Season 3 Episode 7

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The Walking Dead

Season 3

Episode 7

Not Afraid

Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“It feels like your more his girlfriend than mine” Ian says as it shows Gwen slap him. “Two people are missing” Anthony says. “We don’t know if they’re dead or alive.” They walk through the woods before seeing walkers. One tackles Anthony, but Sam beats its brains in. “I think I know who’s sabotaging us” Anthony says. “Who?” Gwen asks. “Sam” Anthony says.



      Gwen’s mouth hung opened as she stared into Anthony’s face. She couldn’t believe what just came out of his mouth. “You think your own son is trying to kill us” Gwen said. “I know that it’s hard to think about” Anthony said. “I don’t want to think about it, but it’s possible.”

     “I can’t believe you think it’s him” Gwen said, crossing her arms. You think I want him to be a psychopath, that he could’ve dome it” Anthony said. “I can’t even think he’s capable. But, ever since the day that Peter went missing, he’s been acting strange. A man that we met said that he got angry thinking about me dead. Then, yesterday with the walker, he beat its head in. I think that he’s triggered some sort of personality that kills anything that endangers others, but, the thing might make him sleep walk and remove the window.” “I don’t know” said Gwen. “But, he was alone when the window was gone. Maybe, he fell asleep, removed the window, and went back, and then woke up. But, this is just a theory.” “If it’s not a split personality” said Anthony. “Then, it must be because of Rebecca. I mentioned her on the way home, and I could feel his anger. He might be mad that I didn’t save her, so he might try to kill the others, and us.” “This is still pretty unlikely” said Gwen. “We should figure something out, maybe trigger it.” “When though?” asked Anthony. “How about after you tell the entire group what you’re thinking” said a voice. They turned and saw William and Carly, with shocked expressions on their faces.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)



        Anthony lied against his pillow, rubbing his head. He looked next to him and saw Sam who was heavily asleep. Anthony jumped to his feet and walked out, leaving Sam. He could see William, Carly, and Gwen eating breakfast, and he joined them. “Morning” Anthony said. William and Carly ignored him, but Gwen said “Hey.” “So” said William. “You planning on telling us what exactly you two were talking about last night.” “It could be nothing” Anthony said, putting two eggs on his plate. “We were just talking about who was sabotaging us.” “No” said Carly. “You were accusing your own son of sabotaging us.” “We can’t rule him out” Anthony said.

          “Actually” said Carly. “You can, because he is a child. He is your child, and your saying that he’s a psychopath. If that is the type of leadership you have, then I think I’d be better off somewhere else.” “Then go” Anthony said. “Try your luck out on the road. When you get the chance, text me to let me know how you’re doing. I am trying to protect us from threat, and if that means saying my sons a killer, which is a strong theory at the moment, then I’ll except it.” “The way your protecting us led to the disappearance of two of our own” said William. “Peter disappeared before the walkers got in” said Gwen. “Someone might’ve took him, but at this point, he’s probably dead. Anthony doesn’t want anyone else to die, so, he might act a little rough, but it’s all for protection.” “I just wonder what Rebecca would think if she saw you right now” Carly said, putting emphasis on ‘Rebecca’.

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