Paradoxical Reaction

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Chiefs pov
I hear truck and squad pull back in from there last call. I walk out to the apparatus bay as I need to talk to Casey. "Casey once your cleaned up please join me in my office." I say. "will do chief see you in a bit." He says as I walk back to my office. About 10 minutes later he knocks on my office. "You wanted to see me chief" he says. "Ah yes come in Casey's and close the door." I say as he walks in. "What do you need chief?" He ask me. "I wanted to let you know that you have a new candidate starting soon. They'll be here in 4 shifts. Please prepare your men." I say "will do. Hope this candidate is better than the last one." He says. "You and me both" I say. After our conversation I dismiss him.

Sylvie's pov
"Hey honey I saw you coming out of chief's office. What did he want?" I ask Casey. "Oh he was just letting me know we are getting a new candidate in 4 shifts." He says to me. "Well I hope he's better then the last one you got. Do you know if the person is male or female?" I say. "Nope, no clue who it is. I guess I'll find out when they arrive." He says. "Boden didn't give you any info on this person." I ask "nope he didn't have any info yet said I should get some the next shit or two." He says to me. "Well, keep me in the loop" I look around to make sure no one is around and lean up and kiss him wrapping my arms around him.. "What was that for?" he asks "Long shift. Just missing you, that's all." I say. Just as he releases me the alarm goes off. Ambulance 61 person in distress. Bright smiles Chicago daycare. "This is a never ending shift call after call can I just get a break. Guess lunch will be the MED vending machines." I say a bit frustrated "I'll save you and Violet some food. Don't worry. Go save some lives." He says with a wink as I run off. Violet and I hope in our rig and head off. We get there and they wave us outside to the back where the playground is. I grab the jump bag and follow them. There is a little girl sitting on the curb hyperventilating.

Violet's pov

We head to the playground out back and find the daycare worker panicking. " I had to call you I didn't know what else to do. She has one of these but I don't know how to use it. You have to help her please." The daycare worker says showing us an inhaler. "Alright ma'am let me see this" Brett says as she takes the inhaler from her. She shakes the inhaler and tells the little girl to take a deep breath in and hold it once she gives the inhaler. Seconds later Brett is punched in the eye by the little girl. "woo Brett you okay." I ask her as I kneel down next to her. "Yeah this day just keeps getting better. Urg." She says with a painful voice. "I'm so, so sorry. It's all my fault. I should know how to use that." The daycare worker says "no, no don't worry you didn't know this would happen to her it's oaky" Brett says reassuring her. "We do wanna take her in to be on the safe side since she did have this reaction." I say to the worker. "Oh yes I completely understand, I will call her parents and let her know what's going on. Where are you planning on taking her?" She asks us. As I hand Brett and ice pack but it won't do much good as its already turned black and blue. "We are bringing her to Chicago MED." I say "thank you for all your help sorry again for the punch. I will learn how to use an inhaler." The worker says. "no problem just doing our job" Brett says We load the girl up and take her to the hospital. Then head back to the firehouse.

Back at the firehouse

Sylvie's pov
My eye is killing me. It's all black and blue very tender to the touch. "The girl gave me a nice black eye." I say. "yeah she did. Prepare to get laughed at by the guys. Because you know that's gonna happen." Violet says with a slight laugh. "urg I just wanna this day to end. Maybe no one will notice." I say with a little laugh. " yeah you tell yourself. But its not gonna work. It looks really bad come on lets go get you some more ice to put on it." She says to me as we hop out of the ambo. I walk into the firehouse floor and manage to avoid squad. Thank goodness too. I didn't need a comment from Capp. I was hoping to quickly grab an ice pack then head to my bunk but that didn't happen. As I walk into the common room. I see Herrmann coming my way. "Wow look at that shiner. How'd you get that kid?" Herrmann says. I'm just about to answer when Casey walks in. "Babe what happened? Are you okay?" He asks shocked. "Yeah she got punched by an 8 year old girl." Violet says with a laugh. "How was I supposed to know that the kid would have a paradoxical reaction to the inhaler." I say frustrated. "A what? Hermann says. "Some people have reactions to certain medications. It can make them do odd things hence the 8 year old punching me in the eye." I say as I point to my eye. "Awe come her babe let's put some ice on that and go lay down." Casey says to me. "I'll let chief know what's going on maybe take ambo out for an hour or two." Violet says to me. "No we can stay in service I'll be fine." I say wincing in pain. " how about you let chief decide. Deal?" Casey says as he grabs me an ice pack. "Alright fine" I say putting the ice on my eye. "Now come on lets go have you lay down." He says to me. "Only if you lay with me." I say just so only he can hear me. I see his smile get wider. "Well let me lead the way." He says as he ushers me to his quarters. We walk in and he shuts the door and close the blinds. "I want you to rest. You've been going no stop since 8 am this morning." He says as he gently pulls me down next to him on the bunk. "I'm not tired" I say as I take the ice off my eye. "You need to keep ice on that." He says as he places it back. I don't feel like holding so I turn over put my back against Matt. I then lay the ice pack on the bunk and put my eye on it. As I settle into the bed matt runs his hand up and down my arm. I try my hardest to stay awake but it's no use. I hear matt say something but can't make out what he says. I fall asleep within seconds.

Casey's Pov

I told Sylvie she needs to rest and ice her eye. It looked pretty bad. It's defiantly going to be black and blue for a while. We curl up on my bunk. I have my back to the wall and she has her back to me so she doesn't have to hold the ice pack. "Rest my sweetheart." I say. I rub my hand over her arm and she's asleep in seconds. She really needed this rest. About 5 minutes later there's a knock on my door and it opens slightly. I hold one finger to my lips to motion her to be quite. "Sorry to disturb." Violet says quietly "it's okay." I say with a soft voice. "Just wanted to let you know chief took us out of service for a few hours." She says. "Thank you for the info." I say as she closes the door. I'm glad chief took them out of service. Sylvie would never admit it but she needs it. I gently place a kiss on the top her head as I settle myself in next to her hoping the bells won't go off anytime soon. 

AN: Hey guys here is another one shot. I hope you enjoy it.  How are we liking season 10 so far? I am loving it. Can't wait for more. As always feel free to vote, comment and leave suggestions. 

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