Secret Santa Part 1

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Brett's pov
"Hey do you have the slips of names" I ask stella "yep got them right here."she says. "Do we have a bucket." I ask "dang it. I knew I for got something." she says. "It's okay we can use a helmet we just need something to hold the slips of names in. So we're good don't worry."I say. "Good idea" she says to me. "so who you hoping for? I bet Severide." I ask. "Actually no I'm having the hardest time getting gifts for Christmas for him I don't need another one. You looking to get casey." She asks "Maybe" I say with a smile. "Come on every one is getting restless in the common room we don't wanna keep them waiting" she says grabbing the stuff we need. "Alright guys gather around. Come on guys pay attention." I say as they keep chatting away with one another. "Guys come one listen to Brett will yah." Casey says. "yes captain" they all mock. "Thanks casey." I say with a smile. "What we all doing here anyway" Capp asks."it's our annual secret Santa" I say. "Not this again" capp says. "Secret Santa what's that?" Gallo asks. "You don't know what secret Santa is" mouch jokes. "Yes I know what it is but wasn't sure of the rules here or that we did it." Gallo says. "Okay everyone. It's time to pick name's. Here Are the rules. No trading names.If you get your put it back in the helmet. The price is under $20 this year. I think that's a good price. Please try and stick to it. And you can exchange gifts when ever you want. Just don't tell them who it's from they have to figure it out on their own." I say as I pass around the helmet. I was really excited about this one this year.

Casey's pov
"Hey who did you get." I ask Severide. "Oh um I got Brett." He says. "I'll switch with you." I ask a little to fast. "You heard the rules no switching" he says.
"Come on man please. You know I wanted to get her." I beg "Fine who do you have?"he asks "I have Ritter" I say "alright I can do Ritter he's easy to get. here you go" he says handing me his slip of paper. "Ah thanks man I owe you big time" I say "yes, yes you do. Majorly big." He says with a laugh. As I walk out of his off I wasn't watching were I was going and ran right into brett. "Oh sorry about that I should watch where I'm going." I say " nah it wasn't just you. I was in my own little world. It's all good." I say " own little world anything you wanna talk about." I ask her. "Nah I'm good. Actually I'm great really great." She smiles. "Well that's good I'm glad." I say smiling back at her. "What were you and Severide discussing" she asks "oh um work stuff." I say trying to convince her. " Okay if you say so but that smile says otherwise." She says. " Well maybe running into you put this smile on my face." I say making her blush. "Well I hope it did." She says as we get interrupted. Truck 81 assist with car accident 2818 west anderson dr. "That's me" I say "stay safe for me" she says "always" I say as I take off running.

Brett's pov
I was sitting on my bunk replaying what just happened. I couldn't believe it. I ran right into him and said stay safe for me. For me. Why did I say for me. "What's got you all red cheeked?" Stella ask as she hobbles her injured leg over and sits down next to me. "I just ran right into Casey I mean right into him. He had to grab hold of me so I wouldn't fall to the floor. He as walking out of Severide office and we both weren't looking where we were going" I say "awe how cute. Wish I could have seen that interaction." She says "I also told him stay safe for me as he left on his call they had." I say. So it's you telling him to be careful that's all. So who did you get?" stella asks me. "I've got herrman" I say a bit disappointed. "Ah herrman you could get him a custom molly's signs for out on the patio. He's been wanting one."she says "Who do you have?" I ask her. "Cruz. I got Cruz" she says "he's not so bad." I say "not so bad I Don't have a clue on what to get him" she says "oh that's easy anything star wars, star trek or any syfi movie thing.  Do you know who got casey? I ask her "did someone ask who's got the captain?" Mackey ask as she walks up to us and sits down on her bunk."um yes" I say excited. "I might have it I might not" she teases. "Can I trade you please" I beg " No trading if I recall they were your rules and I like to follow the rules." she teases again. I let out a puff of air and an urg sound. "Those were your rules Sylvie" stella says sarcasticly. "Yeah well.... rules are meant to be broken okay." I say "Alright what's it's to you if I give you it." Mackey asks. "So you do have it yes" I say excited. "Yes I have it now what will you do for it." She asks me. "I will do inventory all by myself for the next week" I say "I'm gonna need a little more than that." she laughs. "You're loving this aren't you" I say " yep so what else you got for me?" She asks "alright fine one week of inventory and a week of driving the ambo to calls." I say. "ah no way, you like driving the ambo." She says "yeah you do like driving that wouldn't be a fair trade." stella says "hey who's side you on stella." I say to her. "so what else" Mackey says. "okay fine one week inventory and one week deep cleaning the ambo by myself. Please please." I say "that's should do. Here you go." She says as we swap names.  "Ah thank you. You are the best." I say giving her a big hug. "So what are you going to get him" Stella asks. " I have no clue." I say as the bells go off for ambo.

AN: Hey guys hope you like this one shot it will be a mini series. Not sure how long maybe 2 or 3 chapters. Next part will but up soon. As always feel free to vote, comment and leave suggestions.

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