Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.

Wammy's House

16 0 0
By ziakitty

Cars rushed by filled with people going about their daily lives. Some going to work, others going out on dates, family gatherings, school, etc. The busy highway soon changes to a dirt road, backroads, the scenery is a welcoming change. Trees, vivid greens fading to yellow, some orange, one or two red, the colors were almost enough to distract the brilliant mind of the person that closely watched as the world went by. 

A building soon came into view, its size was decent, from the outside it looked a bit like a church. Mainly because of the cross that was at the top of the arch above the front door. There was a gate that went all around the perimeter, it was made of metal, probably iron, black. It curved a bit, having both high and low parts, the tips also had a little cross on them with stone pillars every five feet or so to connect them. One stone, in particular, stood out, it held a plaque that read Wammy's House.

The yard was huge, it held more than enough space for children to frolic, yet on this warm, early fall day, no one was outside. Many windows adorned the building, allowing for lots of natural light to seep through. At the very top was a bell, a few trees were in the yard, on the side was even a small garden for flowers, vegetables, and fruits. A pleasant sight to behold, finally, a car, Rolls-Royce Phantom VIII dark grey, and silver stopped in front of the building. Three individuals sat inside it, two in front, one in back.

It has happened again and I am not sure why. Is there something about me that is displeasing? Do I smell? Maybe it's my grades? I never take school or homework seriously, it all just seems too easy. So why, why does every family that adopts me or fosters me leaves me behind? Why do I get my hopes up just for them to be crushed under the weight of a new addition, new girlfriend, wife, husband, pet, etc. I never asked to be born nor did I want my parents to die. Life...isn't fair...

"We're here, time to go. I know you'll like this school. Only the best for my little girl." Cooed the woman who was to be my new mother. Just last month she had gotten married to a real charmer. He's handsome, wealthy, smart, everything any sane person would want...At least on the surface, he is.

Already over the same lies, I grab the only bag I was allowed to pack, everything else would be shipped. I know it's a lie, they've already thrown out my clothes, pictures, everything that might remind me of them or them of me. "Hurry it up, we don't have all day." I heard my temporary adopted father say in an annoyed tone. "Come give me a kiss before you go, sweety." Releasing a small sigh as I got out of the car then head towards the passenger, leaning in to give Lola a peck on the cheek. However, I stopped halfway, thinking for a moment, this causes Peter to grunt unhappily. "Something wrong, dearest?" Inquired the woman in her early forties. Her dark brown eyes shone with so much love and care, unlike the man that sat beside her.

"Nothing at all, love. I just don't want us to miss the flight. Go on now, don't keep your new teachers and classmates waiting." A large porcelain hand soon rested on my tresses, ruffling them in what some would think was an affectionate manner. But to me, it felt like sandpaper rubbing against my scalp. His fingers dug into my hair for the last time as my brown lips ghosted over Lola's warm beige cheek. Don't worry about me, mum, I'll be fine. I'm sure this is a nice orphanage. Hey did you know this isn't a boarding school but an orphanage, silly mix up huh? There are so many things I wanted to say to the former geisha but I could not bring myself to break her heart, she truly believes that I am simply being sent off to a school for gifted children.

I guess I was taking too long to part, for Mr. Bailey roughly pushed me away from the car, causing me to stumble then fall, landing on my backside and pulling out a nice bit of my hair. Luckily not enough to leave a bald spot but close. Before the car pulled off I heard a gasp and shout, Mrs. Bailey looked back, those dark brown eyes were wide and fearful as they darted from me to another sign that clearly read orphanage. Turning towards the man she had married, I see her small fist striking his shoulder, the car stops, his large hand rises as if to hit Lola. Getting up I start after the car only to be stopped when my headphones are chucked out the window, they hit the pavement with so much force that they shatter. Just like my hopes and dreams for a loving family, my very world.

~~Linda's P.O.V~~

"Earth to Linda, come in Linda, do you copy?" Came the voice of my close friend, a young boy named John. He was trying to get me to join them in a game of hide and seek. However, my light colored hues were stuck on the scene that was going outside. A girl, maybe a few years older than myself was being pushed away from a car after giving someone a kiss goodbye. It didn't take a genius to now that this girl had just been abandoned. "John, go get Roger, we have a newcomer. I'll be right back, I have to go help her!" Dashing away from the window and downstairs, my short legs carried me quickly to the front door then outside. Breathlessly I approached the mysterious female. She stood a few inches taller than me, roughly around five feet one or two.

"H-Hello" I called out, my voice wavering for a moment. "My name is Linda, what's yours?" No reply was given, during this time I took in more of the other individual's appearance. Cloaked in black and red, black jean skirt, a red hoodie with a black rose design, black and red backpack hanging off her left shoulder. Red and black striped stockings and no shoes. In the unnamed girl's right hand was a portable CD player, my eyes roamed from her towards the street, there were her headphones. "Umm, we can get you a new pair inside. Roger would know where to get them. It's kinda cold out, do you wanna come inside?" This is getting me nowhere if only she would reply. Right as I was about to give up a voice, so light, as if it was whispering into my ear, came from the only other person around. "Lead the way," not once had she turned around or acknowledged my presence so it was shocking to hear her.

Smiling brightly, my head bobs, making my light blonde pigtails bounce. "First, we'll go to Roger's room then I will show you around, come on let's go!" I chirped happily while trying to reach out for her hand but before I could touch her, the older girl turned around. Shimmering dark blue and silver gems bore into my own lighter orbs. Taking a step back I listen as she speaks. "This isn't my first time at the rodeo, no need to worry, please, lead the way." Nodding slowly I turn on my heels and rush up to the front door. Something about the look in her eyes gave me chills, it was dangerous like she had already seen all the world's horrors firsthand. In silence, we walked the halls of Wammy's House, a few of the children came out of hiding to see the new girl. They tried to talk with her but she said nothing, it made things very awkward. "Hey, hey, what's your name?" One of the older boys said while stopping us. "Come on, speak to us."

"Yeah, don't be rude." Spoke another but no reply was given, the brown complected teen simply sidestepped the growing crowd while gently pulling me away from it. "Let's just call her Scarlet, since her hair is so red," John said from behind his big brother, his green eyes were glued to our retreating figures. Once we finally got to Ruvie's office I let out the breath that I was holding in. Being near this girl makes me feel a bit nervous, I'm not sure why as I am used to people being quiet. There are a few kids here that are like that but this feels different somehow. Knocking on the door it was only a few seconds later that we heard a deep voice say "come in."

Opening the door, I stepped aside to let the teen enter. "Thanks, Linda, I've got it from here, you can go back to your studies." Looking between the two I slowly nod then turn to leave. "Oh, I never caught your name." This will be my last attempt at trying to learn her name. When there was no answer I sighed then tried to close the door. "I never threw it," looking back I noticed the tiny hint of a smile that was given to me.

~~Time Skip brought to you by music from the 90s~~

~~3rd person/Normal P.O.V~~

A month had passed since the strange girl had been left at the orphanage, so far the only person she has spoken to is Roger, the elderly man currently in charge of the place and Linda. Not that the teenager is unfriendly or cold, she, Scarlet or Red as the other kids call her, isn't the most talkative. "It's Friday which means there will be little to no homework for you all." Hearing that some of the children cheered. "Alright calm down", once the room was quiet again the teacher went on. "But, there is a test", boos and groans were heard "and I will be giving out the test results for the last week as well." Going around the room papers were handed out, unlike a normal class, this one wasn't separated by grades or age.

"I'm all done grading, nice job, everyone. When I call your name please come get your tests then you can leave." Boomed the teacher, an individual that could pass for either sex, named Majora. One by one the students got up, some were happy, others not so much. "Mello," a boy around the age of eleven almost twelve stood up, stalked over to the desk and grabbed his tests. His oceanic peepers scanned the pages, a smirk slowly appeared on his as he started to walk out the door. "Ninety-eight and ninety-nine, these are my highest scores yet. I've finally beaten you N-"

"Hey, did you hear?"


"Someone else besides Near got one hundred on their tests!"

"Seriously? Who was it!?"

"No idea, they didn't put their name on the tests."

The idle chatter died down as Mello stood there, a dreadful feeling was building within the blond's core. Someone else had beaten him, who was it? While the preteen was musing a name was called out, "Scarlet." Who is that? Looking around, his sapphire gems landed on the only other person in the room. There's no one else in there, who is he talking to? "Scarlet, I see you left me with yet another blank sheet, you do know that this will lower your scores right?" Movement in the back grabbed the rosary wearing, chocolate lover's attention.

Fiery red locks with sprinkles of blonde, white, and black slowly popped up from within a black hoodie. The girl had been napping in the back on a beanbag and no one had noticed, well at least Mello hadn't. "Why does it matter?" Moving closer, the ivory complected preteen pressed an ear to the door, trying hard to make out what the soft spoke girl was saying. "I've been called by so many different names that I barely remember my real one, so why does it matter if I didn't put down a name?" Just then a crash and groan were heard, the young boy had fallen when the door caved under his weight. Landing on his stomach Mello quickly got up. "Are you alright?" Majora inquired while arching a black eyebrow.

Refusing to look at either human in the room, Mello huffed and muttered something about needing a bar before scurrying off. "And that was?"

"His name is Mello, he is the second smartest here, next is Matt, the third smartest. A young boy named Near, I believe he is nine years old, he is the smartest, well him and I do believe yourself, are the smartest here." Explained the friendly teacher. "Thanks, also, don't call me Scarlet or Red, call me Koneko, that is what my former friends would call me. But don't tell anyone else that." Talking with this man? Woman? Came easy to the brown skin girl, they put her at ease. Smiling the raven(ette) nods in agreement.

~~Mello's P.O.V~~

The damn door just had to give in at that exact moment. Now they know I was listening in to their conversation. At least now I know who to look into. That girl, I think she joined Wammy's House a little more than a month ago but just who in the bloody hell is she? Rushed footsteps echoed through the seemingly empty halls their owner moving on autopilot. Lost in thought I kept heading towards my shared room, hoping that I can make it there quickly without running into any more nuisances. Heading into the room, my eyes immediately light up as my candy bar is right where I left it, on my bed. Matt, of course, is playing his game, right where I left him this morning as well. "What took you so long? Did you stop to confront Near about the latest test results?" Asked the brunet while aggressively pushing at the buttons on his controller. For a ten or eleven-year-old kid, he sure is uncaring unless it comes down to games or tech stuff.

Glancing at the screen as I laid out on my bed, unwrapping the bar of chocolate, I brought it up to my lips. Licking at the sweetness before breaking off a piece. "No, I was...distracted by something else." Grunts were the only replies I got from the gamer. "Matt, I need your help with something. You're a tech genius so I know you can do it."


"But I haven't even to-" he cut me off with a wave and a grunt. "I know you want me to watch something or someone." I snapped off another piece of the bar and glared at my friend. "Anyways, it's too boring watching something that has no movement."

"It's a girl." That seemed to get the brunet's attention for a whole two seconds. "That's creepy Mello."

"All you have to do is help me get some information on her." I could tell that my roommate was trying to ignore me now. "Have you tried talking to her? Instead of being a creep, she might just like you back."

"I never said I liked her. Stop assuming things, asshole. She tied with Near for first place on the last two tests. However, she left her papers blank." For a moment there was nothing but silence. My eyes had moved from the brunet's back to the ceiling. "Did you say...that she leaves her papers blank?"

"Yeah, why? Does that give you some kind of clue...?"

"Someone beat my high score...Whoever it was, they didn't put in their initials."

"So, you'll help me then."

"It's still creepy, Mels but I will help you. What did you have in mind?" The grin that stretched across my face was wide. It was time to find out just who this Scarlet girl really is.

The next day was a Saturday which made sneaking around a lot easier. With little to no adults around, it wouldn't be too hard to get in Ruvie's office and check everyone's records. Roger would most likely be outside watching over the other kids and getting some much-needed sun. Or showing around a couple that might be interested in adopting one of the kids here. Not many people come here or even know about our home but on the rare occasions that they do, one of the lowest ranking kids is adopted. I wonder if they are happier now with their new families?

"Alright, you ready, Matt?" I asked while talking into the walkie-talkie, "yeah, where is Roger at the moment?" Came the crackly voice of the slightly younger boy. "He just went into the courtyard, you've got about ten minutes before he starts heading back."

"Ten minutes huh, I'll be done in five." Chuckled my cocky friend. Keeping guard, I observed everyone that was coming and going. Some kids had decided to come inside and play indoors, others stayed outside. Then it happened, Linda showed up, holding the hand of an older girl. She looked bored and over everything that the younger one had been saying. "Scarlet..." I murmured which caused the teen to turn her head in my direction. How did she hear me even with headphones on? While I was just muttering...

"Mello, what are you doing over here?" Shit, that's Roger's voice, my body stiffened for a moment. "Nothing, Ruvie, can't I just stand here?" Discreetly I hold down the talk button to let Matt listen in to our conversation. Get out of there now...

While talking with the white-haired, elderly man, I notice a pair of varicolored eyes watching me in amusement before working off in the direction of the offices.

~~Matt's P.O.V~~

Mello is holding down the button so I can't give him any updates. I haven't found a damn thing on this girl. No paper or online records. It's almost like she doesn't exist but that can't be right. Turning down the walkie-talkie I listen, footsteps, someone's coming. With great haste, I put everything back where it was, then try to sneak out the room. The door opens and I jerk back, hiding beside the large filing cabinet. Two individuals step inside, Roger and the new girl. As they walk farther into the room, I slid down onto my stomach and try to army crawl away. A chuckle makes me stop, peeking up I am met with swirling orbs of gold, silver, with touches of midnight blue.

"This is no laughing matter young lady. As it stands, you are technically at the bottom of the list. The worst student, and all because you won't put your name on the assigned sheets." My body froze while the older man went on. My own dark blue hues were covered by my goggles, so luckily my expression was unknown. Damn it, will she turn me in? What do I say if they ask me why I was snooping around in here? I'm blaming Mello for this, it is his fault after all. I was about to stand up and give up, but a hand pushed my head back down.

"What are you doing? Are you listening?"

"Yes, I had a bug on my jeans, I just swiped it off."

"Very well then, as you know, if you don't keep your grade at a certain percentage you will be removed."

"I know but I am almost fifteen, I can leave at any time, correct?" Looks like I am stuck here until they leave or Roger turns his back. I thought while continuing to listen to their conversation. "That's true but where would you go?" He asked, "why does it matter? You're pretty much threatening me with removal as it is. So, does it matter if I have no place to go? I would no longer be in your way." Her voice was light yet firm. A pregnant pause filled the air, I found myself holding my breath.

"It would look bad if we turned away such a brilliant mind."

"Mister Ruvie, I do not know what this place is outside of being a home for parentless children. You have very little staff, homeschooling, a church, every game, toy, treat, etc that a child might want. It's like this place was built to encourage a child's mind to grow into something more." She took a small breath then ran a hand through her color wavy locks. "I am just not the type to care for tests, I enjoy baking, reading, listening to music, working on puzzles, solving things but not when it's forced onto me." This has to be the most anyone has ever heard the ginger speak.

"So, if you want to test me, you'll have to do it in different ways." A beeping sound signaled that someone was calling. Hopefully, this will be my chance to get out of here. "Do you want me to leave so you can answer that?" I am assuming he gave a nod indicating yes. "Alright, but can you turn around? I feel awkward when older men watch me walk away. My stepfather had very hungry eyes." Hearing a sigh, I then heard a chair squeak, looking up at the female again, she subtly nods towards the door while backing up slowly. Still crawling I get to the door and wait for her to open it, she does it swiftly then steps aside allowing me to crawl out first. Closing the door behind herself, she motions for me to go. Once I am far enough away, I stood up and casually walked ahead.


"I'm here Mello, let's meet in the room."

"Alright, see you there." A few feet behind me was Red, her head bobbed as she listened to something on her portable CD player. Turning around I looked at her, seeing me there the teenager stopped but didn't speak. I guess all that talking with Roger was more than enough for her. "It's you isn't it...the person that has been leaving the top score blank", she tilted her head as if she was confused. "In the games, my high scores have been beaten..." I notice that those oddly colorful eyes widen a bit in realization. "I don't care if you do or don't sign things outside of games but I find it insulting when you don't put something down in games. How am I supposed to know who has bested me, who to challenge if there is no name or anything?"

"It's a slap in the face to the person you beat," I said while taking out my Gameboy. "Oh, and thanks for your help back there, Red." My attention was sucked in by the game's screen turning on, that is until I felt a hand on my head. "Call me Koneko, Matt." Ruffling my brown locks, she then walked away. "Koneko huh, in Japanese it means kitten." At least I learned a bit about her, going our separate ways, I soon stepped into my room. Only to be nearly tackled by the blond. "What happened? How did you get out? Did they catch you?"

"One question at a time, jeez."

"Talk Matt, now." He growled while moving so that I could sit down as well. "I did get caught but not by Roger. I had some help getting out, you know, she isn't that bad, you really should just talk to her Mello." I said before explaining everything that had happened. "Hmm, really, no info at all, and she helped you out huh."

"Well, I did learn that she likes to bake, finds the tests to be boring that is why she doesn't sign them and that she might be leaving soon. She's fourteen years old too."

"It's a start..."

"Mhm, maybe you two will be friends."

"I refuse to be friends with anyone that is friends with that damn big-headed twit. You know that Matt." Mello said while rolling his eyes at me. "We don't know if she's friends with Near or not. She did know my name but I am guessing it's because of our reps, with me being the third smartest in all." My friend only grunted while finishing up his candy bar. "Also, since she likes to bake, that means she'd know how to make chocolate, right?" I could feel the boy cloaked in all black staring at my back.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to her..." Matchmaking is just like playing Tetris, you just need to know where to place the next block.

~~Another time skip brought to you by a Jam loving yandere~~

~~Koneko/Scarlet's P.O.V~~

The last four months have been semi eventful, between meeting the kids here at Wammy's house and my former adopted mother's letters and gifts, things haven't been too boring. Lately, though, I haven't gotten any mail from her. It's been almost three weeks since the last letter. I know she said not to write back and that she would write to me once a week but I think that's over with. Maybe something happened to make her stop? Lola isn't the type of person to just cut someone off for no reason, maybe I should try to reach out...

Curled up in the windowsill, I look out at the icy world. My black and red headphones blaring, drowning out the giggles and cheers of the children as they ask questions to the newest teacher. "You wanna play with me?" Asked Linda while bouncing on the balls of her feet. "No thank you, I am going to nap soon."

"Aww, you sleep a lot as it is!" Pouting, her pale-colored eyes pleading for me to come and play. "Sorry, maybe another time." Without waiting I got up from my comfy spot and headed into the hallway, slowly making my way into one of the empty rooms. Well, at least I thought it was empty, a certain elderly gent was in there along with another one I had never met before. "Ah, Scarlet." I really hate being called that. "Koneko", I corrected. "Call me Koneko." Roger's guest chuckled. "Miss. Koneko, this is Watari, and we were just about to go find you."

"Why?" Narrowing my eyes with an eyebrow arched, I wait for an answer. "Well, I have a few questions to ask you, my dear, also I'd like for you to take a look at this." Watari pulled out a file and handed it to me. Quickly my color hues scanned the case-file. "It's rather vague, isn't it. I get the sense that there are a few pages missing but even without them, I can tell that the husband did it." Walking over to a desk and sitting down, I notice there is a computer and it's on. "Look here", I said while pointing at the details of the victim's wounds. "All these wounds are postmortem but disguised to look older. I am guessing that the murderer toyed with the temperature to get this effect."

I almost stiffened when I looked at the next photo, it was of the back of a woman's skull. However, it wasn't the blunt damage, blood, gore, or brain matter that was shown that distracted me. It was the small birthmark behind her ear, it was easily missed but I knew that crest moon shape anywhere. My former adopted mother often hid it, since she didn't like it. Seeing that only confirmed my fears from earlier. So, this is what happened to you, you were murdered. I am sorry, mum.

Roger and Watari said nothing as I went on, pointing out flaws, voicing my thoughts. "I bet if you look into the husband's finances and history you will find something interesting. Like children, lovers, friends, family members, going missing, leaving their money or shares to him. Dying of accidents or of illnesses while having huge life insurance claims on them all in one person's name. This one, however, will be the only violent death, at least to this extent." Holding in my emotions was hard but I managed to do it somehow. "You had questions for me?"

"Indeed, I do, how are you liking it here at Wammy's House?" It took me a little longer to think of an answer to this. "I suppose it's fine. If not a little loud at times. All the tests get very repetitive, I'd honestly rather be baking." The man known as Watari laughed heartily, "at least you're honest about it." His eyes were kind and gentle. "Was there anything else? I was just about to go take a nap."

"No, I think that will be all, you did answer my next question before I even asked it."

"Meaning, you wanted to know if there was anything I would have rather been doing or what I like to do." Smiling warmly at me, he nods. Quietly I stood up, taking a quick glance at the computer, wondering why it was on but not really caring. Making my way to the door I stopped, "oh, before I go." Both males look at me curiously, turning my head slightly I spoke once more prior to leaving. "Thank you for taking out the names, dates, and times of death it made things a bit more challenging. I estimate that she was killed nearly three weeks ago. Probably on her way to mail a letter. The murderer, her husband, attacked her from behind after following his wife to the mailbox she'd use on the outskirts of town. A perfect place to jump and dump a body."

Inwardly I debated on saying more. "The reason why you removed those things wasn't simply because of my relationship with the deceased", I heard a small hum letting me know I was right. It's what Ruvie does when something is correct. "You also wanted to test me, to see if I could figure out who the victim was. Her name was Lola Bailey, born as Lola Lee, she was a former geisha but quit when she adopted a young girl named Zia, last name unknown. Since she could not have children of her own, her husband's name was Peter Bailey, they met last year, was married after roughly six months of dating. And the rest is history..."

~~Normal/3rd person P.O.V~~

The door closed with a soft click, the five feet one teenager turned down the hall, her head slowly started to bob rather it was from her music or own musing was unknown. "Well, L, what did you think?" Watari asked while looking at the computer screen, it flashed, then someone spoke. "She's smart, Miss Koneko even got the reasons why we didn't add the basic information into the profile right. I think I'd like to meet with her and Mello."

"Very well, I will set things up."

"Thank you for everything, Watari, Roger."

~~Near's P.O.V~~

Again Linda was trying to get me to come outside and play with the other kids, and once again I declined. I simply don't see the appeal of going outside and throwing snowballs at each other. Getting covered in snow, getting cold, it's pointless. I thought to myself while watching the others as they frolicked in the heavy snow. Slowly I moved away from the window settling on the floor, my grey eyes scanned the box of toys before me. Pulling out an all too familiar puzzle, I dumped the pieces, then start to put together the white puzzle. A figure enters the room, however, I make no movement to see who it is. As the figure gets close I glanced up, watching as a girl in a pair of black jeans and an oversized red hoodie flops onto a beanbag. She looks exhausted.

The silence is peaceful, on closer inspection, I notice that the girl has fallen asleep. Sitting with my left leg pulled up to my chest, the right one folded and slightly underneath my small frame. My left-hand rests on my knee, while the other one keeps adding more pieces to the puzzle together. My tranquility is broken as the door flies open, and Linda returns with John by her side. "Hey, are you sure Near? We're having so much fun! Afterward, we're going to have hot cocoa and make s' mores." Why are they so loud? Showing no sign of annoyance, though I am slowly becoming annoyed, I reply with a simple no.

"Come on, join u-"

"Leave him be..." Hearing the new voice caused both of the intruders to jump. "He said no, there is no need to keep asking." Mixed hues locked onto the two children. "Did we wake you? I'm sorry", Linda said while tugging on John's arm. "Let's go, Red can be scary when she's just getting up."

"I really hate that name..." the teen muttered before turning those vivid irises onto me. Finishing my puzzle, I blinked then started to get up, mainly to leave. "If you leave now, they'll just start bugging you again." That's true, "you can stay if you want, I won't bite." I nod before going for some darts and dice. With my left hand, I throw the darts, with the right I stack dice. Silence engulfs us once more but this time it is broken by me. "What do you want to be called then?" Her earlier comment had been replaying in my mind. If she hates being called Red or Scarlet as the adults like to call her, then why not just give people her name? "Koneko."

"You must like cats then."

"I do," the conversation if you can call it that. Was short and to the point then she got up and left. I found myself asking more random questions of the girl anytime I got the chance too. We even talked about the different cases we were given as tests. I got the milder ones or ones without pictures due to my age. "Keep all important information in your mind only," I said while we both looked over a cold case. Those hauntingly unique orbs moved rapidly, canines bit into her bottom lip, a quirk of hers, letting anyone, that is paying attention, know that the ginger is deep in thought. "What do you think?" My hand reached up, trapping a snowy lock and swirling it around my pale finger.

"The lead detective on this case was in on it. How could he not see all the signs? Unless he had something to hide, like his cousin being the killer." I smirked as we both came up with the same conclusion. "Bunch of idiots..." I agree with you.

"Koneko, what do you think is right or wrong?" Instead of an answer, I heard a small yawn and saw my new friend curl up, much like a kitten does. She really does sleep a lot. Matt and Mello walked into the room, the blond had his test in hand, ready to start another fight with me over results. I lifted a finger to my lips the moment he went to open his mouth. "Did you j-", saying nothing I glanced towards the sleeping teenager. Mello shut up almost immediately, choosing to hold up his paper and wait. I pulled out mine and watched as his blue eyes narrowed. He lost to me again by two points. "DAMN IT ALL!" Matt hushed him but it was too late, twirling gems were already locked onto the chocoholic. "Mello..."

"Ahh, crap..."

"It was nice knowing you. Mels." The brunet said before quickly leaving the room. "You know Mello, I can always it's you, even before you speak." The blue-eyed preteen frowned slightly not understanding the meaning. "You've got a very...interesting scent," Koneko said while turning onto her back, those mixed hues still glued to Mello's face.

"Don't pick on Near or no more homemade chocolates for you." That wasn't an empty threat, we both knew that. Growling the blond stomped off after giving himself a small sniff. "You two should work together, you'd be able to surpass L if you did."

"Mello will never work with me."

"Hmm, you never know, anything could happen."

"You didn't answer my question," I stated, my tone mono, "justice, it is not black nor white, it is grey." Knowing that there was more to it, I watched Koneko closely, taking in every movement while twirling a bit of my hair. "People tend to project their own values onto others, what they think is right can be very wrong to others. There is no right or wrong, good or evil, there is just people. Individuals that blindly follow and individuals that break out the mold. So, to be honest, to me, there is no right or wrong, no real justice."

Sweet silence, proof that one is in thought, it enveloped us, ensuring that we were the only two around. "I understand...Nobody can tell what is right and what is wrong, what is righteous and what is evil. Even if there is a god, and I had His teachings before me, I would think it through, and decide if that was right or wrong myself." A purr came from the female that had moved to settle once more, "you'll be given harder cases soon. I'm assuming the ones that L isn't interested in but the police can't seem to solve on their own. Prepare yourself for...," she thought for a brief second. "Gorier things."

~~Normal/3rd person P.O.V~~

Time changes people, just like life experiences, Koneko, formerly known as Scarlet or Red, was no different. She too had changed, no longer was the introverted female a cold, seemingly heartless individual if she had ever been one. So it came as no surprise when nearly two years later, Koneko was seen giving or making treats for the little ones. Helping them with or asking them complex questions. This home was set up to create carbon copies of a certain detective, this was evident to everyone that possessed the right mindset, deduction or observational skills. Despite that, the ginger had stepped aside, voicing her thoughts and desires to not be a successor. If anyone heard her, besides Mello who was all too happy to know another rival was out of the race, they, the adults, didn't show it.

"I don't understand, why don't you want to be L?" Questioned John while looking around for the girl he adored. "Besides the fact that it would mean the death of the current L? I am simply not interested. The job seems stressful and overall boring. I'd rather create things." With the passage of time came puberty, some of the other kids were already there. Others slowly blossoming, one or two seemed to be at a standstill. 

"John, I know you're not really interested in anything I have to say," the boy hummed not listening. "If you're looking for Linda she is still trying to get Near's attention, it is valentines day after all." A huff came from the green-eyed teen, "she doesn't know when to give up." He muttered before rushing off to find his light blonde, pigtail wearing crush. Nor do you, thought the older teen, a sly Cheshire grin threaten to spill forth and dye those bored features in its color.

"Help me...," Linda when she finally stumbled upon the owner of central heterochromia irises. "Near is a late bloomer, no matter how much you try to gain his affections, he will not return them until he is ready." Fair, almost ivory-like cheeks flared up, giving the girl a bit of color. "W-what, I never sa-," she was stopped mid-sentence, "you didn't have to, I know you. You're like an open book, anyone can read from your pages if they know how to read." At that moment Linda was both stunned and slightly offended, though she didn't fully understand why. "Well then, what do you do when you like someone?!" Blurted out the girl, her cheeks still cherry red.

This was something that Koneko hadn't actually thought about. "I..." Those light hues widened and at some point, some of the other girls from Wammy's House decided to join in. "Well?" Said a preteen, she had black hair, auburn eyes, and olive skin. "I...", they waited, some leaning in close. "I bury it deep down and ignore it until it goes away."

"How boring."

"That's pretty lame..."

"I bet she never actually liked anyone before, that's the real reason."

"I've only ever seen her with the younger kids, never any of the other teens." Said another girl while smirking. "Yeah, isn't she normally with Matt, Mello, or Near?"

"Maybe it's one of them she likes! And that's why she isn't telling us."

"Better watch out Linda, you've got a rival."

"Hey, Koneko which one do you think is the cutest?" Now that grabbed everyone's attention again. Thinking for a moment, the eldest girl spoke, "they're all pretty cute, I guess?" This was clearly not going to fly with the younger crowd. "I mean, they each have their own uniqueness." They waited for her to explain. "Take Matt, he's the mysterious type, no one has seen his eyes yet, right? That gives him a bit of appeal." A few of the girls started to nod, one even blushed. "Mello is the bad boy type, right now he is seen to some of you as a bully but the is only to hide just how sensitive he is about things. Also, he has a good sense of style and great hair. Which will make him a hit with both males and females when he's older." 

There was a lot of giggling and a few groans of disgust. "Last but not last', Koneko looked at Linda while saying this. "We have Near, he's not a type yet." Linda immediately frowned. "He's like a canvas."

"Oh, he's blend and boring?" Said a random girl in the back causing a few others to laugh which made the light-eyed girl pout. "No, he is not!" She shouted and huffed, which only made them laugh more. Knowing this could end badly, Koneko started to wrap things up. "I mean he's rich in potential, ready to be dyed in an array of colors. When he's older he'll be a heartthrob, a real heart breaker. I say this because of the way he guards him, his emotions but once he finds the right one and lets them in." All the girls were hanging onto Koneko's every word now, "he will hold them in high regard, treasuring them. And rejecting all others that try to advance."

"Wow...I didn't think of any of the boys here that way."

"How romantic..." thinking that this was enough, the dark skin female mentally patted herself on the back. "You still didn't tell us who YOU like, Red." ...

As the girls started to bicker a bit amongst themselves, over who liked who, the ginger figured now would be a good time to escape. Navigating the halls with ease, she soon found herself within the library, for once it was clear. This is the purrfect place to hide, I can even get some light reading in too. Taking out her headphones, Koneko put them on, turned up the volume, grabbed a book, flopped down onto a beanbag and started to tune out the world.

Yet fate had another idea in mind. "Hey Red, come out here!" Where is that girl? Out of all the other teens here, why did they pick her, I was hoping my brother and I would be adopted... Asking around the male soon found the other teenager, his eyes rolled before he tried to reach out and remove her headphones with earned him a nasty smack on the hand. "What do you want...?"

"We're going to get to talk with a family today! Aren't you excited, Scar- I mean Koneko?" Asked the male, he had dark auburn hair and piercing light hazel eyes with gray flecks. He was around the same age as the much shorter female. "...."

"Really? Come on now, even you have to be a bit curious about them..." Again no answer came. "You're no fun..." Sighing she looked up at him, her eyes locked onto his, "can't you see how excited I am? I am practically vibrating in anticipation." Light hazel eyes narrowed, "you're a strange one."

"I don't remember introducing myself as normal or at all." Seriously.... why her... They walked in complete silence which was more than fine with Koneko. Before them loomed a door, Roger's office inside would be the couple that wanted to adopt them.

Previously to opening the door, the female stopped. Something smelled sweet, almost sickeningly sweet, it was offputting, to say the least. "What is it now? We're already here so if you're having second thoughts that's too bad and too late." Opening the door, the auburn-haired boy nudged Koneko until she moved inside. Ruvie sat at his desk while a couple sat with their backs to the door. "Dylan, Scarlet, thanks for joining us." At hearing the name Scarlet the older woman turned around.

Her eyes fell onto both teens and she all but squealed in delight. Making the cocoa complected female cringe. "Dylan and Scarlet, what wonderful names." Said a man in his late forties to early fifties. Turning to look at the children, he smiled, to Dylan it was friend, Koneko thought otherwise. "This is Mr. and Mrs. Andersen, they've come to meet you both, have a seat," Roger said, the hazel-eyed boy quickly sat down. Koneko remained standing, carefully watching everyone.

An hour and twenty minutes later and the teenager was still standing. Her hands were behind her back, nose twitching every few minutes as she fought the urge to puke. That sweet smell was coming from the husband. Despite that, it was the wife that had the brown skin ginger on her guard.

Dylan and the Andersens seemed to be getting along famously, the same could not be said for Koneko. Every question asked or thrown at her was answered in a monotone, emotionless manner. "So, Scarlet, what ki-"

"Let me stop you right there. I don't like being called Scarlet, that name means nothing. But I digress. You're here because you'd like to adopt two bright and budding teens. A boy and a girl, correct?'

"Yes," said Mrs. Andersen a bit annoyed that she was cut off. "Then I would suggest one of the other girls. I am not interested in being a doll." Hearing that Roger arched a brow then frowned. "Also Dylan has a little brother. If you pick him, could you honestly leave his baby brother behind? Leaving him without the love and care of his sibling? Breaking up one family to complete your own? Maybe you should adopt them both. Instead of being so selfish." Without waiting to be excused Koneko turned to leave.

The five foot one individual stopped her body shivering and she turned slightly and spoke louder than usual. "Please stop staring at me as I walk away," the couple blinks in confusion, the husband looked at his wife and chuckled. He shifted while looking a bit nervous. "What do you mean?" Then the young girl replied, "I can feel them...your eyes on me as I walk away. And that feeling comes off as predatory hunger. Do not watch me as I walk away... Mrs. Andersen."

The woman was at a loss of words, face flushed, she had been watching the teen. No, staring intensely at her since Koneko had walked into the room. A million little scenarios played through the older woman's mind. It was a look of mixed emotions, curiosity, and yes, slight predatory hunger, something she was sure she had hidden well enough not to cause alarm. "On second thought, maybe you shouldn't adopt them..."

Dylan's eyes widened then narrowed as he got up. "I'm sorry, could you excuse me?" Rushing off before they could answer he caught up with the other teen as she hastily walked down the hall. And roughly pulled her into an empty room. "What the bloody hell was that about you git." He growled while gripping Koneko's shirt. She looked up at him and sighed. "You didn't notice huh. I'm sure Roger did..."

The fair skin boy looked perplexed. "They were fake," apparently that did not help the situation at all. For the taller teen tighten his grip around her collar and lifted the girl off her feet. At that moment Linda had entered the hall, hearing a door or two slam was nothing new to the light-haired girl, so she ignored it and kept walking.

"Stop with your bullshit riddles. Just because you have no interest in being adopted or becoming L. Doesn't mean you should make it difficult for anyone else who is interested!" Dylan growled out, his large hand held up before coming down roughly onto smooth brown features. Body limp, seemingly unfazed by the slap, she spoke, "How could you stand his scent? Mr. Andersen smelled like he was made to lure little boys into an awaiting ice cream truck."


"I'm sorry for not wanting you to get adopted by pedophiles... " That just earned another growl and more rough treatment, still being held up by the collar Koneko zoned out as the teen struck her face once more. Yelling and shaking the girl was getting him nowhere.

Now, everyone that lives at Wammy's House is under a lot of pressure, they all strive to become L, some to pass him, challenge him but only one can be his successor. Add in the stress of already being a hormonal wreck, having to suppress one's desires, and having your dreams crushed. And you'd get how fed up with everything the boy was, so having this random girl pretty much spit on his chances at happiness, Dylan broke.

The loud grunts and growls were what grabbed Linda's attention, turning, without looking up, she opened the door. "Leave Near alone Me-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Came the voice of someone that was definitely not the chocoholic. She froze in place, like a deer in headlights, eyes wide and frightened, they took in the sight before them, Koneko, her left cheek swollen, lip bleeding. Still being held by the collar. Her eyes were a silvery-blue color and changing rapidly, darker. At least from the angle, the preteen could see them from. "I said get out you little shit!" Breathing heavily, hazel eyes darted towards the other female. Dylan started to take a step, clearly meaning to take out his frustration on the one that had interrupted. "Do as he says, Linda, we wouldn't want this big ape messing up your pretty face, now would we?"

The taunt had done its job, bringing Dylan's attention back towards the ginger. Koneko wasn't the type to fight for the hell of it, defending oneself and being a bully was two different things. In this case, the shorter teen simply felt no need to fight the boy, taking his fury so that he wouldn't take it out on one of the other little ones. However, that all changed when those fiery hues locked onto Linda.

A large hand went back to pulling the girl off her feet via the top of her shirt, at that moment Koneko smirked, lifted her arms up and dropped to the floor. Using that momentum to swiftly catch the bigger teen off guard. She then punched him hard in the stomach, making him double over, as he wasn't expecting the sudden hit. Her palm soon connected with his jaw straightening the bully out. Sometime during this exchange or even a bit before it, Linda had rushed off to get an adult. Ruvie was busy, his door closed with two others inside. The only person she found was Watari who had a strange-looking young man standing next to him. They had just entered, explaining the situation the elderly gent, along with his companion followed Linda.

Oddly enough no other children had been lured in by the sounds of clashing, grunts, and groans of pain. Dark irises watched as the two teens fought, their owner had stopped the elderly man from stopping the fight. This confused little Linda who was afraid for the older girl's safety. Tilling his head, messy black locks swayed as their owner started to step forward but stopped, sensing that the fight was ending. Dylan growled and lunge at Koneko, he reminded her of a bull charging at a torero, a matador. Instead of trying to get out of the way, she taunted him once more before sidestepping at the last second, then punching him again, this time in the side.

Once the auburn-haired teen grabbed his side, the brown complected girl swept his legs from under him, laying Dylan out flat. Walking she calmly said, "let me ask you something before you likely pass out...What grown man gets an erection from speaking to a boy about his hobbies?" A wheezing cough was the only reply given. "Now where are my headphones...?" Mumbled Koneko, paying very little attention to the lanky, pale, simple dressed male. He stood there, slightly hunched over, hands stuffed in his pockets. "There is a ninety percent chance that they're in your discarded shirt."

Unique pupils wandered over towards the red tee-shirt. "You're correct, I bet they're broken..." It was Linda who grabbed Koneko's shirt and pressed it up to her. "Are you seriously worried about a pair of headphones right now? Hurry up and put your shirt on, you're a girl too, y-you know." Looking down at her own chesticles, the ginger almost smiled, "oh, I hadn't noticed."

"How can you joke right now, what happened? Why was he attacking you?" An onslaught of questions was thrown at the darker pigmented individual. "Put on your dang shirt!" None were answered as the two girls walked away. "Watari", L says while turning to go to his former room, "I'll send her up once I am done here."

"Thank you, Watari."

~~L's P.O.V~~

Snow started to fall from the sky, blanketing the world outside in a fresh coat of powdery goodness by nighttime it had cleared up. Allowing for the heavens, constellations to shine. "It took a while but she will be up shortly." Again the older man was thanked before the phone was hung up. Five minutes later a series of knocks were heard, then Watari entered the room along with Koneko. She had never seen this room before, hell, the girl didn't even know this wing existed until today.

"Two meetings in one day, I must be popular", murmurs the introvert, her oddly colored eyes sweeping over every inch of the room. There wasn't much in there, a desk, bed in the corner, tons of old files that had been completed. Books everywhere, a few very old computers and lots of wires. Towards the back of the room was a couch, an old T.V, and a table with two chairs on the opposite ends of one another. "Please come have a seat. I am L, you've already met Watari." A soft hum followed by a nod was given to us. "Watari can you get us some drinks. Coffee for me, hot cocoa for Koneko."

"Please and thank you," Koneko said while making her way over to the empty chair that faced me. The look on her is questioning the fact that I know her favorite drink but soon it goes away. I sat, as I usually do, with my bare feet on the cushion, knees pulled up to my chest. Hands gripping my shins before moving to rest on my knees. Those large, black-rimmed peepers observed every movement.

Settling into the chair, normally at first, she soon shifted, legs bent underneath her, in an M shape, feet poking out a bit of the sides. For a long time, we stared at each other, as if we were having a staring contest. At times like these people normally get fidgety or nervous, yet the teenager sat calmly. The white-haired, grey-eyed gentleman soon returned pushing a cart full of treats. A quick glance let the teen know that those were the ones she had made earlier that day, so they were safe to eat. Koneko has a habit of not eating anything she herself hasn't made.

I took a sip of my coffee before adding several sugar cubes into it, stirring it then tasting it again. Watari stood nearby, a gentle smile gracing his lightly wrinkled features. Small fingers drummed the table before deciding to pick up a few mango slices. Long pale digits plucked up a chocolate eclair, then dropped it into the black hole that awaited underneath its grips. Gobbling up the eclair, I licked my fingers clean. "Tell me", I started off, "why didn't you fight back from the start?"

Nibbling on her own treat, Koneko said nothing, in fact, she debated answering at all. "There is no point in picking on the weak. Despite my size, I am strong. And I was taught not to hit people out of anger. Retaliating would have been justified but it would also leave a bitter taste. Besides, Dylan was at his breaking point, I'd rather take a few hits than have one of the other kids picked on or worse." I know what she's referring to, the stress of being a successor, of being L, had killed one of my first-generation successors.

"Then you decided to fight when Linda got involved, hmm." It wasn't so much a question as a voiced thought, biting on my fingernail, my thoughts started to wonder just a bit. "Yes", she said honestly, there was no need to lie or cover the truth. "What are your thoughts on humans?" The answer this little female gave, caused a genuine smile to appear.

"Humans by our very nature are flawed. What seems to be perfect in the eyes of one, is quite imperfect in the eyes of another. Yet we always strive to be what we are not. We envied the birds for their freedom of flight and attempted to do so ourselves. Giving us winged machines to soar through the skies. Returning back to the one place that gave us all life, seemed to be the way to go. So we imitate fish, by making a bigger creature we can use to dive deeper and seek out the oceanic floor. What is this drive that we all seem to have to seek out perfection? And fix things that we see as broken within ourselves. Some of us have the will to go for it and take the step towards change. While others sit and wish that they could do the same, thinking that life on the other side will be greener. Only to find out that it is truly no different. Just another view on high, nothing more nothing less. So I ask thee, are thou perfectly imperfect or imperfectly perfect?"

I noticed that the gentle smile my handler and adopted father has warmed and grown. He either agrees or likes her way of thinking. Humans are not perfect nor will they ever be, some are monsters. We spent hours talking, something neither one of us is too used to. The verbal test I gave her was nothing more than a tease, she even threw one right back at me.

A month and three days later, I arranged for another meeting between myself and Koneko. This time outside of the orphanage. She was a bit shocked and confused as to why she was being called away, the goodies she had just baked were also packed up. In a timely matter, the sixteen-year-old female had been picked up and dropped off. Again I greeted her, once we were inside the main room, my study of sorts, this time I was standing, towering over her.


"Yes, Aniki."

"Aniki...?" Brother huh, that's interesting. I thought while repeating the word. "Mhm, I don't think I should call you by your letter, at least not in public and I don't know what else to call you. Even if we're not currently in public, this building seems secure but still..." There are so many names I go by, one more won't hurt. Nodding I approve of the name and make my decision. "It's a yes then." She arched a brow and waited for me to go on, "you will live here. Homemade sweets are much better than store-bought. Watari could use extra help as well. Traveling from the orphanage every day would be troublesome and dangerous." I said while picking up a doughnut and licking it, not giving the owner of varicolored tresses a moment to speak.

"Of course, you have your own room or floor, if you wish it, for privacy, and the kitchen is more than big enough. It's already equipped with everything you'd need." My phone started to ring so I answered it. "Yes? Ah, thank you, send it in." Hanging up I looked at Koneko, "your clothes have been placed in your room. And yes, you are free to still visit Wammy's House anytime you'd wish." I walked over to a medium-sized box and hand it to my new housemate or sister. "Welcome home and happy birthday."

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts while I stared intently, small brown hands carefully open the box, revealing a new set of headphones, several books, and a case file. Wandering over to the couch, she sat down. Plugged the headphones into her portable CD player, removed the books and went right for the file. I shuffled over to my chair, still observing Koneko. Looking up, she tilted her head, those unique eyes shine a vivid gold, nearly drowning the silver and spots of midnight blue.

"Thank you, I'm home."

Another story for funsies! A bit of background on how this Zia got into Wammy's House.

Final word count, 10320 words! My longest "one-shot" yet

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