Fallen Angel | k.sj

By BTStrashcrack

81.2K 6.5K 4.1K

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" "Actually, it did." Warning: This will be my maturest book on my acc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Jaehwa's Diary
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Burner Phone Texts
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 {END}

Chapter 20

1.9K 191 149
By BTStrashcrack

What even is this story? I'm so bad at this I'm sorry😔 thank you all for reading it if you are though💜 also, I'm so confused with the new Wattpad update??? Where the heck is my profile??? And why tf are all my icons jumbled up????

I pulled up to Minchul's house and was met with several other officers.

One of them came up to me and handed me the warrant.

I jerked my arm a little too much which made the graze wound on my arm sting a bit.

I winced.

The officer gave me a worried look, "Bullet grazes aren't nothing you know. You should get it checked out and treated so it doesn't get infected."

I gripped the paper tightly, "Right now, Seokjin is in the hospital and I have no idea how he is. The least I can do, is my job."

She smiled slightly, "You really like him."

I didn't say anything.

"We can all see it. You guys are the station gossip. But we think you guys are totally cute," she said.

I sighed, "Now isn't the time. Do me a favor and keep an eye out around the perimeter. This entire area is linked to the murders. Their parents' house is the central point. I need units within a twenty mile radius of that house in all directions. Can you make that happen?"

She nodded, "Of course."

While she went to talk to the officers, I went inside the house.

It was surprisingly normal. I wasn't sure exactly what I was expecting. Maybe a bit more weaponry and malicious items, but nope. It was just a normal house.

Though, it did look like the living room had been slightly raided.

I clenched my jaw in realization. They were planning this. They had planned to meet. After we visited their parents' place, Misun must've come here to strategize with her brother. They packed up and got ready to go.

I began looking through drawers and shelves for anything that could help.

It was mostly normal house stuff, until I got to the kitchen.

In one drawer, there was a bunch of receipts.

But strangely old receipts. Dated back six years.

It was like I had hit the jackpot. Considering how carefully he had calculated how to not get caught, I was surprised that he slipped up like this.

The receipts ranged from rope, duct tape, zip ties, trash bags, and the most prominent one, a gun.

It was charged to his father's credit card, but it was bought a month before Jisol's murder.

All of it had been bought around the time of her murder.

The best thing about the receipt was that it had a name of the type of gun. I thought back to the warehouse and how he was firing carelessly with a gun.

Perhaps those stray shell casings would give us a hint.

I took all the receipts and continued my search. Of course it proved pretty futile except for the fact that the house had very obviously been ransacked for important stuff.

There was one thing left to find.

The cellphones.

I couldn't find them in any drawers, cabinets, or boxes, so I was rather confused.

That's when I got an idea.

I pulled out my walkie talkie and paged the team in charge of the phones.

"Hey, it's Hwang. Is it possible for you guys to call the phones?" I asked.

"Oh that's easy. Give me one second."

After a bit, I heard the faint sounds of ringtones.

It was coming from the couch.

I practically tore that thing to shreds as I flipped cushions and seats over. He had one of those fancy couches that had compartments on the back of it, and when I opened one of them, I was thrilled to find two iPhones ringing.

I smiled proudly, "Go me."

The sun was beginning to set so I had decided that his place had been thoroughly searched and left, leaving a fleet of police to keep watch.

Before heading to the hospital, I needed to drop off all the newly found evidence. And I needed to check with them about that gun thing.

When I arrived, I headed down to the evidence area and met with one of the members.

"Cheonsa! I have some brilliant news for you. They brought in some of those shell casings about an hour ago so I was examining them against the images of their bodies when found as well as the autopsy reports and I thought they looked similar. So I talked to one of the experts who deals with this, and you'll never guess what they said!"

I was tired and I wasn't in the mood for guessing games, so I passive-aggressively raised an eyebrow.

"It's a match. Whatever gun was firing at you and Seokjin today was the same one that killed all four girls."

I laid the evidence that I had found at the house on the table.

"Tell me, did your expert friend tell you the type of gun?"

Come on, we were so close. Just give me the answer I need.

"Yeah, he said it was (gun type) why?"

My hands clenched the receipt of the gun.


We had done it.

I showed her the receipt with the gun on it. Surprise surprise, it was the exact same gun.

"This is huge! There's been no weapon found but it looks like you might've cracked the case detective," she smiled.

"Ha yeah. Listen, I need to bounce, but can you work with these receipts and give these phones to the tech team and I need them to dig through the phone and recover anything if necessary," I instructed.

I handed her the recording device from my belt as well.

"There are some conversations on here too. I need you to store this somewhere safe so I can take a look at it later."

She raised an eyebrow, "You're in a rush."

I sighed, "I don't know if you heard, but Seokjin got shot. I have to make sure my partner is alright."

She motioned to they graze wound in my shoulder, "You look like you could require a bit of medical attention too."

I shook my head, "I'll live. I need to make sure he does."

With that, I ran to our office and took off the bulletproof vest and the belt with the gun and walkie talkie.

Once I was completely stripped of all of the extra weight, I took Seokjin's keys and drove to the hospital.

It was a short drive but once I got there it was total chaos. Then again it was the ER so why wouldn't it be.

"Excuse me, what room is Kim Seokjin in?" I asked the receptionist.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "And who are you?"

"He's a detective and I'm his partner, Detective Hwang Cheonsa," I said.

She scoffed, "I don't believe you."

This bitch was really testing my patience.

I pulled out my wallet and showed her my badge.

She promptly shut up and gave me his room number. Seriously the nerve of people sometimes, made me want to punch a hole in the wall.

I quietly opened the door to his room as he was still resting.

I was slightly flustered because he was sleeping without a shirt on, but my heart instantly hurt when I saw the large wrap around where he got shot. If only that damn vest covered all parts of the body.

I pulled up a chair and sat beside him, silently observing him and all the things he was hooked up to.

If only I had warned him in time. If only I had kept my eyes on Misun. If only it had been me instead of him.

My heart was hurting. I knew he was okay and I knew he was going to survive, yet it hurt so badly. I thought I was going to die. At least it took my mind off of the pain in my arm.

It was probably slightly creepy, but I couldn't help but stare at him in his dormant state. The way his hair was tousled right over his eyes. The way his lips were ever so slightly parted in a way that if I didn't have self-control, I might've kissed already. The way he was slightly curled up as if he was sleeping normally.

He was so effortlessly cute and it made my heart do flips.

I gently brushed the hair out of his eyes and caressed his face.

"This is a cliche time to say stuff like this right? Whatever, I can break my cool girl façade for once. I told you after you told me about your girlfriend that I'd be there for you. That I'd support you as a friend and as a colleague so that you wouldn't feel alone again. And I told you that I would never let myself put you in a position where you felt like I would leave you. But I never got around to telling you the second-half of that. We've known each other for about three or four months now. At first, I thought you were a bipolar asshole. You never let me in and always tried to push me away. But I couldn't go because I felt like this was my calling. You already know, but I had no memory, and this job was all I had. I was often worried that you were jealous of me because I was stealing your thunder, but every so often, you'd tell me that I did well for a rookie or something cheesy like that. It made me feel pride and something else I hadn't experienced before. At least not as Cheonsa. That feeling has been growing stronger everyday I think. And when I told you that I thought that I was some version of Jisol or whatever the heck I am, you didn't laugh or call me crazy or freeze me out. Instead, you came to my house with me, and you tried to understand. For the first time, I felt like someone was listening to me. I felt like I wasn't dealing with my problems alone. This is stupid, but as these feelings grew stronger, Jisol would tease me and say I was in love with you or something. I ignored it at first, but then I decided to push it away because I wasn't going to ask you to love someone when your first real love was sitting in the stars above. But since you're asleep, maybe I can tell you now. I think I'm in love with you, Kim Seokjin. I don't expect you to reciprocate anything, but I just thought I'd tell you."

I took his hand in mine and held it.

But after a few seconds, his fingers began to twitch before intertwining with mine.

Oh hell no, I was not living in a cliche love story.

But his hand tightened around mine until he was squeezing it tightly.

His eyes fluttered open, making him look all the more angelic and ethereal.

He sleepily turned to look at me.

"You're awake," I said, hoping that he hadn't heard anything.

But just my luck...

He smiled softly, "You're changing the subject."

I blushed, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

My heart was hammering inside of my body. I thought it might've jumped out of my chest at this rate.

Seokjin gave me a tender smile that only made me mushier. Curse him and his ethereal cuteness.

"There's no need to feel shy."

He looked at me with a loving glimmer in his eyes.

"You know, I thought if this ever happened to me, I would've been able to reject you or anyone else easily. I thought Sunee was the only one for me. She was at one point and maybe she will be somewhere in me. I closed myself up to protect myself from losing something like that again. She's probably watching me from above and calling me a moron. Because right in front of me, was this smart, capable, beautiful, mysterious, caring, strong, courageous, confident, and truly wonderful angel, and I failed to notice it sooner. Failed to notice how I felt like I wanted to protect you at all costs. How I wanted to hug all of your problems away. How I wanted you to see the incredible angel that I did. I was afraid to move on. I was afraid that it would make me unfaithful, or it would anger her somewhere up above. I felt like I'd have this resentment towards you buried deep within me. But instead of replacing the place she once had in my heart, or not letting anyone in, I feel this space. I couldn't possibly not love her. She was my first real love. But, Cheonsa, I love you just as much. In a different way. But I still love you. And I want to give you the world. And I don't want to run from it anymore. I want to find my own happiness and settle down. And you Cheonsa, are this angel that came to me, and showed me that."

His eyes met mine with a gentle passion in them.

I had no idea what to say. Leave it to the inexperienced human being to have to go through this.

Seokjin chuckled, "I've got you covered Cheonsa. Now's the part where we figure out what is next. If it's alright with you, I think I'd like to steal your first kiss."

I bit my lip, god I was way too awkward for this. 

But I nodded, letting my body fall to its desires. But I couldn't have Seokjin leaning over on his bad side, so I got on the bed with him and hovered over him, carefully positioning myself so I didn't accidentally hurt him.

He chuckled, "It's adorable watching you try to figure this out."

"Shut up," I blushed.

Seokjin adjusted himself easily and leaned upward into me. It was pure bliss the second our lips connected. Though I had no idea what I was doing, the injured Seokjin was able to easily lead me through the connection and soon enough I was able to catch on and respond in kind. His lips parted slightly giving me a bit more dominance over him.

Oh boy, this was one for the books. I was kissing my only close friend after he was shot in the collarbone and I was straddling him in a hospital bed. 

That didn't take away from the enjoyment of it though.

The way our lips moved in rhythmic sync to pleasure the other person. It was driving me crazy. 

Despite the fact that Seokjin was impaired, he managed to roll me off of him and onto his side so that he could establish some dominance. 

"Seokjin," I gasped.

"Cheonsa," he huskily breathed.

I was in heaven, no pun intended.

For the first time, I had done something for me. I had found something that I loved. I had found someone that I loved and that loved me back.

"I'm proud of you Cheonsa. You finally did it."

For once I wasn't annoyed by her presence. I felt relieved. I felt accepted. And most importantly, I felt ready to accept myself.

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