My favorite Imagines ❤️ River...

By julia_haack

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These stories ARE NOT MINE, the writer's credits will be on top of the story and in the end. My favorite tumb... More

Everything Was Normal
He's Coming
Even the Moon
If we get caught I'm blaming you. Swimmer!Sweet Pea X Reader !SMUT
I've Got You
The Tony To My Maria?
Sweet Pea X Reader "NFWMB🐍"
Mystery Man
#1 Priority
What Happened With Us?
Beautiful Badass
I Don't Dance
Ordinary part 1
Ordinary Part 2
Ordinary Part 3
Office Romance
Imagine Sweet Pea forgetting Valentine's Day
Road Bumps
Cherry Popper
Leaving Riverdale and going to NYU with Sweet Pea would include...
Going to the Senior Prom with Sweet Pea would include...
Your first apartment with Sweet Pea aesthetic and headcanons
Being married to Sweet Pea and having kids with him would include...
Serpents' Jobs (Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni)
Not a Rule Breaker
Cheater, Cheater: Part 1
Cheater, Cheater: Part 2
Two Worlds Collide (Swosie)
Pleasant Surprise // Hungry Eyes prompt: Part 1 of 2
Pleasant Surprise // Hungry Eyes prompt: Part 2 of 2
Hungry Eyes // Date Night Prompt // NSFW
Hungry Eyes // Father's Day Prompt
Empire (SweetVee) NSFW
All I Want For Christmas Is You (SweetVee)
Wanted (NSFW)
Honeymoon escapade (NSFW)
A Promise
Exclusive :: Sweet Pea x F!Reader Smut
Welcome Home: Military!Sweet Pea x Reader Smut
Sweet Pea x reader.❤️ Far from you | army AU
The Dress meme // Sweet Pea
Baby Girl
Secret Vows - Part 1/2
Secret Vows - Part 2/2
8 Letters
Bitter Love - Part 1/3
Bitter Love - Part 2/3
Bitter Love - Part 3/3
That's my boy!
the both of you
can't do this anymore
Of compromises and promises
You Hurt Me
Not Anymore
Not Anymore (Pt.2)
Prove it
Checked out
Couple's costume
His Ring
I Married an Idiot
Sweet Pea taking care of you during your period HEADCANON
look at the stars (look how they shine for you) (swosie)
The Best Kind of Stress Relief
The One with the Videotape
The One with the Truth About Prom
The One Where Reggie Loses the Babies


199 4 1
By julia_haack

Credits to: 🐍Serpent Life🐍 (

Summary: It's Sweet Pea's birthday and you are beyond excited he often never celebrated his birthday but something in you wanted to make it special for him. You started planning a surprise party and luckily Fangs was going to help you out but Sweet Pea started getting defensive about it. What happens when Sweet Pea is over you always being with Fangs?

Y/N POV - 3 weeks ago

"Fangs... Fangs!, Fangs!"


"I need your help"

"Wait why are you here without Sweet Pea?"

"He's on his way I told him I would meet him here because I wanted to ride, but really I just need your help"

"With what?"

"His birthday"

"What about it?"

"I wanna throw him a surprise party"

"Ooo fun!"

"Yeah, so will you help?"

"Of course" You looked to the door when you saw it open and see Sweet Pea coming in. He walked over kissing you on the lips and asking you to play pool.

Sweet Pea's POV - One Week Ago ( Saturday - one week till the party)

Friday night Y/N talked to Fangs and it was odd. Usually, I would always drive her to the Wyrm but she wanted to ride so we rode separately. She left before me and was standing awfully close to him when I walked in. Was she cheating on me? There was no way she would be especially with Fangs, but I was starting to believe she could be. I followed her twice this week and both times she met up with him, I didn't stay to watch what happened, I couldn't. Tonight she told me she was leaving for a job but I had talked to FP earlier in the week and the jobs were on hiatus, so I knew it was a lie. I followed behind her to the wyrm and found her meeting with Fangs again but this time they left the Wyrm and went somewhere. I waited at home for her all night. I couldn't bring myself to talk to her for most of the week. I ignored her this week and last week, words just weren't forming. Would she really cheat? By the looks of it, yes, and I was beginning to believe it more and more.





"Pea, what is going on?"

"..." I looked at her but I couldn't say anything. I wasn't going to bring it up she had to tell me."


"Pea why aren't you talking to me? You've been ignoring me for like 3 days giving me the cold shoulder what is going on?"

"I'm going to sleep"

"But we haven't finished the movie"

"I'm tired finish it and then come, goodnight Y/N" That was so odd usually Sweet Pea would never go to sleep without finishing what you were doing together no matter what it was. Another odd thing was that he never, never called you by your name when it got late at night it was usually always cute nicknames he had for you. For the past week, he had been acting too weird. Barely talking or paying attention to you, and you didn't know what was going on. It was starting to eat you away

Y/N POV - Thursday ( two days before party)

For the past 3 weeks, you have been planning the surprise party with Fangs. You've got all the decorations and everything. The party was taking place in the field near the quarry. Fangs was going to be setting up while you distracted Sweet Pea.

"Fangs the party is literally tomorrow we need to go pick up the cake oh and can you keep it at your place so Pea doesn't find it?"

"Yeah I can keep it and let's go get it I'll drive us in the truck"

"Cool thank you" You were having a normal conversation with Fangs. The conversation was good mostly about the plan for the party but also just how life was. You finally got to the cake place, picking up the cake and driving back towards home.

"All we have talked about is the party but how are you Y/N?"

"Honestly, not great. I mean I am excited for the party and excited to do something for Sweet Pea, but he just, he hasn't been like his normal self"

"What do you mean?"

"Like he has barely talked to me. The other night I tried calling his name like 5 times and he ignored me and then said he was going to bed"

"Maybe he was just tired"

"No I wish, he didn't even use a nickname like usually when he says goodnight he says baby or babe or anything, but there was nothing he didn't say a word"

"I don't know, I wish I had an answer Y/N but he hasn't said anything to me" You were listening to Fangs when you felt your phone buzz.

"Speak of the devil"

*Phone call*

"Sweets, what's up?"

"Hey Y/N where are you?"


"Just wondering thought we could hang out, and I didn't know what you were doing"

"I uh, I'm with Fangs"

"Oh, why? Are you at the Wyrm? I'll come"

"No, we're, we're not at the Wyrm. We had a job for FP so we are on our way back now. I'll have Fangs drop me off at the trailer okay?"


*end of call*

You waited for Sweet Pea to say something but nothing came but the beep that signaled the phone call is over. You stayed staring at your phone not knowing what to do. Fangs had noticed.

"Y/N I wouldn't worry about it, really I am sure everything is fine"

"Yeah..." You stayed silent the whole ride home. You saw the shadow of Sweet Pea sitting on the couch in front of the window. You dreaded going inside afraid of why he was acting so odd, but you figured you would ignore it unless he said something. You walked inside placing a kiss to his lips as he sat watching the TV.

"Hey baby"


"You okay?"


"Pea what is going on"

"I'll be back" he stomped out of the trailer slamming the door shut and walking down the road. You cried not knowing what you did wrong. Not knowing whether he was mad at you or something else. Sweet Pea and emotions were tough. He often didn't talk much about them until he met you. You waited for an hour on the couch. You were dead tired from running around all day. You needed sleep but you didn't want to leave the couch and miss him coming home.

You must have fallen asleep because you woke up the next morning to a blanket on you, which Pea must have put on you when he got home. You walked to the back of the trailer to see Sweet Pea sleeping. You looked at the time and saw that it read 11. The party was at 12 so you had to get him up and to the party. You slowly started shaking him awake.

"Pea" he slowly stirred and started sitting up. "Hey Pea, baby get up I have something planned we have to do today"

"Why don't you get someone else to go" he pushed you off his lap getting up and going into the bathroom. You sat on the bed waiting for him to come back out.

"Pea what is going on"

"What does it matter?"

"Cause it fucking does matter when for the past two weeks all you've done is ignore me"

"Why don't you ask Fangs what's wrong"

"I did he said you haven't said anything to him"

"No Y/N because he is the problem"

"What did he do?"

"You apparently"

"What are you talking about"


"Baby talk to me please" You touched your hand onto his shoulder after he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Don't fucking touch me Y/N"

"What did I do Pea?. I just want to know how to fix whatever I did"

"Oh stop you don't fucking care"

"Of course I do"

"You can't fucking fix it. Fixing it would be not doing it in the first place"

"I don't even know what I did Sweet Pea!"

"You fucked Fangs. You've been with him for weeks. I followed you to the wyrm all those times and every time you met with him. I couldn't watch you, knowing what you could be doing. Then yesterday you were out all day you told me you were hanging out with Toni and then I called you and you were with him apparently on a job when I know for a fact that there were no jobs. So don't fucking lie to me I know you were fucking him behind my back"

"You think I fucking cheated. You fucking asshole"

"How am I the asshole you're the one who fucked my best friend"

"I can't believe you would think I fucking did that you jerk! You know what fuck you. I was not fucking your best friend. I asked your best friend to help me with your surprise party"

"My what"

" I know you never liked your birthdays but I just wanted it to be special for once. So I was like I'll plan this party and I got Fangs to help so it could be perfect. That is why I have been hanging out with him so you know what I am fucking leaving. Get dressed and get to the fucking field by the quarry because you can bring yourself to your surprise party. Oh and act surprised please there are people coming that were actually excited to surprise you. I'll see you later when you get your head out of your ass" You didn't even care that he now knew. You stormed out of the trailer getting on your bike and riding to the quarry. The whole time all you could think about was the fact that Sweet Pea thought you were cheating on him with his best friend. How could he possibly think that? You cared so much about him and he thought that. You planned the party from scratch. You arrived at the quarry seeing everything. The cake, the decor, the corn hole that you made special, everything, and it was all down the drain. You stayed sitting on your bike not being able to move just sobbing.

"Y/N what's wrong?"

"He, he thinks I cheated on him. He thinks I cheated on him with you. The party doesn't even matter anymore he knows about it, it won't even be a surprise"

"Wait, what? What happened?"

"He started yelling telling me I didn't care then he accused me of cheating on him with you, and then I tried telling him I didn't but he wouldn't listen and the party just slipped. I ruined my relationship, I ruined this party I ruined everything Fangs, everything"

"I... Hey Y/N just breathe. It is going to be okay I promise. He is a complete ass, and he knows it right now. People are here okay so let's stay as calm as possible. We are going to get you a drink and you are going to have some fun. I promise you everything will be okay. I promise" Fangs hugged you while walking you down to the field.

Sweet Pea's POV

I felt like a complete ass I exploded at Y/N and for absolutely no reason. I needed to get dressed and get to this party for her. I rode my bike to the field seeing everything set up. The decorations were perfect, a bunch of food, and I could even see corn hole with a serpent painted on it. She did this all for me and I ruined all of it. I walked down the path and everyone yelled surprise at me. I acted as surprised as I could and everyone started rushing up to me. I said hi to everyone not seeing Fangs or Y/N anywhere. Once everyone dissipated I saw her sitting behind Fang's truck with him trying to calm her down. I walked overseeing her crying. I felt like an absolute jerk.

"Y/N" I kneeled in front of her and Fangs stood up blocking me.

"You fucked up Sweet Pea"

"No you don't, she has been planning this for weeks, weeks. Planning this for you to make this birthday great for you"

"Look Fangs you can stop yelling I already know how I made her feel. I hate seeing her cry. I hate seeing her upset. I want to hit myself in the face for being the one who made her this way. Can I please at least talk to my girlfriend? Alone, please."

"Whatever... Y/N if you need me call for me I'll be over by the fire" Fangs walked away and I sat on the ground in front of her.

"Baby I feel like a complete asshole. I literally haven't been paying attention to anything hell I didn't even think my birthday was coming up soon. I feel like an asshole you planned this whole thing for me and I ruined it. I don't even know how to make it up to you"

"I don't care about the party Sweet Pea. I mean I, I do care but what I care about most is the fact that you thought I was cheating on you"

"I know it was so shitty of me to do that. I know how you are I know you would never do that just recently with the school merge and everything with the serpents and the ghoulies I just honestly have been so worried about losing you in any way I have been so overprotective and overbearing. I should have said something when I first was suspicious and not have let it build up inside of me. I am so sorry. I wish I could do something to make it up to you but I wouldn't even know what to do. Baby, please forgive me. I am so sorry"

"Can we just forget about it. I'm upset but I just want you to have fun at your birthday"

"I will have the best time for you baby" She fell off the chair into my lap hugging me tightly. "Y/N again I am so sorry. I can't believe I even blamed you"

"Shh forget about it okay?"


"Let's go have some fun"

"Wait! I have a present for you"

"Baby You did all this I don't need a present. I don't deserve one after what I did"

"Hey, you've been having a tough time. You do deserve it. I got you something now open it" I opened the box she handed me and inside was a ring with two serpent heads biting on a circle. Knowing her it has a deep meaning.

"Baby I love it"

"I got the serpents to represent us and they are biting the circle because a circle is strong and is something that can't be broken just like us"

"Baby this is the best representation of us, I love it now let's go enjoy this party" I slipped the ring on and she stood up off my lap. I stood up after her and started walking into the party.

"Sweets let's play cornhole"

"Y/N these are so cool where did you get them"

"I made them"

"You made them!"


"They are so cool"

"You like them?"

"I love them"

"Yay let's play"

"Oh, baby we are about to have a lot of fun. If I win we'll have even more fun tonight" I looked to her winking at her and dragging her over to the corn hole. Fangs came over to us then.

"We good dude?"

"Yeah, we're good. Look Fangs I'm sorry we haven't been talking much. "

"Look as long as you make it up to her were good"

"I get that but I know you would never do that to me, and I'm sorry for even thinking for a second that it was a possibility"

"Sweet Pea we're good, here have a beer and have fun with your girl on your birthday" Fangs handed the beer to me and left, I finally got to be with my girl and try to make up for all the shit I did this week.

Credits to: 🐍Serpent Life🐍 (

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