A Ninja's Path (Kakashi X Rea...

Oleh VioletRising

296K 12.7K 7.3K

You had only known darkness and despair in the Land of Shadows. But after coming to the Hidden Leaf Village a... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Author's Note
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three (LEMON)
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Eight (LEMON)
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
RECAP (Chapters 1-49)
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five (LEMON)
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four (LEMON)
Chapter Seventy Five
Author's Note
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Author's Note

Chapter Sixty Six

1.7K 88 150
Oleh VioletRising

"Psst! Wake up!"

You groaned in complaint, receding further into the covers. You felt Kakashi stir beside you and he did the same, using the arm already around you to pull you further into his chest.

"Uh... excuse me? I need you both to get up now."

You blinked away the brightness of day to find Shizune standing at the tent entrance with a face as red as a tomato.

Looking around, you realized what got her so flustered.

Kakashi's clothes and your gown were scattered on the ground. Both of you were stark naked and entwined in tousled sheets.

"Sh*t..." You sat up and rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment. "Sorry, Shizune. I-"

An arm snaked around your waist and pulled you back down. "Five more minutes..." Kakashi grumbled as he pulled you back into his arms.

"Kashi, get off me you oaf!" You struggled to get out of his grasp but didn't get very far.

Shizune still stood by the tent flap, kicking at a patch of dead grass as she waited.

You wriggled around in Kakashi's arms, turning now to face him. His face was mainly obscured by his hair and you brushed it out of the way and lightly slapped his cheek. "Kakashi, I'm gonna need you to unhand me and put some clothes on." You glanced back at Shizune. "We have a guest." You seethed.

He started to come to his senses, blinking awake as he took in the situation. He looked over to see Shizune and swore under his breath.

"Son of a-"

"Yes, now get up." You demanded.

He unwound his arms from your waist and slid out of bed, walking over to the mess of clothes on the ground.

You couldn't help but rake your gaze up and down him as he leaned over to pick up his pants. Biceps flexed as he reached for his clothes. He finished zipping up his pants and turned to slip his shirt on. Your eyes slid across the hard planes of his back and your mouth went dry.

He glanced back at you and saw the look on your face. He smirked and spent a little too long sliding the fabric of his top over his rock hard abs.

You saw the mischievous look on his face and held up your hand, gifting him with an obscene gesture. He returned it as he chucked your gown at your head.

Before you could let a rainbow of curses come from your mouth, Shizune coughed loudly.

You threw the blankets off and got out of bed, spending a little too long slipping the white gown over your body.

A guttural sound came from Kakashi's throat and you glanced up to find him staring intensely at the ground and slipping his hands into his pockets as he tried to adjust his pants.

"I-I'm here to check up on (Y/N)."

Both of you turned to face Shizune who finally glanced up to meet your eyes. "S-so, Kakashi. If y-you could please l-leave..."

The silver haired man nodded. "I understand. I'll be back with some food." He walked towards the tent flap, tousling your hair as he passed.

"Kakashi..." You warned.

"Play nice, (Y/N)." He waved back as he left you with Shizune.

The woman cleared her throat. "If you could please take a seat..."

You sat on the edge of the bed, grimacing at the tangled sheets. There was no hiding what happened last night from the poor Hokage's assistant.

"Did you... get a good night of sleep?" She asked nervously. Her face turned bright red as she realized the answer.

You chuckled, running a hand through your hair. "Yes, I did."

The woman nodded. "G-good. You should spend at least another day resting..."

An awkward silence passed between you.

"So... how are the rebels?" You asked to break the silence.

Shizune tucked a piece of dark hair behind her ear. "They're all recovering well. I think they would appreciate it if you visited them."

You nodded in agreement. It would be good to reunite with the other rebels. Another pang of guilt shot through you as you remembered all they had gone through for your coup. It was your fault...

"Can I take a peek at your wound?" Shizune asked.

You blinked away your thoughts. "Yeah, sure."

A moment later and Shizune was kneeling in front of you, peeling the bandage on your cheek away. She hummed in approval as she looked the cut over.

"It's healing nicely. Although..." She held two fingers to the wound and they glowed green as she used her medical ninjutsu to speed up the healing process. "It might scar."

A face flashed in your mind, a psychotic woman with wild hair and... a scar down her cheek and through her lip.

You laughed quietly. "I guess I'll have one to match by aunt."

Shizune opened her mouth in question but closed it, deciding against asking what you meant. "You won't need to keep it covered anymore, but put this salve on it at night." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small tin. "It will help keep it clean."

You took it from her graciously. "Thank you, Shizune. Not just for helping me, but for helping my people. For coming here even though-"

"Please, don't thank me." She intercepted. "If anyone deserves thanks, it's Kakashi. He convinced everyone to come with him."

Of course he did...

"Thank me about what?" As if on cue, the silver haired ninja entered the tent with another tray of food in his arms.

"For convincing everyone to come here." You answered.

He handed you the tray and took a seat beside you, facing Shizune who stood in front of you both.

You examined the tray's contents, finding more rice, bowl of udon noodles as well as another tall glass of water. "Thanks Kashi." You leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek.

He slid a slid a hand around your waist and looked up at Shizune. "Thanks for checking up on her. And... for letting her stay with me tonight."

The Hokage's assistant seemed a bit flustered again as her cheeks stained pink. "N-no problem..." She glanced at the tent entrance. "I should get going now. I-I have other patients to check up on..." She bowed before racing out of the tent, leaving you and the silver haired man alone again.

You slurped up a noodle and nearly choked on it as a hand slid onto your thigh. You coughed it out, slapping Kakashi's hand away.

"You make me feel like we need parental supervision."

He scoffed. "Excuse me! I take great offense to that."

"Good." You stuffed your mouth with rice and downed it with a gulp of water.

The hand snaked back up your thigh and you tried to slap it away again. It didn't budge.

"You know, (Y/N)..." Hot breath tickled your neck. "If you think about it, there is parental supervision here."

You cast him a side glance as you stuffed your face with food. "What the hell's that supposed to mean? Our dead parents are watching us screw?"

Kakashi seemed mortified. "What? No! I mean, I hope not..." He cleared his throat and shook the thought away as it most certainly traumatized him. "What I meant is..." The hand wrapped around your waist tightened and pulled you toward him. "... that understand certain circumstances when we're alone together, we could be considered parents of a sort."

You yelped in protest, holding the tray of food in front of you to keep it from falling over. "The f*ck are you talking about? Are you telling me that I'm pregnant? I don't think that's how pregnancy reveals work..."

Kakashi sighed in exasperation. "No, (Y/N)..." He nuzzled into your neck. "I meant that when you call me daddy-"

"Daddy!?! B*tch, hell no." You busted out of his arms, hands cradling your tray of food as you continued to eat. "Since when have I called you that?!? And no, I'm not going- no get that stupid look off your face like you're winning because you're not. I'm not going to call you that- Kakashi sit back down, I'm not playing these games!"

The silver haired man walked toward you and you backed away, stuffing rice in your mouth. "You better stay over there you dirty wh*re." You waved your chopsticks at him menacingly. "Don't come any closer or I'll stick these up your nose." You threatened.

"Then you wouldn't be able to use them anymore."

You staggered backward around the bed, continuing to eat. "Shut up or I'll stick them somewhere else.l!"

He chuckled and you could've sworn he said "kinky".

"Mr. sir, I'm going to have to ask you to back the f*ck up before you get smacked the f*ck up." You hopped onto the bed and walked across it to get away from the silver haired man.

He stalked towards you again, backing you into a corner. The look in his eyes was something feline.

You gulped and grabbed a noodle with your chopsticks, slurping it up. "Just let me eat..." You begged as he reached for you.

An arm slid around your waist, pulling you against a solid chest. His palm webbed out on the small of your back. The other arm reached for the pair of chopsticks in your hands, plucking them out of your grasp.

You felt your mouth go dry as he slid his mask down, lips pulled into a smirk. You watched the chopsticks as they traveled down to your food, plucking up a noodle.

"Eat." Kakashi commanded. He held the noodle out for you. You opened your lips to protest but he took advantage of the moment to slide the food into your mouth. You chewed and swallowed it slowly. As he looked down at the tray to gather more food you spoke.

"You're contaminating my food with your diseases."

He chuckled. "From the things we did last night, I'd say that you are thoroughly contaminated. Eating food that I touched will make little difference."

You snatched one of the chopsticks up and brandished it like a blade. "Pervert, if you don't unhand me and my breakfast, I'm going to thoroughly shove this up your-"

"Senseis?" A voice came from the tent entrance.

You immediately stepped away from each other, tray of food now suddenly in Kakashi's hands. There went the rest of your meal...

"What the hell is going on in here?" A blond head poked into the room, looking around. His gaze landed on the bed and his eyes widened in surprise. "Wait- did you two-"

"Naruto, my boy!" You rushed towards him, pushing him out of the tent. "So glad to see you so why don't we talk outside where there's more fresh air!" You felt sweat slide down your neck as you ushered the blond out of Kakashi's tent.

You found Sasuke and Sakura already waiting outside.

"Aww, look at this- Team 7 is all back together again!" You exclaimed as you threw an arm around the Blondie's shoulders. He gave you a suspicious sideways look.

Kakashi emerged from the tent, his mask back on as he surveyed his students. "What are you all doing here?"

Sakura cleared her throat. "A meeting is about to start so we came to get you. Didn't think you'd want to miss it."

Kakashi gave a close eyed smile, rubbing the back of his neck. "Of course not! I'll get going with you guys." He looked at you. "(Y/N), why don't you stay here and rest a bit more. I'll be back in a couple hours."

You unlatched yourself from Naruto, shaking your head. "No, I'm not staying here and resting anymore."

Sakura opened her mouth to protest. "But you need to sleep! It's been a week-"

"I know it's been a week." You interrupted. "But I can't just lay around and rest while everyone is preparing for war. I have to do something." You crossed your arms. "These are my people we're trying to save. I have a say in whatever it is you're planning."

Kakashi put a hand on your shoulder. "I know, but-"

"No, Kakashi. I'm not asking you if I can go, I'm telling you."

He shut his mouth at that as he exchanged looks with each of his students. He sighed in defeat. "Alright..."

"Good. Now does anyone know where I can find some pants?" You asked brightly.

Sasuke coughed loudly and Sakura kicked at a pebble on the ground. Naruto was shaking next to you and you glanced over to find him laughing. Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'll get you something to wear..."


Five minutes later and you were back outside of the tent wearing a pair of Kakashi's pants and shirt. Sakura lent you a hair tie you used to gather and bind most of the shirt you were wearing. You were practically swimming in Kakashi's clothes.

"We'll find you something better later." Sakura promised.

The five of you headed down the rows of tents until you recognized where you were again- heading to the tent Kakashi had come from yesterday.

Shinobi of all backgrounds were heading towards it, most likely leaders of their ninja.

Asuma and Kurenai slipped inside as well as several other shinobi from Konoha.


"Lord help me..." You muttered as you turned to see Guy high-tailing it toward you. His teeth glinted in the morning sunlight and his bowl cut shimmered in all its iridescent glory. With every step he took towards you, more energy escaped your body.

"Why don't we go in before he gets over here..." Kakashi suggested. You nodded in agreement and headed toward the tent, waving goodbye to your students who promised to wait outside. And possibly eavesdrop.

Once inside, you found the area to be quite spacious with a large table in the center. Countless shinobi stood around it, others standing in small groups as they waited for the meeting to start.

Asuma and Kurenai looked up from papers they were looking over at the table, waving you and Kakashi over. You headed towards them, happy to see familiar faces.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" A female voice came from your left.

You looked over to find two women, one with golden hair and blue eyes, an arm draped around her companion who had dark locks and gold irises. The latter beamed from ear to ear at the sight of you.

You laughed in joy as you ran toward her. "Aki!"

You embraced, laughing and crying in relief after being reunited.

She pulled away from you, examining you from top to bottom. "Are you alright? We heard what happened to you. Have you rested up enough? What happened to your cheek? And what the heck are you wearing?"

You chuckled as you looked down at your clothes. "I'm borrowing from Kakashi. Until I get some clothes of my own."

The woman giggled as she pointed at your pant legs, pooling around your ankles. "I'm sure I can find something that will fit you."

"Thanks, Aki."

A loud throat clearing came from beside your friend. The dark haired woman lit up. "Right! (Y/N), I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Ruka!" She slipped her hand into her partner's and their fingers interlaced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ruka." You nodded to the golden haired woman. She returned the gesture.

"Same here. I've heard lots of things about you."

"Hopefully all good." You joked.

She smiled kindly. "Yes, they were all good. I..." Her expression turned sad. "I have to thank you, for saving Akiko. You saved her life and our village. I am in your debt."

You waved your hands in front of you. "No! You don't owe me anything! I just... did the right thing."

Ruka grinned as she bent down to whisper in Aki's ear. "I like her."

The dark haired woman giggled. "I told you, silly."

A hand landed on your shoulder and you turned to find Kakashi motioning for you to get going.

"Well, it was nice seeing you both. And thank you for coming." You added as you waved goodbye to Aki and Ruka. You followed Kakashi toward Asuma and Kurenai.

After a few hellos with the other Genin teachers, the room fell silent as the meeting began to start. You glanced around the tent, wondering who would start the meeting when Kakashi walked past you and cleared his throat.

"Thank you everyone, for being here today." His voice resonated through the space, allowing everyone to hear. "And thank you to those who have recently joined us, we appreciate your support."

You gaped as Kakashi continued to talk, going over several more pleasantries.

The more you listened, the more it made sense that he was leading the meetings. He had started the movement to come to the Land of Shadows- he had earned respect from the shinobi in this tent.

"Once again, let's remember what we're fighting for. Who we're fighting for." He glanced back at you. "The people of this land sent out there pleas and we answered the call. It is now our duty to save them and take down the corrupt Council that controls them."

Your throat felt tight. Not out of fear or stress, but out of pride.

You were proud of Kakashi and thankful for all that he'd done and continued to do for you. He did this, he created this. And it was all for you and your people.

As he continued to speak, a smile crept onto your face. This crazy, kinky, pervert...

He really was something else.

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