They're In Love (Miraculous L...

De emma4224

155K 3.1K 1.6K

These are just one-shots! So each chapter is a different story. These stories are all my creations though. U... Mais

Familiar Kiss
I Like Chat?
Overwhelming Feelings
Something To Tell You
At The Trapdoor
Her Ghost
It's Over Isn't It?
No, It Don't Make Sense
Not Engaged To Who You Think
Marinette's Brother
Tricking Plagg
Jealousy Looks Good On You
Invisible for a day
A Poor Excuse
Cheerleading Pt.1
Cheerleading Pt.2
Valentine's Day Date
Princess Marinette Part 1
Princess Marinette Part 2
Princess Marinette Part 3
First Flight Home
Call the Police (Pt. 1)
Call the Police (Pt. 2)
Call the Police (Pt. 3)
Call the Police (Pt. 4)
A Declaration on Vacation
Great Art
Drunk Confessions
Her Birthday (part 1)
Her Birthday (part 2)


2.6K 81 31
De emma4224

A little more on the morose side, not gonna lie. But I enjoyed the different story.

Marinette POV

It would be easy to say that I had fallen in love with Chat Noir and that was why it happened. It would be even easier if I knew who he was... but neither were true, and I was sick of lying.

I hadn't been out in awhile—my fears keeping me inside. Even now I found it hard to live with myself.

My parents weren't mad, not really. They didn't seem to know how to feel. My dad still seemed to be convinced that it was all Chat's fault, that I had never agreed—but that was another lie.

Adrien... was with Kagami, and I... was heartbroken. Chat was there. And then that night... we had both gone a little too far.

I tugged on a loose sweatshirt and grabbed my purse, ready to meet up with Alya. She was leaving for college soon, so I had planned not to burden her... or really rely on her. She would be plenty busy on her own. But I found I needed a friend, preferably my best friend.

I knew she worked at the nearby cafe, the one we had all hung out at as our final days as seniors came to a close. The one where on the last day of school, Adrien brought Kagami—his girlfriend. I walked briskly down the road, my mind churning at the feeling of dispair once again in my chest.

It was only two days later that Chat started seeing me regularly, comforting me. It had never been my intention to lead him on, I had simply needed someone, to feel needed. I suppose I had grown fond of him, attached. It wasn't my intention to love him though, and even now it was clear I didn't. I coudl... I could love him... but I was still seeing Adrien every time I closed my eyes.

I kicked a rock on the sidewalk and held my fingers up to the sun. It was surprisingly nice today, not too hot, a cool summer breeze making its way through my hair. The bright sun reminded me of Adrien, but the warm air reminded of Chat Noir. Surprisingly, it was a startling contrast. The truth was simple though, because both would keep me warm, the sun would only hurt: to look at, to watch for too long, to watch it leave everynight without fail.

Regardless, I hadn't seen Chat in a month, and Adrien even less recently. I gripped my bag and decided it was for the best. Although I'd have to tell them eventually. The reminder seemed to ricochete through my head like a bang. There was a sinking feeling in my gut that I had grown accustomed to over the last few weeks, but this time nothing could deter the pain.

I opened the cafe door and sat down in a partly hidden, side booth. I didn't even have to wait a minute, before Alya was sitting next to me.

"Girl! Where have you been?" She pulled me into a hug, then stared expectantly. The pressure alleviated slightly.

"Oh, you know," I fiddled with the ends of my sleeves, "just helping out my parents at the bakery."

"Right." She laid back and closed her eyes. "I wish I worked for my parents. I hate it here." She whispered with a conspirators laugh.

I shook my head at her behavior then turned with a newfound confidence. I just had to say it.


"I'll be right back! I'll get us some drinks." Alya winked, then was gone.

I pressed my fists into my thighs in an attempt to control my nerves. Alya would be supportive. Alya would be surprised. Alya wouldn't tell anyone... right?

I got rid of the thoughts and tried not to think about her reaction, but instead on what I would say.

When she sat back down, I turned to her slowly. "Do you believe all things happen for a reason?"

She shrugged, "I don't really believe in coincidences, I believe in blessings."

I stared at her slightly surprised. I had never really thought about it that way before. Perhaps this was just a really big blessing in disguise.

"Well something happened this summer." I started again, her eyes quickly latched onto mine and narrowed.

"You're pregnant?" Both of our eyes widened... then she laughed. "I'm kidding. That's just always what they say in the movies, so I saw my chance and took it." She laughed again and took a long sip of her drink.

"I am." I kept my face straight and didn't look away. I wasn't ashamed anymore. It had happened. This was the consequence. It's not something to be proud of, but I definitely didn't feel the need to hide any more.

She turned to me slowly. "You are...?"

"I'm pregnant."

She blinked a couple times, then leveled me with an off look. Not exactly confused or mad or anything really, just searching.

"You're pregnant?" She puckered her lips in thought. Her eyes wandered up, then shot suddenly to mine. "Whose?" She had a slightly goofy feeling about herself that immediately made me relax.

I shook my head with a grin. "I'm not sure." I played with my straw, using it to stir the ice in my cup, but she would have none of it.

"Goodness Mari! How many guys did you give it to?" She chuckled incredulously. Grabbing my hand, she stopped short. "Are you okay?" Her eyes widened as a new theory seemingly popped into her mind. "Were you—?"

"No!" I shook my hands, my own eyes wide at her insinuation. "I knew what I was doing." I finished a little quieter, some red sinking into my cheeks.

"Oh. That's good then, I guess." She laughed again. "But you don't know whose? Wow! Who knew you had this side to you. All we had to do was give you a diploma." She winked and grabbed my hand again.

"Yeah, who knew."

"How long...?" She trailed off. I wasn't quite sure of her question, but I answered all the same.

"I've been pregnant about a month. I've known him for a couple years... and, we never actually dated." I couldn't find anything interesting enough to avoid her gaze, so I met it head on.

"Wow. Girl! I'm sorry, I'm just surprised is all. I think I'll need a minute to process this." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "So, you haven't told him? Or does he want nothing to do with this? If it's been a month then why haven't you already told me so you weren't going through this alone? And a couple years? I'm pretty sure that means I know him." She talked quickly but quietly. I tried to follow but found I could only really nod my head.

"You kind of do," I agreed lightly, "but you also don't. Nobody does."

"Enough with the riddles. Either tell me who he is, or tell me that you won't." She said, smiling so it wouldn't come out so harsh.

I sighed and moved closer to her ear. Cupping my hands, I hastily whispered, "it was Chat Noir."

She pressed her lips into a line, barely able to suppress a yelp of surprise. Despite her efforts though, she was practically grinning ear from ear.

"Chat noir?" She said bubbly, hitting my arm lightly. "Girl! This will take some explaining!"

Adrien POV

I stared down at my hands with a frown—they seemed so empty. The sunny day had too quickly turned sour, matching my mood in every way possible.

"Adrien?" A soft voice called, slightly perturbed.

I looked up slowly and met Kagami's eyes from across the table. "Sorry. I guess I'm not feeling too great today." I kept my voice even, so as not to betray my actual feelings.

She rolled her eyes, "that's what you said yesterday. If you're going to lie, at least be creative."

I huffed and narrowed my eyes. "My head is spinning, my brain hurts, my chest is tight, I feel dizzy and lightheaded, right now my legs feel... numb. But I suppose I could just be lying." I said matter-of-factly, not bothering to even look at her.

She twisted her mouth and looked away. "I'm sorry, you've just been really standoffish. If you were feeling sick, why did you agree to meet up with me today?" Her tone was still terse, but her eyes had softened.

"I... I needed a distraction." I shrugged honestly.

"From what?" I felt her looking at me. Felt her burning a hole threw my head.

"Does there have to be a single, one thing?" I whispered softly, my mood getting the better of me.

"I'm not dating you so I can be your distraction." She added in a rush. I thought about her words as I wondered why we still sat in this crowded place even after we'd eaten and paid.

All the people around us made me wish for nothing more than to leave... to see her.

I placed my elbow on the table, and rubbed my temple. Just the thought of her made my head spin. She-she made my chest ache, twist into so much pain that I felt like screaming out.

"Kagami, please. Can we just not fight today?" I looked at her through my hand to find her arms crossed and gaze elsewhere.

"I don't think we know how to do anything else." She muttered.

I had been thinking about it for awhile, but it was the look in her eyes that solidified my conviction.

"Let's break up." I let out a low chuckle at the weight that was lifted off my chest, so giddy, I almost smiled.

Her head whipped to mine in surprise. "What? No!" She said it as if I were the crazy one. As if I couldn't leave her.

"I wasn't exactly asking a question." I folded my arms this time and leaned back in my chair.

"Is-is there someone else?" Her eyes were wild and seemed to match her accusatory tone.

"I really wish there was." I spoke evenly. I had no inflection in my voice, and knew my expression was even more placid.

"You what?" Her voice rose slightly, until she looked around and caught people watching us. "Why would you say that?"

I tried not to laugh. I was already bored with the conversation, and had no desire to waste what little strength I had on explaining myself to her. "I'll be going now." I stood up to leave, resisting the urge to press my hand against the pulsing in my head. This had been a long time coming anyway.

"We're not over!" She followed on my heels. I sighed but didn't acknowledge her until we were safely out the restaurant doors.

"Why not? You said so yourself that we don't know how to do anything but fight." I continued down the street.

"Adrien." She yanked on my arm, succeeding in halting my walk down the cement path.

I whipped my arm out of her grasp, her fingers having felt like hot pokers. I hadn't let her touch me since... I hissed in the back of my mind. Nothing has felt the same since then.

"What is wrong with you?" She rasped lowly. Her cheeks became red, but I couldn't tell if it was from anger or embarrassment. I found quite readily that I didn't care.

I could feel my mood slipping more more into that dark place. I felt my mind fall into a black abyss, and it was all I could do to stay afloat. What was wrong with me?

My eyes lifted to hers, barely able to keep from ripping them out, I blinked once. It was obvious that I wasn't okay. A part of me wanted to go so psycho that she would run away from me. The other, more human part, longed for love, and a decent ear to listen.

No, I didn't long for a decent ear, I longed most desperately for hers. For her eyes to be looking back at me. For her arms to be around me. For her to be the one that asked what was wrong.

"I miss her, okay?" I whispered, broken, my heart too heavy to find the strength to yell. "And you're simply not enough anymore. I need her."

My tone was resolute by the end. And I knew my words were the knife that cut the final strings that she had been grasping at.

Kagami stopped moving and only stared at me. I couldn't read her expression, as she backed away a step. But there, I could see it in her eyes, it didn't matter who she was. The fact of the matter was that she existed at all.

I had prepared for her to be hurt and nothing else, so while I did feel sort of sorry, I had no desire to take any of it back.

But as she gritted her teeth, I was surprised to find her angry instead. She stalked toward me and slapped me hard across the face. I welcomed the pain with a small smirk that I couldn't help but loose.

"Are we over then?" I jumped instantly to the words I wanted to hear.

She looked sad now, her eyes staring at mine wistfully. I simply clenched my fists and waited for her response.

"What happened to us?" She murmured.

I shrugged with a sigh. "You were good to me. But we both deserve something different." No, that's not what I—I shook my head. "You don't deserve this. But I'm not right for you. I've-I've never been completely yours, and that's unfair to you. So, we need to break up, or we'll both continue to be in pain."

She stared at the ground as I spoke, her only sound was a quiet sniffle. "I suppose you're right. I always knew you were never mine."

I let the words sink in with a bite. Never mine. The saying seemed to be the pattern of my life.

"Goodbye, Kagami..." I turned around and kept walking, knowing better than to ever look back.

Marinette POV

I made sure the latch to my ceiling door was locked—like every night—then turned off the lights for bed.

I felt exhausted but extremely satisfied. Finally, someone knew the whole story.

The weather had turned stormy unexpectedly on my way home, and even now I could hear the howling wind against my window. I tried not to think about him out in this storm, coming here. But in the back of my mind I knew I was hoping he would. That—like most of the nights this past month—he would try to see me again. Only this time... I would let him in.

I needed to tell him, needed to let him know he was going to be a... dad. I hugged my pillow to me and let a stray tear fall. I should've been done with crying, but whenever the night came it reminded me of the truth. There was no sun or warmth to hide behind at night. There were no lies that could convince me that it was okay.

There was a faint clink against my window, knocking me out of my stupor. I looked up, already knowing what I'd see. My eyes stared blankly for a second, not sure how to react. Tears were surely falling down my face, but still I didn't move.

I watched his lips as he mouthed 'please' reminding me of where I was.

I sat up slowly, taking my time though I knew he was probably tired of the storm beating against him, and already resigned to the fact that I wouldn't let him in.

When I unhooked the latch his eyes softened. He fell lightly into my room. Seeing him again reminded me of that night and I had to look away, embarrassed.

I wasn't sure what to do when we finally made eye contact. Should I just blurt it out? Chat seemed to have an idea of what he wanted though. His eyes looked fierce and determined.

He didn't say anything, simply pulled me into him. He breathed deeply, and I watched astounded as his shoulders started to shake lightly. I froze in response, consequently keeping my hands at my sides.

He nose pressed against my neck, and his hands tightened around me, constantly grasping as if I might disappear. I was starting to lose my breath at his intensity.
Had it only been a month?

He began to murmur soft words—that I couldn't comprehend—as he calmed down. Finally he pulled away slightly, but he wasn't done. Instead he narrowed his eyes, clearly hurt, and whispered, "Hug me back."

I bit my lip but couldn't resist his fatal demand. I moved my arms out from under him, no longer unsure, and tightened them around his neck. His breath hitched, but he didn't say anything else.

He didn't try to kiss me, thankfully, but he still held me close as he spoke again. "Why have you been ignoring me?"

I swallowed and started to pull away, but he growled lowly and hugged me tighter. "A little longer, please."


"It's because of that night right?" He met my eyes with a sad expression. The emotion openly discernible in his countenance.

"Sort of—"

"I'm so sorry." He buried his face into my neck again, this time his breathing stayed even.

"It's not that—"

He pulled back and cradled my cheeks in his hands. "Then there's someone else." His expression dropped to a look that scared me. Not only because he looked ready to kill, but because he looked ready to kill himself.

"Chat! There's only... you." I paused as I thought about Adrien. What would he think of us? "There's something important I have to tell you."

I grabbed his hand, intending to sit him down on my bed, but then thought better of it. We stayed standing.

"What happened?" Chat squeezed my hand when I tried to let his go.

"Something happened that night."

Chat nodded in a way that said obviously, making me grimace and look away. My reaction didn't go unnoticed.

"Are you okay?" His eyes were on mine in an instant, searching, probing. They were like two green headlights, spotlighting my deepest secrets.

"Chat! No! No I'm not!" I yanked my hand out of his and stepped away. I hugged myself to keep him from peering into my soul and seeing the truth himself. Then even his eyes overwhelmed me and I had to squeeze them shut, "I'm pregnant." I whispered, looking anywhere but him.

He didn't reply, simply stopped moving all together. I watched him blink in the dim light and search for the right words... then turn up empty.

"I'm... I'm not upset." His eyebrows were narrowed, but almost in a curious way. He looked me up and down, then took a step toward me and placed a hand on my stomach.

I sucked in a breath, but it seemed nothing could deter him. "You're... pregnant." He tilted his head.

I could already feel my face red with irritation. What kind of response—a tear slipped down his cheek.

Then he fell to his knees and covered his face. His quiet sobs racked through my entire body. I didn't know what to do.

His reaction had seemed caught between happy and sad, now I knew it was really just guilt. It made me realize, that through all the strife I had gone through this month, I had never once felt guilty over this baby.

I leaned down and removed his hands from his face. Wordlessly, I gestured toward the bed. He got up wobbly, and half crashed into me, wrapping himself firmly around me.

I stroked his hair for awhile, murmuring that it would be okay, but his tears seemed pent up and ready to be spent.

I looked at his leather clad form and sighed. His shoulders were shaking again, and it felt like my fault.

My pain was sudden, the sight of him being a wreck hitting my chest uncomfortably, contorting my heart into a painful mess. I held him tighter, needing to comfort him, because I knew that as soon as I had, my heart would stop trying to tear itself apart.

"It's probably uncomfortable to cry with that mask." I whispered, trying to get him to smile again, or to at least stop crying. Instead he said something lowly, and there was a flash of light.

I... couldn't see his face—covered as it was—but I knew who he was. I would've known even if I'd gone blind. I leaned my head back with a sigh.

It would seem life still had some surprises in store for me.

"What is wrong with you?" I tsked, hitting the back of his head. "How could you cheat on her?"

"Because I'm in love with you." He cupped my face, his now an inch from mine. My heart skipped a beat at seeing him this close. How many times had I dreamed of us being together?

I didn't let it sink in. I would go crazy if I did, but instead enjoyed the blissful turn of events, this seemingly hidden blessing.

"Adrien, I'm sorry I used Chat." I blurted, and was surprised to find I had guilt built up over this for quite some time.

"I'm not." He pushed up slightly and, to my dismay, put us into an intimate position.

"Adrien, I'm pregnant." My tone was flat, and I dropped my arms with a thud to further my point.

"Who knows?" His fingers played with mine, simoultaniously pulling on my heartstrings.

"My parents and Alya." I looked at my blanket as he thought it over.

"So they'll all know I'm Chat Noir by the end of this."

"The end of this?" I glanced up, for the first time perturbed by his choice of words.

He smiled at me disarmingly, taking my breath away simply with the look in his eyes. I barely heard his next words. "When I marry you."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "M-marry?" I hopped off the bed, my vision suddenly all too clear.

"You didn't think that I'd leave you alone in this?" His tone was hurt, and slightly gruff. Not a second later he was by my side again, his fingers reaching for mine. I realized that he thought I was going to run. I nearly laughed. Where would I go in the middle of the night?

"I don't think you should marry me simply because I'm having a baby."

"Well you're right. I planned on getting married first, then having a baby... but the universe works in mysterious ways." He shrugged and touched my fingers again.


"Out of the picture."

"Your dad—"

"Should be pleased that I'm happy."

"But you—"

"Mari! I'm in love with you! I've gone crazy this last month without you."

I sealed my mouth and soaked in his words. Adrien Agreste was in love with me. I was having his baby. I was having his baby.

I looked down at the ground to regain my composure, but failed and lost my breath again. I started taking deep breaths but nothing stopped the blaring red lights from going off in my head. A sudden ache shook my heart, making me long to rip it out of my chest and throw it at him. He could keep it, it was his fault that it was broken anyway. It was his fault that it no longer knew how to function correctly.

"Marinette don't over think anything. Just... say you love me too."

Love? I glanced up at him with scrutiny. "Love won't change our position."

"Ah but that's where you're wrong. Love, changes everything." He reached his hand out to me, silently begging me to grab it.

"How?" My fingers grazed his tentatively.

"Love makes me willing to do whatever it takes to make you comfortable, to make you happy. Because I love you, I won't abandon you. And because we love each other, this won't be so hard."

"Adrien, I still don't think—"

"I want to marry you." He dropped to one knee abruptly, his voice dripping with an anguish so acute, that it raced all other thoughts form my head, forcing me to focus solely on him. "I don't have a ring, but I don't think that makes this any less official." He gripped my hands softly. "Please, please, say you'll marry me, Marinette. I can't live without you. I nearly died this past month, and that is no understatement." He rubbed his thumbs over the backsides of my hands. "I've loved you for a longtime, perhaps longer than I'll ever know. So I know this is what I want. This is my own choice, baby or no. I just. Want. You."

Tears pricked my eyes for an entirely different reason than what I'd been used to all month.

I nodded once, twice. Then he was up, his hands sliding along my arms, and coming to a rest at my waist.

"Thank you," he breathed, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. He eyes held mine, his whole body seemingly keen on my next move.

I collapsed into his arms and he held me tightly without hesitation.

We laid like that until morning, his body wrapped around mine. It was new and exciting to see he had stayed. Whenever Chat fell asleep with me, he would be gone the next day when I woke up.

I ran my hands through his disheveled hair. He had removed his shirt last night and now laid on his chest, his back exposed. I lightly ran my nails between his shoulder blades.

He groaned and turned over, a lazy smile transforming his face into something ethereal.

He pushed up on his arm and kissed me gently. Then he rolled on top of me, making me laugh.

"Do you remember this?" He pressed open mouthed kisses down my neck.

I gasped and pushed him away. But, honestly, how could I forget? The proof of that night was growing inside me.

The thought didn't make him sober though, or my push, he simply persevered and started to attack a different portion of my skin.


He laughed, his voice still deep from sleep, and extremely attractive. I pulled him to me, hugging him tightly, and kissed him softly.

It was innocent in a way we had never had together—beside maybe last night—the way he clutched my shirt as if I might disappear.

"Adrien," I muttered, fixated on him, all of him, as he tucked my head under his chin.

"I want to meet with your parents. Then I'll talk to my dad. Then we'll get a date set," he paused and grinned conspiringly, "or, we set the date for tomorrow, and tell them afterwards."

He sounded so sure, I wasn't even surprised when I noticed tears building up in my eyes. "Thank you."

"I love you." He murmured fiercely.

"I love you, too."

He kissed my forehead. Then he bent over and kissed my stomach, pulling my shirt up slightly.

"And we both love you."


This one has been worked on for over a month and it still feels choppy. I actually kinda like it though...

I hope you did too!

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