The Shirt

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Sylvie's POV
I'm laying in bed wishing the space next to me wasn't empty. But we have to be really careful. So he left though the fire escape out my window early this morning. I finally manage to get out of my warm comfy bed. I walk out into kitchen and see foster making coffee. "Morning" I say to her. "morning, coffee?" she asks with her back to me. "sure that be great" I say.  "Here you that's a big shirt on you. Where did you get it? She asks. "huh what this old thing  I uh I um I've had this forever don't you remember" I say all flustered remembering I forgot to change the shirt before I came out here just in case foster came back early. "uh huh sure.  Hey what was that noise I heard in your room this morning. It sounded like someone else was in there with you. " She says. "nope just me this morning. You Saw me come home last night I didn't have anyone else with me." I say hoping she believes me.  "That is true" she says walking off to get ready for work. I walk back into my bedroom and send a text. -almost got caught.-  -oh really we need to be more careful- -yeah partly my fault I forget to change the shirt I knew you should have taken it back with you-. - but it looks so good on you and you were to comfy this morning when I left I didn't wanna disturb you sleeping- well thanks for that I did need sleep after staying up most the night talking with you.-
Last night
I just walked in the door and saw foster sitting on the couch. "hey I thought you were going out tonight." I say trying to sound normal. "I am but not till 9 remember anyway what are you doing home so early it's only 8:40pm." She says. "Oh yeah I got board at Molly's. Kidd wasn't there tonight something about a cabin with Kelly. And Otis and Cruz were going on and on about something syfy thing. You know them." So I decided to call it an early night and do some reading I've been wanting to do." I say "yeah the guys can get kinda boarding(with a little laugh) we'll have fun reading. I should be out most of the night so don't be worried if I'm not here in the am." She says as I head to my room. I reach my room step inside and quickly close the door. I hear a knock on my window and run over to it and open it. "Hey you" Casey says as he leans in to kiss me. "hey" I say as he come Into the room. "Sorry about the window it's just that fosters still here and well you know we are trying to keep a low profile so I just..." I say rambling "Brett it's okay I get it. I don't mind climbing through your window. If you think about it it's kinda romantic is some sort of way" he says with a smile.  "Hey movie night" I say "yep even brought your favorite snack" he says holding up a huge package of gummy bears. I set up the movie and climb in bed next to Matt. "Hey Brett can I borrow your green jacket" foster says as she knocks on the door. "hold on" I yell back. Matt gives me a look of what now as he Scrabbles to the floor "just stay down" I whisper. "what's taking so long" foster says. "coming" I say as I quickly grab my jacket. "Have fun" I say giving her the jacket. I watch her walk out the door to make sure she is gone for the night. "that was a close call" Matt laughs as he gets back in bed. "sure was but she did tell me she was gonna be out most of the night. So that's a good thing" I say smiling as I join him back in bed.  We curled up and watch the movie. "That was a good one you picked out to watch I really enjoyed it." He says  The second movie we barely watch we end up just talking through most of it. I start to get out of bed when he pulls me back in. "where do you think you are going Missy." He says laughing. "Going to change into something comfy for bed." I say getting up. I walk over to my draw and pull out my favorite t-shirt. Dark grey oversized CFD shirt. I walk to the bathroom attached to my room and change. "so that's where it went I've been looking everywhere for that shirt." Casey chuckles as I come out of the bathroom. "It ended up in my laundry at work you must have left it in the dryer. Your welcome to have it back. It is yours I should of told you about it. Here let me change again I'll give it back." I say rambling as I'm looking through my drawer to find another top to wear. "Hey Brett come here" Casey's says. "I should have checked the dryer why didn't I check the dryer. I just really love the smell it has." I ramble again. I didn't even notice that Casey got out of the bed. "Brett-" he says. Still no answer. "Sylvie (he gently turns me towards him) it's okay you are welcome to keep my shirt. It looks good on you." He says "you sure you don't mind" I say softly "yes it's completely fine" he says wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me in close. "now it's getting late let's get some sleep we have shift tomorrow" he says leading me back to the bed to cuddle up and fall asleep.

Hope you guys are enjoying these one shots. If you have a story line feel free to leave it in the comments and I'll try and come up with something.

Brettsey One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें