I Can't Marry You

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Brett's POV

"Thanks so much Casey. It means a lot to me. I'll see you next shift" I say to him as I grab my bag and leave the locker room. My phone buzzed with a text from Noah "surprise" it said. I was a bit confused until I saw him. He was waiting for me outside the firehouse. He was leaning up against one of the open garage doors smiling at me. "Hey you. This is definitely a surprise. I thought you had to work late tonight." I say. "I got off early. Thought I'd come here and surprise you. And I thought I'd take you out for dinner." He tells me. "I look like crap. And smell like barf it was not the best if shifts." I tell him. "well I'll take you home and you can shower and change there then we can leave." He says. "one problem. I have my car here." I say "well then how about I follow you to your place." Yeah that works. I say I'm just about to get In my car when I see Casey walking out of the firehouse. I can't help but stare at him. Lately I've had these unexplained feeling. He'll run into a burning building and my heart is pounding till the second I see him safe again. He has been helping me through a lot since Noah isn't always around due to travel for work. Noah gets it he's glad I have someone to lean on when he's not here. Which recently has been more than I would like. I see Casey smile and wave to me as he walks down the driveway of the firehouse. It makes me go weak at the knees. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I love Noah but part of me secretly loves Casey. I ignore the feeling and get it my car and drive home with my boyfriend following behind me.

Casey's POV

"Thanks so much Casey. It means a lot to me. I'll see you next shift." Brett says to me as she's leaving. I've been helping her a lot lately. It's been a great distraction for me after Gabby left me. I was helping her deal with her birth mom stuff whenever Noah wasn't able to be there. Even when he was here it seemed like she came to me more. I guess we just connected. I felt it too, there was this energy whenever she's around me. Our eyes lock and it's like everyone else in the world fades away. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way she's been with Noah for a year and a half year. I push the feelings away and walk of the locker room. "have a good weekend" Otis says to me as I pass him in the hall. "you too I'll try and make it to Molly's this weekend" I tell him as I head out. I'm walking down the driveway and I see Brett's still here she's just about to get into her car so I give her a big smile and wave to her. I see her give a tiny wave back before she hops in and drives off.

Brett's POV

I finished showering and getting ready for my date with my boyfriend. I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know why I was so nervous I've dated Noah for 1 1/2 years and been on plenty of dates with him. So why was I so nervous. I try and push it to the back of my mind and I walk out of my bedroom to meet Noah. Wow you look fantastic. You ready to go Sylv." he says reaching for my hand. I pause. "Did you just call me Sylv. You never call me that." I say to him. To think of it the only person that calls me that is Casey. I think to myself. "Yeah your right that was odd sorry." He says. "it's okay let's just go grab dinner" I say trying to shake it off. We make it to the restaurant. He didn't tell me where we were going. So when we arrived I was so surprised. It's this amazing romantic Italian restaurant. I've always wanted to go. Casey mentioned it to me once he knows how I love Italian. But I never told Noah. I stand there so confused for a second. First the wave from Casey then the slip of the nickname and now the restaurant. "everything okay" he asks me "huh um yeah sorry" I say. The hostess takes to the patio outside. I still can't shake this feeling I'm having."to us" Noah says as we clink our glasses together. The food we ordered is perfect. "dessert looks amazing" I say "just wait till you open it" he tells me. So I take my fork and crack open the chocolate ball. "what...oh my.... I say seeing a ring "i know we only started dating a year and a half ago. He says as he takes the ring. "But the more I'm with you the more I know I wanna be with you forever. Will you marry me?" He asks. I sit there in complete shock. I was not expecting that. "I'm um...."I feel like I can't breathe. "So don't leave me hanging" he says "Noah I'm... I'm sorry I can't marry you. It wouldn't be right. I'm in love with someone else. I don't know if it's going to work out but I know that if I don't try I will regret it for the rest of my life." I say "well if that's how you feel. I'll leave. Waiter check please" he says quickly. We sit in awkward silence until the bill is paid. "I'm just gonna go get an Uber" I say hoping he won't ask to give me a ride. "you do that" he says angerly as he walks off. The Uber arrives 7 minutes later. The longest 7 minutes of my life it felt like. "where to?" The drive asks. I debate good home and changing first or going straight to Molly's. "Molly's Bar" I tell her. She drops me off in about 12 minutes. I fling the door open. Woo what's the occasion" Herman asks. I don't respond. "Have any of you seen Casey I thought he said he was going to be here." I ask. "Um I think he's down at that construction job he was doing for the family that needed a wheelchair ramp fixed." Herman tells me. "that's just what like about 4-5 blocks over right. I'll just run there" I say. "Brett wait I'll give you a ride" I hear Kidd call out but I'm already out the door running down the block. I'm a fast runner when I want or need to be. So it doesn't take me long to get there. But I'm out of breath by the time I reach the right house. "Brett what are you doing here and where's your car? Why are you all dressed up?" Casey asks seeing me. "I can't do it. I just can't it wouldn't be fair". i say as Casey gets up from is work and slowly walks over to me. "Calm down take a deep breath Brett. what wouldn't be fair" Casey asks. "I kept getting signs all night. First it was the wave you gave me, then your nickname for me. He said it. You're the only one who calls me slyv. And the restaurant he took me there I never told him about it. He asked me tonight. But it just wouldn't be fair." I say trying to slow my breathing down. "Noah ask you what? He says taking a step closer to me. I finally manage to get my breathing under control. "To marry him.... But I can't it wouldn't be fair." I say "why wouldn't it be fair" Casey asks taking another step closer. "I love someone else." I blurt out. "I don't know if it will work out with this guy but I knew I would regret it if I didn't try" I say "And this someone, does he know." Casey asks taking another step forward. He's standing so close to me we are almost touching. "He does now" I say shyly. " Its just that I've fallen for you a little bit each day I couldn't ignore the signs today it was like someone trying to telling me something. So I listened. It's okay if you don't feel the same. I totally get it. I mean why would you feel the same. I'm just gon..... I start to say as I turn to leave but got cut short by Casey turning me around and kissing me quite. "does that answer your question on how I feel" he says smiling at me. With our foreheads resting on each other. "I don't know I might need to have the answer again." I say with a flirty voice. "That can definitely be arranged" he says gently kissing me again. We pull apart ever do slightly. " I'm almost finished up here. What do you say you watch me finish the job then you and I can get out of here for the night and go to your place." He says to me. "What if I help" I say. " Your in a dress I wouldn't want you to ruin it." He says. "I'll be fine just hand me that nail gun. I say. "Alright I just have three boards left to fix." He tells me as he hands it over. I help nail them in place and then we clean up. I catch Casey staring at me. I just laugh. " What?" he says. You're doing it again" I say with a smirk. "the whole worlds fading around us." he says with his adorable smile "yeah, yep, we really need to leave" I say quickly as we get in his car and take off to my place. 

AN: Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this one. As always feel free to vote, comment and leave suggestions. 

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