Season 3 Episode 1

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The Waking Dead

Season 3

Episode 1

Remember Your Gun

Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“Do it, and then find Sam and Julia” says Rebecca as Anthony shoots her. “DAD” shouts Sam, running to his father. “It’s a museum” says Anthony as they stare at it. “Welcome to Arrington” says Thomas as they show Arrington. “Of course you agree with Ian” says Anthony as it shows Gwen kiss Ian. “I FEEL FINE” shouts William as Arrington runs into the museum and a fight happens. Thomas shoots John as Sam shoots him. Thomas is then eaten up as John says “To infinity and beyond.” Then, they turn and smile at their home.


      He ran, taking heavy breaths as he did. The walkers chased him, but he ran into the truck and started driving off. “What happened?” asked Gwen as she shot a walker. “I went in, but they were everywhere” said Anthony. “How could we have forgotten the bag of meds?”

    “Well” said Gwen. “We were worried about Thomas and the rest, but we got them now. Sure, some are left, but the main threats are gone. Thomas is dead, and apparently so are our meds.” Anthony looked at her, sighed, and then nodded as he stared at the road.

     “So” he said. “Is this thing with Ian serious?” “Oh god” said Gwen with a sigh. “What?” asked Anthony, smiling. “I just want to know. It’s not like I through you to the walkers.” “I wish you had” said Gwen. “Come on” said Anthony. “When we were teenagers we always talked about each other’s love lives. Please, for old times sake.” Gwen sighed and said “It’s been two weeks. How am I supposed to know?” “It’s been two weeks” said Anthony. “So you two should have said if it was serious.” “It’d be weird if we ended it though” said Gwen. “Tyler and Kate agree. If they ended it, then things would be weird because they see each other all the time. I agree.” “Yeah” said Anthony. “I bet you do. Well, here’s to old times sake.” Then, he started speeding down the road, both of them laughing.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)

One Month Later



    Anthony sat in his area of the museum, the space area. He looked at his backpack and saw the low food supply he and Sam had left. He walked out to the front and saw the others, cooking the last of their breakfast. “Hey” he said as he walked down the steps. “How much food and water do you have left?” “Not much” said Gwen. “Yeah” said Ted. “These eggs are the last.” “We only have a bag of chips left” said William. “We have a few bottles of water left.”

   “Okay” said Anthony. “I’ll make a supply run to the town.” “Are you sure you don’t want to try the store?” asked Terry. “No” said Anthony. “A few weeks ago, a horde was there, and who’s to say they’re gone.” “Can I come Dad?” asked Sam. “Sure” said Anthony. “You’ve helped me on the past two. We’ll leave soon.” He then sat down and started eating the eggs.

     Hannah stood in the back, looking angry. “What’s wrong?” asked Bob, approaching her. Hannah looked over at him and then said “Shane hasn’t talked to me since Arrington. But, that’s not even the main reason I’m mad. Those monsters took my friends. Only me, Shane, and Katherine are left of our original group of ten. Who’ll die next?”

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