Season 1 Episode 5

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The Walking Dead

Season 1

Episode 5

Trust No One

         Anthony, Gwen, David, Carly, and William ran out of the forest and towards the abandoned car. William ran to the nearest walker, jumped on top of it and plunged his knife into the brain. David then ran to the only walker near the car, and chopped its head off. He then stabbed the decapitated head.

          “Do you have all of your meds?” Anthony asked them. “Yeah” they all said. “Come on” said Anthony as a walker snuck up on him. It jumped at him, but he plunged the knife into its head. Anthony looked up and saw the horde coming out of the woods. “COME ON” he shouted. He jumped into the car and started it. William sat in the passengers seat and the others sat in the back. Anthony started to go, but they stopped.

           “It’s a walker” said David as he jumped out of the car. He grabbed the walker body and threw it into a few other walkers. One walker grabbed him and he shouted “DRIVE, I’LL CATCH UP.” He plunged the knife into the walkers head as Anthony started driving. David grabbed the grenade launcher, aimed it at the horde, and shot. He started to run as many walkers blew up. “RUN, RUN” shouted Gwen as she and Carly held their hands out to grab David. The walkers chased David and almost grabbed him several times, but William shot back and many walkers fell. David finally grabbed Gwen’s hand and she and Carly pulled him into the car. David grabbed a nearby walker, held it at the side of the door as Anthony drove, and Gwen slammed the door. The walker’s brains were all over as the car escaped from the horde of walkers.

             “Is everyone okay?” Anthony asked as they turned. “Yeah” said David. “Everyone’s fine.” “Good” said Anthony. “How much medicine did we get?” “Maybe one hundred” said Gwen. “Sweet” said William and the group smiled.

               Soon, they were pulling into the mansions garage. “Grab a box” said Anthony, but there was a shriek. Anthony drew his gun and ran into the main house. Gwen and the others followed and as soon as they got to the main house, they heard a gun shot.

              Tyler and the others met them in the hallway and they all walked into the living room. Anthony’s gun fell out of his hands. Quinn sobbed next to him as she hugged Anthony. “I’m so sorry” he said as he hugged her. Quinn let go and ran to a crying Kate who picked her up and held her. Anthony turned, and Gwen saw the tears in his eyes. She knew what he was thinking about.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)



                Anthony, William, Tyler, Kate, Gwen, and David sat in the living room. Quinn was crying in a bathroom and the others were digging a hole in the backyard. “I told you guys to take care of him” said Anthony. “He was going to die anyway” said Tyler. “We all knew this. He got bit.” “We could of tried something” said Anthony. “We could of cured him.” “You can’t get a cure” said David. “You thought you were gonna be the savior. Well, you’re not. You’re just another man that could easily die from this thing.”

                 “DAVID” shouted William. “Not now. We need to figure out what we’re gonna do.” “What do you mean?” asked David. “We’re staying here.” “Look” said William. “I’d love to, but it’s too easily spotted and Bob told me that they had to use guns, and walkers miles away could of heard them.” “I agree” said Anthony. “We stay for the night, but leave at dawn. This place already has bad memories.” Just then, Quinn walked in. “Kate” she said. “Can I have that food?” “Sure honey. Just give me a second” said Kate and Quinn nodded.

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