The Flash Over

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Casey's pov

2am the alarm goes off walking me from a dead sleep. Ambulance 61 truck 81 squad 3 battalion 25. Structure fire 8763 Nelson Ave. We all run out to the apparatus bay and hop in our rigs. We arrive on scene the Warehouse is engulfed in flames. "Cruz Otis up the aerial to vent the roof. Herrmann, candidate and i do a primary search. Squad you take first floor. Herrmann, candidate With me on the second floor." I say as we enter the building "Fire department call out" i say. I search and find no one. I hear chief on the radio squad, truck "I'm giving you 1 minute before you have to be out." I order my men out while I finish one last search. Just as I'm about to head down the stairs they collapse and I'm thrown down the last flight.

Chiefs pov
I order all my men out as the building has now become more unstable and none should be inside. The rest of the crew makes it out but Casey. "where's Casey" I ask "he was right behind us chief." Otis says. "Casey get out now it's about to flash" I say into the radio. Casey radios back "on my way chief" next thing I know I hear a rumble and the building flashes. Alright men Herrmann, Severide go in carefully to rescue Casey.

Brett's pov.
I stand helpless as I saw the building flash. Casey was still trapped inside. I finally see Herrmann and Severide come out helping Casey walk out. They bring him over to Mackey and I it looks like his only injury's are  a sprain ankle possible broken ribs and a burn on his bunker jacket. We still take him in to get looked at. The whole ride to the hospital felt like an eternity. Mackey was driving I sat in the back with Casey not saying anything. I was to scared. Lots of thoughts were going through my head I could of lost him today. Why in the world did I tell him I wanted space? That's the last thing I wanted. Ugh how could i have let him slip away? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mackey opened the back of the ambulance. "what do we got " Maggie asks " Casey took a nasty fall when the building he was in flashed over. Possible broken ribs and a sprained ankle." I say "we got it from here" she says. We transferred Casey over to the doctor's and went to the waiting room. I just kept passing the floor I couldn't sit still. "I've never seen you like this before is everything okay." Mackey asks me. "yeah I'm fine." I tell her. "you don't look fine does this have anything to do with the Captain?" She asks me. "nothing is going on there." I say "yeah so those longing stares I see you give each other and the other week on the call where he almost fell off the aerial what was that about. Come on Brett what's going on. I'm your partner." She says. I just kept passing back and forth. "It's been over two hours they should be out to tell us something by now." I say frustrated. " you real okay? She asks one last time. "it's all my fault I say. "What's your fault? Mackey asks walking over to me. "Stella's the only one that knows this so this stays between you and me" I say "okay between you and me" she says "The Captain I mean Matt and I kissed about a month ago it happened after the accident we were in. I was avoiding him, he came to my apartment to ask why I was avoiding him. It was because if I saw him I would kiss him and it happened." I say "that's great so what's the problem." she says " well long before you came here. He was married. His ex wife was my best friend and former partner on 61. I had a front row seat their marriage. It had its ups and downs. Well anyway she came back last year I pushed him to go to this ball thing she was in town for. And then the night I kissed him I asked him that if Gabby came back right then would he leave with her. He gave me the answer of he hasn't thought of gabby in a long time but didn't give me a yes or no answer so I asked him to leave. We talked the next day. I told him I needed space to go back to how things use to be. I don't wanna be his second choice. But lately I can't help but think I was wrong. I tried dating the lieutenant from 40 but I felt like I was cheating on Casey." I say. "ah so there was something between you two when I asked that time we were stocking up even though we didn't need to." She says " yeah sorry I lied I just was trying to hide my feelings from everyone even myself. He just has to be okay." I say. "it will be okay" Mackey says trying to comfort me. "family of captain casey and Doctor says walking into the waiting room. I quickly walk over to her. "that's us" I say as the rest of the house was on another call. "The captain has some broken ribs and a sprained ankle. He will be out for about a month till everything heals." She says " can we see him please" I ask "yes he's in bay 5" she tells me. "go ill update Boden." Mackey says.

Casey's pov

I was sitting in the hospital bed when I got the news that I was lucky to be alive that I only got a few broken ribs and sprained ankle. It was a scary call for me. Probable even scarier for Brett. Having to watch what happened. It must have affected her somehow because the whole ride over she was dead silent lost in thought. I wanted to talk to her but she asked for space so I'm giving it to her. I heard the door open thinking It was the doctor coming in to talk to me more. But I was wrong. Brett came running over to me. "I'm so so sorry. I never should have asked for space. It's all my fault. We've wasted so much time when we could have been together. I just didn't want to be your second choice. I should have just trusted me feelings for you. And now I could have lost you"  she says with tears coming down her face. she turns away embarrassed. "Hey, Hey looks at me come here." I say to her gently turning her towards me. "oh Sylvie is that what your worried about, being second." I ask softly. She doesn't speak just nods her head yes. Before more tears start to fall. "Oh sweetheart. You will never be second. I promise you that. You Sylvie Brett are the love of my life and I will show you that every day. I will fight for you to be by my side." I say whipping away her tears with my thumb. "You love me." she says "with all my heart" I say pulling her in for a kiss. 

AN: Hey guys here is another one shot. Hope you all enjoy it. I will have another one on Sunday or Monday for you all. As always feel free to vote, Comment and Leave suggestions. 

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