Letter of Sorrow

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"Dear Governor Wilson,
           I had the great pleasure of working with your daughter. I do say, you've done a mighty fine job raising her. I will admit, our conversation was heated. I wanted to see what she was made of. I pushed her limits and questioned her skills. I walked out of the room very impressed. I'll never forget how we ended the meeting. I told her that she's playing with the devil now. She told me that the devil is in Logan County and he does her bidding so good day Mr. Rockefeller. If what I hear is true and she's helping you with the Hatfield case then they are in good hands. She eased my mind for sure.

          I have a serious question for you. I want your permission for your daughter's hand in marriage. I know you're going to say no but let me give you my reasons. She's much too old to be on her own. She should have been married off long ago. I have plenty of money to make sure she lives a comfortable life. I know Henrietta doesn't like me but I can change that. I'll be the perfect husband. Please send your answer soon so I can make arrangements.

                                                                                                                                                             Your friend,
                                                                                                                                                            John D. Rockefeller"

          "Well that sure ain't gonna happen." Emanuel spat as he wadded up the letter. He just read it out loud to the Hatfield family.
"I'm glad to see I'm some use to 'er." Devil Anse chuckled. Meanwhile, Cap was sitting quietly.
"What's wrong son?" Emanuel asked him.
"Maybe you should let 'im marry 'er." He said.
"Why ya say that? She'd come and kill us all and he's too old for 'er!"
"She'd be better off." Cap said.
"She wouldn't be happy and you wouldn't either. No more thinkin' about Rockefeller. Senator Price sent me a letter too. Hopefully it's good news from Saturday." Emanuel opened the letter and read it aloud.

"Dear Emanuel,
          I am pleased to be the one to announce the engagement of our children! Henrietta was so overjoyed she fainted and Lydia was so happy she was sobbing tears of joy. The wedding will take place on February 18. Your Lydia will make a beautiful bride. I am excited to see how our two family's unite.
                                                                                                                                          Your Friend.
                                                                                                                                           Samuel Price"
"Well that ain't happenin' either." Emanuel said without a thought and crumpled the paper.
"Cap." Devil Anse said while glancing at his son. Cap jumped up and stormed out of the house, grabbing his hat on the way out. 
"This ain't right Anse. My Lyddie wouldn't do that. I have a feeling those weren't sobs of joy." Emanuel said.
"I think you're right but Cap don't think so. I better go fetch 'im." Anse said.
"You're in no condition for that." Levicy objected.
"I'll go." Emanuel volunteered and went off to find Cap.

         Emanuel rode around until he found Cap. Cap was sitting under a willow tree by the Tug. Emanuel did not say a word. He just made his way to Cap and sat down by him. Cap did not acknowledge him at all. He just stared out at the river. It flowed slow as it was starting to freeze, like his heart. He has never felt a pain like this. When Emanuel read the letter, Cap's heart shattered like glass. He swore he heard it. He wanted to cry, scream, whatever the hell normal people do when they get their heart broken. But Cap is not a normal person. He cannot cry. His Pa raised him to be strong; to be a man. He is the next leader of this family so he has to act like it. He does not have time to mourn over a woman, even though she is the only woman he will ever love. Cap felt like his chest was constricting. His throat was clenching. Every muscle in his body was tense. 

         "You know just as well as I do that she loves you son." Emanuel finally broke the silence.
"I think it's time ya quit callin' me son. I ain't gonna be your son-in-law. She was just bored and I was there."
"That ain't true."
"Why would she want a one-eyed gorilla like me any how?"
"Love is blind son. If you really knew my Lyddie then you'd know this ain't like 'er. Are you gonna fight for 'er or sit around here and let 'er marry some prick?"
"He might be a prick but she's gonna marry 'em. I gotta go help my Pa and get Cotton out of jail." Cap stood up and briskly walked back home. Emanuel shook his head and mounted his horse. Before he started back he noticed something written in the snow. As plain as day, the words "My Willow" were there. He knew it had to be Cap and it had something to do with his daughter. He let out a sigh and headed back to the Hatfield home.

         "Why are you marrying him?!?!?!" Henrietta screeched.
"I don't have a choice."
"Yes you do!"
"No I don't! I have to do this!" Lydia yelled, now on the verge of tears.
"I don't understand."
"It's Cap, Momma. He's in jail. Perry Cline won't let him go till Kane tells him to." Lydia was full on sobbing now.
"He's blackmailing you! That-that ugh! Wait till your Father hears about this!"
"No Momma! You can't tell anyone. If word gets to Kane then Cap is as good as dead. I don't want to marry Kane but I will to keep Cap alive."
"When did Kane say Cap would be out?"
"He didn't. I figured he'd wait till after the wedding. They have Cotton too. Momma he's the most innocent person you'll ever meet."

"I want you to write a letter to your Father. Make it where if someone else reads it, it won't look suspicious but he'll know. I'll have the sheriff personally deliver it."
"Okay." Lydia hurried to grab a quill and parchment but her nervous hands spilled the ink all over her desk.
"Why isn't anything going right?" Lydia cried.
"It's just a spill. I'll clean it." Henrietta rushed to grab a towel.

          Lydia sat on her bed. A picture of Cap sat on her nightstand. Looking at it made her heart ache. She knew that Perry Cline had probably bragged to Cap about her engagement. Cap hated her, she was sure of it. There was no way she could make this right. He would never take her back. She lost the one man she would ever love.

A/N The ring above is the one Kane gave her. The photo is the one by her bed of Cap.

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