Hospital Stay

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Casey's pov

"Hey hey don't move" I say "what... What Happened. Where am I'm." Sylvie says as she clutches the back of her head. "You were in attacked by a patient on your last call. You got hit pretty bad in the back of the head. You then fell forward and collapse on the ground unconscious. Foster found you when she came back from getting the stair chair." I say "how long have I been out?" She asks me with a concerned look. "2 days you had everyone scared especially me." I say taking her hand in mine. "Hey lay with me please" she quietly says. "After I get a doctor to come in and look at you. I'll grab Will." I say. "You promise" she says giving me a sad face. I can't help but laugh at how adorable she is. "yes darling I promise." I say as I give her a kiss on the forehead. Just as I'm about to walk out to get Will he comes into the room. "I was just coming to get you." I say as he walks over to her bed."I see she's awake. Let's take a look. How are you feeling today?" He says to Brett. "In a lot of pain my head is killing me." She says. "That's understandable given what happens to you." He says. He performs a few tests and writes stuff on the clip board in his hand. "How long do I have to stay in the hospital and when can I get back to work? Foster I know is hating who ever her temp partner is. Brett asks Will. "I wanna keep you hear for a few more nights to observe you but then you should be free to head home. As for work I want you to take a few days off after you are released but take it easy at work when you do return. I'll come check on you later." Will says. I walk Will out of the room, thank him and then head back to Brett's bed side. I noticed she's already scooted over so I can join her. I chuckle to myself and give her a smile. "You promised" she says with a sad voice to me. "Give me one moment" I say as I pick up my phone and call Boden to give an update. "thanks I'll leave my radio on." I say as I hang up. " What was that about" she says to me as I turn towards her. "That was Boden I was giving an update to him. I'll try and stay as long as I can but as you know I am on duty and can get a call at any moment." I tell her as I get comfy next to her. She shifts gently so she is now lying on my chest. "Didn't you have to run drills with your crew today? she asks as she looks up at me. I've got Herman covering that for me. I say to her. As she lays her head back down she winces. " hey you okay let me get you some pain meds from Will" I say. As I start to get up she grabs my arm and pulls me back down. "no, no don't go stay here with me. All I want is to be tucked away in your arms for as long as I can." She begs to me as I get back in bed with her. "You sure you don't need anything for the pain." I ask "no I'm fine just tired." she says "get some sleep darling I'll try and be here when you wake up." I say as I give her a kiss on the top of her head and she drifts off to sleep. 

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