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Wedding day morning

Brett's pov
I had spent the night at Kidd's last night with Foster. I wanna do the whole wedding thing where the groom and bride don't see each other 24 hours until the wedding. I was so excited I barely slept plus Noah my son kept me up too but that's okay I'd do anything for my little monkey. He was going to be the ring bearer I got him this little suite that he could wear that matches Matt. My brother Mason is going to carry him in and hold him during the ceremony. I walk downstairs and find the girls made breakfast for me. About 5 minutes later they walk in. "You excited for your big day." Kidd says. "Yeah I can't wait I love Matt so much. So the ceremony is at 4 so I think if we start getting ready at 12:30 then head to the firehouse at 3 we should be good" I say. "Are we doing your hair today." Foster asks. "Well I want an updo that cascades down with curls. Matt always loves my curly hair. I want romantic makeup look too." I say finishing up breakfast. I go feed Noah then put him down for a nap. About an hour and 1/2 later there's a knock on the door it's about 11:30. Severide is at the door. Casey told me to give these to you and wait for a note back" he says handing me a hand written note and fresh flowers. I smell the flowers, read the note and start to cry. All it says on the note is "always and forever 6/20/2020" "everything okay Sylvie" Kidd says "yeah everything is perfect" I say writing a note back that says the same thing he sent me. I hand it back to Severide. "Oh I also picked this up for you Matt says it's your favorite." "Thanks Matt's the best" I say taking the meat lovers pizza. We eat lunch then get ready.

Getting ready

Brett's pov.
"It's time get ready." I say to the girls. Foster is doing my makeup while Kidd is doing my hair. I can't wait to get all dressed up. Just as Kidd's about to start Noah wakes up crying. "Let me go get him I'll be right back " I say. "No no sit I'll go get him and feed him. There's a bottle in the fridge right? Kidd says. "thanks Stella, yeah he has a bottle in the fridge top left I believe." I say as I sit back down.

Kidd's pov
"Alright first I'm going to curl your hair in sections then will start pinning it up so it cascades down." I say "that works for me." Sylvie says. I'm just about to start curling her hair when Noah got fussy again. "Foster he's got some toys in his diaper bag over there to entertain him." she say " thanks lets hope this keeps him calm we need him to be a happy baby for the ceremony" Foster says "I love it curled you did such a good job so far can't wait to see it finished" Sylvie says. I will start on your makeup after Kidd is finished." Foster says. "Sylvie can you hand me a few Bobby pins. I'm going to start pinning up your hair." I say. About 15 minutes later I'm finished. I turn Sylvie around so she can see the finished look. "I love it. It's perfect. Matt's gonna love it." Sylvie says.

Foster pov
Sylvie's hair looks amazing. I hand off Noah to Kidd while I do sylvie's makeup. While I'm doing here makeup we talk about life and love. "So how are things with Severide" I ask Kidd "there great I'm Really hoping to move in with him soon he hasn't asked but I hope he will" Kidd says. "So Sylvie you and Mat going on a honeymoon?"I ask " actually the three of us are going. We both couldn't bear to leave Noah. So we are going to Hawaii for a family honeymoon." She says. "Alright take a look let me know what you think." I say as I show her in the mirror. "It's perfect it's just that romantic feel I was going for. Casey's going to love it. She says getting up and taking Noah from Kidd. We better get going to the firehouse or will be off schedule. I say as we grab our stuff and head out.

At the firehouse

Casey's pov
We arrive at the firehouse. Severide's my best man and Mason is one of my groomsmen. The girls are already here. We help the rest of the firehouse set up for the ceremony. We pull the rigs out and drape white linen from them. Then put while linen down for the aisle for Sylvie to walk down. The flowers arrive about 20 minutes later. " Mason can you go give the girls their bouquets " I say to him. "Sure man" Mason says. "So you ready to get married?" Severide asks me. "I'm so ready. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Sylvie." I say.

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