No Strings (Camila/You)

By cuhbello

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❝What happened to just messing around?❞ (G!p you) More



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By cuhbello

"Dude can you believe that graduation is less than a month away!" Dinah exclaimed. We had just gotten done taking our cap and gown pictures and were walking down the hallway.

"I know, it's crazy"

These past few weeks had been hectic. Between making sure I had all my credits to graduate, finals, and planning out this whole move with Camila, everything had gone by so quick. The whole school year in general seemed like it'd just flashed by.

"So have you and Camila decided on an apartment yet?" Dinah asked while fixing the top of her hair.

"Yeah. She's thrilled about it." I mumbled out.

Dinah glanced at me and raised an eyebrow, "Shouldn't you be excited too? I mean living without parents equals doing whatever you want."

"Of course I'm excited about this but...I don't know I feel like everything is happening so fast now. We planned moving in together when we thought we would both be attending the same university. Me not getting in just completely ruined my plans. I still haven't even figured out what I'm going to do. I'll obviously get a job but I don't want to be working minimum wage for the rest of my life." I groaned.

"You do know community college exists right?" Dinah offered with a joking smile.

"I don't even know if college is what I want anymore." I sighed out. Seeing all of my friends have their futures and goals planned out honestly made me feel much worse about the whole thing. I opened my locker and placed my cap on the top shelf. I properly folded my gown back up and did my best to not wrinkle it.

She draped her arm around my shoulder, "Look I see where you're coming from but dude you're literally eighteen there's no rush, you'll figure out what you want eventually."

"I hope so, I'm just scared of what's to come."

I shut my locker and continued walking with her. "You wanna come to my place later on? I could help you see what other options you have."

"Sure," I answered.

Dinah opened her mouth to speak again but before she could say anything another voice chipped in.

"Good afternoon,"

We both whipped our heads to the right and saw it was a tall man standing next to a table. He wore a military outfit so I automatically knew he was a recruiter. They would come to our school a few times every year to try and get people to join.

He stuck out his hand for us to shake, "I'm Sergeant Williams, can you guys spare a few minutes to talk?"

Dinah and I shook his hand.

"If you're going to try to convince me to join the military you're a little too late sir. I've got everything planned out, I'm off to university in the fall," Dinah proudly flaunted.

He chuckled in response, "Oh is that so? What are you planning on majoring in?"

I stood on the side watching Dinah and the man converse. I smiled as I listened to her tell him everything she'd planned on doing. After a few minutes of chit chat between the two, he finally averted his attention to my direction.

"Well it seems like your friend here has everything thought out, how about you?" He grinned.

"Uh...Sort of, still kinda figuring it out " I admitted.

His eyes lit up as if he'd hit the jackpot. With an interested look in his eyes he asked, "You off to college too?"

I already knew that because of my doubtful answer he was going to seize the given opportunity. That's what these people did, they tried finding candidates who were uncertain of their futures and tried to lure them in. I almost immediately regretted my honest response to the question.

"Um no, I'm going straight to work as soon as we graduate." I explained.

"Oh, well that's not bad. School isn't for everybody. Do you know what kind of career you're going for?"

I hesitantly shook my head.

"You know the military is always another option, which is why we're here looking for recruits. Have you ever considered joining the armed forces?"

Again, I shook my head.

He continued, "You know I was much like you in high school. I didn't really have any plans and I definitely didn't want to continue going to school anymore after it, so I joined the army. I've been serving for almost 8 years now, and let me tell you I don't regret it one bit. It isn't easy but it was the best option for me and the right path in getting my life together. I don't know what I would be doing now if I hadn't joined. I get to travel around the world and the experience is just surreal,"

I listened attentively as he went on and on to explain what it was like, the benefits of joining, and what they would do for me if I did enlist. I couldn't lie the things he was saying were pretty persuading, which was obviously the point. After a good fifteen minutes of persuasive talk he finally let me go.

"Thank you for taking the time to listen Y/n," He said as he grabbed a U.S. army cap and bottle from the table beside him. "If you're interested you can fill out this form and get it back to me as soon as possible, and if you have any more questions we're here until the end of the day." He stuck his hand out once again to give me another hand shake. I shook it and took the items from him.

"Thank you."

I glanced at Dinah who was sitting on a bench on the other side of the hall. She stood up when she saw me coming towards her. "About time!" She exasperated.

"Sorry he was just telling me about the military."

"So what? You thinking about joining the army now?" She teasingly asked, taking the cap he'd given me and placing it on her head.

"Yeah right." I joked along.

In all honesty, this option never really crossed my mind. To most people, including myself, it was a crazy one. But considering the circumstances and after everything I'd just heard, it didn't sound so crazy anymore. I looked down at the paper before slipping it into my binder and following Dinah.


"Where were you guys!" My girlfriend questioned as we entered the cafeteria.

I took a seat next to the brunette.

"Some army recruiter had Y/N trapped. He was trying to convince her to enlist." Dinah laughed as if it were the funniest thing in the world.

Camila raised an eyebrow and chuckled. Not taking what was just said into much thought, she shrugged it off and excitedly said, "Anyway Y/N! My dad said he would take us the check out the apartment when he gets home from work."

"You know, I could've taken us, my car is at the mechanic but it should be ready by the time we go."

She grinned, "No it's fine. My dad wants to tag along anyway to see what the place he's partially helping pay is going to look like."

"Sounds good then." I nodded and placed a kiss on the top of her head. I grabbed the sandwich that was on her tray and took a bite out from it.

"Hey that's mine!" She pouted playfully.


I zipped up my backpack as the final bell signaled the end of our last class. I threw it over my shoulders and made my way out of the classroom. I was startled when I was suddenly engulfed into a tight hug.

"Ready to go? I asked my mom to pick us up since you didn't bring your car today." Camila's voice rang through my ears.

I looked down at her, "Uh no, the dude from the shop called and told me my car is ready to be picked up so I'm going there."

"Oh, my mom can drop you off there if you want?"

"No no, it's fine I was actually going to leave some papers before going over there. It's fine, you can go Mila." I urged with a small smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll go over to your place as soon I pick it up."

She gave me tiny smile, "Ok. Remember my dad is out at 5, don't be late." She gave me a quick peck before walking out.

As soon as she was out of sight, I rushed down the hall. I hoped I wasn't too late. I glanced down at the form I'd been given earlier that day. I had spent my final two classes debating whether or not I should fill it out. I ultimately decided that at this point the windows were closing for me and that it couldn't hurt to try. I made a quick turn into the next hall and saw the same man from before packing up the table he was at. The sound of my footsteps made him turn around.

"Oh hey...Y/n right?"

I nodded. "I'm interested," was the only thing I said before handing him the form.

A bright smile appeared on his face.

"Well okay then. I'm just about to leave, but you can come down to my office if you're serious. We'll talk more there and I'll tell you the requirements and tests you'll need to pass in order to get in." He said as he handed me a card with the address. "Can you come by around 3:30?"

I agreed and gave him a firm handshake.

I'm doing what's best for me.

At least that was what I told myself in the moment.

A/N Ahhh hi, so this is me officially back lol. I was able to get an idea of where I wanted this story to go. Before the break I took I planned to end this part of the story in the next few chapters or so then do a time jump and continue it from there, so I will be going through with that. I'm hoping that this plot twist doesn't seem rushed or too out of place. Anyway, I hope that y'all are staying safe and healthy with everything going on and all. Much love x.

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