Taylor Elizabeth Brett

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Sylvie's Pov

It had been a long day at work. I've been working at the firehouse about a month or two. I love it all the people are so great. After work I picked up Taylor from the sitter's. Then went home to our apartment. It was getting late. I decided I would make dinner for us. "hey Tay what would you like for dinner? I ask. "Mac and cheeseeee. Plweas" she say with her cute voice. "Mac and cheese it is then. Go play while Mommy makes it." I say. "K Mommy" she says as she hops off to go play. It doesn't take long for me to make dinner​. It was just Mac and cheese from a box. 15 mins tops. I hear Taylor playing so peacefully with her toys. "hey monkey. Dinners ready let's come wash up." I say as I hear pitter patter of her feet on the wood floor. "my hands are already clean see" she says showing me her hands. "Invisible germs remember" I say to her with a look. " Oh k Mommy you help me." She says "yes Mommy will help you." I say as I pick her up and help her wash her hands. "Yummy dinner Mommy." She say to me. " I'm glad honey." I say with a smile. "Mommy can you plway with me. " She says as she tugs on my pant leg after dinner. "let Mommy clean up the dishes and I'll be right there. Okay?" I tell her. "K Mommy" she says to me with a smile. I always loved the way she smiled at me. She walks back to the family room and pulls out a matching game while I clean up. "You ready to play monkey" I ask walking into the room. "uh huh" she nods. We play one round of the game and she beats me fair and square. "wanna play one more round then watch a movie before bed." I ask her. "no just movie. She says to me. "what one you wanna watch?"I ask "you pick Mommy" she say "aright then whine the pooh it is. I say sticking the DVD in the player. We both go cuddle on the couch. She curls up in my arms. Not even halfway through the movie Tay looked very tired. She also felt a bit warm but I didn't think anything of it because we had blankets on top of us. "Mommy can I go to bed I tired" she asks. "Sure sweetheart lefts go get PJs and brush your teeth. I carry her down the hall to her bedroom and pull out her Tigger PJs and change her. Once her teeth are brushed I tuck her in bed. "can you wread to me" she asks "sure monkey. I'll grab your favorite book. Piglet great adventure." I say "Yay" she says as I grabbed the book and sat next to her. Once I was done reading I tuck her back in bed and kiss her good night on the forehead. "sleep tight monkey. I love you" I say to her as I turn the lights out. "I wlove you too" she Says back​ to me before I close the door. Once she's asleep I head back out to the family room and clean up putting her toys away, out of site. It makes the small space so much bigger looking. I've been sitting on the couch for an hour when I hear a knock at my door. I pause my new movie a comedy and get up to see who it is through the peep hole. 

Casey's pov
"Hey lieutenant what are you doing here? She asks surprised as the door opens. "You know I told you to call me Matt off shift. I um wanted to um check on you the after the Long day you had it looked rough on you by the end of the night. And to see how you like Chicago life so far." I say. "Thanks yeah it was rough. I love Chicago it's the perfect place for me." she say as she turns her head to look down the hall. "Um you wanna come in for a bit" she says with a wary tone. "Sure I would love to." I say as she motions me inside. "Would you like any coffee I was just about to make some?" She says. "I'd actually love some thanks" I say as we head to the kitchen. As she makes the coffee as I sit at her table and we talk. The coffee doesn't take long. "Why don't we take our coffee go sit on the couch? It's more comfy than the table chairs." She says to me. As she ushers me to the couch I see her look down the hall. I don't think much of it. "So how has been working at 51 been for you I ask as I take a seat with my back to the hall. "working at 51 is the best. You all are so great and friendly. A lot more calls than I'm use to in Fowlerton." I say looking past him down the hall. "Yeah It can be a lot to take in but you are doing a fantastic job or at least that's what Shay's been telling me" I says as I tape her knee all flirty like. I give her a smile that makes her giggle. "oh really she talks to you about me ." She says a little to loud with a flirty voice. I see here looking down the hall again. "well yeah how else am I going to find out if you are seeing someone." I say. Well good news I'm not. She says staring past me again. "everything okay Sylv you keep looking down the hall what's down there." I ask concerned.

Sylvie's pov
I love when he calls me Sylv. He's the only one that calls me that. It's his nickname for me I remember the day he gave it to me.. "oh everything's fine." I say trying to sound normal. We talk for a bit longer. It's getting late. Way late but I don't want to the night to end. I was so enamored with what Casey was talking about that I didn't see Tay. I heard her. "Mommy I don't feel good" I hear Taylor cry out. I shot up so fast from my seat and rushed over to her. "did... did she just call you Mommy." He says with shock. I crouch down to Tays level "what's wrong honey." I ask "my tummy hurts." She cries. "Come with Mommy we'll cuddle and we can meet mommy's friend from work. "k" she says with a wince. I pick her up and carry her to the couch. "did she say Mommy?" Casey says again shocked as I sat down. "Matt Casey I'd like you to meet my daughter. This cutie pie is Taylor Elizabeth Brett. She's four years old." I say "how what when." he stammers. "Mommy my tummy really hurt. I don't feel so good." She say to me on the verge of tears. "You do feel hot to me." I say feeling her head. "She looks pale too" Casey chimes in. "yeah your right." I say worried. I get up and lay Tay in my seat and go grab some meds to try to bring her fever down. "Mommy she cries out in pain. "I'm coming Tay hold on Monkey. I say. I give her the meds and she curls back up in my lap and falls asleep. "so you're probably wondering about her?" I say to Casey "just a bit but if you don't wanna tell me it's okay." He says to me with a smile. "I had her four years ago. She was a mishap one night. Her father my ex fiancé didn't want anything to do with her. The moment he found out he up and disappeared. She's my everything. I somehow managed to graduate and become a full fledge EMT all while being a single mom" I say quietly as to. not wake Tay. "Thanks for telling me. she cute she looks just like you. But why doesn't anyone know. If you don't mind me asking?" He says "it was hard I felt I had to do everything on my own. Plus I felt ashamed that because her father left after I found out I was pregnant. I needed a fresh start after people kept putting me down in Fowlerton saying I wasn't ever goanna make it on my own. So Chicago seemed the place to be. It felt like home the minute weI got here. I started at 51 it just seemed better for me to not tell. Didn't want people judging. Only boden knows incase I have an emergency with her." I say as I rub Tays back. "Well Sylv from the looks of it you seem to be an amazing mom. I'm so glad you chose Chicago as home. Casey says with a smile as he takes my free hand in his. We sit and chat for what seemed like the whole night. It was perfect to me.

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