Fowlerton Fair Part 3

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Sylvie's POV

It's been 4 years since Matt and I started dating. 4 years ago this exact weekend I asked matt to come home with me to the Fowlerton Fair. Well actually my mother kinda made me ask him. And I'm glad she pushed me to ask him. That weekend 4 years ago I got sick. Matt took care of me all night. Didn't hesitate at all. He jumped right in to take care of me. If he can do that when we were just friends. I know we can get through anything. He my rock. I'm sitting on my bunk when my phone goes off. "Hey mom!" I say excitedly. "Hey honey. What time are you guys planning on leaving" she asks me "we are leaving straight after shift tomorrow morning. So around 9 am providing we don't get a last minute call." I say. "Great I'll have your dad cook something on the grill before we head out to the fair or we could eat there. Up to you." She says. "Um dad can cook lunch and we will have dinner at the fair" I say. "Great I'll let him know. I got to go into town now so tell Matt I say hi and that we will see you guys tomorrow." She says. "Will do love you see you tomorrow." I say as I hang up the phone. I see matt working on paperwork in his off and walk over to him. "Saw you on the phone was that your folks." He asks me "yeah my mom she says hi." I say "what did she want" he asks me. "Oh she was just wondering what time we were leaving tomorrow." I say "I'm excited for this weekend" Matt says as he gets up from his desk chair. "Oh yeah me too." I say "was thinking corn dogs for dinner" he says will a smirk on his face. "Yeah no that's. Not even funny." I say playfully slapping him. On my second slap he pulls my in closer by my waist. "Have I ever told you how happy I am that you invited me to go with you 4 years ago?" He says "I'm drawing a blank maybe you can refresh memory." I say reaching up on my tip toes so our noses are touching. "I think I can manage that" he says lowering his lips to mine. "Remember now?" He asks "might need another reminder. Still all little foggy" I say smirking against his lips. "How's this?" He says leaning down kissing me again with a little bit more passion this time. "Oh now I remember" I say smiling ear to ear. "I was thinking we should..." He starts to say but the bells go off for Ambo 61. "Ambo 61 man down unknown cause 2847 west Racine Dr." "Got to go." I say turning out if his arms. "Be safe" he says giving me one last peck. "Always" I say as ran out to the rig.

Casey's POV.

Ambo 61 had just got called out on a call. It was the perfect time to call her folks. I pull out my phone and dial her Fathers number. "Matt everything okay? What can I do for you?" He says as he picks up the call. "Oh everything is fine. I was actually calling to ask you about something. For this weekend." I say nervously. "Sure what did you need to ask?" He says to me. "Well it's not a conversation I would like to have over the phone been wondering if I'd be able to chat with you while you are grilling lunch tomorrow." I say. "Sound perfect to me. And if it's what I think this conversation is. You already know it's a yes." He says which makes me smile. "Still wanna do it the right way sir." I say "that I can respect. One thing I love about you." Neil says. "Thank you. We will see tomorrow." I say hang up the phone. I reach into the top drawer of my desk and pull out a black velvet box. I open and stare at the contents of the box. I can t help but smile. I hear noise and quickly put it back. "It's okay case it's just me. Was that what I think it is" Severide says "yeah I'm plan on asking her this weekend. I've got it all planned out." I say. "Well congratulations man I'm happy for you" he says "thanks man oh don't tell Stella I don't want her accidentally telling Sylvie anything." I say "my lips are sealed" Severide says as he leaves my office.

Sylvie's POV

Shift was just ending. I was so happy we didn't get a last minute call. It would have made us late for our trip down to the Fowlerton Fair. I finish packing up my locker and head to Matt's office. "Hey ready to go?" I ask as I knock on his door. "Yeah all set." He says with a smile. He grabs his bag off his bunk, to throws it over his shoulder and takes my hand in his. "Have fun you too" Severide says as we walk down the apron to my car. "Mind if I drive. I know you were up late with multiple calls." Matt says. "I would love if you would drive. I could at least get an hour or two of sleep. Thank you" I say handing over the keys. "Welcome" he says leaning down to kiss me. The second I get settled in the car I fall asleep. About Two hours later I wake up. "Hey, have a good snooze." Matt asks me. "Yeah it was well needed that 3am call was a long one. Now I'm well rested for the fair." I say "well that's great. We need all the energy to do everything" he says. It takes us about another hour to get to the farm house. "Mom and dad it's so good to see you" I say hoping out of the car. "Same here sweetie" mom says "good to see you Matt" Neil says with a smile. "Come on in your dad was just about to start up the grill." Martha says. "Come on let's go put our bags up." I say leading Matt up stairs. We reach my old bedroom and matt walks in first. "Oh score more pictures." Matt says with excitement. "What urg mother did it again?" I say "yep she did" he says. "What one you got now?" I ask him as I walk to where he is standing. "This one is you in a baseball uniform." He says "ah yes I was about 6 or 7 in this picture. I was one of two girls on the team. And I out batted every single boy there." I say "I wouldn't doubt it." He says turning to smile at me. "Oh I found another one" he says "more man come on mom." I say "this one looks to be high school" he says. "Yep that was high school Marching band. I was in color guard. I wanted to spin everything. So my parents thought it would be a good idea to put me in guard. I still might have my flag around the house somewhere." I say with a smile. We finished putting our stuff away and head downstairs. "Hey I'm gonna go help your dad with the grill. I'll be back in a bit" Matt says to me. "Alright have fun" I say.

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