Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 1)

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Sylvie pov

"Hey sweetie you almost ready to go" I ask emery my 3 year old daughter. "coming mommy" she yells running out of her room. I hear the pitter patter of her feet on the floor. It brings me such joy. "park park park" she says all excited. "yes we are going to the park. Where are your shoes?" I ask her " mommy I don't need shoes" she claims. "no shoes no park you know the rules." I say looking at her. " Fine can I at least wear my sandals" she asks me with a pleading look on her face. "Yes go get them. I put them in the closet" I say as she races off to find them. While I finish getting ready.

Casey's pov

"Daddy can we go to the park today?" Ava asks. "have you cleaned up your toys like I asked. "yes daddy I already did that" she says with a smile. "Then yes we can go but only for an hour or so. Daddy's got a construction site I needs to visit. So you will be staying with Auntie Christy for a couple of hours." I say. "Yay auntie Christy!" She screams. "yep figured you wouldn't mind that. Go grab your shoes and we will head out." I say "okay" she says as she runs down the hall to get her shoes. "What park would you like to go to today? I ask her. " The big one." She says with excitement. "Sweetheart that's a bit far for today." I say "But please daddy please. I'll be extra good while at auntie Christy's. Pleeeeeese!" She asks with a pleading look. The look I can't resist. "Alright we can go to the big park." I say "yay yay thank you daddy" she says as she jumps up into my arms giving me a big hug.

Bretts pov

We pull up to the park and find it empty. Not a kid in site which is odd because it's such a nice day out. "Mommy come play with me. I wanna do the up down thing." She says pointing in the direction of the teeter totter grabbing my hand pulling me along. "Slow down we can do that." I say I help her get on one end while I'm get on the other end. We pop up and down a few times before she decides to do something else. "Let's go down the big slide together Mommy." She says tugging at my arm. "Alright we can do that. I say as we climb the stairs to the big slide that loops around it self. "Come here monkey sit in my lap." I say as she comes over to me "you tell me when to go okay" I say "one two three go" she says as we take off and slide down. I didn't intend on the slide being so fast. Emery and I managed to knock over another dad. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know how fast it would go." I say quickly getting off him. "No, all my fault. I shouldn't have been walking so close to the slide." He says getting to his feet. We stand there staring, eyes locked on each other. "Mommy come on we have to do that again" she says to me breaking me out of our trance. We go do the slide 3 more times. "I'm gonna go play by myself now" emery says as we get off the side. "Alright emery go have fun. Mommy will be right over there if you need me." I say going to take a set on a bench.

Casey's pov

We pull up the park and notice one other toddler there with their mom. She looks to be about Ava's age. I hope they get to play together. I walk around the car to get Ava out and she starts to run. "Ah miss you know better then to run in the street. Wait for me please." I say to her. "Sorry daddy I forgot." She says stopping in her tracks. "It's okay next time we know to be careful." I say taking her hand in mine. "Daddy can you play with me on the monkey bars." She asks "sure honey" I say as I let go of her hand since we have safely reached the park. Ava runs ahead of me. "Come on daddy faster." She yells back at me. "Coming" I say to her just before getting knocked over by someone coming down the big slide. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know how fast it would go." She says quickly getting off me. "No, all my fault. I shouldn't have been walking so close to the slide." I say getting to my feet. We stand there staring eyes locked on each other until her daughter says something as does mine. "Daddy come on" Ava says "I better go" duty calls I say pointing to Ava. "Same here" the lady says nodding her head I the direction of her daughter. I walk over to the monkey bars and help my daughter go across them. We do that 3 times before she wants to go play by herself.

Sylvie's pov

Emery has now been playing by her self for the last 30 mins. It's great that she's so independent. "Emery Lyn what did I just tell you." I say in a stern voice to my daughter. "Kids will be kids" matt says with a little laugh from the bench next to me. "Got that right." I say with a smile. "I'm matt Casey by the way." He says "oh it's nice to meet you, again sorry for running you down early. I'm Sylvie Brett. We just moved in to town about 2 weeks ago. That's my little one Emery over there." I say "again nice to meet you too it was still my fault. And that little one over there is Ava." He says with a smile. "She's cute looks just like you." I say with a smile. "Thanks yours is cute too. Her eyes look just like you. Where did you guys move from if you don't mind me asking." He says "Well after my ex left us I didn't see much in Folwerton Indiana. My parents are there but I just couldn't handle small town life anymore. So I took a job out here." I say "nice well I hope big city life is good for you. I know I love it." He says. "Nice. How long you and your wife lived here?" I ask him. "Oh um me All my life born and raised. As far as the wife part well long story short she got pregnant but decided once the baby was born she didn't want her. She took of in the middle of the night when she was only 1month old, leaving only a note. Saying sorry I can't do this. ." He say. "Oh I'm sorry" I say "we are better off without her. We weren't serious. I never really saw us lasting. Ever since then it's been so so with relationships." He say "yeah I get you there. Its been sucking for me too." I say "oh looks are girls are playing together how sweet is that." Matt says pointing in the directions of the girls. "Awe I think I need a picture of this." I say pulling out my phone and snapping a few pics. As matt does the same thing. "It's great they are playing together. Emery doesn't have many friends yet here. She starts daycare a in about a week. So this is nice." I say "well ava is always open for playdates." He says with a smile. "that would be great. We will have to exchange info." I say "Oh I didn't realize the time I have to get to work. Ava come on time to go to your aunties house. Here is my card it's my person number so feel free to text me your info with it. Sorry I have to run so fast. I got a construction site I need to visit." He says "no problem thanks for the card I will definitely text. I'll talk to you later" I say as he collects his daughter and heads off. I decided right then and there to text him. "This is the woman who ran you over. Had fun meeting you hopefully the girls can meet up soon. -Sylvie Brett." I look over and see him smile as he reads his message then responding with a smiley face emoji before getting in the car and heading off. "Mommy mommy. Can I play with ava again" she asks me. "yeah I think we can arrange that. What do you say we go grab some lunch. Then head home." I say "yay lunch I'm hungry." She says. "alright then monkey let's go." I say picking her up and carrying her to the car.

AN: Hey guys here is part one of a mini story I'm writing. Not sure how long it will be but I'm almost done with the second part and there might be a part 3 we will see if I can come up with something for it.  As always feel free to Vote, Comment and Leave a Suggestion.   

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