The Heroine of Hope (Dragon B...

By DragonBallJ

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What happened if character from Dragon Ball Dimension meet with Boku no Hero Academia. Read to find out. (A s... More

Love Interest
First Day on a New World
Entrance Exam? Fidelia goes to U.A.?
Quirk Assessment Test
All Might vs Fidelia?!
Choosing a Class Rep and the Attack of USJ
USJ Incident Chapter 1
USJ Incident Chapter 2
Another Field Trip to USJ? Class 1-A Overcome their fears
Prepare for the Sports Festival
Sports Festival Chapter 1
Sports Festival Chapter 2
The end of Sports Festival? Who's winning?
The Emperor is Back?! Show everyone the power of a serious Saiyan!
Hero names
Interships and Hosu Incident
Aftermath of the Internship
The origin of One for All
Prepare for Final Exam
Gear Up for Final Exam. Show them the power of Ki Team
A confession? Fidelia's Final Exam Begin
An awkward day
Encounter?! Shigaraki's True Identity Revealed!
Swimming Pool Training?
Summer Training Camp Chapter 1
Summer Training Camp Chapter 2
Summer Training Camp Chapter 3
Rescue Bakugo Chapter 1
Save Bakugo Chapter 2
Mask man identity and permission to stay at the dorms
New Life in U.A. Dorm?
Practicing Ultimate Moves
A sleepover? What is Saiyans? Heroes meet the warrior race
Provisional License Chapter 1
Special and A/n

Hero exercise with Isami High School

289 5 0
By DragonBallJ

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
2 after the talk about One for All I see Aizawa walk into the class with 4 more students with different uniforms while he announce "It's a little sudden, but for our next hero exercise 4 hero class students from Isami High School will be joining us" a white hair girl with glasses smile "We'll be joining the exercise with you today. Isami High School, Hero Class Sekigai Kashiko" everyone cheered.

A Boy with brown standing hairs say nervously "Same class, Dadan Tadan" then he bow "Nice to meet you" everyone react tiredly. I see the boy next to him say boredly "Fujimi"

I see the snake girl and Tsu look at each with sparkling eyes and all of a sudden they hug each other "Habuko-chan!" "Tsuyu-chan!" Fujimi shout in disgust "Mongoose! Don't get all friendly with these U.A. guys!" Katsuki shout "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! YOU ISAMISHIT" Otaku whisper "Stop it Kacchan" "SHUT UP DAMN NERD!"

Aizawa comment "Why don't you shut up first" KitKat hold his tongue to say anything back while Aizawa continue "Change into your costume and make your way to Ground Omega. Lida guide the Isami students" Tenya shout "Understood!" While we were still changing I feel KitKat Ki and that Fujimi Ki was fighting with each other while the others Ki is scared.

Aizawa speak "Alright, is everyone here? Today's Hero Exercise will be observed by me and" All Might show up while blowing dusts everywhere "I HAVE COME LIKE A SPECIAL GUEST!!" I see the Isami students was looking in awe at All Might while AM announce "We're going to have you all go through some Survival Training!"

Everyone start to murmur "Survival Training?" "Like a battle royal?" All Might clear his throat then explain the rules "You all will be teamed up with 1 team consist of 4 people. There is but 1 objective! To survive! To run or to fight, anything goes! Victory will go to the last team!" Aizawa took something from his pocket "If you run into another team and manage to bind your opponents with this Capture Tape you can make them combat ineffective" All Might shout "Now let us announce the Team!"

A team: Otaku, Tsu, Ochaco, Ashido.
B team: Yaoyorozu, Bakugo, Kirishima, Shoji
C team: Todoroki, Ojiro, Hagakure, Koda
D team: Lida, Tokoyami, Sato, Sero
E team: Mineta, Jiro, Kaminari, Aoyama
F team: Tadan, Fujimi, Kashiko, Habuko
G team: Fidelia

I see the snake head girl name Habuko ask "Why is she alone?" 😼It's because she have a lot more experience than you kids while Aizawa comment "Because she's the only one left" Kashiko comment "I thought that it's a team training" I sigh then create 1 clone "Now I am a team" Her Quirk is clones while I see Fujimi smirk Her Quirk is quite weak compare to mine while Ginji comment Hah! Keep on dreaming!

Aizawa speak "All teams, move to your start areas. The exercise will begin without any warning in 5 minutes. Make sure you survive!" I went to the position that was chosen for me and after a couple of minutes I see explosions and many smokes and feel KitKat's Ki was already on Tenya's and his team's location and about 2 minutes later I sense Momo, Shoji, and Kirishima already reunited with KitKat. Suddenly I see many missiles fly towards KitKat's position and soon Isami students Ki on his position.

All of a sudden I see pink smoke coming towards here so I flew up but not before I sniff it a bit and it smell very weird "What is this smell?" And I see the pink smoke coming from KitKat's position and everyone's Ki spiked up How the hell did everyone's Ki suddenly spiked up? Could it be that one of their Quirk is increasing one's strength? I nod That's a possibility For now get out of there Child!

I nod then fly towards Otaku's team and Shoto's team locations when all of a sudden KitKat fly towards me so I turn around to get a look at him and he was very pale and he's face looks like what Gohan told me a ghost mask that humans use to wear during Halloween. I see he throw a huge explosion towards me but I sidestep to my right then elbow him in the back. I see that it create a small creater.

~~~All Might's POV~~~
Aizawa say "That gas... I read the Isami students data sheets and it's a troublesome Quirk. We should stop the exercise" "No" I feel his attention towards me "This situation can be called a survival situation" then I give him my signature smile "If things get bad I'll stop it!" He sigh "I'm counting on you"

All of a sudden I see Fidelia Shoujo jump very high and what surprise us is that she stay in the air while me and Aizawa comment at the same time "She's flying" I see she look at her surroundings and all of a sudden I see Bakugo Shounen fly towards her but I see she dodge his attack and elbow him in the back creating huge explosions but then seconds later I see Bakugo Shounen try to attack her again but I see a bright light in her palm "Riot Javelin!" I know that I've seen that attack somewhere before

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
I see he try to attack me again so I decided to knock him out "Riot Javelin!" I see it hit him but once the smoke clear I see that it didn't even scratch him It doesn't even do any damage at all! I see he open his mouth trying to bite me but I knee his jaw and slam him back down with my feet.

Suddenly I feel something wrapped around me so I look at my waist This is Sero's tape and then I feel it pulled down towards the others but then I feel more powerful Ki is running towards the rest class 1-A No time to deal with them! I have to make sure the others are okay! I let out a powerful shout breaking free from it and flew away.

As I flying away I see tapes, lasers, Mineta's ball and missiles was following me around so I decided to outmaneuver them but I see that those keep following me So persistent! I land on the ground then they immediately attack me but I dodge them and take them out one by one and once they're down I instantly took off to search for the still normal classmates.

~~~Aizawa's POV~~~
While she was flying I see tape, lasers, and missiles flying towards her but she out maneuver them all then I see she click her tongue in annoyance and dash down towards where the attacks come from and see that the trees was falling down in straight line and then she flew up while smiling proudly at something and I see she took off to somewhere.

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
I spot Otaku and Shoto's teams running together so I land in front of Otaku scaring him "Fidelia?!" "Let's get out of here" they nod and we continue on running. Shoto ask "Do you know what that gas is?" Otaku speak "It's probably the Quirk of one of the Isami students. I don't know what it does, but"

I was about to say what I just experience but then I see Otaku stop then look back while Ochaco ask "What's wrong Deku-kun?" He answer "Someone's coming" Ashido smile "Someone? Maybe he escape the gas" I recognize the shoe 🙀😱Uh oh it's the pale KitKat. I see Ochaco shout while waving her hand in the air "HEY!! Over here!"

Everyone shout in horror, and disbelief "ZOMBIE!!!" Zombie? They're face looks like a ghost mask rather than zombie though I nod Yeah I remember Gohan show me the ghost mask Otaku explain "It's because of that gas. I see that they use their own Quirks while some of them was banging their selves towards the trees. Otaku shout "They've been zombified completely!" I see Fumiji smile "What do you think of my Quirk?! U.A. isn't that much" when all of a sudden KitKat bite him "OH MY GAWD!"

I see he turn into zombie while Otaku comment "It's just like in the movie! You turned into a zombie if you get bitten!" Shoto scoff "If the Quirk user is down then there's no way to reverse all this. Then I'll just freeze them!" Shoto freeze their feet's but I see they broke free from the ice and then we hear shouting "Damn it!" We look at the voice to see Tokoyami bite Hagakure while Kirishima bite Ojiro "Ojiro! Hagakure!" "Even Koda"

I see Asui was so distracted because her friend become a zombie Habuko-chan! But then I notice a small rock below her "Tsu-chan! Watch out!" I see she look at me and her feet bump on the rock make her fall down a little rough "Tsu-chan!" I see Habuko catch up to her while Tsu say "Habuko-chan"

Habuko stop in her tracks and I see they hold hands when all of a sudden Aoyama bite her neck turning Asui into one of them but I see that they're still holding hands while Ochaco comment "They're still friends even though they become Zombies" suddenly we hear a very familiar laughs while Otaku smile "This voice!" "EVERYTHING'S ALL RIGHT! WHY YOU ASK?! I have come!"

The girls shout scared looking at deflated All Might "A stranger turned into a zombie!" Damn! I stayed in my muscle form and I can't maintain it further! Suddenly I was being pulled by Ashido while Ochaco pull Otaku and Shoto run on his own "Let's get out of here!" I see All Might "Wait you kids! I'm not a zombie!" I see hordes of zombies was already behind him.

I see he turned around scared of being bitten SHIT! When all of a sudden Sato pat his shoulder and I see they went passed him They think I'm one of them! What do I do?

I know I shouldn't be laughing but when I see Ginji smile weird like he's trying to hold back laughs with some I told you so face Even Zombies think you are one of them Small Muscles! Finally Ginji and me broke into a fit of laughter 🤣🤣🤣😹😹😹Hahahahahaha!! I see they keep pulling me towards a cave and Otaku say "Todoroki-kun!" He nod then close the entrance with his ice.

I see Ochaco and Ashido sigh in relief while Shoto ask "Midoriya. How long do you think that zombie Quirk lasts?" Otaku say "The gas was clearing, so I'm sure it will go away eventually. But how long that will take is... I do not know" Ochaco smile "I'm sure if it gets too dangerous the teachers will save us!"

Ashido nod rapidly while Otaku and me look at each other with the same thought I hope so. Ochaco ask "Deku-kun, how do the protagonist in zombie movies date?" Otaku look away "Most of it ends badly" Ashido shout in frustration "No way!" I sense that their already outside the cave "Here they comes!"

We hear they keep banging the ice wall and it break but Shoto make another layer of ice wall while saying "We'll be overrun if this continues!" Todoroki-kun get ready to use your flames! You 3 get back!" "Who do you think you're talking to Otaku?" He smile nervously "Well if you get bitten there's no one who could defeat you"

I was about to say something but then I sense that the zombies Ki is getting back to the normal One for All! Full Cowl! "Here we go Midoriya" "Wait!" I tried to stop them but they ignore me "Smash!" I see he does a backflip 2 times then shout "Everyone! Let's get out of" suddenly everyone started shouting "What happened?!" "Why did we?!"

Otaku shout in disbelief "They returned back to normal?!" I walk up to him "I was about to tell you that Otaku" he turn his head to me "Huh?" "I sense that their Ki return back to normal" he shout while looking at the free falling classmates "I-I'm sorry!" I run towards them then use my a little bit of my normal speed to get all of them.

But once I'm about to finish helping others I hear KitKat shout "Damn Deku!" I look towards the voice to see he grab a beaten up Fujimi. I see he smirk towards Otaku "I'll crush you with everything I've got!" I see he use Howzter impact on him while Otaku didn't even bother to block it "W-WAIT!!" I went to block it with my arm leaving a small burn marks on it.

~~~Midoriya's POV~~~
Thanks to Fidelia-chan's effort of saving everyone at the last second no one was hurt except for her arm I decided to visit her when she's still in Recovery Girl's office but then I hear Recovery Girl say "Sorry but I don't have more Senzu Bean left so" "It's okay" I see Recovery Girl kiss her forehead then see the small burn marks start to heal

RG smile "There we go" She smile "Thanks Recovery Girl" "That Bakugo kid is very powerful to leave those burn marks on you Fidelia" She nod "I was surprise too" Why didn't you dodge it?" "I can't" "Why?" "Well because Katsuki about to kill Izuku" "Ah, yes those 2 again" "Anyway thanks for the treatment Recovery Girl" "Take care dearie"

I see she walk outside of the RG's room then smile at me "Hey Otaku, what are you doing here?" I see her arm was being bandaged but then she say teasingly "Don't tell you broke your bones again" I look down "I'm sorry" "For what?" "I'm sorry for not trying to dodge Kacchan's attacks and that you have to protect me"

She smile "Hey, don't worry about that. As long as you're fine I don't mind getting hurt" "Why? Why do you keep protecting me? I mean... I'm not your... your... brother, nor b-b-boy-boyfr" she chuckles "I already think of you as my little brother" I look up to see she smile "Brother? Can I really become your little brother?"

She shrug "Why not? Family aren't always about blood related you know" Amazing she's not even bothered the fact that she got hurt because of me "You really are amazing Fidelia-chan" she smile nervously "Me? I'm not Otaku" I smile "You have an amazing personality Fidelia-chan no... O-O-Onee-san" she giggle "You know if it's really hard for you to say Onee-san then just keep calling me Fidelia like you use to do" I nod and we spent the entire afternoon looking at the sun and went home and sleep.

Words: 2500

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