Welcome Home Baby

By snowy-darling

350K 11.1K 505

Greetings Trilogy: Book One Originally Known As: The Surrogate Book description: Rosalynna Dominguez was liv... More

Chapter One: I Need Money |✔
Chapter Two: Opps |✔
Chapter Three: Telling Lucy | ✔
Chapter Four: Meeting Ricky |✔
Chapter Five: Meeting Rosalynna |✔
Chapter Six: Big Bang |✔
Chapter Seven: Double Date |✔
Chapter Eight: Second Date |✔
Chapter Nine: The Truth | ✔
Chapter Ten: What I Need| ✔
Chapter Eleven: Promise |✔
Chapter Twelve: Broken Up |✔
Chapter Thirteen: Three Heartbeats|✔
Chapter Fourteen: This Is The End|✔
Chapter Fifteen: Happy Place |✔
Chapter Sixteen: Victoria |✔
Chapter Seventeen: Stay |✔
Chapter Eighteen: Bury Her |✔
Chapter Nineteen: One Kiss |✔
Chapter Twenty: Birthday Shenanigans |✔
Chapter Twenty - One: Fake Confession |✔
Chapter Twenty - Two: Stalker |✔
Chapter Twenty - Three: Testing |✔
Chapter Twenty - Four: Amends |✔
Chapter Twenty - Five: Emotional Happiness|✔
Chapter Twenty - Six: Jealousy |✔
Chapter Twenty - Seven: Love | ✔
Chapter Twenty - Eight: Here | ✔
Chapter Twenty - Nine: Slow | ✔
Finale | ✔
Bonus Chapter| ✔
Trilogy Information

Chapter Thirty: Forever | ✔

3.3K 112 0
By snowy-darling

Chapter Thirty: Forever |

March 1, 2019

"I should be back in a couple of hours, don't have too much fun without me," Rosalynna says, her mother decided she wanted to take her out with the babies to have a day together. She had gotten dolled up, hair curled and makeup done. She even dressed up the babies in matching outfits even though I always thought I would never match the kids' clothes.

I gave her a hug placing a kiss onto her soft cheek, "You don't have too much fun without me either." I watched her walk towards her mother's car and waited for them to pull off before closing the door. The house would be quiet but I hate silence so I turned on the television. Without three babies crying at the top of their lungs, I would get to relax. My day went on in the quietness but when I decided to drift off the doorbell decided to ring. The sound traveled around the home, ringing loudly. I guess she was going to be gone for a couple of hours.

"That was. . ." I stopped mid-sentence when I opened the door only to see Jaxon standing there. He had on a suit and tie, something I had never seen him in, "Jax hey dude."

"Hey." He said I opened the door more allowing him in.

"Are you here for Rosa?" I asked as I closed the door behind me.

He placed his hands in his pockets, "Yeah, and the babies too."

"She actually left with her mom, I guess it's girls and babies day but you can stay around," I say gesturing towards the living room, "have a seat."

"I can go, I don't want to interrupt your relaxation."

"It's fine, want a beer?"

"Yeah sure." He settled in on the couch, resting his arm on the side of the couch. Bringing back two beers the two of us sat down together just drinking beers and laughing. I didn't know much about Jaxon because I was never interested in knowing but sitting with him let me know he was now in the right headspace to be around again. He may be Rosa's ex but I trust her and I am secure enough not to get jealous. I laughed when Jaxon told me about a story with Ian, "My brother was a trip. I tell you, he was the nicest guy you could ever meet but, he was crazy."

"I wish I had talked to him more when he was here. He seemed really polite."

He glanced my way, "Yeah. I can tell you one thing though, he was madly in love with Lucille. He was head over heels for her. The type of love where just the mention of her name he'd be beaming," Jaxon sighed, "but love doesn't save you. That's why you have to love while you can."

I nodded, he sipped his beer, "I am sorry for what happened. She seemed off and I knew she was mentally ill, her sister told me. I just didn't think she would go to such great lengths to hurt Rosalynna."

"Sorry for what? What happened happened, it's life Rick. Hurt people hurt people and she was tired of hurting, anger does crazy things to people trust me I know." He says that's when I looked over at him. I hadn't even noticed the eye scar which says a lot considering it covered half of his face. He was sure good at covering it up.

"Did your scar get bigger?" I question.

He looked down at the ground, then he looked back at me and I could see the sadness, "No it's always been this big." he paused, "But I did lose sight in my eye."

I nodded, "Man, I know I usually don't seem like I care much but I hope you're doing okay. I know it must be hard to lose so much so fast."

"What did I lose?"

"Ian, Lucille. . ." I trailed off hoping he caught my drift.

"Just say it, Rosalynna." He smiled my way, "Ian is in a better place, and he was going through a lot despite being a happy person. Imagine being in a relationship with Lucy, but my brother sends me stuff. I know that sounds crazy but he is watching over me, he's still here with me. And you know what they say and eye for an eye, Lucille got death I lost my eye." I was waiting for him to approach the topic of Rosalynna, I wanted to hear how he felt about her for myself. "Rosalynna may be with you but she is still a close friend to me. She's a beautiful girl Rick, but I know where I stand. She's in love with you."

"In love with me?"

"Yes. In love. And I am man enough to say that she deserves you. I am man enough to say she should be with someone she truly loves and you are the person she truly loves." I didn't respond. I just sipped my beer until he says, "You love her too huh?"

I looked over at him, "Yeah. I just thought that if we just had kids we wouldn't have time to get married or even plan a wedding. I just want to know where her headspace is."

He laughed at me -- yes he laughed, "I just told you, bro, that woman is head over heels for you." He shifted more my way towards me, "Look if you ever want to propose or anything I am a wonderful planner. Especially with romantic shit, and especially if you don't want your overbearing mother to ruin it for you."

He had a point, my mother does try to make everything too much. For something as special as proposing I wouldn't want her to ruin it, "You'd seriously help me?"

"If it meant that you actually want to marry her of course I would."

"Let's do it tomorrow." I hastily said.

He looked confused, "Tomorrow? That's kind of quick to get a whole proposal together."

"It's just kneeling down on a knee and asking right? Can't be too hard."

He chortled almost as if making fun of me, "If you want to be basic you can do it yourself."

"Oh, I am never basic. Shouldn't have money if you're going to be basic."

Just then keys began to jiggle, "That's what I'm talking about. I'll text you." He whispered just as Rosalynna walked into the house. She had two car seats in her hands. The keys sat in the lock when the door opened. Her mom had the other, and her sister held her own son. She grabbed the two and moved them into the living room, her mother doing the same. Her sister took the keys out the door closing the door behind her, "Hey queens." Jaxon stood stretching a little.

"Hey." Rosalynna says, coming over giving him a side hug, "What are you doing here?"

"Just having some guy time." He said, "I have to go, I have a lot of stuff to do. Sorry I missed you." He gave a kiss on the cheek to Allison, and Rosa's sister Rosalía. He then made a quick exit.

Rosalynna turned my way, "That was unexpected, I didn't know you two were cool."

"Drank beers and everything," Rosalía said sitting down, Daniel sat down on the floor leaning against his mother's legs. He cheesed at me waving and stood up coming my way. I picked him up off the ground sitting him on my lap. He snuggled up against me, his head laid against my chest, "I swear you're the only guy he likes, doesn't even like his own dad."

"That's 'cause he's trash." Allison says, "How have you been Ricardo?"

"I've been good, how did the girls' day go?"

"Fine, we got Julian to watch the kids while we got pedicures."

"He can handle three babies and a toddler?" I was actually surprised considering he just had surgery.

Allison smiled and nodded like a proud mother, "Yeah I was totally surprised too. When we got there they were all asleep."

"He is definitely the fun uncle." Lía says, she leans towards me, "Can I talk to you alone?" I put Daniel onto the couch, he slept his soft snores heard as he laid on his back, we walked towards the dining room. She sat down on a chair waiting for me to also sit. It felt sort of awkward to sit and talk with her alone. We sat there for a little she didn't say anything at first it was as if she was coming up with what to say, "What are you to my sister?"

I shuffled in my chair, I touched the mahogany table tracing the lines, "Her boyfriend?"

"Would you ever marry my sister? Or is she just the person who gives you children?" Her brown eyes squinted towards me. She reminded me a lot of Victoria, she was feisty. She eyed me down waiting for an answer.

She tapped on the table in front of me, "Why do I feel like this is an interrogation?"

"Because that is what it is. Look, my sister does not express her feelings a lot, she holds shit it, she doesn't like confrontation. But I am quite the opposite, I am prepared for confrontation. So if you're planning to only use her for her womb and use her to show off to this ex wife you have, you are going to have something else in store for you. Do you even want a future with her? Or is she just gonna remain the girlfriend slash baby mama for the rest of her life? Huh? Are you still being a little man whore and sleeping around with Victoria?" She rants and then continues, "Then you're talking to her ex boyfriend? What is that all about?" She continued on speaking, rambling to say the least until I cut her off, "I am going to propose tomorrow." Her mouth instantly shut and her eye began to widen, her hands went directly to cover her mouth in shock. I gave her  a few minutes to take it in and then she said, "Is that why Jaxon has a lot to do?" I just nodded, "Well tell me about it."

"You can get with Jaxon, I won't know the details until later today. I guess he is good at planning these things."

"He is, he is starting his own planning business." She comments and she covers her mouth again, a tear streamed down her cheek, she whispered, "My sister is going to get married." Her arms went around my waist squeezing tightly.

I just hope her sister will feels the same.

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