The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information

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11:46 AM. The halls were silent, the dorms were also silent, and no light illuminated from any of the dorm doors. All expect one. Team RWBY's dorm. And the ressoning for that? Even though Ruby the leader, and her teammates were long since asleep, Yang. Blake and Weiss, someone didn't. And that someone was of course me. Little young (Y/N). Still sitting at the desk, a lamp on to illuminate said desk, and still working on my equipment. With no knowalge on knowing how im able to do this. Its like I just let my hands go and they continue building. But it also helps that im getting help working on this. And no, it's not human help. But rather, help from a extra terrestrial body hoster. And they go by the name Venom. The two of us worked under the brightness that was the desk lamp. Illuminating parts of the room, but not enough to keep the team for sleeping. The desk lamp's light also of clurse allowed us to see our work and progress. But we were also being very, very, VERY, careful and quiet. As I said, Venom was helpijg me right now. So his tendrils were out as they aided me with my equipment. After some time, we had finished and had one hundred percent finished with my gauntlets. I picked them up and started to inspect them. Everything was done and in order. The shape, the metal frame, the side blades, it's hidden spikes and blades, everything was done in working order. These things were ready to face any Grimm or criminal organization at full potential. I fiddled with it, and tested the offensive features of them. The blades popped out with a clang and a swish of the blades. I looked shocked and scared and quickly looked around. To see if the noise woke the others!

It didn't. I sighed. "Gotta be careful doing that..." I mutter as also Venom retreated and hid within by body. But after the coast of clear, he returned by my side. Yeah blades worked, now for the spikes. They popped out like the blades, but made a more quieter metallic swish as they appered on the top. I wanted to try their firing feature. But no way I can do that now. That's like shooting my gun right now while everyone slept. It'll be too loud. So I decided I'll try in the morning or something. I put my gauntlets down, and I pull the next thing out, the two handguns I took from last night. I had my bag beside me, so I immediately pulled them out, and placed them on the desk.

I picked one of them, after taking off it's silencer. I eyed it pistol carefully. As I look at each little detail. I then eject the magazine from the pistol, with a satisfying clang as the clip fell from the gun. Though I of ckirse catches it to avoid it making noise. I was answered with a question that was in the back of my head. Yes. It was loaded. Fully loaded. I checked of the pistol still had a bullet in its chamber. There wasn't. So I was free to tinker with it with no negative precautions. I then held it with both my hands, and I truly felt how well made and sturdy it was. Its very light build, more light then normal, the grip along the handle, and from a little peak at the magazine, the bullets this gun runs on are one of the highest of calibers. It even had a flashlight. This gun might as well be the most well know high caliber pistol. Desert Eagle. But this is not that. It's just a highly modified pistol known as M1911. All an all, this is a modified pistol, built to do very serious damage. Though I don't know if its good or not. But either way, I was documenting it in my journal. I drew an image of it first, then I started to write about it below the image I drew. I explained about the pistol's features. Such as the grip, its lightweight, and more. After I finished, I leaned back in my chair. It slightly made a creek, as i stretched my arms and chest. Feeling my muscles stretch, then release as I relive them from my stretching. Which made any tenseness disappear. Though I still relaxed, leaning on the chair. I closed my eyes as I breathed light breaths. I was lost in my thoughts, until I heard "Are you trying to sleep?" Venom asks in a low quiet tone. Not that it would matter since only I can hear him like this. But its nice to know he would be quiet in situations like this. I replied to his question "No im not." I reply as I rub my eyes. "Oh god..." I mutter as I yawned after. I then stood up suddenly, after I stretched some more. Feeling a few of my joints crack and pop in different places. I then walked over to the closet where I knew I Hunter Gear was. "Where are you going?" Venom asks after I finished equipment my body armor vest. Then my jacket. "You can read my mind. You should know." I reply as I finished fixing my jacket to make sure it was nice and snug around me. "Wait were going out?" Venom asks surprised. And he wasnt talking about going out to go shopping...

"Yeah. We made deal right? And as I said before. Im stuck with you, so we might as well get it over with." I reply. But I continued. "Though this time, I actually wanna go..." I say. "Why?" Venom asks surprised. "I feel like if I do this, and we look hard enough, I might be able to find out more about my past..." I say as I finished equipping my shin guards. "You know what... Your probably right." Venom says as I made my way to my sling bag. I slipped it on with one smooth swipe as the strap wrapped around me. Then I equipped my Grimm Reaper and strabbed it onto the strap on my bag. And it fitted like a glove. I then packed the two pistols, and the lightswords into my bag, and was now ready to head out. On this most likely bloody vigilantism. Should I even classify ot as that? Espesailly what happened last night? I pushed the thought into the back of my mind as I set my mind on the task right now. "Ok, im ready." I said as I adjusted my bag a little bit. "Alright, let us go." Venom replies. And as like last night, we sneak out through the window, and with the help of Venom, uses his tendril to break the fall as my feet gently touch the ground. Afterward we made our way to the city to begin our night time patrol...

In the City...
"Woah- WOAH, WOAHWOAHWOAHWOAH!" I exclaimed after I had just used some of the advancements the Blacklight Virus game me, which was the ability to run up surfaces. And that's what I had just finished doing (With Venom basically peer pressuring me...) As I landed onto this building's roof, my shoes clattering onto its surface. I breathed shakey breaths as im still not used to doing stuff like that. Yeah I know, I did something worse then this, which was when I used the Blacklight to help my glide though the air, as me and Ruby helped Penny escape her guards... Or whatever... In short, I was still not used to the movement enhancements the Blacklight game me. Not just that, everything this damned virus gave me. I wanted used to it, and I don't know what to feel about it...

I suddenly lightly shook my head as I shook the thought off. Those were not important right now. What was though, was the question. What will happen to tonight? And who will be our target, or targets, and also, what will me and Venom do when the time comes? I started to walk over the edge of the building, as I keeled down, and just looked over the area. Seeing the lightly lit streets and sidewalks, thanks to the streetlamps. I would look to my left amd right slowly, looking over a large radius do to the tall advantage the building provided. "I really like this view." Venom says. Suddenly appearing in his snake like form. "Is this what you did often?" I asked him. "Looking over the city, being in the shadows, being extra in trying to be cool." I say. Venom huffs. Irritated with my last comment. I laugh as a smirk played my face. "Dick..." Venom mutters. "Aww I touched a sensitive slime nerve?" I asked. Turning to him. He dose this small roll of his snake head. Which clearly shows if he had pupils, he would be rollong his eyes hard. I continue scanning around the room, looking antrying off. And if I know anything about criminals from my time of escaping those GenTek labs, it's criminals would rather strike at, with the comfort of the night skies to preform their dirty acts of crime. But I didn't see anything. "Ok... Nothing here." I say. "Lets keep moving. Venom, help me out." I say. And Venom uses his tendril to fire across the street, and latch onto the building across. I took a few steps back, and after a running start. I latched onto the black tendril as I swung myself across the two buildings and the street below. "Oh my God, oh my god, og my god!" I say quickly as the wind brushed by me as I swing through the air. And ones im across, I immediately let go and land back onto the ground. The ground of the building's roof we just swung to. And by landing, I mean and let go when the tendril was swinging upward slightly, so I landed hard on my side. "Oww.... Freaking idiot." I muttered internally. "Yeah that was dumb of you (Y/N)." Venom says suddenly. After I just smacked the ground a bit hard. I made an annoyed and irritated expression. "Sometimes I really hate it when your can read my thoughts." I say as I get up. After I was back onto my feet, I walked over the edge, and lean against this solid guard rail made of the same material of the buildings natural structure. I again, start to look over the streets, buildings, and side walks. Searching for anything. But again. Everything was clean. "Nothing. Next." I say as we continue swinging around these buildings. Sometimes only running and jumping around some of these buildings as some of them were connected and close together.

We continued this pattern of moving along these building's, either as swinging from building to building. Or jumping and running off them. But one thing was concatenate, and that was which ever building we landed on, we would search the area from the tops of the buildings. Looking for something that seemed off or screamed of 'Criminal Activity'. But at the moment, nothing was up. Heck not even regular people were up and about. Not that many people are off doing something at this time of night, but there was seriously no one. Not even a car. It was just empty. "Damn... They were serious about that curfew lockdown, or whatever it was called." I thought. As I really started to realize that we need to be careful when doing our nighttime patrols. As Venom and I just caused a city lockdown. But as I was thinking this, we found our first signs that life still walked these sidewalks. When me and Venom noticed this group of police officers. And after a quick Ones Over, we realized that those police officers were carrying something more then a simple pistol. No, they were now carrying shotguns. At this point, I realized I had been smacked arccross the face with a hard truth of Cause and Effect. Becuase my and Venom's strike on those criminals last night really had an effect on everything around us. Again, we now have to be more careful next time. And of course I voiced my thoughts and opinion on that. In which Venom said he'll be more careful. Which I find to be bullcrap but whatever. Like how can Brute like him pull something like that off? But as I said. Whatever. I can only hope and pray he can actually do it, and of course. We don't die.

Venom amd I continue our patrol, searching for any dangers, but again. There was none. He swung arcoss some more buildings, and with the help of a Blacklight powered wallrun, made it to to another row of building to climb on and to search for anything. "Still nothing..." I muttered. There was really nothing. The night was truly quiet. Was it really going to be a quiet night? Maybe we can head back to Beacon and- "Hey what's that?" The sound of Venom's deep brute of a voice inturupted my thoughts as I was snapped out of it. "Wh-wha?" I question as I blinked myself back to reality. Venom's slithering and writhing snake body points to the detection on what he was looking at. I turn around myself. And I was lucky enought to bearly see it. A pare was rear back lights of a car disappering around the corner of a building. Me and Venom do a double take, looking at each other, then back where the car was last seen. Back at each other. And back to where the car ones was. "Lets follow it!" He exclaimed. I sighed in irritation. "More bruises and cuts for me..." I say as I quickly stand up and try to catch up where the car took its turn. It didn't tske long to relocated it. As having the increased flexibility from Blacklight, an alien goop monster, and well... A pretty damn built body really gives you tons of advantages. Not to sound like I have an ego. Anyways, the two of us continue our way, jumping from place to place. And slowly making our way closer to the car. But we we're still behind as we always bearly catch sight of the car's backlights disappeared behind buildings. "Venom, give me a boost!" I say after I dived into a glide though the air, then moved towards a building and oulled another walks run. Its amazing I can pull such movements off. Thanks to Blake's training and well, of course. The positives advantages the Blakelight gives you. But with no response, the last time I jumped into the air, Venom fires a tendril a far into the air, and right onto the building. And ones it connected, it launched me far and fast into the air. "WOOOOAH!" I yelled as I tore through the air as the wall was coming in hot. Quickly, I rised my arms and legs to tey and break the impact. After closing my eyes to brace for impact, I felt my feet and hands smash into the building's sold material. The sound of bricks and stone breaking echoed out, and I slowly opened my eyes. And say my limbs were ok. And so was I. "Im good....? Im alive!?" I exclaimed. I then see the damage I caused frim the speed of the tendril. "Oh Crap..." I mutter. My expression then turned to anger and irritation. "Venom!" I hissed quietly. "I thought you wouldn't cause damage that woukd draw attention to us!" "Sorry." Venom replies simply. I growl softly. "Look forget about that, look! The car is passing by." Venom says. I look down and see that Venom was right. That Tendril dash moved us way ahead of the car. Which was a black SUV as it drove below us and soon pass us. "Come on, follow it." Venom says. As on command, I start to move and follow the car...


We follow the black colored SUV for a while now, jumping from building to building, and following it from a distance where the driver can't spot us. But the more we follow it, the more we realized the SUV was driving to a rather.... 'Shady' looking part of the city. Alright, flags were going off in my head. Warning me to turn back. But I wasn't turning back like I normally would. No. I was pressing forward. No matter how much my instincts are telling me to run. "Shut up instincts! Im trying to do brutal vigilante work with an alien!" I told myself. "Not sure if I should be offended or happy about that comment." Venom said. I land back onto my feet after another jump onto a roof. "Take it as you will." I say as I breathed a bit heavy. "Compliment it is. As long as it's not 'Parasite' im ok." Venom says. I could practically feel his smile...

I then noticed after jumping onto another building, the black SUV was entering a very old, and very shady looking loading dock. Simalier to the one me and Team RWBY stormed that one time. From the top of the building I was on, I continued following the SUV with my eyes. As it soon parked and turned off its engines. Then shortly after, the driver steps out. The passenger and two back doors followed after. So I was able to see the driver, and it's passengers. And after seeing theme.... Many things crossed my mind.

1. The passengers were Roman's suit wearing goons.

2. Why is the driver of this car a Blackwatch member?

3. Are these guyd making deals or shipoing some stuff in? Becuase I see crates and a few other cargo and luggage.

4. Where the hell even are we? Becuase I see Roman's Gang, Adam Taurus' White Fang, and a few Blackwatch troops.

"So much for being the heros during a virus attack..." I thought to myself. "These guys might just be as bad as any infected feom Blacklight. I know this because I've seen it!" I continued moving down the building. Trying to get a closer look. I slide down a roof of a building I just junped to. I looked down. "Oh Crap..." I muttered. "What's wrong? You can take that jump." Venom said. Obviously goating me on how im still afraid of heights when yeah. I can take the fall and suffer no wound to scratch. But come on! Can you blame me!? It's a high fall! And what if im not strong enough to take it? What if there was a limit? What- "Fine just grab on." Venom suddenly bursted out and suddenly a tendril appered from my back and acted as a rope for me. And I slide down it like, well. A rope or those pool things kids play on in playgrounds. My shoes made a small clap as I landed back onto solid ground. "Stay in the shadows (Y/N), keep your eyes open, and I'll watch your back." Venom said. "Ok... Thanks." I muttered as I was already on the move. Taking slow and gentle steps. As I slowly made me way closer to where the SUV stopped.

It didn't take long to reach the area. As from behind a building's edge, and a few random pieces of junk and crates, I peek from where I hid, to see what was going on. And I got a good look at it. And so did my Scroll. As I recorded what was going on. And yes, where was some type of deal or trade taking place here. While also some shipping of shipment taking place as well. As some of the suit wearing men for Roman had a large briefcase with them. Not only that, but powerful Machine Guns on both of them. I couldn't tell which gun or type they were but all I knew is that they were guns, they were highly modified, and getting shot by then would be painful, and painful. That's all im gonna say. But I did take a picture of the guns.

And of course... The guns looked very imitating. So did the Blackwatch soldier talking to this other man in a suit. I couldn't tell what they were saying though. And there were no hiding places to get closer. So I couldn't get any info. Until... "(Y/N) remember, your hearing." Venom said. I looked puzzled. "My hearing?" I asked him quietly. "Did you already forget already?" Venom asked. Sounding surprised and disappointed. "Well im sorry for not having big alien brain Venom." I reply. Rolling my eyes. He sighs in response. "Focus your attention on those assholes, and block out everything by focusing your ears and hearing." Venom explained. "Oh yeah..." I muttered. I then do as he told. Trying to focus myself, and my hearing on what the men were talking about. I tired two more times, until finally I was able to hear. I begun to activate my Advanced Hearing.

" this for?" "The part you brought is going to be used for a weapon." The Blackwatch soldier and Trader said. "Which one? Those GenTek doctors are concently making new weapons everyday." The Blackwatch soldier said. "Not sure.... Uhhh... Yeah I don't remember." The Trader said. The soldier muttered under his helmet. "Idiot..." No one heard it. But I did. "Whatever. Here's the part." He said, and the man behind the soldier rised his arm towards the Trader. He took it off their hand and opens it slightly. He closes it again after seeing it. "Yes this is it. Dr. Brim will finish your weapon for you with this." The Trader said. And your requested items are in those trucks." He points to these three trucks off to the right, which were of course packed. "Well smuggle some more later on down the road. Right now, tell the boss our business here was a success." The Trader.

I think I see what going on here... Roman's men, and the White Fang help GenTek and Blackwatch find certain items or important things or whatever to aid them in whatever end goal they have. Most likely having to do with Alex. And from the sounds of it, its hard and tightly secure items. And of course, they needed skilled criminal to get these items. And that's where White Fang and Roman's suit wearing goons come in. Though im not entirely sure what Blackwatch dose, and why they chose this corrupt side. But all I know is that what thwir doing is not only evil, but thwir all just as heartless and guilty as GenTek. Them and their dark experimental secrets. It honestly disgustes me... Made worse Becuase im one of them. The group's then finish their work and were heading back to where they ones came. The soldier and Roman's goons were heading back to the SUV. I also found it weird how these guys had no patrol or guards what's so ever around these docks. Like it litterly was only the Trader and his three guards, and the soldier and his also three guards. But none around the area. Unless they already packed whatever they were packing and are gone, or are inside whatever this 'Weapon' was being created. The Trader and his group were already inside this building looking hanger, while the soldier and his goons entered back into their car. And started to drive off. But leaned more back into the darkness. "(Y/N) your gun!" Venom exclaimed. "What-?" "(Your gun! Take the car out!" Venom said. "Are your freaking stupid man!? I'll gonna give away my position!" I whisper exclaim. "Not your Grimm Slayer genius." Venom insulted. "Your silent pistols, hurry!" After that harsh realization, I swiftly pulled one of them out, and the second I did, the car drove by. I rised the gun with both my hands, and took aim. "Shoot!" Venom exclaimed. With a small Intake, then exhale... I pull the trigger, and fire.

The silent sound of the suppressed gunshot fills the air, as the sound of air hissing and rubbing being ruptured follows after. The car immeditly stops...

First to come out was of course, the driver of the car, then follows shortly was the shit wear goon in the passenger side. "What the hell!?" The Blackwatch soldier exclaimed. "What did you run over!?" The passenger asks. "I didnt run over anything, the road was clear-" "Then why the hell did the wheel pop of you didn't run over anything!?" The passenger amd the Blackwatch Soldier start to argue. What idiots I thought... I slowly, very slowly creeped up on the car. Trying to be as silent and low as I can. As I moved closer to the car, the two men in the back seats climb out. Clearly annoyed and just know their gonna have there for a while. But I suddenly noticed something. And that was the two back passengers were walking slightly away from the car. Manly the one on the right side. The side I was facing at when I look at the car from from the back. "He's separating..." Venom mutters. He knows what im thinking... Of course he dose. But this time. Im glad. Instead of sneaking closer to the car, I was now slowly making my way closer to the suit wearing man. "Easy (Y/N)..." Venom mutters. "I know." I softly reply. The screaming fight between the soldier and the passenger masked my footsteps and the soft sound of my shoes clattering softly against the concrete. So this was a ones in life time opportunity... I had to take this guy out.

I move closer... And closer... I feel my heart rate grow and beat harder. My target suddenly stops walking and from his pocket, pulls out a lighter, then he pulls out a cigarette. Again... This was my moment to take him out! The man lights, and takes a hit from his cigarette. He breaths out the disgusting smoke, then after one hit, tosses the still lit cigarette. That's just weird. I thought you take more hits from it. Well... I don't care. As right before the man turns around... I mean just as he was about to see me and scream...

With the speed of what seemed like light, I ran up to him and grabbed. "Ugh- what th-!" "Shhh! Shut up! SHUT up!" I whisper sterinly as I put him in a headlock. Thanks Yang for the training... And to make sure the man shuts up, just as swiftly when I grabbed the man, I delivered a swift and strong strike to the left side of his temple. And he gose down quietly and hard. Ones he was done, I dived into a quiet roll, and hid behind the car. My back pressed against the SUV's bummper and trunk. I turned my head towards the detection of the next guy. The second back passenger driver. And as with my first target, I slowly make my way towards him. Staying low and trying to make little noise possible. The man was adjusting his suit and fixing his red sunglasses as I grew closer and closer... "Easy... Easy..." Venom mutters.

But my luck seem to run out, as the man turned around and caught sight of me! "Huh!?" He exclaimed. "What the-!? GUH-!" I immediately bolted and grabbed him by the suit at first, and right when he was abiut to grab me and struggle, or even scream, I forcefully turned him around, and like the other guy, put him in a headlock. "GEK! RRRH... LET-!" He tried to scream as he struggled in my arms. But my headlock strained it. But not enought.

As the two men that were arguing heard the struggle... "HEY! HEY!!" The Roman Goon yells. "PUT HIM DOWN ASSHOLE!" The Blackwatch soldier yells drawing his him. Which was a pistol. Same with the suit wearing goon. I held my target in my headlock tightly. Making sure he wasn't squirming or struggling to the point where I couldn't move. Or in my case, for me to draw me pistol. I swiftly pulled it out and aimmed it to my hostage's chin. "HEY! DROP YOUR GUN!" Roman's goon yells. "Listen to the man DROP YOUR GUN!" The soldier yells. "JUST SHOOT HIM YOYR IDIOTS SHOOT HIM-!" I smacked the gun on top of the the man's head. "You shut up!" I exclaimed. "We said drop your fu-!" The soldier suddenly drags the suit wearing goon back as his expression became shocked and scared. "STOP! Don't get near that thing!" He yells. "What do you-!?" "Its him..." The soldier starts. "Its the Specimen..." The soldier muttered. Then the goon face went to shock. Though these guys thought I had gunk in my ears, I heard them perfectly. "What do we do...!?" The goon asks. "What else! We need him alive... Tag his legs." The soldier whispered back. Again, I heard this plan of theirs. And I also start to noice this two were beginning to take aim at said places they plan on shooting me in. My heart thundered innmy chest. What was I gonna do here? I'm... I don't think im capable to pull the trigger on them. Let alone my hostage. Right as I was beginning to think I was about to be shot, guess to came to the rescue...

"What are you doing? Shoot them!" Venom exclaimed. "But-" "Then hit shoot their legs genius!" Swiftly, I jerked my arm and took aim at the two...

"WHA- !"OH S-!" With no warning or hesitation... The trigger was pulled and yet again the silent gunshot rang out. Only this time, it was followed by two sets of screams... "AWWWW!!! AWW!" AHHH..! AHHHH!" The suit wearing crook and the soldier screamed as they held the spot where my bullet tore a hole into them. "YOU DAMN BASTERD!" My hostage screamed. "AAAWWWW!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? YOUR PSYCHOPATH!!" The Goon yells. "GURRRH... You little.... Piece of..." The soldier struggled with his worlds do to his pain. But its not like he could even finish it. As with one swift step forward, I slam the top of his head to my handgun. He lets out a pained grunt before falling over, limp. After he was done, I turn to the next guy. Roman's goon. "W-wait...!" He exclaimed. But I didn't listen to him... As with the Blackwatch soldier, I rises my pistol, and smacked the back of the gun right onto his face. The painful sound of his flesh being smash by the guns metal echoes out. And he falls painfully back and onto bis side. As his body gose limp as well. Now my attention was on my hostage. "Nononono! Look if you looking for information, I don't have any! I'm just a clueless guy working for Roman to make an easy Lien! Please I-" His panicked desperate plea was interrupted when I again my gun and hit hin over the head with it, he yelled in pain, as I aggressively shove him to the ground as he was srill dazed. "Aww...! Awww... Your stupid little-! He again stopped after turning his head to me. "NO WAIT-!" I then grabbed the back of bis head and with might strength, I slam his head and face onto the SUV's door. Creating a huge thud and a dent in the side of the car door. I pant two times, trying to catch my breath. "Prick..." I mutter. Looking down at them. I look through the car and see what I was looming for. Some rope.

It took time, but I soon was able to tie the three men together. They won't bother me if they wake up. After that was over, I turned my head again, this time to the building and docks the SUV bearly was able to leave before I intervened. "Is that our next target?" Venom asks. "Yup." I say. "That's our next target. Let's see what they have inside there..." I say as We make our way to the docks again. But this time, We wont leave until we come out with something important that GenTek and Blackwatch is hiding...

To be Continued....

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