Casey's Quarters

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Casey's Pov

I was in my office doing paper work for the night. It was close to midnight. Everyone else had gone to bed. Well mostly everyone. Severide was doing his paperwork and Brett was trying to sleep but she kept tossing and turning. I get up from my chair and walk over to her bunk. I quietly bend down. The second I do she jumps. "Hey, hey it's just me it's just me. I say as she looks so scared. "Hey can't sleep." I ask quietly. All she does is nod, trying not to cry. I help her up and we walk to my office. "You're welcome to use my office bunk. I'll just be doing paper work all night at my desk I won't mind if you use it." I say "are you sure I don't want to intrude. She says "Yes please use it. I know you will get a way better sleep in my bunk then out there where it is loud and you seem to jump at any noise. Plus Boden will get mad if I don't get these reports in by morning. I've been putting them off." I say "why is that? She asks rubbing her sleepy eyes. "That call we had the one where the girl got pinned under the steering wheel. Something about it just doesn't sit right with me. I say "wanna talk through it I'm a great listener. She says with a yawn. "You're tired you barely slept in the last 48 hours you need your sleep I'll be okay." I say "it's okay really I'm fine I'm not that tired it's not like I can sleep anyways. What about the call is bothering you? She asks as she sits on my bunk wrapped up in her blanket. "Well I just don't understand how it happened. It took us forever to get her out but when we pulled her out she didn't have that much damaged to her. I've seen car crashes with less damage where people have been pinned in have way more leg damage then this girl did. It's almost like." I say stopping just short of my thought. "Almost like what? She asks me groggy. "It just seems like she was placed there after the accident plus I didn't see any major glass on the ground around the accident scene when we got there." I say as I look over to see Brett falling asleep. "She didn't have cuts" I semi hear Brett mumble. "What?" I say "cuts she didn't have any major cuts on her legs where she would had been pinned in" she says with a real tired voice. "Thanks go to sleep you're tired." I say "Nah I wanna help. I'm awake" she says not so convincingly. "You have helped, trust me. Sleep please" I say. As I look over she's fast sleep, curled up in a ball. I'm glad she's finally getting sleep. After the week she's had. There was a call that she and shay went on. The patient was touch and go. The husband insisted on riding with them no matter what the girls told him. Sylvie was in the back with the patient and shay was driving. The patient coded in the ambo. After Brett was able to get her back, the husband grabbed Brett by the neck threatening her that if her wife didn't make it she wasn't going to either. Shay had to pull the ambo over and manhandle this guy just to get him off Brett. She still has bruising on her neck from his grip. She tries to cover it up as best as possible but it doesn't help much. And she jumps at every noise she hears. I try and help her. She's even staying at my place while the police investigate. I insist she takes the bed. I was going to take the couch but she didn't want me to leave the room. So I'm sleeping on a blowup mattress on the floor. I'd do anything for her. I can't imagine a life without her. I turn off my main light in my office and switch to my desk lamp so she can sleep better. This stack of paperwork is going to take me all night. I quietly and I mean quietly make my way to get some coffee. Hoping Brett doesn't wake up while I'm gone. I see Severide in the common room filling up his cup. "How's Brett doing? I saw her go into your office after everyone else was asleep. She still not sleeping great? He asks "she's getting better I think she's still jumpy at any noise she hears. And still has me sleeping on the floor at home. I just worry about her she's one of my best friends and one day I hope something more. I better get back before she realizes I'm not there. It wouldn't be good." I say. I successfully make my way back into my office without making a sound. I then tackle my paperwork again. I'm starting to get tired but just keep on chugging through. I'm about 3/4ths of the way through my folders. It's about 4:30 am now. "What was that?" Brett says as she shoots up from my bunk. "It was just Cruz getting up its okay go back to bed." I say but she's not convinced. I walk over to the side of the bed. "Look see its just Cruz. You're fine I promise." I say pointing him out. I start to get up and she fast but gently grabs my wrist to stop me. I see her scared sad eyes stare at me. I wish I could take her pain for her. She looks away shyly "hey it's okay" I say to her. "um ummmm.... Will you just hold me till I fall back to sleep." She asks me trying not to cry again. "Sure scoot over" I say as I wrap my arms around her. She settles in and lays her head on my chest. I gently run my fingers through her short blond hair. "mmmm that's nice. Thanks" she says to me as she cuddles in closer. Once I know that she is in a deep sleep I carefully move her trying not to wake her up. I successfully move her and cover her up with my blanket I keep at the foot of my bed. I then go back to finishing the last of my paperwork. Just as I'm writing my last thoughts I hear her starting to stir. "Morning, how did you sleep? I ask her. "Way better with you around thanks again for letting me sleep in here. I promise I won't always need you. She says "you can need me whenever you want. I'll always be here for you know matter what." I say with a smile. "Thanks I'm gonna go get coffee before anyone sees me in here." She says "you know they will understand why you are in here." I say "I know but I just want it to be a thing between us. It's our little secret. She says "Well Severide knows he saw you come in with me last night. He asked me how you were doing. But he said he wouldn't tell anyone not even Kidd till you are ready. Our little secret." I say as I gently squeeze her hand in mine before she heads out.

AN: Hey guys I hope you liked this one shot. I will try and do another update Wednesday. I have lots of good story lines in the works. Can't wait to share them all with you. As always feel free to Vote, Comment and Leave suggestions.  

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