A Shift on 61

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Caseys pov

"You wanted to see me chief before I headed out." I say. "Ah yes Captain Casey I have a question for you. I know your wife works over at station 18. Stillman and Barnet have mandatory re training going two shifts from now and need off. I was looking to see if your wife would be interested in the slot before I open it to floaters. I would love someone who actually knows what they are doing on my ambo for a change." He says "you wouldn't have a problem us working together would you." I ask "Not not at all she has a great work ethic and a great reputation as a paramedic. I would love to have her in 61. If you guys are okay working together I'm okay with it." He says "perfect I will talk to her after shift I know she will be thrilled. She loves everyone here. It be a perfect fit. If she says yes who would her partner be?" I ask "I was thinking if Melinda Calhoun. If she's available" he says to me "Calhoun would be a great fit. If you don't mind me ask why do our paramedics need retraining?" I ask. "well let's just say Hatcher is happy with the work they are doing and it's subpar Theses days." He tells me. "yeah I have noticed out pic has been a little slack lately. Well thanks for thinking of my wife. I will let you know the moment I get home to ask her. Although I already know the the answer" I say with a smile. "thanks you Casey look forward to hearing for you." He says as I exit his office to head to my car to head home. It take a me about 10 minutes to get home. "Hey honey I'm home" I say as I walk through the door. "How was shift?" She asks me as she gives me a kiss hello. "it was great rather slow actually we got a full nights sleep." I say "wow that's unusual." She says "yeah I know we got lucky. So I got some news" I say. "What kind of news?" She asks "well our paramedics need to go to retraining. In two shifts. Chief was wondering if you would be able to cover with Calhoun" I say. "Absolutely. I would love to. He wouldn't mind us working together?" She asks me. "Nope he said it would be fine if we are fine with it." I say "I've always wanted to work with you. Now I get to so go tell him yes." She says I pull out my phone and text chief. "all settled you are now working with us for one shift. Now your man is tired. Nap with me." I ask "you still need a nap even after no calls at night." She says "okay maybe not a nap but I can think of something else to do in bed." I say. "well then I'll lead the way" she says taking my hand and leading me to our bed.

Sylvie's pov

I woke up extra early. I was really excited for shift. It was the first time I'd be getting to work with my husband. It's funny we meet on a call a few years back. And things just blossomed from there. Being at separate houses is hard and it's even more difficult when we are on different shifts. So this was a nice change for us. "Sweetheart what are you doing up so early" matt says to me from the door to the bedroom that see clear into the kitchen. "just excited that's all." I say with a smile. "Well come back to bed we still have an hour before the alarm goes off" he says "to wide awake to come back to bed. You sleep I've got things to do out here." I say "don't have to tell me twice about going back to sleep" he says turning back into the bedroom. I just laugh. He always loves his sleep. About a little over 2 hours later we arrive at the firehouse. We get out of the truck and head up the apron. "Hey I'll see you later I've got paperwork to catch up on. Feel free to find me in my quarters when ever you want." He says leaning in to kiss me. "Yeah thanks I've got to restock the ambo so maybe afterword's." I say smiling at him. I was just about to check out the Ambo when I see Barnet walking towards me. "Hi. I'm Syl...". I start to say but get cut off by her. "I take it your the captains wife." She says. "Hi yes I'm Sylvie Brett-Casey." I say "yeah must be nice married to a captain. You get placed wherever you want." She says a little jealous. "I was placed here because Boden specifically asked for me." I tell her. "Yeah sure. Someone like you who's married to a hot shot captain. Just gets asked for." She says. "Uh huh." She says "I'll have you know I'm a great paramedic." I say annoyed. "Sure you are. Or is that what your hot shot husband says." I ignore her on what she just Said. "Um I was told I'd be working with Calhoun." I say questioning why she was here. "Yeah miss perfect is inside. I was just here to pick some things up." she says. "Okay thanks" I say walking inside. I noticed she was carrying a box but didn't think anything of it. I walk in to find Calhoun at the table. "Brett-Casey I'm so excited to be working with you." I say "I've always wanted to work with you. Heard nothing but great things about you." She says with a smile. "Same goes for me. Let's go check in with chief Boden." I tell her. "Come on in" he tells us. "Thanks for having us" I say I'm glad you guys are here. I expected to have a good shift. "Same here chief" we both say. "It's so good to have you guys here make yourself at home please. Your dismissed." He tells us. We head out to restock the ambo. Just as we were finishing I see Matt talking to Severide. He keeps glancing my way. I can't help but smile. Once he's done talking to Severide he walks past us to head inside. He looked so good in his white polo shirt. "Wow is that the captain he is hot. Maybe I should ask him out. I could use a man like him." Calhoun says. "Don't you even think about it He's tak...." I say but before I could finished the alarm goes off for a structure fire. We are on scene for over an hour be for we transport to med. When we are loading the ambo back up to head back to the house my phone goes off that's sitting on the bench in the back of the ambo. "What's the captain doing calling you. And why do you have it as Matthew Casey and not captain Casey." Calhoun asks confused. "Hey what's up." I say as I answer the phone. "Was wondering you guys are still at med" he says to me "Yeah just loaded back up. what's up." I say "Was wondering if you can swing by the house and pick up the package on our from porch it's an important one and I don't want it left out overnight. He says "sure it's on our way back anyways no problem. I say hang up. "Do you mind if we make a stop the captain needs me to do something really quick." I say. "Sure that's fine." She says as we hop in the ambo and head to my house. It doesn't take us long to get to the house. "I'll just be a sec I say as I take my keys out. I see the package on the front porch. I grab it and unlock the front door. I walk in and put it on the kitchen table. I walk back out to the ambo a few minutes later with a banana in hand. "Wait you have a key to the captains house and your eating his food." She asks confused. "This is my house" I say. "But I thought you said the captain wanted you to do something for him" she says. "Yeah he ordered something and didn't want it sitting outside overnight". I say starting the ambo up and heading back to the firehouse. When we pull in I see Casey leaning up against the bricks. "Was it there? He asks once I hop out. "Yep it was" I say "you didn't look at it did you" he says "nope just stuck it on the table in the kitchen." I say "thanks sweetheart." He says with a smile. "You gonna tell me what it is?" I ask. "You'll find out soon enough." He laughs. "Matthew Casey you know I don't like surprise" I shout back as he's walking off. "Oh you'll like this one" he says back not bothering to turn around. I hear Calhoun clear her throat. I kind of forgot she was there. "Did he just call you sweetheart. And what's with you calling him Matthew. I've never worked with someone who calls an officer by their first name. or sending them gifts to their house." She says confused. "Casey" someone says to me. "Yes that's me" I say taking an envelope from the lady I believe to be Connie. "Wait Casey as in Brett-Casey." Calhoun says I nod my head yes while opening the envelope. "Your married to the captain. But everyone just calls you Brett. "she says "it's my maiden name. Easier for everyone if we both end up on the same scene." I say "I'm sorry I said your husband was hot earlier. I should have caught on when you jumped sayings don't even think about it." She says "yeah he is hot but no worries you didn't know I was married to him. All good" I say. With a smile. "Give me one sec I have to go see the chief about this letter. I walk to his office and knock on the door. "Ah yes come on in Brett." He asks me. "Is this for real" I say with a smile as I hold the letter up. "It is if you want it to be. I just had to transfer Barnet out she is not a good fit for this house and we need a new PIC." He says. "but I'm not a PIC" I say confused. "That will get taken care of" Boden says.  "Wow a promotion" I say excitedly. "An your okay with matt and I working together." I ask. "After seeing you two on our first call this morning it's a definite yes. If you two can keep it professional then I'm all good." He says "what about headquarters. Won't they have something to say about it." I ask concerned. "well technically he isn't your boss so it works out." He says "thanks you chief this is some of the best news ever." I say with a big smile. "Welcome." He says "does Casey know?" I ask "just found out my self Congratulations PIC" he says as he puts his hands on my shoulders and gives them a squeeze. "When do I transfer" I asks "next shift." Casey says "Your dismissed. Go tell everyone" Boden says. We walk out of his office and head to Matt's quarters not bothering to tell people just yet.. "I can't believe it. This is the best." I say turning around to hug him almost nocking him over once he closes the door. "Yes we will have to celebrate when we get off tomorrow" he says leaning down to give me a quick kiss. 

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