The Governor's Daughter

By Greasergirl4life

16K 573 51

Devil Anse Hatfield is desperate. The McCoy's are attacking his family and only the law can put an end to it... More

Letter to the Governor
The Governor's Daughter Meets the Devil's Son
Who in the Hell is Willie?
Unwanted Company
Uncle Jim's Scheme
I'd Kill for You
Talking with the Devil
My Best Friend
Promise to Levicy
Home ain't Home Anymore
A New Start
Meeting Ms. Henrietta
Country Bumpkin
Something Blue
Christmas Party Showdown
The Trouble with Easedropping
Lydia's Escape
Message from Randall
What Scares Me the Most
New Year's Eve Rally
New Years Massacre
Devil Anse's Scheme
Comfort from the Most Unexpected
Ya Two Timin' Hussy!
My Own Personal Hitman
Go back to Charleston!
My Willow
Mr. Rockefeller
The Trouble with Revenge
Letter of Sorrow
Flashbacks are a bitch
The Dumbest Bastard I Know

There's a storm brewing

318 12 1
By Greasergirl4life

@hayleypatrick this one's for you!

"Careful with that trunk John!" Henrietta fussed. 
"Aunt Heni, this is the fifth one. Is all this really necessary." John questioned.
"Of course! All my planning material. Now hush and help your aunt in the wagon." Henrietta said as she held out her hand out to him. He took her hand and did as he was told.

The Wilson garden was covered in pure white snow. The path that had been undisturbed for the season now had the footprints of two young lovers. Cap and Lydia, her blue shawl standing out against the snow, slowly walked through the garden. Taking in each others presence. They had both been convinced they would never see each other or hold each other again. They now realize they had taken each other for granted. Now, they are relishing this moment together. Of course, Cap had to be the one to break the silence.

"Lyddie, are you sure this is the life you want?"
"Yes. I want a life with you no matter what. You make me happy. Not luxuries. You. I knew that before, but I'm more than certain of it now."
"I jus' wanna be sure ya know 'fore I bring ya back."
"No more questioning. Let's head home. We have some things to settle." Cap could tell by the way she grit her teeth that she was mad. He knew she wanted to get even with Perry Cline and Kane Price.
"Now Lyddie, calm down. We'll handle this, but ya need ta stay home and let it be. Ya already killed a McCoy. No more. Your hands need ta stay clean."
"What? She died? But I didn't put enough in to kill her. All she needed was basic medical treatment and she should've been fine. I just wanted her out of they way for awhile."
"Yeah. Two days ago. They didn't know what wrong with her. Treated 'er for a bunch a shit. Brought in quacks and tried bloodletting and all kinds of shit. Made it worse. Randall is convinced Hatfield's did it. Now more people think he's off his rocker on account no Hatfield's were around her days before she got sick."
"Maybe it helped the case."
"I tell ya that ya killed a woman and you're glad it could help the case."
"I'm distracting myself. I don't have time to break down."
"Alright you two, break up the love fest. We gotta get going." John said, breaking them out of their trance they had each other in.

A couple hours later, the group was nearing Logan County. The two women were huddled in the back with a quilt. A bitter North wind nipped at their noses. The men fought the wind up front. Their hats lowered, making an attempt to shield their faces. Jack Frost laughed at this and blew even harder. Making the cold even more unbearable. Snow swirled all around them. It was beautiful and terrifying to watch. It looked like the snow was dancing. Lydia was mesmerized. She had always been fascinated with the beauty of nature. However, she knew this beauty was a beast in disguise. Cap was having a hard time staying on the barely visible path. 

"Should we stop?" John asked.
"Maybe. But then we could freeze ta death. I'll keep on goin' till I can't tell where I'm goin'." Cap answered and gently flicked the reins.

Hours later they were still plowing through. 
"Cap, I think we've passed this tree before. A few times before." Lydia voiced with concern.
"Willie, we're surrounded by trees." John huffed.
"Yes I'm aware of that, but that tree is unique. The third branch on the right is barely on."
"She might be right. It's gettin' dark. Think we outta pitch the tent and try ta stay warm?" Cap asked John.
"Might be for the best. At least till the storm lets up." John replied. Cap stopped the wagon under one of the few evergreens around. Willow now had some shelter from the storm.

John and Cap quickly set up the tent while the ladies grabbed as many quilts as they could find. They all huddled in the tent and tried to stay warm. They had a few lanterns glowing between them. This was the only source of heat they could have. There was no way a fire could survive this storm.

"It'll pass soon. Get some rest. I'll stay up an' keep ya warm." Cap whispered to Lydia, trying to keep her encouraged while he was tried to think of a way to save them.
"Okay. I'll try." She chattered out and leaned against his shoulder.

Cap and John shared a knowing look. The storm continued to grow stronger. Unless it stopped by morning, they would be stuck for days.

Authors Note~
Hey guys! I'm so so sorry I fell off the face of the earth. Life happened. Motivation was lost. But several of you encouraged me and now I'm back. My goal is to write a short chapter like this for all of my books then start updating them on a schedule. I confess I will have to go back and read some of my own books to remember a few things.  I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! 

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