTOR... Seeing any of your heartless basterds sends me to a boiling rage. WHAT? Did you and your GenTek employees to ME?" I ask. With a more harsher and stern tone. "What is this weapon your making? Where can I find Dr Grooves?" I asked. The man only replies with spitting in my face... "Dirty aninmal..." He says before jumping up amd rushing me...

The last mistake he'll make... As immidenly, Venom sprung into action and had his tendrils wrapped around him. "GUAH...! What the HELL! HELP!! HE-!" As with the guard, Venom wraps his black tendril around his head, and covered his mouth. Muffling him. "I'm not in the mood doctor..." I say. Angrily. "ANSWER. My questions or-" I suddenly stopped myself, when I heard something. Many, many paires of footsteps were coming down the hall. And a voice shouting. "Dr Brim! Dr Brim! What's wrong!?" They asked. "Crap..." I said. "What's the plan (Y/N)?" Venom asks me. Over the sound of Dr Brim struggling, and muffled screams. I stood there in thought, thinking of a game plan. As the footsteps and shouting grew louder. "Hurry up (Y/N) their heading our way..." Venom said. Pressure was on me now... But how was I gonna do this...?

The suit wearing men that follow Roman's every command were rushing into room, their footsepts over lapping and crossing over each other with the many taps and clatters of their shoes. And in their hands, were guns of all variety. To rifles, small rapid fire guns, to the heaviest of powerful guns. "Dr Brim answer me! Are you ok!?" One of the men yelled as they ran closer to the room. And they finally found the room. The door was closed, and everything was dark. One of the suit wearing men knocked on the door. "Dr Brim!" They shout. Nothing. Another knock. This time three instead of two. "Dr Brim!" They shout. Four knocks. Harder this time. "Dr Brim stop messing around open the door!" They yell. "I'm gonna shoot the stupid door if you don't open it! We're not the intruder using us as hostages! Open UP!" They yell. There was silence. Right as they were about to shoot the door hinges....

The door suddenly opens....

With the most awful squeaking and creeking sound as the door slowly opens... The men ready their guns and aim them into the darkness that was thw room.....

"Dr...?" One of the men shaking and full of fearful.

Another painful silence...

Suddenly.... The room was filled with the insanely sound of the door and parts of the wall being torn down! Knocking every single suit wearing guard onto the ground, hard. "AHHHH!!" UGHHHH!" "GAAAUCK!" They scream and yell out in pain as they smash towards the ground. Some were even trampled and stepped on by something large as they bearly catch a glance of a dark mass. But, nothing was fatal. As the men we're writhing in pain, the rapid sound of heavy footsteps continued moving fast down the halls. But, over tje sound of the loud stomps that were footsteps, were the screams of Dr Brim.... One of the men look up in time to see the giant darkened beast turn the corner, the Doctor in its black tendril as the Doctor screamed "HEEEELP!! HELP ME!!!" The man stood up quickly. "IT GOT HIM!" He yells. "What... Did...? Ohh my head..." One of the suit wearing goons asked. "The THING! The... The beast...! The.. It... THE BLACK BEAST!!!" He screamed. With that, four of the men immediately stood back up. "Come on get up! Hurry!" He screamed as the five of them followed the heavy thumps. Running as fast as they can. "HEEEELP!!! HELP ME!!! OH GOD HELP!!!" Dr Brim screamed as he was still held tightly by Venom's tendril. But his loud footsteps, and Dr Brim's screamed were overshadowed by another loud sound

Which was gunshot. Many, gunshots. And brief flashes of yelled light flash down along the wall and hall. "Shoot it! Shoot the thing!!" One of them yell. "Kill the Black Beast!" Another guard yells. They all continue shooting, but all they do is miss their shots. And Venom jumps, dives, and dodges the many bullets fired at us. Venom then sees another turn in the hall, and with the speed he was moving, he would most likely crash into the wall, and might accidently kill Brim from the impact.

But Venom had a way to hit the breaks. Venom did a small jump, then shoves his feet and finger class into the ground, which caused an unloudly loud sound of claws scrapping along the ground, sparks flying as Venom pulled a drift like turn. Venom pulled thw turn off perfectly. And on his fours, he keeps running. Dr Brim still in his tendrils grip. "Come run! Get him get him!!" The guard yells. But there was no way they could catch up to him... To us. Especially when they heard another loud thud. They all stop briefly. "What the...!?" One of the gurds question. They quickly run out the giant hole in the wall and front door where Venom smashed through with ease. They had all their guns at the ready. "Where did it go!?" One of them ask. But before any could answer, they heard Brim's screams. They looked up, as they soon found their target...


On top of a building... With the moon shining behind us, casting a shadow over us.... Brim still screamed in terror and begged for help... "HEEEELP!!! HELP! OHH GOD HEEEEELP!!!!" He screamed. Venom glanced at him for a bit, before his glance turned to the suit wearing men... And let's out a loud, beastly, and horrifying roar...

A sound that chilled me as well... Venom then turns, and jumps off the building, Brim still screaming in his tendril, as we disappear, into the night of Vale...

The men stood there, rightfully terrified and paralyzed. Until one of them pull out a Scroll and contact someone. "Hey. Its me.... Dr Brim is gone.... It got him.... And the Project? ....damn it...ok..." He hangs up and looks to one of the other men.

"Call Roman..." He says.


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