Brettsey One Shots

By photofrnd54

95.9K 1.6K 354

Here will be a bunch of One Shots of Brettsey. Some of them might look familiar as i took my Rheese one shots... More

Authors Notes
That One Night
Why me
Taylor Elizabeth Brett
Hospital Stay
Almost Lost Him
The Shirt
Why Me. Part 2
Five Days To Long
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 2
She's Your Wife?
Jealous Fight
She's Your Wife? Part 2
46 Days 7 Hours and 22 Minutes
I Can't Marry You
Why Me. Part 3
Auction Night
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 3
Will you stay with me?
Bring Him Back
Bring Him Back (Part 2 The Boat)
The Flu
An Early Surprise
I'm Scared
First Child
Ambulance 61 victim stabbed.
I never got to tell her
What do you mean she's not here?
Tired of Hiding
A Morning Surprise
The Flowers
My Girl
Should have done this sooner
Locker Room Chat
A Night in Paris (Locker Room Chat Part 2)
Casey's Quarters
Got Stood up
Casey's Quarters Part 2
Casey's Quarters Part 3
Casey's Quarters Part 4
What am I to you?
Girlfriend in Fowlerton part 1
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 2
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 3
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 4
It's okay It's okay
Accidently Double Date
I need him
Get Off Her
We need to talk
Anyone seen Brett?
Secret Promotion
Will you Stay
She's Gone
The Thanksgiving Rolls
Christmas Tree
Ice Skating Date
Meeting the Family
Secret Santa Part 1
Secret Santa Part 2
Secret Santa Part 3
Christmas Windows
Getting The Christmas Tree
New Years Eve Kiss
Late Night Phone Call (New Years Eve Kiss Part 2)
Surprise Visit (New Years Eve Kiss Part 3)
Meeting Parents Part 2
Some Unexpected Great News
The Flash Over
In Shock
What's That Smell?
It's Hard
Someone's Missing
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 1)
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 2)
Fowlerton Fair Part 3
Birthday Dinner
The Collapse
She was attacked
He Promised
Memory Loss
That Night Against River
A Shift on 61
That Night Outside Molly's
Dance With Me
Will You...
Somethings off
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 1)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 2)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 3)
Stayed All Night
Jace Matthew Casey
Get To The Hospital
Call it - TOD 4:38am
Wedding Day
Missing you
Where is she
Where is She (Part 2)
Paradoxical Reaction
Play Nice Now
Our Boy (Part 1)
Our Boy (Part 2)
Chicago to Portland
Sylvie's Secret Santa
Sylvie's Secret Santa (Part 2)
New Years Eve Hospital
Did I wake you
She Said No

Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 4

1.1K 20 4
By photofrnd54

At the firehouse

Casey's pov
I'm sitting at the table in the common room drinking my coffee. It's almost evening time. sylvie and I are playing a game of card. She's beating the pants off me. Just as we are about to finish one of our games the alarm goes off.

Ambulance 61 please assist with car accident on East Clark street.

Sylvie gets up, leans over to me and gives me a kiss. Stay safe our there babe I say as she heads out to the ambo. Since Sylvie's on a call I head to my office to finish up paperwork. I'm hoping to get it all done but I'm so tired I don't know if I'll finish. I must have drifted off to sleep at my desk because the next thing I know my phone is going off. I don't really recognize the number. "Hello" I say "Hi is this Mr. Casey?" the lady asks. "Yes this is he. What can I do for you?" I say. "This is Chloe from Miles of Smiles Chicago. We are trying to reach a Sylvie Brett she listed you as an emergency contact. Her daughter Taylor has been throwing up all day." She says to me. "Sylvie Brett is on a call. I'll be there shortly to pick her up."I say as I hang up the phone and head to chiefs office.

Chief's office/ daycare

Casey's pov
I knock on chief's door and he ushers me in. "What can I do for you Casey?" he ask. "I just got a call from Taylors daycare she's sick. Since they couldn't reach Brett they called me. I need to go pick her up. I called my Sister and she is going to come get her here at the firehouse after she gets off work in an hour and a half. Is that okay if he stays in my office." I say "yes that's perfectly fine. Connie can you call Herrmann into my office please?" chief says. Herrmann walks in a few minutes later. "What's up chief?" he says "You are acting lieutenant till Casey gets back." Chief says as I run out the door to my car. I hop into my car and head off to the daycare. It only takes me 10 minutes to get there. I walk up to the door and get buzzed in. I see Chloe at the front desk and head over. "Hey Chloe I'm here to get Taylor. How's she doing does she have a fever?" I ask her. "She did have a low fever but it's gone now. One of the other kids was sick last week so I think she picked it up from her. It should be nothing to worry about it lasted 24 hours. I'll go get her for you." She says. She carries her out to me. She's sacked out. I take her to the car and head back to the firehouse.

Back at the firehouse

Sylvie's pov
I pull the ambo into the bay. I notice that when I was pilling in that Casey's truck was missing out front. I then remember that my phone was going off during the call multiple times. I couldn't answer it because we were buys. I look at it at realize that it's the daycare center. Just as I'm about to call them back when I see Matt pull up into his spot on the street. I walk over to him. "Hey babe what did the daycare want?" I say franticly as he hops out of the car. Don't worry Taylor got sick, some little girl was sick last week and she and someone else caught it. Chloe said there is nothing to worry about that it would pass in 24 hours." He says to me "Well what are we going to do we can't leave her here while we are on shift? As much as I would love for her to stay its impossible." I say. "Don't worry, I got it covered chief says she can stay here in my office till my sister gets here in an hour or so. Taylor is sacked out so I'm going to put her to sleep in my office." He says. "I've got her" I say as I go around to the other side of the car and get Taylor. I unbuckle her from her car seat. I carefully pick her up trying not to wake her. The second that she's in my arms she lays her head down on my chest and is out again. Casey and I take her in the side door so that the others will not wake him. Once in Casey's office I gently lay her down on the cot and I curl up next to her while matt finishes paperwork. We were asleep for about two hours when taylor started to wake up. "Mommy I'm hungry." She say "alright honey. I say as I get up off the bed. "all get her something" matt says to me. "That's okay I'll get it plus I think it's time we introduce her to the rest of the firehouse family. Come here monkey let go get you some food" I say. She hop's up into my arms and we head out to the common room. "Well who's this little cutie" Hermann says as we walk in. "awww cute kid in the house. Isn't she the one we rescued from that one call." Otis says. everyone is starting to get curious. Taylor starts to hold on to me even tighter. "it's okay, theses are mommy's friends" I tell her" and mr. casey's friends" she asks "yes and Casey's friends" I tell her. By now almost everyone is in the common room to see who this mystery kid is. "Everyone I want to introduce you to someone very important to me. This is Taylor she's my daughter." "she's so cute she looks just like you." Kidd says "yeah she's got your eyes" Cruz says. "What is she doing here? Foster asks me. "well she ended up not feeling well and was sick at daycare so they called for her to get picked up. I don't have any one to watch her so Casey's sister is coming to get her in a bit to watch her. "mommy food" I hear tay say. Alright ill go make you some pb and j go have a seat at the table" I say as I set her down. I give her, her food and sit down next to her. Hermann and kidd are talking with tay while she eats. "can you watch her just a sec I need to go grab something out of my locker." I say to Kidd "Sure we got it" she says to me. I go get what I need from my locker and I run into casey on my way back to the common room. "where's tay?" he asks " eating with kidd and Hermann I had to grab something" I say. We walk back into the common room and I notice tay hasn't eaten much. I go sit down next to her. "you got a cute kid there." Hermann says " thanks. Hey monkey you feeling okay you haven't eaten much " I say feeling her forehead. I turn to matt "she feeling warm again." I say just as I see Christy walk in. "hey Christy thanks so much for watching her tonight." I say "How's are girl." she asks. I think her fever may be coming back so just keep an eye on it and if it gets worse give me a call and we will determine where go from there. She hasn't eaten much but that's just her not feeling well. If she gets hungry maybe try so soup. Her bag is in matt's office. " I tell her. "I'll go get it" matt says to me "thanks hey monkey you remember matts sister Christy right?" I asks her. "uh huh yeah. She's cool." She says to me. "well since I'm still on shift and you can't be at the daycare she is going to watch you tonight at our house is that okay." I ask her. " sure mommy" she says as matt comes back in. "here take my key to her place. And I'll walk you out. So we can put the my car seat in your car. Matt says to his sister. I pick up tay and as we are heading out she says " bye friends" and waves to everyone. They all say bye back to her. "Thanks again Christy for watching her again. Feel free to grab anything out of the fridge or pantry for yourself." I say. "What time is bed for her? She asks me. "bed is usually around 8:30pm her pjs are in the top draw of the dresser." I say as I load tay into the car. I kiss her good bye and go stand by Casey's side. "She'll be okay" he says as they drive off. "I know and she's in great hands" I say as I lean my head against his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me. He gently kissing the top of my head as we watch them drive away.  

AN: hey all hope you enjoyed this one with Tay in it.  It was by @leleloveyuri to have more Tay. I will try and do another update by Wednesday.  As always feel free to Comment, Vote and leave suggestions.  

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