broken (k.p.)

By kissykissyrry

400K 7.8K 16.5K

"Kai, please." I whine. A smirk comes upon his face as he looks at me and my reactions. "Please what? You wa... More

Blueberry Pancakes
The Ascendent
In Denial
Special Place
You're Breaking My Heart
To Mend a Broken Heart
My One And Only, Right?
I Love You, You Love Me
It Might Be The End For Me
Magic Hands
No Control
Just the Two of Us
Hell On Earth
I'm Struggling Here
I Thought It Was You
There's No Escape
It's Like a Bump in The Road
You're Using Me
We're Starting Over
It's Not a Dream
Good Morning to You
Just Another Day
Are We Leaving Yet?
Add Two, Kill Two
Mortuus Viventes
I'm Feeling Nothing
Tell Me How It Feels
I Need You Back
It's A Turning Point
It Hasn't Been The Same
What Are We Going To Do?
Can't Get Enough
Something New
Cake And Kisses
I Need You
Breaking Away
Spare Me
Not What I Expected
Thoughts Racing
The Difference Between Them
Breathe In, Breathe Out
A New Place
Kiss Me, Please?
Touch Me
Going Back
I Need The Truth
Are We Normal Yet?
It's Almost Too Much
The End For Now
Epilogue One
Epilogue Two
You Make Me Happy
UnPublished Extra

Confusing Feelings

17K 313 725
By kissykissyrry

I wake up next to an empty spot in bed. I get up, stretching and letting out a yawn. I leave Kai's bedroom, shutting the door and walking to the kitchen.

I stop in the doorway, watching as Kai cooks breakfast, filling two plates up with food.

He's still in only his sweatpants, and I can't stop my eyes from lingering over his body.

"Morning." He suddenly says, making my eyes flicker up to his. He has a smirk on his face as he turns the oven off and walks to the table with both of the plates in his hands.

I sit down next to him, letting my leg brush his.

"You were staring." He states, picking up his fork.

"And what would I have been staring at?" I ask, nudging his arm.

"Well, if you were half-naked, I would stare at you, so it's safe to say we both know what you were staring at." He explains.

I know my face is red, and I try to hide it, inching away from Kai.

But he pulls my hands away from my face, cupping my chin momentarily.

"I wasn't even trying to make you flustered, princess." He whispers, taking his hand away and going back to his plate.

I think the chance of me going into cardiac arrest is now 99%.

"Do you still have the magic from the knife?" I ask, changing the subject so that my cheeks aren't bright red anymore.

"A little bit of it. I used a majority trying to find a spell to get us out of here. Why?" He asks, pushing his plate away to focus on me.

"Well, I only have a bit of magic left as well. If I could find I way to take the remaining magic you have or you could take mine, we could probably contact Bonnie." I explain, stacking my plate on top of his after only having a few bites.

"I could take your magic, but there's a big possibility of you blacking out again. And you wouldn't get all of your magic back until we got back into the real world. It's dangerous, but it's worth a shot." He states, picking up our dishes and placing them in the sink.

I stand up as well, about to head out the door when Kai's voice stops me.

"Elle?" He asks, making me turn around. "You're not going to leave me behind, right?"

"Of course not. I'm giving you another chance. And so far, it's been wonderful. I want you to be able to interact with people. Maybe it'll help you a bit." I reply. He gives me a small nod, and I leave the kitchen.

I walk down the stairs after getting ready. I changed into a dress, and I actually made myself look decent for the first time in the past few weeks.

If we were about to go home, then I wanted to look like I hadn't been kept in a basement for six years.

I come down to see Kai in the living room with a few books on the table in front of him.

"What are you looking at?" I ask, walking closer to him.

He looks up, and I watch as his eyes widen looking at me.

"You look pretty." He whispers, turning back to his books. I chuckle in response.

"Thanks." I reply, sitting down next to him.

"I'm looking at a few books on spells. I haven't had much practice with my magic over the years. Do you know how we could send Bonnie a message?" He asks, and I give him a smile.

"I've only been here for six months. Of course I know what to do. Do you want my magic, or do you want to give me yours?" I ask, shutting the books closed.

"You know what you're doing. I think it's best I give you my magic," He states, turning towards me. "Just take a deep breath."

He places his hands on the side of my face, and I feel a weird feeling wash over me. He pulls away, looking at me with a smile.

"What else do we need?" He asks.

"Could you get me a pen and paper?" I answer with a question.

Kai immediately stands, leaving for a few seconds before coming back with the items in hand. He places them in my lap.

I grab the pen, writing on the piece of paper. I write, 'The ascendant's gone. We're alive, but we don't have magic. Bonnie, please help. Love, E.'

I crumple the paper up into a ball, wrapping my hands around it and closing my eyes.

"Hunc Qui Indiget." I chant, opening my eyes and watching as the crumpled up paper floats up to the ceiling and bursts into little sparks of flames.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Kai asks in a whisper.

"Yes." I reply with a giggle.

"Do you think you could teach me some magic? I'm not very caught up on it. My father didn't want me around any spell books." He says quietly.

"I can teach you anything you want to know." I reply, fixing my dress.

"I'd kind of like to do what you just did." He mumbles.

I hand him another piece of paper and the pen. I watch as he scribbles something down before turning it to me.

"How's that?" He asks.

I look to see that the paper says, 'Damon, you're a dick. With love, KAI:)'

I bite my lip to keep from laughing and nod my head. He crumpled up the paper, and I wrap my hands around his so that he can siphon some of my magic to try the spell.

"You remember the words?" I ask, and he gives me a small nod before concentrating on the paper.

"Hunc Qui Indiget." He repeats my previous words, watching as the paper floats up to the ceiling and bursts in flames again.

"You did it. And good job, too." I smile, letting my hand linger on his arm.

"Can't wait for Damon to see that." Kai whispers.

"He might pummel you." I whisper back.

"That's okay," He jokes. "It'll be worth it."

An hour later

Me and Kai are still in the living room, making jokes about Damon and nearly collapsing on each other from laughter.

"If they're really coming to rescue us then I need to grab one of the shirts I got here." I say, standing up. Kai looks at me like I'm stupid.

I am. Definitely.

"It's practically vintage. 1994? And I won't be able to get it anywhere else when we go back home. Leave me alone." I smile, heading towards the stairs.

"Better grab all of your shirts then." Kai states, and I flip him off before going up the stairs.

After I grab my shirts, I close my door behind me, a smile on my face.

But it leaves as soon as I hear glass breaking downstairs.

I run down the steps and into the living room to see Kai and Bonnie fighting on the ground.

Bonnie punches him, and Kai grabs her by the throat, slamming her down on the ground next to him.

"What the hell are you two doing?" I ask, rage evident in my voice. They both stand up, wobbling a bit before looking at me.

"Elle? Are you crazy? It's Kai." Bonnie states, and Kai rolls his eyes, taking a step towards me.

"He's coming back with us. He wants to be good. I promise," I whisper, walking to Bonnie and pulling her into a hug. "I gave him a second chance. He hurt me to the brink of death, but he wants to be better."

She pulls away from the hug, glancing to Kai before looking back over to me.

"If he does anything, I will kill him. I will send him back here, I don't care, understand?" She asks, looking at me and Kai. We both give her a nod.

"No promises about Damon, though. He got your note." Bonnie says, opening the front door. Kai grabs the shirt I wanted, handing it to me.

"I was just practicing magic." He argues, raising his hands innocently.

"Let's just get the hell out of here." I whisper, grabbing Bonnie and Kai's hands and pulling them out into the front yard.

"Do your thing, Bon Bon." Kai whispers.

And we're swept away once again.

I open my eyes to see that we're in the Salvatore's living room. Their real living room.

I look around to see Damon and Stefan standing up and walking over to us.

And then Damon spots Kai.

"Okay. Someone explain before I rip someone's heart out." He threatens in a sing-song voice.

I put my hand on his chest, pushing him back.

"I'm giving him a second chance. Me and Bonnie have discussed it. If he fucks up, I'll kill him myself. There's nothing you have to be worried about, Damon," I reassure, looking over to Stefan and giving him a hug. "I missed you, Stef. Where's everyone else?"

"They're waiting for us at the Grill." Bonnie replies, taking my hand in hers. I look over to Kai.

"I'll survive." He whispers.

"There's a 90% chance-" Damon starts to say, but I cut him off.

"That you won't do anything. If I come back and the house is destroyed, all of you are dead. Alright?" I ask. They all nod, and Bonnie tugs at my hand, leading me back outside.

Kai winks at me before I walk out the door, relishing in the stars outside.


I watch the door close behind Elle, and I have to take a deep breath.

I haven't been apart from her in ages, and I don't want to lash out on anyone. It's been a reflex for years. But it can't be anymore.

I follow Damon and Stefan into the living room, sitting down on one of the couches.

"If you ever hurt her-" Damon starts to warn, but I cut him off.

"I don't need the whole big brother speech, Vamp-whore. I'm not going to hurt her." I roll my eyes, leaning back on the couch.

And then Damon speeds in front of me, wrapping his hand around my throat and pulling me off of the couch.

"I'm being serious." He mutters, his jaw clenched.

"Damon." Stefan warns, walking closer.

I grab Damon's arm, siphoning his magic. He groans in pain letting go of me.

"I'm being serious, too. And I could easily kill you. Don't threaten me." I growl, taking a few steps away from him.

I watch Stefan pull his brother back, whispering I his ear. And then Damon shows back up in front of me.

"I just don't want to see her hurt. Not after everything she's already been through," Damon explains. "Just don't have sex with her while we're here. I don't think my ears can handle that."

I let out a laugh, sitting back down on the couch.

"Damon, seriously-" Stefan starts to scold, but he cuts him off.

"We're okay, Stefan. Go hunt a rabbit or something." Damon responds, and I laugh again, clutching my stomach.

Stefan leaves the room, and Damon turns back towards me.

"Make her happy." He whispers before leaving the room.

I nod to myself before heading upstairs to Elle's room.

Make her happy.


I stumble through the front door, Bonnie holding me up.

I may be a little tipsy.

Bonnie helps me up the stairs, leading me to my bedroom door after saying goodnight.

I loved seeing everyone: Elena, Caroline, Matt, Tyler, Alaric, and Jeremy.

It seemed like a breath of fresh air somehow.

I open my bedroom door, jumping when I see Kai on the edge of my bed.

"You scared me." I whisper, my words slurring as I shut the door behind me. I kick my shoes off and look at Kai, admiring his pretty face. He stands up, his eyebrows furrowing as he walks over to me, holding my jaw.

"Are you drunk?" He asks. I shake my head.

Kai grips my jaw harder, pulling me towards him to connect our lips, his tongue tracing my bottom lip, and I moan into the kiss, whining when he pulls away.

"Liar. I can taste the alcohol on your lips." He replies, letting his hands fall from me and walking back to the bed.

I reach for the bottom of my dress, pulling it over my head and throwing it to the ground. Kai immediately turns around, his eyes widening at the sight. I walk towards him, pushing him to sit on the bed and straddling his waist.

"Want you to touch me again." I whisper, grabbing his hands and placing them on my upper thighs.

"You're drunk, sweetheart." He whispers, flipping us over so that he hovers over me. He takes his shirt off, climbing off of me and sitting up.

"Raise your arms." He states, and when I do, he pulls his shirt over my body, the fabric hanging low on me. I whine as he pulls the covers over me.

"I may be a sociopath, but I'm not going to touch you in a moment that you'll forget in the morning, okay? If you really want me, you need to be sober." He whispers, caressing my cheek.

"You look pretty tonight." I compliment before my eyes close on me.

And I hear Kai's soft laugh before I fall asleep.

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