Wedding Day

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Casey's POV

I wake up way to early. I'm excited to marry Sylvie. She's my everything, my missing puzzle piece. I head downstairs being very quiet not wanting to wake Severide or Andy his son but they beat me up. "Sorry if Andy woke you up. He's a little fussy this morning." he says to me. "Nah I didn't even hear him. Can I hold him" I say "yeah sure" he says as I take Andy from him. "Hey little monkey. Man I can't wait to have one of my own." I say "I know you've always wanted kids. Does Sylvie want kids" Severide asks. "Yeah we talk about it all the time. We are thinking three at the most." I say playing with little Andy. That's great so you excited to get married?" He says to me. "Absolutely. She's my everything. She completes me. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. She makes me a better man" I say with a big smile. We stay talking on the couch till noon then get our stuff ready and head to the firehouse house to help set stuff up.

At the firehouse

Sylvie's pov
The guys are already here. They've been here for 2 hours helping set up. Violet goes and tells them to hide in the bunker closet so I can head to Casey office. I'm told to go in by myself. I walk in and find a single Rose on in a vase in the desk with a note attached. "To the love of my life on her wedding day. I love you and can't wait to marry you. See you down the aisle soon. Love Matt" awe I start to cry. Good thing my makeup is cry proof. I change into my dress while the photographer is taking pictures of me and my girls. About an hour later it's time to walk down the aisle.

Casey's Pov
I'm standing at the altar waiting for my beautiful bride. She turns the corner of the ambo and she looks breathtaking. I see her trying not to cry. A tear escapes my eye as I see her. She walks up to me and I shake her father's hand as he hands her over to me. "You look beautiful" I mouth to her. "Deadly beloved we are gathered here today to witness Holy matrimony between Sylvie and Matt. At this time we have a reading from the best man Severide" the Chaplin says. Severide gets up and reads then goes back to his spot next to me. "Now it is time for the rings please. Matt Do you take Sylvie to be your lawfully wedded wife? If so say "I DO." And place the ring o her finger Chaplin says. "I do" I say placing the ring on her left hand. "Sylvie. Do you take Matt to be your lawfully wedded husband? If so say "I DO." And place the ring on his finger. "I do" I say placing the ring on his finger. It is now time for vows. "The couple has also chosen to write their own." Chaplin says

Sylvie's pov
"Sylvie you may now recite your vows" Chaplin says. "Matt since the day I walked into this firehouse and saw you leaning up against your rig. I knew you were the one. I just didn't know if you thought the same thing. It took us awhile to get together. We've had our ups and downs. The jobs we have life is never guaranteed. I've even watched you die right in front of my eyes. Yet somehow I still knew we'd be one day standing here. I've never given up hope. I'll love you now and forever no matter what." I say to him

Casey's pov
"Matt you may now recite your vows" Chaplin says. "Sylvie Since the day you walked into this firehouse. I knew you were the one. You walked in with that cute smile of yours that makes me go weak at the knees. I was too shy to ask you out at first. Something kept pulling me towards you and eventually the rest was history. Life is risky with our jobs. You've almost bleed out. I've died. But somehow we manage to make it work. I've never stopped loving you from the day I met you. You are my everything, the light of my life. I'll love you now and forever no matter what." I say to her. "You may now kiss the bride." The Chaplin says. I lean in and give her a kiss

Sylvie's pov
The wedding was beautiful. It was everything I've ever wanted. I'm standing talking with a few guests when Matt comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Mrs. Casey" I smile at the name. "Would you care to join me for our first dance?" He says to me. "I'd be honored to Mr. Casey." I say as he pulls me out on the dance floor. Our song that we picked is I don't dance by Lee Brice. It's perfect he spins me round and round on the dance floor then I lay my head on his shoulder and we sway to the music. After our first dance we have dinner and cut out cake. He and I cut the cake and take our first piece. We each have a bite to give each other. "Don't you dare smash that cake in my face" I tell Matt who has a look in his eyes "wouldn't dream of it." He says with a laugh. "Matthew Casey don't even...." I say pointing my finger at him. We feed each other out bites of cake. I then I take another piece and smash it into his face. "How dare you" He laughs picking me up and kissing me. After cake we go back to dancing with our friends. "This was a perfect night." I say to matt as I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him close to me. "I completely agree. Come on Mrs. Casey lets go home we have more celebrating to do." Matt says as he leans down to kiss me. 

AN: Hey  guys here is another one shot. I hope you enjoy it. I will have another one posted this weekend so keep an eye out for it. As always feel free to vote comment and leave suggestions. 

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