Dueling for Answers ~ YuGiOh...

By XinaFey

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Ranks: #1 in yugioh5ds (Dec 4, 2019) #1 in crowhogan #1 in yuseifudo (Dec 10... More

Chapter 1: Going Back
Chapter 2: Black Rose
Chapter 3: Mysterious Girl Revealed Part One
Chapter 4: Mysterious Girl Revealed Part Two
Chapter 5: Old Friends
Chapter 6: Speeding
Chapter 7: Spirit World
Chapter 8: Offers
Chapter 9: Revenge
Chapter 10: Sunshine and Roses
Chapter 11: You Have Some Explaining to Do
Chapter 12: Crimson Dragon and A Pair of Evil Eyes
Chapter 13: Strange Dream
Chapter 14: Darkness in Satellite
Chapter 15: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 16: Campfire Stories
Chapter 17: Shadow Duel of the Dark Signer Part One
Chapter 18: Shadow Duel of the Dark Signer Part Two
Chapter 19: Shadow Duel of the Dark Signer Part Three
Chapter 20: Healing
Chapter 21: Helping Akiza
Chapter 22: More Information
Chapter 23: Process
Chapter 24: Dinner with Martha
Chapter 25: Dark Spider
Chapter 26: My Fault
Chapter 27: Ancient Fairy Dragon Returns
Chapter 28: Duel with the Giant Part One
Chapter 29: Duel with the Giant Part Two
Chapter 30: Ener-D Reactor
Chapter 31: It Isn't Over Yet
Chapter 32: Finding Out the Truth
Chapter 33: Goodwin?
Chapter 34: The Missing Page
Chapter 35: Battle of the Marks Part One
Chapter 36: Battle of the Marks Part Two
Chapter 37: New Start
Chapter 38: Stubborn vs Stubborn
Chapter 39: Trouble at the Gala
Chapter 40: The Stray Genius
Chapter 41: The Shy Dove
Chapter 42: Duel for Control
Chapter 43: Unintentional
Chapter 44: Andre vs Xina
Chapter 45: Unexpressed Feelings
Chapter 46: Their Slick Play
Chapter 47: Quick Round
Chapter 48: Cosmic Sun Flare
Chapter 49: Bliss Conquers
Chapter 50: Catastrophe
Chapter 51: Motive
Chapter 52: Aftermath
Chapter 53: Strange Eyes
Chapter 55: Ezor
Chapter 56: Vent
Chapter 57: Disaster Strikes
Chapter 58: Xina's Downfall
Chapter 59: Impact
Chapter 60: Peak of Destruction
Chapter 61: Who Are You?
Chapter 62: Xina's Origin
Chapter 63: My Shooting Star
Chapter 64: Die For You

Chapter 54: A Wizard Saved Us!

978 16 6
By XinaFey

*warning: i did not proof read lol!*

A Wizard Saved Us!

It was now the day after Team Ragnarok's defeat against Team 5D's: Jack, Crow, and Yusei were the ones who dueled. Dragan, Broder, and Halldor were shocked about their defeat against the dragons, but humble.

Xina is sitting at her desk, thinking about what Halldor told her that day after the duel.


"Simply sensational! The duel is over! Yusei has done it! And now Team 5D's are advancing to the Finals!" The announcer exclaims in excitement. The crowd cheers for their victory.

Yusei drives to the Team 5D's Terminal with a small smile on his face as everyone cheered. Leo exclaims, throwing his fist in the air, "Yusei did it again!"

"He's the man!" Crow cheered with a light laugh.

Xina waits outside the terminal for Yusei with a smile on her face. She had her hands on her hips, seeing Yusei driving towards her.

Yusei sees Xina standing by the starting line, waiting for him. His slight smile became bigger as he approaches closer.

Yusei finally stops beside Xina and takes off his helmet. Xina comments, "You surely do know how to get your fellow teammates on the edge of their seats."

Yusei chuckled at her comment before responding, "I tend to do that, huh?"

"Every time," Xina stated, shaking her head playfully. Xina then looks at Yusei, who was still sitting on his duel runner. She asks, "When did you learn that Accel Synchro technique?"

"I read about it when we were all at your place that day," Yusei answers with small smirk. "I decided to put it to the test today," Yusei added.

"Well it looks like you're going to have to teach me," Xina says with a wink.

Yusei smiles with a slight nod. "Sounds like a plan," He tells her.

Soon, the twins, Crow, Dove, Akiza, Jack and Bruno make their way over to them. Akiza was first to speak, "Great job out there, Yusei."

"Yeah, I totally knew you were gonna win that match!" Leo tells him with enthusiasm in his voice.

As the group continued to congratulate Yusei's win, Xina notices Halldor stopping at his terminal on his duel runner. He gets off of it as his two other teammates approach him. They shared a few words before looking over at Xina, who was already watching them. Xina sees Halldor motion her to go over to them while Dragan and Broder made their way towards Team 5D's to congratulate them on their victory.

Xina hums softly before making her way over to Halldor. Once she was close enough, she teased, "And you were saying that my friends aren't reliable allies."

Halldor lightly scoffs before telling her, "They don't know what they're up against."

"Neither do I or you," Xina started. "Just because we got glimpses of what is coming doesn't mean we know exactly what's going to happen, so we need all the help we can get."

"You're willing to put them at risk?" Halldor questions with a raised eyebrow.

Xina lightly laughs at his question. She responds, "No, but I got no choice." She then turns to look at her friends who were talking and laughing with Broder and Dragan. She sees the twins smiling victoriously while Dove, Akiza, Broder, Bruno, Crow, and Yusei were laughing and talking. She was shocked to see Dragan and Jack shake hands. Xina smiles before continuing, "They're my family, and as much as I tried to keep it from them, they managed to find out and wouldn't take no for an answer."

Halldor hums in thought before mumbling lowly, "Family.."

Xina looks back at Halldor. "What do you know about my dragons?" She questions.

"I only heard legends - stories. The same ones you heard, but I fear that your dragons are in danger," Halldor responded, looking at Xina seriously.

Xina furrowed her eyebrows at him. "My dragons? In danger?" She says questionably.

"Yes. I fear that dark, shadowed man with those hellish eyes is coming here for your dragons. At first, I assumed it was for the Nordic God cards, but I realized that our three god cards were not in our visions. It was only your dragons," Halldor tells her.

"I'm gonna need you to elaborate on what you just said there... You're saying you three saw that shadowed man and my dragons in your visions?" Xina asks, feeling very confused with his statement.

Halldor then explains, "The Rune eye gives us the ability to see things that no one else can see with their own two eyes. We three saw different visions, but they all were broken up. The shadowed man wants your dragons for a reason that I don't even know, but they're obviously for bad intentions. But our visions were clear; New Domino City will be destroyed, people will die, families will be lost... That's why I asked you that question: you're willing to put your friends at risk?"

Flashback ends

Xina stares down at her wooden desk that had her books, papers, and pens. She was lost in her thoughts as she remembers what Halldor said:

His visions were like mine except I didn't see my dragons involved. What could this mean? Is he actually doing all of this to get ahold of my cards? What is he planning on doing with them?... Am I willing to risk the team's lives? I don't even know what I am getting myself into and neither do they, yet they're willing to help... And-

"Stop thinking!" Akiza shouts, slamming her hands on Xina's desk, creating a loud sound.

Xina shrieks as she falls off of her seat. Her heart was pounding, not expecting that jump scare. She groans, "Akiza, what the heck!?"

Akiza was laughing at Xina's reaction, making Xina pout at her. Akiza laughs, "I'm sorry, but you seriously zoned out."

"Yeah, we kinda got worried. You weren't responding to us," Dove tells Xina in her soft, sweet voice.

Xina exhaled in frustration. She stayed on the floor as she placed her elbows on her knees and her hands tangled in her hair. "I'm sorry guys. I tend to do that a lot," Xina told them with a sigh.

"It's fine, Xina. We just don't want you to overthink too much," Akiza says as she stopped laughing.

"I can't help it. All I think about is what's going to happen and what we are going up against. I try to think of all the possibilities and disadvantages that we might face, and I try to think of an answer to the questions that I know I can't answer... It's all just-" Xina rambles in frustration.

Dove and Akiza look down at their friend, feeling bad that she is going through these excessive thoughts. They didn't know exactly what she was going through or what else she was thinking, but they both knew what she said was right. None of them know what they are up against, and it is frustrating to think about, especially when they also don't know how much time they have left until what ever happens, happens.

"We will find a way, Xina," Dove started, making Xina to look up at her and remove her hands from her head. Xina sees Dove lifting her arm up, showing Xina her mark of the three falling feathers. She continues, "We will find the answers and we will face this mystery. Together."

Akiza nods reassuringly, "Together."

Xina smiles at her two female friends before nodding, "Together."

Time skip

Later that day

Dove and Akiza decided to meet up with Leo and Luna at a public park. The sun was blazing down on them as there was white fluffy clouds in the sky. It was a perfect day to go to the park.

The four of them walked around as they watched people throwing freebies and playing catch with their dogs. Kids were running around playing tag while the parents watch from the benches.

Leo inhales the crisp afternoon air before exhaling. He says, "It sure is a beautiful day. Perfect to practice dueling. What do you say, Akiza?"

"We're not here to duel, Leo. We're trying to clear our minds," Luna tells him.

"Boring! We don't got time to clear our minds. We gotta keep practicing dueling for whatever is gonna come," Leo mentioned as he took out his duel disk and deck.

"Leo does have a point. We should use this time to practice and improve our dueling strategies," Dove agreed with a soft smile.

Akiza thinks about before responding, "It's not a terrible idea."

Leo exclaims, "Alright! Akiza, I challenge you in a duel!"

Akiza and Dove giggle at his enthusiasm. Akiza then takes out her duel disk and deck before saying, "I accept your challenge."

Before they could prepare to duel, the sunny weather suddenly changes. Everyone in the park notices as well as they all look up at the sky. The fluffy white clouds that were in the sky were no longer there. Dark, thick clouds covered the blue sky and sun, making everything appear darker. The once gentle breeze rapidly changes as the wind blows harshly.

The people who were in the park quickly rush out of there as they expected a storm to occur. Akiza, Dove, and the twins stayed as they watched the sky. Once everyone was gone but them, they notice the clouds slowly form into a spiral as the winds become harsher.

"What's going on?" Akiza questions, confused how the weather had changed so drastically.

"We should go inside," Luna suggests, feeling the winds pick up speed. She then hears Kuribon voice as he appears in front of her. He looked afraid as he pushes himself into her, making her take a couple steps back. "Kuribon? What's wrong?"

Dove felt uneasy with the weather as she stares at the spinning dark clouds. Then Akiza, Dove, and Luna's marks began to glow brightly, catching them off guard.

"Our marks. Something isn't right," Akiza claims as she stares down at her glowing red mark.

A dark, sinister laugh echoes around them, making the four look around them. They try to find where the laugh was coming from or who it was.

"You guys hear that too, right?" Leo asks. He was getting spooked about this situation.

"Yeah, we hear it," Dove softly responds, also getting scared.

"Who's there? Who are you!?" Akiza questions, raising her voice.

The laugh continues as it progressively became louder. Then the four of them see pitch black smog appear at their eye level. The smog slowly shifts as they form into figures of wolf-like beasts.

"What are those!?" Luna questions in fear.

"They look like wolves!" Leo cried out in shock and fear.

There was about seven pitch black, smokey wolves that surrounded them. They had two dark red orbs that looked like eyes staring at them. Low growls erupted from their throats. Then a low, deep voice speaks:

"Get them."

Akiza quickly reacts as she activated her duel disk. She placed a card down and shouts, "Witch of the Black Rose!" Akiza's duel monster, Witch of the Black Rose, appears as she began to wave her wand around at the shadowed dogs.

Luna decided help, even though she isn't a physic duelist like Akiza, and calls out, "Sunlight Unicorn!"

Leo also placed a card down on his duel disk before shouting, "Gadget Hauler!"

Dove does the same thing as she shouts, "Butterfly Fairy!"

The four duel monsters appear in front of them. They attempt to stop the shadowed wolves from attacking, but they stopped. They watch as their four duel monsters getting wrapped up in the black smog. The duel monsters cry out as they were trapped in dark smoke.

"They're in pain!" Luna cried out, hearing their voices since she was the only one who can understand what the duel monsters are saying.

"What is this? What are they doing to them!?" Akiza questions, getting confused with the situation they are in.

Then they hear that low, deep voice again. This time, they see it was coming from one of the shadowed beasts:

"Our shadows are filled with all kinds of fear in which they are experiencing right now."

"Stop it! What do you want from us!?" Leo pleaded, glaring at the beast-like wolf.

"We want-"

The shadowed beast was interrupted by a bright blue-green beam of light that hit it, making it disappear into thin air. Dove, Akiza and the twins were shocked with what they just witnessed. They look over to see where the teal colored beam came from and they see an older dark skinned man with a dark brown beard that was turning gray. He held a staff, which he was using as a cane to help him keep balance. On the top of the staff was glowing a teal color.

Luna looks at the man as she asks out loud, "Who is that?"

The wolf-like shadowed beasts lowly growl at the man with the staff as they approach him. The man narrows his eyes at the remain six shadows. He lowly mutters, "You won't be getting her today."

Then the shadowed beast charged at the old man...

Time skip

At Yusei's place

Bruno, Yusei, Crow, Jack and Xina were in the garage, lounging. Bruno is on the computer, wanting to do more research for Xina. Crow is sitting on the couch next to Xina, who was reading a book. Jack is drinking his daily cup of coffee at the wooden circular table. Yusei is doing some repairs to his red duel runner.

Bruno looks at the time; it was 6:28 pm. He hums in thought as he realized something.

Crow heard his hum and questions, "What is it?"

Bruno responds, "I just remembered that Akiza, Dove, and the twins were supposed to be swing by after hanging out at the Central Domino Park thirty minutes ago."

"They're probably still there. It is pretty sunny today," Crow tells him reassuringly.

Bruno looks out the window to see the sun wasn't out. He noticed dark thick clouds in the sky as he says, "Not anymore. It's been quite cloudy for an hour now."

"So? Leo probably challenged someone to duel him while they are at the park," Jack stated after taking a sip of his coffee.

Bruno was still unsure with their theories as he says, "I'm going to call them to be sure."

As if on cue, the phone started ringing. Everyone looked at each other, furrowing their eyebrows suspiciously. Bruno picks up the phone and answers it. He puts the phone on speaker before saying, "Hello?"

"Bruno!" Leo exclaims. "Where are you guys!?"

"We're at Yusei's, why? Is everything okay?" Bruno questions since Leo sounded off.

Then Luna's voice came to the phone, "You all need to come to Martha's."

Crow asks loud enough so they could hear, "What's going on?"

"It's a lot to explain. So much has happened-" -Luna

"There were these things that were coming after us-" -Akiza

"They looked like shadows," -Dove

"And a wizard saved us!" -Leo

Xina looks at Bruno, who was holding the phone, after hearing Leo's statement. "Wizard?" Xina questioned.

"Shadows?" Crow questioned.

"Guys, we will explain everything once you get here! Hurry!" -Luna

"We're on our way," Yusei says before Bruno hangs up the phone.

Many thoughts were running through her mind as they all quickly got on their runners. They began to drive off to Martha's as Xina thinks, A wizard? Who is Leo talking about?

Time skip

At Martha's

Bruno, Xina, Yusei, Crow, and Jack finally arrived at Martha's place. They parked their runners out front and they felt the winds pick up speed.

Crow questions, "What is up with this weather? I almost lost balance on my runner while coming here."

Jack takes off his helmet before responding, "Not sure, but we need to get inside and figure what exactly what's going on here."

They all rush inside as Bruno closed the front door behind them. Crow calls out, "Martha?"

"We're all in here," Martha responds from one of the rooms which was the dining room.

The five of them made their way over to the dining room to see Martha, Blister, the twins, Akiza and Dove. They were all sitting at the table and Xina notices Dove wrapping a bandage around Akiza's arm. She also notices a few bruises on Dove's arms. The twins also had a few scratches, but nothing serious.

"What happened?" Yusei asks.

"What exactly is going on here?" Jack questions, confused with this situation.

"They're fine luckily. Akiza got it the most," Martha responds, looking at Dove who was bandaging Akiza.

"But I am okay, really," Akiza tells them reassuringly.

"Who knows what would of happened if that wizard didn't show up," Leo says, making Luna shut her eyes.

"Stop calling him a wizard, Leo. We don't know for sure if he is or not," Luna tells him, crossing her arms.

"Then how do you explain that magical staff he has and that long beard? He's most definitely a wizard!" Leo pointed out.

Blister was next to speak, "We called you guys here because that "wizard" knows Xina, and came here for her."

"For me? Where is he?" Xina questions, getting more confused.

"I'm right here," A man's voice says from the doorway of the dining room.

They all look over to see who it was. Yusei, Bruno, Crow and Jack see that Leo's description of the old man was accurate as they just stare at him.

Xina, however, was in shock. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the person standing there. She manages to utter out in disbelief:


To be continued...

Sorry it took so long to update. I am in the middle of moving right now and I haven't been able to be on my phone for more than an hour.

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