Endless Love

By issuou

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In every relationship. There's going to be arguments, fights, smiles, tears and up and downs. Things said out... More

Their story + Looking for a surprise (1)
The Meet up (2)
Lossing black (3)
The Goodbye + The holiday (4-5)
After 3 years (6)
Meeting again (7)
The hotel room (8)
Only told the moon (9)
worried about you (10)
The regret (11)
Back to work (12)
The deal (13)
Neighbors (14)
The Fight (15)
The kiss (16)
A one fine night (17)
I feel it too (18)
Let's go to the cinema! (19)
Fuck it, i want you (20)
Dana's arrival (21)
The unexpected guest (22)
Business VS pleasure (23)
Hurts so good (24)
Feels like hell (25)
I am the boss (26)
Make you mad (27)
Deserves better (28)
Best day ever (29)
You & I (30)
Crazy beautiful life (31)
Get ready for my payback (32)
We are fine (33)
The big day (34)
Plans for the holiday (35)
Happiness & Friends (36)
Pull me closer (37)
Drunk in love (38)
As hot as fire (39)
Love under the stars (40)
Unseen secrets (41)
Hero (42)
Two bosses (43)
Kidnapping the princess (44)
This love (45)
Full of desire (47)
Love me (48)
Blood and Fire (49)
Memory loose (50)
Chaines & Freedom (51)

Lovers squad (46)

4 2 4
By issuou

NOTE : For a better reading, when i point out during the chapter, Listen to the song "All I want".

Ellen's pov
I always wished to work for Victoria Arrias, I used to watch her interviews and read about her on internet cause she was an inspiration to me, I mean her life story and how she faced everything bad she went through to reach her goals really inspired and pushed me to study and work hard to get to her cause I liked her a lot and the idea of working with her was like a dream that came true when she accepted to recruit me to be in the most important post on the company.. Her own assistant! I literally felt like flying when I received the email of the approval.
I wore my best classic clothes ever and left my hair loose and made my way to the Arrias's industry.
I entered her office and it was exactly as I expected, a luxurious huge room with a stunning decor. And of course her beautiful features and body shape that made the whole place looks perfectly well with her character.

-Good morning lady, take a sit please!".

I heard her saying this sentence with her beautiful voice showing a beautiful smile and all I did was smiling back at her.
I conversed with her and she was so nice and polite and also professional. She made me feel positive and comfortable around her and also said that she's gonna teach me all I need to know about her work.
But what hit me hard was when she mentioned that she was engaged, I don't know why or how I acted like that but she noticed a weird reaction from me.
I smiled politely then went to the desk she told me about and start putting my stuff on it.
Miss Arrias left her office and walked in the long corridor to her personal elevator.

-See you Miss Arrias!", I said to her when she passed by me and she nodded smiling

(20 min after)

-Where is everyone!!!", she spoke when she found the place empty

-Hello! They left to have lunch ma'am!".

-Fine! Is Miss Arrias here?".

-No ma'am, she left to the bank but she'll be back after few hours!".

-Okay, but who are you... You don't look familiar to me!".

-Oh yeah, I'm her new assistant and this is my first day of working!".

-Aha!", she mumbled looking up appearing to think

-Are you okay ma'am?".

-Yeah I'm her fiance!".

-Sorry ma'am, but I didn't ask about your relation with her!".

-Oh y-yeah I'm sorry, whatever.. I'm going, have a nice day", she spoke stuttering then left quickly

"What's up with her!", I spoke to myself

Jennifer's pov
"I've never seen someone as fast as Victoria,
In a short period, she set everything up and planned and organized thousand things , and also recruited a new assistant and of course a beautiful one. "They were right when they gave you that award!", I spoke to myself walking to my office

-You talking to yourself Jennifer! You're going crazy".

-Well let me tell you what happened andy".


-You asking? Today is a total mess and I can't wait for it to end!".

-Why are you saying this, What happened?".

-Well my fiance, my beautiful professional bossy wife recruited a new woman as her assistant and of course a beautiful one!".

-What's the problem with that?", he asked rising an eyebrow

-Of course its a problem andy, are you kidding me? She's gonna pass most of the day with a strange woman who will probably be toiling to have her!".

-You're overreacting Jennifer".

-You'll never understand!".

-Well I do, don't worry.. Victoria will not let her into her life, and I'm sure of that!".

-It's not that I'm doubting this fact, but I'm so afraid!".

-Stop talking nonsense, She loves you so much and now go and take care of the fucking company or it will be on the verge of bankruptcy and then Victoria will kill us".

-You're right, c'mon let's get to work".

-It's almost, 6 p.m".

-Yeah, and my cat is in the office, I have to buy him food!".

-A cat!".

-Yeah, Victoria bought it for me today!".

-See! She adores you!".

-I love her too!", I said smiling

-That's what I'm talking about, I wish that I have someone like her in my life, you're the luckiest I've ever seen!", he said making me laugh out loud

No one's pov
-Thank you Miss Arrias, but we need to take care of the rest of the corporations in Paris and London as well".

-Don't worry about this John, I'll fly to London the next Sunday and I'll send someone to Paris too".

-Problem solved! Thanks for your help!".

-Welcome, now excuse me I have to go!".

-For sure, take care of yourself, ma'am!".

Victoria made the deal with the entrepreneurial spiritual leader after solving the bank's case... And then decided to go back to the company to reorganize some new merchandise.

-Good afternoon Ma'am!".

-Good afternoon Miss Brooke, does anyone asked about me?".

-Yes, Your fiance came to see you but I told her that you'll be back in few hours!", she said following her to the office

-Alright, I'll go and see what she wants and you, you can go home.. Enough for today!".

-Alright, see you tomorrow then ma'am!", the woman spoke politely


The secretary left the office to take her things then left the company to her house, and Victoria who wasn't in her good mood that day rested her self on her presidential chair and closed her eyes trying to calm her unstoppable headache.

-Can I come in?".

she opened her eyes to look at the woman who was standing waiting for an answer.

-Enter!", she spoke annoyingly

-I wanted to apologize for the silly things I did to you lately, I was stupid and I overreacted, listen I know that I shouldn't act like that but I swear that the words were coming out from my mouth without me controlling it, I was jealous and afraid that she would take you away from me and a-",

-Okay!", she cut her off

-What? I didn't finish yet".

-You don't have to".


-Just like that".

-Why are you being so cold ?".

-JENNIFER! I said STOP", her voice tone sounds firm


-Now get ready, I'm driving you home!".

-No thanks, I'm going with Andrew".

-I said get ready!", she said in a serious tone

-Alright", she mumbled in a sad voice

Victoria's pov
I was so mad at her, to the point that I couldn't look into her eyes not hear her apology. And it's obvious, she hurt me so much with her words which cut me deeper than a knife, she really thought of me that! that I'm a playgirl and that I could cheat on her one day with my employ, the thing that I've never did.
and of course I won't forgive her easily, not anymore.. Some says that I became cold-hearted and changed to an arrogant bitch but they don't know that the main cause of the new me was her, she made me like that! And now she'll have to experience some of my bad attitude

-Drive us to my parent's home billy!", I ordered

I didn't say anything during the whole short trip, I was focusing on checking the magazine of the month and see if there are mistakes on it, Jennifer also was quiet and I could say that she was feeling bad and guilty, but it was good for her, I wanted to punish her

-Are we gonna stay silent the whole time?", she asked

-No cause we arrived".


-Better? yeah of course".

-We arrived ma'am!", the driver spoke to us

-Great, take your cat and come on. I'll talk to your parents about something essential!".

-What! What are you gonna say ?".

-You'll know later!".

No one's pov
The driver opened the door for the two women to get down and handed his hand to Jennifer who was carrying the cat in her hand and then Victoria followed her.

-Can you open the door, I'm holding the cat!", she spoke handing her the keys

Victoria looked at her and without saying anything and grabbed the keys and opened the door for them to enter.

-Honey! You're back", Jennifer's mom said approaching

-Hi mom!".

-Hey Miss Shirley!", Victoria spoke hugging the woman smiling

-Hello sweetheart, I like your red lipstick, it looks so good on you!".

-Thanks, that's so sweet from you!".

-You're welcme, c'mon in... You arrived at dinner time".

-No, ma'am, I have to go back to the company. I just came here to tell you something".

-Is everything okay?".

-Yeah yeah, don't worry".

Jennifer's pov
I felt my heart pumping out of my chest since I heard that she's gonna tell them something important, a lot of black ideas came to my mind and I was just throwing it away and trying to calm myself down.

-C'mon tell us!", my father said

Victoria looked at him and opened her mouth to talk and I swear that I felt myself vanishing of suspicion

-Well it's um..".

-C'mon sweetie, let it out!".

-Yeah actually, it's about the last two days when your daughter didn't show up!", she spoke looking at me


-It's because we traveled to Brazil cause we had an unexpected meeting on a Latin company!".

-Oh that's why!".

-Yeah, and we also bought a cat".

She lied to them in order to help me avoid any problems, and they believed her because she made it looks real and also the cat helped a lot, he's unique and rare.
At first, I thought that she was gonna tell them that our relationship is over because she was so mad and upset and I wouldn't be surprised if she did that, But she didn't, because she loves me.. Dana and Andrew were right and I was wrong when I doubted that fact and kept acting childish "Shame on you jennifer".

-That's so sweet dear!", My mom said taking me out if my thoughts

-Yes ma'am, and now excuse me.. I have to go".

I was wondering what the hell she was gonna do in that company at 7p.m.. it's true, she always has been the last one to leave the company but she stopped doing that since we start hanging out and date.
"ha! Jennifer again.. you start with your shitty thoughts, she's probably going to design new houses, stop it", I spoke to myself

-We would like to have you for more time but it's okay if you're busy.. we could manage to have dinner all together next time".

-Sounds great, we definitely will!", she spoke politely

-Jennifer baby, pursue her to the door", my dad declared hugging my right arm

-Alright, dad!".

I grabbed her hand softly, looking her in the eyes and I saw an amount of sadness in them.

-Thank you", I said to her who nodded faking a smile

-No need to thank me, I did what I promised to do".

-Where are you going? stay with me".

-I'm busy".

Her coldness annihilated me and I knew that she was punishing me.

-Okay as you like", I said before she started walking to her car's way

-Good Night Miss Shirley !", the driver said smiling

-Good night Billy!", I responded to him who smiled closing the car door after Victoria got inside it

The car start strolling and I was still standing on the door watching her hoping for Victoria to open the window and wave at me but she didn't.
"I missed you vivito, I'm sorry", I spoke as I saw that her car was no longer visible to my eyes.

(after 20 min)
No one's pov
-It's hurting me as much as it is hurting her and more but she deserves it Dana, Stop judging me".

-I know, I'm always by your side but Jennifer is really sad and guilty, I saw that in her eyes and you better stop it bitch, enough!".

-Wait, what? Did she thought of that before saying those painful things?".

-Surely not, but it's enough. After two hard days you made her feel safe and happy again but in a sudden everything turned upside down and now you're here acting strange, this is not you Victoria!".

-Well yeah, I told you that I've changed, and she was the reason... I would never let anyone hurt me again, even her! Not anymore!", she said in a firm voice

-So you're saying that you're not gonna talk to her again?".

-Of course not, I love her and I will talk to her soon. I just want her to feel that she can't act bitchy with me, I'm not just a random girl!".

-You're right, if I were you I would do the same, but just go easy on her".

-Yeah don't worry".

-Alright, it's 8 a.m now... I'm leaving!".

-Tell billy to drive you home, I have some work to do, I'm not leaving after finishing it".

-No babe thank you, I and the gang are going out tonight, I would like to invite you two but you have work to do and also you're not in the mood to do anything, so you better stay here and do your favorite job just like a badass!", she said hugging her

-Yeah you're right, I'll design a new hotel in Spain because I have to travel there next month to establish it".

-Wow! You going alone?".

-Didn't decide yet!".

-Alright then I'll let you work, see you buddy!".

-Enjoy your night!".

Dana winked at her best friend then grabbed her bag and phone and left leaving her alone with her huge papers and pens and her thoughts.

"Oh God, how am I supposed to work when I'm not in the mood for anything!", she spoke serving herself a glass of whiskey.

Jennifer's pov
I was sitting on my couch watching our
pictures and videos and memorizing every beautiful moment we had passed together and it made me smile between tears, I literally cried because I was missing her, I didn't hug her not smell her scene and it killed me.
"She didn't text or call me, did she forgot about me?".

-Jennie, are you hungry ?", I heard my mom entering my room

-No mom I'm not".

-You seem worried! What's wrong?", she said sitting next me

-I'm fine, don't worry mommy".

-Oh sweetie, it's okay you can tell me anything!".

-I hurt her mom and and She got so so m-mad at me and !", I spoke crying

-Hey hey! Stop crying baby girl and listen to me".

-She didn't call nor text even if dana said that she'll, I guess she hates me".

-No don't say that, sometimes couples fight and argue and say a lot of bad things out of anger, and this is a part of the relationship you're not the only one, even I and your dad fight sometimes, but you know what? if she doesn't love you she wouldn't be mad at you or even care, I know very well what is love, and I also know that Victoria loves you so much, she proved that many times. Wipe your tears and go wash your face because I feel that she'll come soon...and plus, you're authorized to go out with her when she came!", she said smiling

-Are you sure that that will happen?".

-Yes honey!".

-Do you think that she'll forgive me?".

-She will".

-Thank you mommy, you words comforted me".

-Any time honey, now come to eat!".

-No I'm not hungry mom thanks"

-You're not hungry or she will take you to a beautiful restaurant?", she smiled devilishly

-Hahahaha you're so cute Mamii!".

-Your dad said that too!".

-Hum cool!"

-Alright, I'm leaving now. DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!", she sang


No one's pov
*play song*

Jennifer was sitting on the sofa watching their videos in the car, the restaurant, the hotel and so many beautiful and stupid selfies that Victoria took for them. After her mom talked to her and make her feel better, she hoped again that everything will be okay.

-All I want is for you to come over and hug me tight, I want you to make me feel like no matter what happen you will always be there for me, to comfort me and wipe my tears and draw the smile on my face, I really miss you Vivito, I wish that you were here with me now", she spoke tearing

-Jennifer? Can you open the door please, I'm on the bathroom!".

-Alright, I'm on it", she said getting up from her couch

She put on her flip-flop and dragged herself downstairs in a bad mood feeling some pain in her bones because of last night's affair.

-Hello Shirley!".

-Babe!!!", she said jumping on her arms

-Missed me?", she asked smiling 

-You asking? I was dying without you".

-But I came in the end".

-I knew that you'll".

-Hum Really, how?".

-Because you love me".

-That's right love, and look what I brought with me", she spoke handing her a box 

-Pizza!!!!! Yay".

-I know that you didn't eat anything ".

-Yeah, how can I eat when I'm not okay, and missing you".

-That's the point, now let's go home.. Or you mom won't let you out?".

-Aha No actually she said that I can go out with you when you come".

-So she also knew that I'll come?", she let out in a chuckle

-Hum yeah".

-That's crazy!!!".

-I know right, she said that you love me and you got mad because you care a lot about me, and that you'll come over to see me because I'm special to you and that you can't sleep without me".

-Well I guess that I should thank your mom for saying that about me!".

-No problem, c'mon let's go".


Andrew's pov
I and Dana went with our crushes and some friends of ours to a party, we played billiard and many other games like "would you rather". And she was making fun of me all the time whenever she catch me staring at Bob who was so handsome that every girl tried to snatch up his attention, but he didn't care about any of them of course and I honestly felt like he had a crush on me.

-Hey Buddy? Why are you sitting alone?", he said approaching   

-Hey! I'm just enjoying some calmness and peace away from that noise".

-Oh you seem to be a relaxation lover".

-I really am!".

-Andrew I want to confess something to you!".

-Go ahead, I'm listening!".

-I think that I am in love with you", he said in a hurry

-W-what! Are you serious?".

-I am andy, and listen, I don't know if you feel the same but I real-",

-Of course, I feel the same way about you and since a long time, and I really like to be with you".

-I'd love to too!".

-Will you be my boyfriend?".

-Yes Andy, yes".

No one's pov
The two guys smiled at each other then  got closer and crashed into each other's lips for a long kiss that lasted for few minutes.

-Wow! You two are kissing! Is that mean that you're a-",

-Yes Dani yes".

-You did it hoe!! I'm so happy for you".

-Thanks but couldn't you just came a little bit late so I can kiss him more?", he spoke annoyingly

-It's okay you can kiss in front of us!", Flora said approaching

-Oh yeah actually", Bob let out before connecting his lips with his boyfriend's again

Dana looked at flora who was staring at them smiling with a gaze full of impress and love. Then flora noticed that and smiled then looked back at her

-Enough you hoes, I'm single!", she said in a nervousness

-Let them enjoy and come with me.. I need to tell you something".

-Sure, let's go".

She grabbed her hand and took her to the bathroom then closed the door

-You see this woman?", She said pointing at her reflection in the mirror

-Yeah, what's with her?".

-She's so in love", she said smiling

-Hum really! With whom?", Dana asked biting her lips

-With this beautiful creature!".

-With me?", she asked smiling

-Yes Dani with you!".

-Since when?", she said grabbing her waist and pulling her closer

-I c-can't remember!".

-Let me remind you".

-How could yo-",

She cut her off by kissing her lips unexpectedly

-Do you remember now?".

-SHUT UP AND KISS ME AGAIN!", The blonde woman let out in a lust

Dana smiled devilishly then got back to kiss her again.

After few minutes the new couples went back to the place where they were playing games with the other people, and each one of them sat beside his partner. Dana and Flora were sitting beside each other around the fireproof holding hands and stealing looks and kisses from time to time, and so is Andrew and bob who were laughing at some gags on YouTube.

-So! I see that we have new couples in here!", Victoria said approaching with Jennifer

-Vito, Jennie! You fixed it!!!", Dana exclaimed

-Of course Dani, or else I wouldn't be here".

-Yeah sure, so you left your work and went to Jennifer's house?".

-Yup actually I couldn't concentrate, my mind was out of control".

-I see!".

-Yeah whatever, congrats for our new couples!".

-Thanks Miss Arrias!".

-Oh bob, we are not in at work, you can just call me Victoria", she let out in a chuckle

-I honestly never had a cool boss like you, you're so humble and cool".

-Yeah, Bob is right ma'am, we are so glad to know a person like you!", Flora added

-Alright, you can consider me as your friend when we are out of the company, Like when we are in games nights and parties!".

-Alright ma'am!", Flora said smiling


-Oops sorry, I'm just used to this".

-That's because you're so polite baby!", Dana responded

-Yeahh of course!!!! Jennifer can you say something please... I don't wanna curse in front of my employees so..".

-It's fine you can do it, we are your friends out of the company too!".

-Dana we are not used to your kind side!".

-We are not used to your sarcastic way too!".

-Well you should now, as long as I am the wife of the most sarcastic person in here! I would throw bombs at you everytime, the same way she does".

-That's my wife!", she spoke hugging her

-Alright people, let's play Questionby Question!", Jennifer suggested

-That's a good idea, c'mon jennie", Andrew said making a place for Jennifer to sit

-Aha! You're making space for her, How about me... Where would I sit?", She said winking at Jennifer

-Hum, on my lap!", she exclaimed

-That's exactly what she meant by that look!", Dana let out in a hurry

-Well yeah, you know me very well".

(After 10 minutes)

-Vivito, you bombarded everyone with your questions, can you just go easy on us?".

-Okay okay I'm sorry, I'll be merciful from now on!".

-It's my turn, ask me!", Dana said waving at her

-Okay, my question is what would you say to someone who said the end world of the world is next week?".

-I would say go fuck your mom!", she said in a hurry making everyone explode in a laughter

-Hahahaha You're crazy!", Flora let out in a chuckle

-I'm done with you Dani, you're a fool!".

-Trust me you're the craziest Vito!".

-Hahahahaha okay, my turn.. Ask me!".

-Alright, What would you do if Jennifer asked you to let her spend the night on her ex's house to de-",

-I would burn that house!", she spoke in a hurry

-But I didn't finish my sentence yet!".

-No need to!".

-You're a devil!".

-Of course I am, I could kill when it comes to you".

-I love you so much", she said kissing her arm

-Alright Jennifer it's your turn to ask Andrew!".

-Oh come here you little rabbit!", she said excitedly

-Oh my God, that look is so scary!".

-I know you fear me!".

-Go ahead!".

-What's the best memory of us in college?", she asked him then he took a while to respond

-C'mon Andy! Don't let us wait for so long!", Flora said

-Humm, I remember when you got into a fight with that guy who tried to dirt my name by telling everyone who was homophobic that I was gay, and then you broke his nose and got into troubles with the administration!".

-Really!!! Then what?", Victoria spoke in chock

-Nothing, they let her go when they know that her father was an officer!".

-Ohh !".

-Yeah I still remember that day too, it was nice, and then we went to have lunch with Scarlett and Bruno and we made him pay for everything we ate hahaha".

-That's reminded me of our old days Vito!".

-Yeah Danny we had a lot of fun!".

-Can you guys tell us about some!", Bob asked

-Well, it's hard to remember cause we had a lot!", Dana responded

-I remember once we were on the swimming pool with our friends luke and mike and lucy and kate swimming and spraying each other with water and playing with the ball, then Dana glimpsed two beautiful girls who were so cute. She came to me and told me to go with her and help her try to get the girl she wanted and of course, we left the squad and went to swim next to them. When we first said hi to them I found out that one of them has already liked me, for my good luck.. I was jumping of happiness that I finally had someone to swim and flirt with after being single for almost two months.
While I was putting my attention to her, Dana was looking at me with a deadly look because I left her handling it alone, I remember that she cursed me a lot and said that I'm a selfish bitch, but all her words and face expressions were making me laugh out loud and ev-",

-Yeah of course, you've always been a bitch".

-Dani let me finish!".

-No I will finish it"

-Yeah yea you better finish it or change the subject Dani because I'm having the urge to kill her right now", Jennifer spoke angrily

-Don't be jealous Babe, it's from the past!".


-Don't whatever me!".

-Okay, then she start murmuring to the girl she was swimming with me to go and wait for her in the bathroom, and then she went to the girl I was having an eye on her and told her that I like her and then she came to talk to me, and then we start dating".

-Happy Ending!", Andrew exclaimed

-How about you? You start dating that bitch too?".

-No babe, it's just that humm.. a a l-let me explain".

-Why are you so afraid to admit that you took her to a five stars hotel and kept fucking her during the whole night!".

-Shut up Dani!".

-Okaaaaaaay!", the blonde woman said crossing her arms in an anger

-Thank you so much Dana".

-Hahahahaha No no I'm kidding Jennifer, she didn't do anything with her.. She forgot about her right after we left that swimming pool!".

-See! There's no need to show me that look Jennifer for fuck sake, I didn't do anything wrong!".

-Okay better!".

-Alright, whose turn now?".

-it's your turn to ask Flora you dumb bitch!".

-Alright, So babe tell me what would you do if there's no one in this room except you and I ?".

-Hum that's awkward!".

-You don't have to be ashamed, your boss is cool.. C'mon answer", Jennifer said looking her fiance in the eyes

-Yeah it's okay, we know the answer anyways.. just let it out!".

-Sorry guys, I prefer to not answer!".

-Look Dani, you made the girl feel uncomfortable.. Such a fool!", Andrew let out in a chuckle

-What do you think of asking the same question to your boyfriend, we would like to see his reaction too!".

-Well I know that he'll feel embarrassed too, my previous assistants are not dirty like you two!", Victoria said in hurry

-Actually, you're right Vito! Let's just change the game!!".

-Oh that's a bad idea, I'm tired.. So Imma take my wife and leave to the house, and you all should too!".

-Said the boss!", Andrew said

-Hey you stole my sentence!", Dani said throwing a bottle at him

-Next time give her credit Andy or else you would be bleeding!".

-You're right Victoria, we could expect anything from this crazy girl!".

-Alright, let's go home Vivito.. I didn't feed the cat since this morning!".

-He was sad because I wasn't talking to you too? Or you simply abandoned him!".

-Actually, I wasn't thinking about anything else for the whole day except you dear, that's why!".

-Oh okay, so you want me to drive to your parent's?".

-Oh Shit, I totally forget that he's there.. you know what it's okey, I'll call my mom and tell her to feed him and we, let's go to your house!".

-That's great, then let's go... bye guys!".

-Good night girls!", The squad said waving their hands

The brides said goodbye and left to the car, Victoria was so tired and sleepy but unfortunately her driver wasn't there to drive because she told him to go home, so she asked Jennifer to drive.

-You're a good driver babe!".

-Not as good as you love".

-You're driving me for the first time and I'm thinking that you should be doing it everyday".

-Oh c'mon, you know that I hate driving and plus, you're faster and more competent in this".

-Hufff, am I supposed to do everything in life?", she said in a bad mood

-Hum no, but when it comes to me yes!".


-Yes Vivito!".

-Okay boss", she spoke laughing


-What did your mom said?".

-Oh she told me that Richard and Frederick had already feed the cat and played with it".

-That's amazing!".

-And she told me to say hi to you and that her and your mom are going to do shopping together tomorrow!".

-Wow!! That's really incredible.. We'll pass by them tomorrow.. I miss them so much".

-They did too!".

-What about you?".

-You can see the answer in my eyes!", she said in a lovely tone that made Victoria smile beautifully

-I love you jein!".

-I love you more vivito!".

After few more minutes of driving the couple arrived at home and took a shower together then fell in a deep sleep.

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1M 52K 44
The day before her wedding, Destiny Jones decided to write a letter to her ex. The one that got away. Would writing about her past change her future...
808K 36.9K 36
[Completed] Sometimes, exes come back, and so do forgotten feelings. And if the universe hates you enough, it's your girlfriend's first love who show...