Accidently Double Date

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Sylvie's pov

I was getting ready for my date with matt. He was taking me to this popular restaurant. I pulled out my outfit. I am going to wear my dark skinny jeans with a scooped neck toupee colored silk top that curves to my body. I pair it with my new boots I got when I went shopping with Kidd the other weekend. I walked into my bathroom and put my makeup on. I was keeping it romantic but simple. I was so early on getting ready I finished way before Matt said he would get here to pick me up. I was so excited. We haven't been able to have a date in a while. With both us working at the firehouse then him working his construction job and I was traveling down to see my half sister. It was hard to find time. So we would meet for coffee before shift started if we didn't spend the night with each other. I decided to grab a jacket just in case it was cold. About 10 minutes later I hear the door bell ring. As I open it I see Matt standing there. "Hey wow you look great" he says as he leans down to kiss me hello. "Same to you, I've always loved that shirt you are wearing. That color looks great on you brings out your eyes. Let me grab my purse and then we can head out." I say as he walks in.

Casey's pov

I lead Sylvie to the truck and help her get in. I then get in a start the truck. "I'm so glad we found time for a date." I say. "Yeah this is well needed. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever even though we work together." she says "yeah I know what you mean. But I have good news. I'm finishing up that major construction job this week. So it will free up more of my time so I can spend it with you." I say with a smile. "That's great. I'm so excited. We should do a weekend getaway up to the cabin on the lake. Maybe invite kidd and Severide." She says "or maybe just us." I say with a smirk hoping she gets what I mean. "Ah yes just us it is" she says with a smile. I figured she got what I meant. We arrive at the restaurant about 20 minutes later. The parking lot is packed full of cars. The restaurant is fairly new and they aren't taking reservations so it's first come, first serve. "I hope we can get a table it looks busy" she says as we walk the parking lot. "yeah I know but we can wait I don't mind." I say opening the door. "How many people are in your party?" the hostess asks us. "2 please" I say. "that's about a 20-30 minute wait" she says "that's fine we will wait" I say "last name for the table she says "uh Casey." I say as she hands me a pager.

Connor's Pov

I picked up Sarah from her apartment and we head to the restaurant. "This is such a well needed date. The hospital has been crazy the past month. I'm glad we finally get some time to grab dinner together." I say. "Yeah me too. Plus I heard this is a great place to eat from Natalie. She and Crockett went here last week. Said the food was amazing but had a long wait to get seated" she says " well we can wait as long as possible." I say as I pull in a park the car. "wow it really is packed." She says as we walk in. "How many people are in your party?" the hostess asks us as we step up to her stand "um 2 please" I say. "That's going to be about a 25-30 minute wait" she says "that's fine we will wait" I say "last name for the table she says "it's Rhodes." I say as she hands me a pager. We walk over to the corner of the room and wait to be called. "so how was your day down in the ED? I ask "well the new girl almost fainted at the site of blood and she can't seem to put a line in. she clams up. Not sure how long she's going to last." She says. "Hey you use to be like that so don't count her out yet. Look how you turned out." I say "yeah but I never fainted" she says with a slight laugh. "that is true so true" I say "hey isn't that Brett and Casey over there. We should go say hi" she says pulling me along. "Yeah sounds good. I say following her.

Casey's pov

"Hey that looks like Sarah and Connor over in the corner. We should go say hi" I say. "Well it looks like they are already walking this way." She says. "funny running into you guys here." Connor says. "yeah of all places" Brett says "how long have you guys been waiting? Sarah asks. "um about 10 minutes so far. What about you guys." I say "same we just got here about 10 minutes ago." Connor says. "Hey I have an idea. What if we all ate together it might get us seated sooner." I say "like a double date" the girls say at the same time. "I guess so" Connor says. "That is if you girls are up for it" I say "yeah I'm up for it if they are" Brett says. "I'll go see if we can switch it from 2 people to 4 people." Connor says

Connor's pov

""How many people are in your party?" the hostess asks me. "Oh we already have a spot under the name Casey, but I was wondering if we could change it from 2 people to 4 and then cancel the Rhodes table." Yeah that should be no problem. We actually we just about to call them and the table will fit 4 people just fine." I say "give us a few minutes to get the table ready for four people. Will page you when ready" she say "thank you "I say as I walk off.

Brett's pov

"So did you have any trouble with getting us a table?" I ask "no problem what so ever" he says. Our pager goes off about five minutes later. "right this way" the hostess says. She leads us to a table in the back of the restaurant. Matt pulls out my chair and me helps sit down, while Connor does the same for Sarah. We look over the menu and decide what we are going to get. "So how do you like your new ambo partner" Sarah asks me "McNally she's great. She fits in well." I say. "that's good" she says to me. "so hows the construction jobs going matt? Connor asks matt. "Business is going well. I'm just about to finish up this huge house on Neal Ave." he says "is that the three story with the big red double door." Connor ask "that would be the one" matt says " I love that house it's so pretty on the outside" Sarah says as our waiter comes to take our order. "so if you don't mind me asking when did this become a thing between you?" Connor asks "well Casey was helping me through a lot. Our friendship was growing so much. We both had feelings for each other but we kept avoiding telling one another till it just came out and now here we are." I say with a smile as I squeeze Casey's hand in mine."yeah I can relate to that" Connor says. About 15 minutes later our food arrives. "Wow this is amazing food" I say "yeah it is" Casey says "can I try some of yours" Sarah says to Connor. "Yeah sure here you go." He says giving her a bite. We sit and make small talk why we eat. "thanks for having us join you guys this was so much fun." Connor says as we are leaving the restaurant. "Yeah thanks. We should hang out more." Sarah says. "Yeah hey I'm looking into doing a girls night would you be interested? I ask. Yeah that would be great thanks." She says "I'll send you the details when I have them. We better get going babe we have shift tomorrow and we don't want to stay up to late" I say. "That we do. It was great seeing you guys" Casey says "yeah same here see you guys later. Connor says as they walk off. "Thanks for an amazing evening it was fun." I say taking Casey's arm in mine. "I'm sorry we didn't get to spend it alone." He says "I told you I had fun. Plus we can have the night all to ourselves. I say leaning up to kiss him. "Yes, yes we can." He says smiling as he kisses me back.  

AN: hey guys hope you liked this one shot. It was a request that someone wanted. I'm hoping to post Sunday but I'm going back to work starting tomorrow and I have a few lines writen but no inspiration on where to go next. Fingers crossed I get something written and posted between work and class work. As always feel free to vote, comment and leave suggestions.

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