Young Queen


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Her laughs echoed the walls. His demons occupied the rooms. She lit the flame within him. He made every fiber... Еще

My Thank You


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The next day Aria didn't move from the spot she was in. She woke up and just laid in bed staring at the wall. My heart broke watching her and I really couldn't leave her here. She needed someone, whether that person was me or not, even if she didn't want to admit it. I just intended to be that person for her.

I finished getting ready for the day and moved to sit down next to Aria's laying form on the bed. "Sweetheart, I have to go to work for a couple of hours, but I will be back as soon as possible. Is there anyone you want me to call until then?" I asked her with a soothing voice.

I wanted to be gentle with her, but I didn't know what to do. How could I help her?

She didn't reply at first, so I decided to push her further. "Do you want me to call your mom?"

I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and she closed her eyes at my touch. After a moment she nodded her head, answering the question I asked her.

"Okay, I'll call her," I told her with a small smile, even though she couldn't see it. I pressed a kiss on her forehead, "I'll be back in a little, I love you Aria."

She didn't respond, so I just pressed another kiss to her forehead before getting up and walking out of the room. I closed the door behind me, leaving behind my heart and the love of my life.

I pulled out my phone as I began walking down the stairs, calling Aria's mom.

"Leo, how is she?" she asked me as soon as she answered the call, almost as if she had an intuition that something wasn't right.

"Mrs. Moon, she's not doing good at all. I think you should come here with your husband," I told her honestly while running a hand through my hair.

It was quiet for a second before she replied, "We're on the way."

I hung up the phone and went to look for my parents to let them know about the company we would have soon. I guess I was just gonna have to postpone going to the office for a little bit longer.

I walked into the kitchen and noticed both of my parents there, enjoying breakfast at the table. I grabbed a plate, filling it with some food before taking a seat at the table.

"Why do you look like that?" my mom asked me as she rubbed some jam on a piece of toast.

"Long night," I replied grimly.

"Where's Aria? Why isn't she eating down here with us?" my dad asked while he flipped through the newspaper as if cellphones didn't exist.

"I don't think she's planning on joining us today," I told them, not really wanting to get into it.

Of course, the answer wasn't sufficient enough for my parents. "Why not?" my mom asked.

"Because she's not doing good," I said, wanting to dismiss the conversation.

"She seemed fine yesterday, call her down. I'm sure she's fine," my mom pushed again.

I dropped the fork I was using on the table, "She had a mental breakdown last night while I was gone, and now she's laying in bed completely void of everything. I don't really think it's appropriate to force her to join us."

I got up from the table, grabbing another plate and putting some eggs, potatoes, and fruit onto it for Aria along with a cup of orange juice.

"Where are you going with that?" my dad asked.

I huffed, "I'm going to bring this up to Aria."

"We have maids for that you know," my mom pointed out.

I just turned my back away from them, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs into my room. My parents being here felt exactly like I was back in high school, where my life was constantly criticized and nagged at.

I hurried my way into the room, noticing Aria was still laying in the bed, this time with her head and body under the blanket. I placed the food and juice on the nightstand, as I sat back down on the bed next to her.

"Aria?" I called her softly, not wanting to startle her with my unexpected entrance. She didn't move out of the blanket, so I lightly pulled it back to realize she had fallen asleep.

A small smile made its way onto my face as I took in her peaceful slumber. A small smile was also on her face making me realize she was probably having a good dream. Whatever she was dreaming about, I hoped it gave her a little bit of an escape from everything she was going through.

The moment was cut short, however, when I heard yelling coming from downstairs, indicating that Aria's parents had arrived.


"Aria," someone said, but I didn't know who it was because my eyes were closed.

"Aria, did you hear me?" they said again, and this time I opened my eyes. It was Leo who called my name and he was wearing a full black tux.

"Leo? Why are you wearing a tux, where are we?" I asked him, looking around as I noticed we were behind a large red curtain. We were on a stage of some sort, with random people running around us.

"Aria, I asked if you wanted to dance?" he smiled at me, his hand outstretched in front of him. His hair was slicked back and he looked as handsome as always.

I looked down at my outfit, noticing that a white dress flowed down my legs and white heels hugged my feet. My ears were heavy with white, round earrings and my hair was done in a low, classic bun.

"Dance?" I asked him but still took his hand nonetheless.

The curtain began to rise and the crowd clapped. I noticed my parents in the crowd, along with Claire, Elena, Victoria, Justin, Damon, and Leo's parents. They were all dressed in black and they're bodies blended seamlessly into the audience around them that were also dressed in black. It seemed like I was the only one that stood out among them in my white dress.

"They're all here to see you dance Aria, you are the best after all," he grinned at me, and I felt a blush on my face.

I looked out at the faceless crowd again, "I can't dance in front of all these people, what if I mess up? What if the crowd boos me?"

"Why would they do that? They all love you, but remember that I love you more," he kissed my cheek.

I felt my confidence rise and I nodded, "Okay, let's dance."

My right hand and his left one held each other, while my other hand rested on Leo's shoulder and his held my waist. He pulled me closer to him, and the music began. It was light and airy, sounding beautiful when the orchestra played it.

We began to dance and I felt breathless as our bodies moved so perfectly with one another. I didn't know I could dance this well, and now I was doing it under the bright spotlight. A small laugh escaped my lips when Leo picked me up and twirled me.

"This is so much fun," I told him as we kept dancing.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Looks like the crowd is enjoying it too," he smirked and pointed towards the crowd who all had smiles on their faces.

A feeling of contentment washed over me as I realized that I was doing such a good job. Everyone looked like they were ... proud of me. The smile on my face didn't wash away the whole time we danced and I felt like I could dance for the rest of my life.

Soon enough, however, the song ended and Leo and I were bowing for the crowd. The curtain fell back over us and I couldn't help the squeal that left my lips as I threw myself into his arms.

"I don't want this to end," I told him truthfully.

"But my love, it did. The dance is over and we won't be able to return to this exact moment ever again. After all, all good things must come to an end, but that doesn't mean that more good moments won't come," his smile was sad, almost as if he pitied me. I didn't have a chance to respond as the lights turned off and darkness engulfed us, and my eyes snapped open.

I looked around the room and noticed I was in Leo's room. There was a plate of food sitting next to me that was cold by now and didn't look appetizing in the slightest. I continued to lay in bed until yelling from downstairs startled me.

Who the hell was fighting?

I pushed the covers off of me, the cold air nipping my skin, and grabbed a sweatshirt from Leo's closet. I pulled it over my head, making my way down the stairs slowly to hear what the fighting was about. I sat at the end of the stairs, listening to the fight that was happening in the living room right next to me.

"What the hell did you do to my daughter?" someone yelled out, and the voice sounded a lot like my mom's.

"What? Are you talking about when we found her and got her home safely or all the other times we've protected her?" another female voice yelled back, most likely Sofia.

"Protected her? That's why she's lost her mind at this point! She had her friends, she had amazing grades, she was working on her own fashion line and then she met your son," my mom expressed loudly.

"Watch your mouth about my son, he's done nothing but love that girl. None of this is his fault," Sofia snapped back.

"His love is what got her into this mess, she's laying up there withering away in her depression. She ran away for God's sake, she would've never planned on doing that before," my mom practically cried out.

"Stop jumping around and just say what you've been wanting to say since they started dating Lauren," someone, who I assumed to be Steven, spoke up.

It was quiet for a moment before my mom spoke up again, "I think they should break up."

My breath halted. Break up with Leo? I didn't want to break up with him, I love Leo. How could they be discussing these things as if it wasn't my decision? Did I truly not have a say anymore in what was happening in my life?

"No, absolutely not," Leo's voice immediately cut in.

"Right now she needs a break from all of this to work on her mental wellbeing," another male voice interrupted, sounding like my dad.

"I'm not breaking up with her, that is not up for discussion," Leo practically growled and I could imagine his hands clenching.

"She needs to get professional help, we found a great facility-" my mom tried saying, but was quickly cut off.

"You want to send her away?! She's not crazy!" Leo shouted, causing me to jump.

They wanted to send me away? My own parents wanted me to leave. Had I become that much of a burden to them with my problems that the only choice left was to send me away for professional help?

"It's just for thirty days, they specialize in helping with trauma. It wouldn't show up on her permanent record so she still has hope for a future," my dad tried to explain.

"Fuck her permanent record, she's not some insane, crazy person. She's not going to any mental asylum," Leo growled, and I could tell he was about to lose it.

I hadn't even noticed the tears coming down my cheeks until one fell into my mouth and I tasted the saltiness from it. I wiped my cheeks quickly, getting up to interrupt their argument. After all, their fight was about me, it was only right that I had some say about what was happening.

I entered the room, standing there while the fighting continued. "Please stop," I said, but my voice was raspy and too quiet for anyone to hear me over the yelling.

"Stop," I screamed and this time everyone turned their attention to me. "I'm not crazy," I told them all.

"Aria, we didn't say you were-" my mom began, but I cut her off.

"Then why do you want to send me away?" I asked her, my voice cracking.

"It's for your own good," she began.

"My own good? I think I know more about what's best for me than anyone else here," my voice was rising despite how defeated and exhausted I felt.

"Aria we are your parents, we wouldn't do this if we didn't think it was the best for you. You leave next week," my dad said, trying to make it seem like the conversation was over, but I was only just beginning.

"Am I really that much of a burden that it's easier to send me away than to just be there for me?" I asked them, tears pooling in my eyes again. "If that's the case, I'll get better, I swear. I'm doing so much better after last night."

I was practically begging them at this point. The thought of being sent to some center really beginning to hit me.

"You're lying Aria, to yourself and to everyone else," my dad shook his head.

"Please no, I swear I'm okay. I can prove it to you, please just don't do this," I begged again, full-on crying now, and no one was able to meet my eyes except Leo.

"If she doesn't want to go away, you're not going to force her either," Leo spoke up for me. "She has Dr. Vigil and I to help her through this."

My mom shook her head, "Dr. Vigil recommended this."

"Some fucking therapist that is," Leo said with an exasperated huff.

"Mom, please don't make me go, please," I moved over to where she was sitting now, getting on my knees, begging. She couldn't even meet my gaze as I did so. "Please mom, I'm your daughter. Don't do this to me."

She looked over at me now, a tear slipping out of her eye, "Oh Aria, if only you could see how broken you truly are."

I moved away from her like she was a fire hissing to burn me. I looked at my parents who were supposed to be the ones to hold me and help me through this, but instead, they found it more convenient to have some professionals do that job instead.

"If you do this to me, I swear to God you will lose me forever. I will never forgive you," I told them again, hoping they would change their minds. Instead, they just stood there and didn't utter a word. "I'm not breaking up with Leo either. I'm not losing the only person who trusts me enough to make decisions for myself. Unlike the two of you, he's there for me no matter how crazy you think I am."

"If he doesn't see how broken you are, then he's just as ignorant as you. If he truly loved you, he would agree with us," my mom practically seethed, looking at Leo.

"What you're doing isn't out of love, it's out of fear for your reputations. Some parents you are," Leo scoffed. Usually, I would call him out for being rude to them, but I couldn't find it in myself to do so at this moment.

"I'm giving you one more chance, please tell me you're not going to send me away. Please," I begged, hoping they changed their minds. But yet again, they just kept quiet, showing me that their minds had already been made.

I couldn't take this anymore. The silence was beginning to suffocate me more than the yelling was.

I stood up with shaky legs, taking one more good look at my parents before running out of the room. I ran up the stairs, and into Leo's room taking a duffle bag from his closet and beginning to pack all of the clothes I had left in his room.

I was throwing the clothes in, trying to be as quick as possible. I didn't notice anyone had followed me until someone grabbed my wrists, stopping me from what I was doing.

I looked up at the person, "Leo, let go." I tried to yank my hands out of his grip, but he continued to hold on without hurting me.

"Aria, what are you doing?" he asked me, trying to get me to look him in the eyes, but I couldn't.

I tried to pull away again, "Let go, I need to go before I do something I'm gonna regret."

"What are you talking about?" he asked with wide eyes and worry laced in his voice. I ignored him, continuing to try and thrash my way out of his grip.

"Hold on for a second," his voice was louder, causing me to stop what I was doing and look at him. "What are you doing?" he asked again.

"I'm packing, I have to go, they're gonna send me away," I told him quickly, slightly hyperventilating.

"Aria, breath," he said, sternly.

I just shook my head, "I can't Leo- I can't."

He sat on the bed, pulling me onto his lap. "Shhh, listen to the sound of my voice," he ordered me, and I tried, but it was hard to focus.

"I can't," I gasped out, choking on tears.

"Yes you can, just focus," he encouraged me, and this time I listened as he spoke. His smooth, deep voice hypnotized me, but I still had tears falling. His words were filled with encouragement and love, and for a second, I didn't worry about what happened downstairs. His arms held me tightly, and eventually, I let myself relax in his touch.

"You're not going anywhere," he told me, pure seriousness on his face.

"Leo now is not the time. I have to go, please," I cried.

"Aria listen to me, you're not going anywhere. I am not going to let anyone take you away, do you understand?" he slightly growled.

"How-" I began to ask, but he cut me off.

"Aria, I told you multiple times that I would never let you go unless you truly wanted me to and even then I would fight until my last breath. You made it clear downstairs you didn't want to go, so I promise you that you won't be going anywhere. Don't start doubting me now," he smirked, and I couldn't help the feeling of security that spread in my chest.

I nodded my head, "You promise?"

"One hundred percent baby. I'll get someone to go to your house and grab your things, we won't be staying here though," he told me, causing me to furrow my brows.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"We are going to my penthouse in the city, we're gonna get away from our parents for a little. Are you okay with that?" he asked me, wanting to get my consent.

"Yes, and thank you for everything. I know I haven't been the easiest person to be around lately and I'll probably have more shitty days, but just know that I appreciate it."

"I want nothing but to see you happy and back to your old self, but I also want you to understand it's okay to not be okay. It'll take time, but I will be there every step of the way, no matter how much you try to push me away," he confessed, his arms tightening around me more.

"I heard you protecting me down there before I interrupted. I guess I forgot that there truly is someone on my side," I admitted.

"I'll always defend your name, I know you're not crazy Aria," his voice vibrating through his chest as he spoke. "We still have to talk about everything that happened though."

"I know," I told him, aware of the hard conversation we would have to get through, "can we do that later? I don't think I could handle it right now."

"Of course, now how about we go to our new home?" 


I really didn't think I would update back to back, but here I am for the first time ever since I started writing doing just that. I hope you guys enjoyed, again another hard chapter to write but these things happen. Aria's parents aren't awful, they just think she isn't in the right mindset to make her own decisions and they're just being parents that believe they know what's best for their kid. Also if anyone knows what painting I referenced in Aria's dream, I will be thoroughly impressed. As always, don't forget to tell me what you think and don't forget to vote. Love you all and see you in the next one!

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