Ambulance 61 victim stabbed.

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Foster pov
The bells go off for us on the Ambo. The three of us rush out to the rig and head off. We get there to see a man lying on the ground. "Sir can you tell me what happened. Sir stay with me." I say as he starts to fade in and out of consciousness. "Shay hand me the compression band-aids out of the jump bag to stop the bleeding." We careful put them on his wounds. "Brett go get the backboard so we can transfer him to the stretcher." Shay says as Brett runs off to the ambo. "Where the heck is Brett?" I say "I don't know she should be back by now. Brett hurry up with that backboard." Shay says. "Hey did you hear that. It sounded like a scream?" I say. "I'll go check on her" Shay says getting up and running off to the direction of the ambo.

Shays pov
Sylvie was taking for ever with getting the backboard. Then Foster heard a scream. So I told her I'd go investigate. Just as I'm about to walk around the ambo I see a body laying on the ground. I walk over and see Brett laying on the ground. "Foster get over here now. Brett's been stabbed!" I say screaming. "Main to 61" I say in a panic "go ahead 61" they say. "roll second ambo and police to our call one of our paramedics was stabbed." I say over the radio. "On their way" main says. Hold on Brett we are going to get some bandages on you to stop the bleeding. I need you to stay wake." Foster says. "I'm fine go help the other guy." Sylvie says barely able to talk. "He's stable. let's get you stable now. Second ambos on its way." I say to her. The second ambo arrives and transports the first guy and we transfer Brett.

At the hospital

Shay's pov
We transfer Brett over to the doctor's at MED. "Our paramedic stabbed on a call. Lacerations look pretty deep. Lost a good amount of blood but is conscious." I say. Alright will take it from her. You can wait in the waiting room. I'll give you an update soon." Will says "Call Matt please" she manages to yell back as she's wheeled off. I do as she's asked and call .

C- hey Shay what's you calling me for. Can get a hold of Severide. I'll go get him for you.
S- no no. Casey wait I've got some bad news. Sylvie well...
C- what happened to my girl Sylvie?
S- Sylvie was stabbed on our last call. She's barely stable that's all I know so far.
C- alright thanks I'll be there shortly I gotta let Chief know.

At the firehouse

Casye's pov
I hang up with Shay. I'm in my office sitting at my desk. I lean my head into my hands. I can't lose my girl. I get up off my chair and walk out to see Chief. I look like a train wreck. I bump into Severide on the way. "Hey man you okay?" He says. "Shay just called Brett was stabbed on their last call. All I know is she's barely stable. I'm on my to tell chief." i tell him. I knock on chiefs office. "Come in" he says without looking up. "Ah Casey what can I do for you?" he says. "I just wanted to let you know Brett was stabbed last call. She's barely stable at Med right now. I'm heading there now with my men I'll keep my radio on." I say. "Keep me updated" he says as I walk out.

Back at the hospital

Casey's Pov
I arrive at the hospital with my crew and join Shay and Foster in the waiting room. About 10 minutes later a doctor comes out. "Family of Sylvie Brett" she says. I get up and walk over. "I'm her fiance how is she?" I say. "She stable we found a total of 5 stab wounds. 2 on the left leg and 3 in the abdomen. We are taking her into surgery to stitch her back up. But shes asking for you. Will give you 5 minutes. She's in bay 3" the doctor says I walk down to her room. She sees me through the window and her face lights ups. "Hey babe" I say walking over to kiss her. "Hey I just needed to see you before surgery." She says in pain. I sit beside her bed and hold her hand until the doctor walks in. "Time for surgery" she says. "I love you Sylvie." I say giving her a kiss goodbye. "I love you too Matt" she says. I go back to the waiting room. About 15 minutes later we got a call so my men and I headed off.

After surgery

Sylvie's pov
I'm back in my room after surgery. Casey's not here he must be on a call. He did tell me he was still on duty and could get a call. So I wasn't so worried. I decided to take a nap since I was still sleepy from the meds. I don't know how long I was sleeping for but I heard Casey walk in. "Hey babe did I wake you?" He says walking in. "Nah I'm awake now." I say. "Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. I had a call we were on." He says to me leaning down to kiss me. He pulls up a chair and sits next to me. "How you feeling?" He asks. "In pain. Doctors says I'll have to have  physical therapy to help me walk again. I'll be in the hospital a week or so." I say really tired. "Babe you look tired take a nap." He says to me. "Only if you come hold me please." I say as I careful scooted over so he could sit with me. I miss being in his arms. He gets up and sits next to me. Within minutes I'm asleep in his arms.

AN: Hey all hope you enjoyed this one shot. I will update hopefully by Wednesday. As always feel free to vote, comment and leave suggestions.   

Brettsey One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora