The Walking Dead

By WillBrennan7

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Based off of the hit TV show, The Walking Dead follows a new group of survivors as they survive the zombie ap... More

The Walking Dead
Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 2
Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 9
Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2 Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 2
Season 3 Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 4
Season 3 Mid-Season Finale
Season 3 Episode 6
Season 3 Episode 7
Season 3 Episode 8
Season 3 Episode 9
Season 3 Episode 10
Season 3 Episode 11
Season 3 Episode 12
Season 3 Finale
Season 4 Episode Titles And Descriptions
4x08 Mid-Season Finale
4x18 Season Finale
Season 5 Episode Titles And Descriptions
The Walking Dead Season 5 Trailer
5x01 Sneak Peeks
5x08 MID-SEASON FINALE (A Must Read)
Season 6 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 6 Trailer
Season 7 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 7 Trailer
7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE
Season 8 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 8 Trailer
8x01 Sneak Peeks
Update/ New Titles And Descriptions
8x12 Epilogue
Fun Facts #1-5
Final 12 Trailer
New Finale Title
Fun Facts Part 2
Top 5 Anthony Speeches
Top 10 Characters
Top 10 Episodes


130 0 1
By WillBrennan7

The Walking Dead

Season 5

Episode 11

Can't Be With You Anymore

Previously, On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"You're my family" Anthony says, looking at the group. "And I'll do anything to protect you." Tyler is bitten as Bob is shot in the head, and David shouts "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'D WANT." "We're not leaving" Anthony says, as Gwen says "Sooner or later, they're going to bring this place down." "I walked to Terry, Ted, and Ian" Adam says. "They think we should leave." "You can go if you want" Jason says, as Terry and Vivian hug. "We're not stopping you." "Are you giving me an ultimatum?" Anthony asks, and Jason says "Yeah, I think I am" before walking out."

Anthony had his arms wrapped around Gwen, as the two lied in bed. "What're you thinking about?" Gwen asked, looking at him. Anthony sighed and said "Jason said we should leave if we want." Gwen sighed and said "Well, bring it to the others. They all deserve to have a say in this." "Yeah" said Anthony. "I'm really worried about what Sam will say." "He'll understand" said Gwen, looking back at the wall. Anthony smiled, before kissing her neck and saying "I love you."

Terry walked back and forth on the wall, and could see the walkers scatter around. Suddenly, he saw a walker covered in guts walking towards the gates. It was a woman, and she looked awfully familiar. "Vivian?" he asked, as he looked at the walker. It looked up at him, and said "Hi."

Terry aimed his rifle at her, as she climbed up, with her hands up. "I don't have any weapons" she said. "You can check me." "I'm not going anywhere near you" said Terry. "How could you betray us? You made us like you, you were a new member of our group, but now, you're just another dead person."

"No" said Vivian. "I only did this because Joseph saved and protected me. I had no one, and he took me in. I only did all of that stuff because he said he'd kill me if I betrayed him." "But, you were here" Terry said. "We had you here, and you'd be protected, but you still went with him, so, you couldn't stop."

"You're right" Vivian said. "Why are you here?" Terry asked. "Because" Vivian said "Joseph is gathering walkers, and he's going to bring them here, knocked down that wall, and kill all of you. I want you and your group to run. Get out of here, and don't look back, because if you do, you'll be dead." "We can prepare" said Terry. "We can have everyone ready." "If you had everyone ready, then he'd know I told you" said Vivian. "No one can know, so you have to leave." "Why just me and my group?" Terry asked. "Because" Vivian said. "I know you'd never escape without your friends."

Terry looked shocked and said "You just wanted me to escape. Why?" Vivian smiled and said "I have to go. Terry, please, get out of here, and survive, for me." She dropped down from the wall and started walking off, leaving Terry thinking, as she disappeared into the walkers.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)

Vivian walked into the inn and quickly washed off before jumping into her bed, as there was a knock. She didn't respond for a few moments, before she stood up and opened the door. "Yeah?" she asked, as she saw Joseph and Drake standing there. "Come with us" Joseph said. "We want to check on the walkers, and we have to feed them." Vivian nodded, before throwing some clothes on and walking out.

Anthony walked out of his apartment, and Terry immediately approached. "We have to talk" Terry said. "Not now" Anthony said. "I have to talk to Sam." "No Anthony" said Terry. "I have to talk to you." Anthony stared at him and said "Give me an hour. I'm going to take Sam out on a run, because I have to talk to him, but we can talk afterwards." Anthony walked off, and Terry looked annoyed.

Sam sat across from Carly and Kate at breakfast, and was talking to them about Bob. "Hey" Anthony said, as he approached. "Hey" said Carly. "We were just talking about the time Bob found the fox in the forest. Sam was saying that he wished he was there, because he would have laughed." Anthony smiled before looking at Sam and saying "I want you to come on a run with me today." "We can't get through the walkers, though" said Sam. "Well" said Anthony. 'We'll go around. I want to talk to you anyway, and I'd rather want to be alone when we do." "Okay" said Sam, with a nod.

Gwen grabbed a plate, and walked right into Sherri. "Sorry" Gwen said, as she started walking off. "Wait" said Sherri. "Talk to Luke again. I'm sure he wants to apologize." "He doesn't need to" said Gwen. "I'm okay, and I don't care. It's fine." She then continued walking off, as Sherri looked sad.

Terry walked around, and spotted Ian and Ted talking, and saw Carly, Gwen and Kate eating breakfast, Jason looking around, and William on watch. He then saw David in the infirmary, and sighed. "I have to tell someone" he said, and he started walking towards the infirmary.

Anthony and Sam walked down the road, with two walkers roaming down it. "What'd you want to talk about?" Sam asked, as Anthony drew his machete and chopped the walker's heads off. "We can talk about it when we get there" Anthony said. "Where are we going?" Sam asked, looking at his father. Anthony looked down at him and said "I don't know."

Terry opened the infirmary door and saw David looking down at his feet, with a filled to the tip cup of water next to him. "You need to drink" Terry said. David looked up and said "Are you here to tell me to get up and drink some water?" David asked. "No" Terry said. "But, I need to talk to you." "About?" David asked. Terry pulled up a chair and said "The girl that betrayed us, Vivian, came to me last night while I was on watch and said that we should leave because Joseph is planning to destroy the walls and send walkers in, and she said not to tell the community because if they know about it, they'll kill her."

David stared at him and said "Well, I guess we're leaving then." Terry look confused and asked "That's it?" "What do you want me to say?" David asked. "If you tell your girlfriend dies, so I guess we're leaving Melville. I never really liked this place anyway." Terry stared at David who then said "Sorry, but don't bring your problems to me. Now, get out." Terry pushed his chair to the side before walking out.

Anthony pulled his machete from a walker's brain, as Sam asked "Should I open the door?" They stood outside of a drugs store, and Anthony nodded. Sam pulled the door opened and aimed his gun, before saying "It's clear." "Good" said Anthony, as the two walked into the drugs store.

"You get meds that deal with infection" Anthony said. "I'll get pain meds. This should last us a few weeks." "Dad" said Sam. "Why do we need these drugs?" Anthony stared at him and said "I'm going to ask you something." "What?" Sam asked. Anthony sighed, and knelt down to Sam and said "How would you feel about leaving Melville?"

Sam stared at him for several seconds before asking "Why would you want to leave?" "Because of Joseph" said Anthony. "I don't want to put you and the others at risk again. I want you all to survive, and we can't do that with another enemy in our faces." Sam looked angry before saying "I get that you want everyone to survive, but we have sanctuary in Melville, and if we were to leave, then you'd be giving us a death sentence from the walkers. Please Dad, don't make us go back out there again. Please, can we stay?" Anthony stared at him and said "I'll think about it."

David looked up at the ceiling of the infirmary, and stared at the lights above. The door opened, and a voice said "I did know Bob." David looked over at Hannah, who stood at the door, looking angry. "I didn't know him since childhood like you did" she said. "I didn't know him as well as you did, but I still knew him, and I knew him well enough to know that he doesn't want his best friend sitting in an infirmary that he doesn't even need. I know that you knew him well too, but you don't get to say that I didn't know him, because I was in love with him. Now, get up, because he'd be ashamed if you didn't."

David stared at her and simply said "Get out." Hannah opened her eyes wide, in a shocked expression, before turning her back and saying "Bob would be ashamed of you." She then slammed the door, as a tear went into David's goatee.

Vivian walked outside and saw a large cage of walkers. "Feed them with Drake" said Joseph. "I'm going to plan our next move." Joseph walked back inside as Vivian grabbed a can and climbed a ladder. She opened a little hatch before dropping animal intestines and organs. The walkers grabbed and ate them as Drake asked "So, where'd you go last night?" Vivian looked shocked before looking down and quickly saying "I went looking for more walkers." "Did you get any?" Drake asked. "No" said Vivian. "I almost died." Drake looked unconvinced as Vivian said "Let's get more meat" before she walked off.

Kate sat with Carly on a bench, looking around at everyone. "This life is perfect" Carly said. "Why did this happen? Why were we put into this terrible world where we lose people left and right?" Kate felt tears coming upon her before saying "I don't know. I don't know why God would make us meet people we care for, and then snatch them away from us, like Frank, and Wyatt, John, Katherine, peter, Riley, Quinn, and Bob, and" but she stopped, before bursting into tears. She cried into her hand as Carly put her arm around Kate and said "I am so sorry."

"OH NO" they heard Ted shout from a distance. They looked around and saw Ted, William, and Adam running forward, with their guns at the ready, as walkers pushed through the doors of the wall. "Oh Christ" Carly said, jumping up and grabbing her machete, as Kate drew her gun.

Anthony and Sam walked down the road, when suddenly, Sam stopped. "What're you doing?" Anthony asked. "We're almost back." Sam looked up at him and said "Dad, I lied earlier. I think we should leave Melville." "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Anthony asked. Sam sighed and said "Because, I really believe that we can make a life here. It is perfect, and with a few tweaks, it can be a true home. But, Joseph is vicious, and he won't stop until we're all dead. So, I think we should leave Melville. But, you're the leader of this group Dad. You make all of the calls. So, you decide whether we should go or stay." Anthony stared at Sam before saying "Okay, I will." Suddenly, they could hear growls and a gunshot, and screams. "Oh no" Anthony said, drawing his gun, as he and Sam ran down the road. They turned a corner and saw walkers heading into Melville. "NO" Anthony shouted, aiming his gun and shooting a walker, as Sam shot another. "COME ON" Anthony shouted, stabbing the nearest walker, as Sam ran forward.

As David looked at the ceiling, he heard gunshots and screams. He looked up and saw Kate and Carly shooting at walkers, which were invading Melville. David looked around and saw the doctor grab a gun and then say "David, help me." He handed David a machine gun before running outside. David looked down at the gun, and then looking outside, before standing up.

William stabbed an oncoming walker as Anthony shot a walker in the head, and Sam ran to Gwen and shot a walker behind her. Hannah sent her sword up a walker's chin to its skull, before pulling it out and cutting another one's head off. Sherri and Don shot walkers from a distance as Adam and Nick shot at them. "DAD" Nick shouted as a walker grabbed him, but Anthony shot it in the head. Marie stabbed a walker in the eye, as Carly sent her machete through one's skull, as Jason threw one to the ground and stomped on its head. Anthony grabbed a machine gun and he and William mowed them all down from behind, as Ted covered walkers coming at them from the side, and Terry and Ian shot walkers that were still coming through the doors.

Hannah sent her sword through a walker's chest, but another one grabbed her, and she fell to the ground. It went to bite her, but it was shot by David, who ran up and pulled the sword out of the other walker's chest and kicked it to the ground. He then climbed on top of it and started beating it with the butt of its gun. "Are you okay?" David asked Hannah, who nodded, taking the sword. William and Anthony shot the final walker's before they all stood there, breathing heavily, looking at the carnage.

"Anthony" Jason said, approaching. "Help me get rid of the bodies." "I'm sorry" Anthony said. "But, I have to talk to my group, so I can't." Jason stared at him, and understood. "Talk to me after" Jason said, and Anthony nodded. "William, get the group together."

Vivian washed her face, before opening the door of the bathroom, and coming face to face with Joseph. "Drake told me you left in the middle of the night" Joseph said. Vivian sensed that joseph was about to shoot her, but he said "You don't need to worry about those walkers. I don't think we'll need them anymore." "Why?" Vivian asked. Joseph pointed out of a window pointing to the front, and Vivian said 'Oh my god" as she stared at a large tank.

Anthony stared at everyone, and sighed. "I know that I am the leader" he said. "But, we need to vote on something. I said a month ago that I would protect you from anything, and one of those things is Joseph Morris. So, raise your hand if you want to leave Melville." Everyone but Carly and Gwen raised their hands. Anthony understood. "We're leaving" he simply said.

Anthony approached Jason, who was on watch, looking at three roaming walkers in the street. Anthony stared at him, and Jason clearly understood. "We're leaving Melville" Anthony said. Jason nodded and asked "Are you sure?" Anthony smiled and said "You're a good man Jason, and I'm sure you'll get new assets one day." He patted Jason's back who smiled.

(Cue Serpents By Sharon Van Etten Or Video)

Anthony put clothes into a bag as Gwen did the same. Sam packed extra ammo and meds and clothes before walking outside and joining the others. "I'm sorry I didn't agree with you" Anthony said, putting his arms around Gwen. "Both decisions were good choices" Gwen said, kissing Anthony.

They all walked outside, and threw their bags into the first car, as the others put bags into the other cars. Gwen hugged Sherri and Don, before looking up at a window and spotting Luke looking down on all of them. She waved, before hugging Toby and Aria. "If you ever want to come back, you can" Jason said, looking at Gwen. "I don't know if we will" said Gwen. "But, we'll take the offer into consideration." The two then hugged, before Anthony walked up and said "Good luck." "You too" Jason said, patting Anthony's back.

After they all said their goodbyes, they all got into the cars, and started driving off. Terry, in the second car, looked behind him at David, who nodded, and Terry understood. Jason and Toby moved the walls back before Anthony started driving out, followed by Terry's car, and finally Hannah's car. Jason and Toby closed the doors, as Jason looked at them drive off down the road.

Anthony drove off, as the sun started to set in the distance. "So, where to?" William asked, looking at him. Anthony glanced at, him before knocking a walker out of the way, and saying "I don't know." They drove onto the highway and past the few walkers left as well as the RV, and then drove out of Philadelphia. Joseph stood on the overpass, staring at them, before smiling.

WillBrennan7 Presents, Scenes From The Next Episode Of The Walking Dead...

"Where are we supposed to move on to?" William asks, as Anthony looks into a fire. "I don't know" Anthony says, as Terry looks at David and says "We can't tell them. They'll want to go back." "We can't keep secrets anymore" David says, as smoke goes into the air. "We can live without Melville" Sam says, as Jason looks at walkers on the road. "We can survive out here." Walkers roam through the woods, the group runs off into the dusk light, as David says "Do a head count" and Gwen says "We're missing someone."

Find Out What Happens On Episode 12 Of The Walking Dead.

For More, Check Out Talking Stories.

And Now, For A Shout Out And Follow:

Where do you think the group will go next?

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