Behind closed doors(Reece Bib...

By GirlAlmighty123

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EDITED ON: 30/08/17✔️ Hidden love. But if it's true love why should it be hidden? Imagine not being able to... More

Should I end it here?
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By GirlAlmighty123


7 days.
1 week, 168 hours, 15 seconds and still counting.

I spent 7 days without talking to Reece. The heartbreak is making me lose all my sanity, I know it's only been a week but i miss him so much.

I just want to hold him, and kiss him and to just be around him. I bet he doesn't even care about me anymore. His band is getting bigger and bigger, he doesn't have the time to be wasting his thoughts on me.

I hate life.

"Angel, I'm really starting to get worried about you," Vicky says to me.

She's been with me ever since I broke it off with him. "You haven't eaten in days I'm scared." I just shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes, I know it's bitchy and rude of me to treat her like this but I can't help. I'm slowly breaking.

Vicky sighed in defeat and I could feel her eyes on me. "Neveah. I can't have you sulking about him all day! It's Christmas eve and we're going out to see your parents and you're going to have an awesome time!" Vicky smiled brightly trying to lighten up the mood, which failed miserably because me and my parents don't really get along.

The last time we've ever properly spoken to each other was when I was 13! I don't even remember the whole conversation. "I don't talk to my parents," I moaned and shoved my face into my pillow, attempting to hide from the world.

Vicky knows how I feel about my friends and for the past 17 years she's known me, she's always tried to make us get along - sadly it never works.

They're stuck up and don't care about me or anything I do.

She kissed her teeth at my lack of enthusiasm. "For Pete sakes Angel! You're going whether you like it or not okay? Whatever it takes for you to move on from thou who shall not be mentioned, I'll do it and getting away from this environment will help," Vicky removed the pillow from my face and crossed her arms.

As always she's right. I hate wallowing in self pity, and revolving my life on one person, I hate that at 23 I'm allowing someone else to dictate my life.

"You're going." Vicky stared right into my soul with a challenging look.

I won't give in! I thought to myself. No matter how convincing she is, I can't face anyone right now. I just want to stay in bed all day with tears as my only companion.

However I couldn't beat her vigorous glare.

"Alright fine, I'll be ready in like 20 minuets," I threw my hands up in defeat, whilst she left the room grinning.

"You're so beautiful." Reece said lovingly, smiling at me which brought a rainfall of butterflies to my stomach.

We've been together for 5 months but it feels like a lifetime. I've never been so into a boy like this before, I think I might be in love with him. But I'm not sure what love is, or what ifs like.

So how can I be so sure?

" do you know if you're in love with someone? I asked him nervously, while stroking his soft, brown hair.

"To be honest I actually don't know..." Reece looked into the distance thinking ever so deeply.

"Actually scratch that. Love is when your flutters with just the thought of that one person. All you want to do is be with them for the rest of your life, you want to be their everything. You involve yourself in every situation they're in, because you want to feel and have the same experiences with them, just to be with them through it all. Love is holding onto that person even when there's nothing left to hold. Love is falling in all different places but you don't mind, because you know that one special person will be there to catch you. Love is a lot of things, I may not truly understand it," He took a deep breath before giving me a promising look as he continued, "But I know that love is exactly what I feel for you."

"wake up!" A loud voice interrupted me from a memory...a painful yet beautiful memory.  I remember that day clearly, like when you hear an old song you used to love after a long time.

That was the day Reece first told me that he loved me.

"Mhh yeah I'm up, are we there yet?" I rubbed my eyes and opened them to see a very strict looking man and women, who was waiting outside the car door. "Hurry up and get your stuff out of the boot, I don't have time for this nonsense." The lady hissed at me.

"What crawled up your butt and died" I hissed back, not even bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice. "Excuse me, you will not talk to her like that. As she said, get your junk out of the boot we have a very important meeting soon that we refuse to miss." The man formally spoke with a firm voice.

I resisted the urge to roll my ways and say something I knew I'd regret - it would just cause more problems anyways, "Yeah whatever merry Christmas to you too mother and father."

Yup those are my parents. As you can tell they're wonderful people, who and are obviously pleased to see me.

Note the sarcasm.

"They're your parents be nice," Vicky warned me. "Also it's Christmas tomorrow, today is Christmas eve." She nudged my elbow as we took our bags into the house.

I don't care if it's Christmas or Christmas Eve.

I'm not in the 'Christmas spirit' this year. "Whatever" I scoffed under my breath hoping she wouldn't hear.

Judging from her silence I'm guessing that she didn't. We went into the house or should I say mansion, the place is incredibly huge just for two people only.

As we got further into the mansion I realised how glamorous it really is. The walls were dirt free and creamy white, all of their furniture must've cost a fortune they were leather black, with very delicate patterns on them. Even the cutlery looked fancy, I don't remember my parents being so wealthy. No wonder why they didn't even care to call, they're obviously satisfied with the life they have and I'm pretty sure that they don't need a silly little girl getting in the way of their 'perfect' world.

"Damn when did your parents get so rich?" Vicky questioned, gaping at the house in awe. I just shrugged my shoulders. I'm starting to notice that I'm doing that a lot.

We went to the stairs and oh my, there were like 100 steps!

Who the hell would wanna walk that many steps? I can feel a sweat forming on my forehead just by looking at them, "Vicky there's no way we're walking that!" I told her. She nodded in agreement.

"But how else are we supposed get upstairs?" Okay she had a point, but still there's no way I'm walking all of that. I might as well run a marathon.

Just when I thought that all hope was gone, in the far end of the room was a very posh looking elevator. "Vicky look over there!"I averted her head to the direction I pointing at. "A freaking elevator! Why would you buy an elevator if you have stairs what's the bloody point of that?" Once again she had a point but that didn't matter at the moment.

"It's probably a rich people thing. But who cares? Come on!" We practically ran there,that's how desperate we are.

We reached the elevator and immediately pressed the open button, and went inside. It was also huge, it's bigger than my apartment!

After what felt like forever we were finally upstairs and went to the room, that had the words 'Neveah and Vickera's room'. I could see Vicky cringing at the fact that they used her real name (she's not really a fan of it). "Well I guess this is our room," I opened the door and the room wasn't as spectacular as I expected - but it was still good enough for me - not that I really cared.

"Come on, let's put all of our stuff away and dibs on the bigger bed!' Vicky ordered , I wanted the bigger bed though.

Oh well.

"Sometimes I think you're little kid." She laughed and unzipped her suit case.

I really need to use the toilet, however how am I supposed to find it in this labyrinth?

"I'm gonna go pee I'll be back," I got out of the room and went around looking for the toilets.

It's been 10 minuets yet I still can't find it. Seriously my parents should have given me a map because this place is impossible. I turned around and decided to hold my pee in and just go back to the room. Instead I bump into a hard but scrawny chest. "Oh I'm sorry," A deep and intriguing voice apologised to me.

I look up to see a very cute blonde and blue eyed boy.

Mhh Reece has blonde hair and blue eyes....

Snap out of it! Forget about him!

"It's okay I was just searching for the bathroom," I blushed a little and I have no idea why I did.

"Oh you should have a bathroom in your room," I realised that he had a strong irish accent, it sounded like heaven. Taking in what he just said I mentally slapped myself at how stupid I'd been. Of course a bathroom in my room!

"I'm such an idiot! Thank the way what are you doing here?" It's not everyday you meet a random stranger in your parents house.

He chuckled, "I live here with the Summers, it's a long story...what about you?" Why would my parents allow a teenager in the house? 

"Oh I'm staying over with my best friend for christmas, this is my parents house - Mr and Mrs Summers," I said trying my hardest not to stare into his amazing eyes.

He nodded understanding what I'd said. "Well uh, my names Niall" he put his hand out.

Niall...Cute name. I love the way it rolls off his tongue.

Okay that sounds creepy.

"My names Neveah, nice to meet you Niall," I shook his hand, it was so soft and warm.

"Well Neveah I'll see you around." Niall winked at me, I waved at him then he left.

Damn he was really hot, maybe I can finally get over Reece...

But I can't fall in love with every attractive guy - no matter how captivating they look, no one will be like Reece.

However, I know this sounds dodgy, I could use someone else to help me get over Reece?

Like they say, the best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else.
Updated version of this chapter ✔️

Please don't think Neveah is some harlot, who just jumps from guy to guy because she's not. She's just sick and tired of being with someone who isn't right (but at the same is) for her, so she's convinced herself that this is a perfect to move on.

People do messed up things when they're heart broken okay?

On another note, incase you're not British, boot is what English people call a 'trunk'. The back of a car.

Just thought of clear that up.  Also I chose Niall Horan from one direction as well...Niall haha. (Picture of him on the side)

The thing about Reece having brown hair in Neveah's memory and then him having blonde hair when she's comparing him to Niall. Is because Reece used to have brown hair but dyed it blonde in like October.

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