First Child

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Sylvie's pov
I pulled into the parking lot and look for Casey's truck. I don't see it. I still have 20 minutes before my appointment time. So I hope he can make it. I walk into the building and head up to the 4th floor. "Hi I have an appointment with Dr. Maze." I say. "Full name please" the lady behind the desk asks me. "Sylvie Brett-Casey." I say to her. "Alright you are all checked in. You can have a seat over there and they will call you back soon. It's looking like it will be closer to your appointment time" she tells me "thanks" I say to her as I turn and find a seat to sit in. I was glad that I would get called back closer to my appointment time. Casey is supposed to meet me here. So now it gives him a bit more time to get here. I took the day off since I wasn't feeling good. Chief was okay with a two man ambo today. I'm sitting in the waiting room and Casey still isn't here. He said he would try and get here. I pull out my phone and text him "hey babe I'm in the waiting room. Hope you can make it." About 15 minutes later he still not here. He must have been on a call. I'm kind of sad he's not here. It's our fist child together and he was so excited to be here at this appointment. "Sylvie Brett-Casey" the nurse calls. I get up and walk over to her looking around one last time for Casey. "Is anyone going to be joining you today?" She asks. "No he couldn't make it." I say kind of sad. "Alright then you can follow me back here to the room on the left." She says. Just as I'm about to walk back with her I hear a voice. "Yes I'll be joining her." Casey says jogging up in his bunker gear with his red suspenders hanging around his waist. "Babe you made it." I say "sorry I'm late we were at a fire. Trucks waiting out down by the rig." He says giving me a kiss. We follow the nurse back and she takes my vitals and asks some questions. "Doctor will be in soon." She says. "How are you feeling?" Casey asks me. "I'm better than this morning I think I really needed to rest. It helped a lot. And the morning sickness still sucks but nothing I can't handle." I say "well that's great. I'm glad you were able to get some rest. I know you didn't sleep well last night." He says "yeah I was up for about 3 hours in the middle of the night. I was so uncomfortable. I'm sorry if I woke you when I got up." I say. "Nah its okay you didn't wake me at all. What do you say you come back to the firehouse after this?" He says to me. "If it's alright I think I'm gonna pass I'm kinda tired again and my feet are hurting. Plus you know me if I go I'll just end up wanting to work and that's not what I need right now." I say with a smile. "That is true you would end up working." He says with a slight laugh. About 8 minutes later the doctor comes up in. "Nice to see you two again. How are we feeling today Sylvie?" Dr. Maze asks "Been having a lot of morning sickness. Today it even kept me from going to work. Normally I can handle it but not today" I say. "Well let's see how baby is doing?" She says putting gel on me. Just as she's about to start Casey's radio goes off for a fire for another company. "Sorry I'm on shift" he says apologizing as he turns down the volume on the radio. "Wow baby's getting big. Is that the heartbeat?" Casey asks. "Yes that is the Baby's heartbeat. Baby seems to be doing great." She says as she does a few more things before she finishes up the exam. "When should I think about taking off work? I need to let my chief know" I ask. "Well I'm thinking you should take off when you hit the 6 1/2-7 month mark depending on how the pregnancy progress." She says. "Sounds good. Thank you." I say as she walks out. We head out to the front desk. to make our three months appointment and collect our photos. "I'll call you later tonight. I gotta head out I told chief that we wouldn't be long." He says as he kiss me goodbye. "Bye babe I love you" I say to him "love you too" he yells back as he walks out to the rig. I then head home for the night.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It was requested by @eveaprilx to do one with brettsey having a baby.  I will try and update more soon. As always feel free to vote comment and leave suggestions. 

Brettsey One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora