Where is She (Part 2)

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Three days later I was finally able to get Shane to leave his moms side. She still isn't awake yet but we are seeing major improvements. I wanted to get back to work get some scenes of normalcy. I could tell Shane was really nervous about me going back to work. "I'll be fine little monkey. But for you I'll give it a few more days. In the mean time why don't we at least stop by the firehouse you can sit in my seat on the truck, then will go eat and visit mommy okay?" I say hoping that having him around the firehouse and in my truck might help him out in felling better with me going back to work. "Okay daddy" he says to me with a monotone voice. "Let's get you dressed for the day shall we. I think this dino shirt is cool what do you say." I ask him. "Dinos so cool" he says to me. "Alright Dino's it is." I say as I get him dressed. Shortly after we get ready and head out to the firehouse. We arrive and I take Shane out of his car seat. "Come on monkey lets go see uncle Kelly and auntie Stella." I say as we walk across the street. Once we are on the firehouse driveway I put Shane down, grab his hand and we walk in. "Hey guys" Severide says. What brings you all here I thought you'd be with Sylvie." He says "we are going to see Sylvie after I take Shane out to lunch. As for being here I just wanted to check in see how the house was doing without me and get Shane use to the firehouse. He's been worried about me coming back to work." I say. "ah well know that we are here to help if you need us." He says to me "thanks" I say. Just as I'm about to walk into the common room Herrmann walks out. "Aye Casey's here" Herrmann yells back into the common room. We all walk into the common room and chat for a bit. I set Shane on the couch next to Mouch with some of his toys I always have with me. "So how is our Sylvie doing?" Herrmann ask as I take a seat in the chair near my son. "she's doing great her bruises have healed and some of the ribs have started to heal up. She is still unconscious but it's looking better for her. Her brain function is improving and the swelling has gone down." I say. We talked for another hour till Shane interrupted. "Truck daddy" he says pulling on my sleeve. "Alright little man lets go sit in the truck." I say as I pick him up and carry him to the truck. We play in the truck for about 10 minutes then leave to go get lunch.

Casey's pov

Shane and I pull up to the diner for lunch. This diner is one of Sylvie's favorite places to eat downtown. We enter and get seated at a booth. "What do you want for lunch Shane" I ask him. He points to the grilled cheese, "good choice grill cheese is good. It will make you grow strong" I say "strong like you and mommy" he says to me "yes buddy strong like me and mommy." I say ruffling his hair. Shortly after sitting down the waitress comes over. "What will we be having to drink she says "milk for the little one and I'll take a coke." I start to say but get interrupted. "Chocolate milk" Shane says. "Okay Chocolate milk it is. We also know what we want to eat. He'll take the grill cheese and I'll do the grilled ham and cheese with a side of fries for the both of us to share." I say "alright hun that will be out soon. If you need anything just holler at me" She says. "Thanks. So Shane you excited to see mommy today?" I ask him. "Yah mommy wake up today?" he says "will see little man, not sure but I hope so." I say. About 20 minutes later our food comes. Shane demolishes his lunch and I did too. This diner always has good food. "Since you did so good eating we will walk to the bakery down the street and get a cookie sound good?" I ask. "Yah cookie." He says all excited. I pay and we head down the street. "Mommy like flowers" Shane says as we pass a guy selling flowers on the street. "Good idea buddy we can get flowers for mommy." I say as we stop and pick out a bouquet of flowers that are her favorite. "Cookie, cookie" Shane says to me. I get him a cookie and we head back to the car. Just as we reach the car my phone rings. "Hello... yes this is he... Oh my gosh thank you will be there soon." I say all excited giving Shane a big hug.

Sylvie's pov

I feel so out of it. I look around the room and see that I'm in the hospital. How long have I been in here? What day is it? Last thing I remember is helping that lady down the stairs of the apartment building. Then the rest is foggy. I see the room is filled with flowers and pictures of my family and a cot that Casey and Shane must have slept on. I lay awake for about 15 minutes before the nurse comes in. "ah Sylvie you're awake let me go get the doctor he'll want to speak to you." She says as she leaves the room. "Mrs. Casey you're wake do you remember what happened?" the doctor asks me. "Last thing I remember is walking down a flight of stairs helping an injured woman. After that it's fuzzy." I say. "There was an explosion a heater blew up on one of the upper apartments. You were sent flying down the stairs. You're going to be very sore for a while. No work for two maybe 3 months. All depends on your recovery. I'll call your husband to tell him you're awake." She says to me. "Thank you doctor" I say with a smile.

Casey's pov

I park the car in the lot, grab the flowers and grab Shane out of his car seat. We head up to the ICU floor I'm rushing as fast as I can to get to her room. I burst through the doors, put Shane down and lightly toss the flowers on the table. I then run full speed over to Sylvie with tears running down my face. When I reach her I give her the biggest kiss ever. "I'm so glad you're awake." I say giving her a hug. Shane's is tugging at my pants. "up mommy awake" he says. I pick him up and put him in Sylvie's arms. "Hey little monkey mommy's so happy to see you." Sylvie says giving him a gentle hug as to not hurt herself. "mommy flowers" Shane says "did you get me flowers little monkey?" she says. I walk over, grab the flowers and hand them to her. "I love them. They are my favorite." she says kissing us. "I take it you guys stayed here every night." She asks "yeah Shane would not leave your side." I say to her as Shane curls up next to her. "Well I'm glad you're here." She says with a yawn. "Take a rest I'll be here when you wake." I say going to take a seat in the chair but she stops me. "Only if you rest with us." She says to me as she carefully scoots over. So that's exactly what I do. I crawl on the bed and wrap my arms around her and Shane pulling them close to me. "I'm so happy you are awake. I love you." I say kissing the top of her head. "I love you too." She says as she settles into me. 

AN: Hey guys here is Part 2 of this one shot. I hope you enjoyed it. I will have another one next week. 4 days away from seeing brettsey on screen. whos excited? I know I am. As always feel free to vote comment and leave suggestions.  

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