Andi Mack Oneshots

By Lea_is_a_Weirdo

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These are one shots of characters from Andi Mack. The couples that will be written in this book are: •Tyrus... More

Out At Last *Tyrus*
No Longer A Fifth Wheel *Ambi*
You Wanna Go on a Run? *Muffy*
Akward *Wonah*
Kiss Me *Tyrus*
Fall Formal? *Muffy*
Don't Touch Him *Tyrus*
Safe Space *Ambi*
Movie Night *Tyrus*
Oblivious *Wonah*
Birthday Distraction *Tyrus*
Tyrus, Texts, Titanic, and Chocolate Ice cream
I Care About You *Tyrus*
Valentines *All Ships*
I Don't Care *Tyrus*
A Truly Platonic Relationship *Ambi*
Too Young *Tyrus*
Soulmates *Wonah*
Forgiveness *Tyrus*
Juice Boxes and Graham Crackers *Muffy*
Feelings *Tyrus*
Broken *Wonah*
Betrayal *Tyrus*
Babysitter *Tyrus*
I'm Sorry Isn't Enough Pt. 1 *Tyrus*
I'm Sorry Isn't Enough Pt. 2 *Tyrus*
Jealousy *Muffy*
Blind Date *Wonah*
HP AU Prompt *Ambi*
A Hufflepuff and A Slytherin *Tyrus*
Heartbeat *Tyrus*
Why So Jealous *Tyrus and Wonah*
Under the Mistletoe *Tyrus*
Meteor Shower *Tyrus*
Why Buffy? *Muffy*
Disney World *All Ships*
Know-it all meet Bossy *Muffy*
Know-it-all meet Bossy Pt. 2 *Muffy*
I See the Light *Ambi*
Summer Camp *Tyrus*
Halloween *Wonah*
My Red String *Tyrus*
Anything You Want To Tell Me *Tyrus*
Ferris Wheel *Ambi*
Virtual Couple *Muffy*
The Usual *Tyrus*
It's A Song *Wonah*
Back To School Boyfriends *Tyrus*
Got The Moves Like Jagger *Tyrus*
Hurt *Wonah*
I'm Sorry *Wonah*
Star Girl *Ambi*
Fake Girlfriend *Muffy*
Believe *Tyrus*
Hurt Part 2 *Wonah*
Jealousy Runs In The Family *Tyrus*
Proud *Ambi*
Whatttttt *Wonah*
Cute Confessions *Tyrus*
The Perfect Gift *Muffy*
It's a Wonderful Life *Ambi*
Movies and Games *All Ships*
Angry Walker *Wonah*
Slayer *Muffy*
Stupid Quarentine *Tyrus*
Stupid Quarentine Pt. 2 *Tyrus*
Red Roses *Tyrus*
Quarentine Tips from the Andi Mack Ships
The Bet *Muffy*
Being A Girl Sucks Sometimes *Ambi*
Scared *Muffy*
Perfect Boyfriend *Tyrus*
It's just a sprain *Muffy*
First (and Second) Date *Tyrus*
My Prince *Wonah*
Stupid Fiance *Tyrus*
💗Thank You💗
Meet the Parents *Tyrus*
Muffins and Daisies *Tyrus*
Your Name On My Wrist *Tyrus*

Romeo and Julien *Tyrus*

575 23 39
By Lea_is_a_Weirdo

"Today we are starting our Shakespeare unit,"The teacher stated.

The class groaned, TJ included.

"We will be putting on a production of Romeo and Juliet in partnership with the Drama class,"The teacher said.

Great, not only did they have to read a weird book by a dead guy, but they had to perform it with other people.

"I have assigned roles to people based on previous projects. The drama students will be the main parts but you will be in charge of explaining and running lines with them,"The teacher said,"During tomorrow's class everyone needs to report to the auditorium to start working."

The next day TJ made his way into the auditorium like his teacher had asked.

He immeadiatly spotted his least favorite person in the world.

Cyrus Goodman.

His parents were the reason his dad was an unemployed alcoholic and his mom had left

After his dad had been fired from working for Cyrus' dad's company, TJ's mother left while his father turned to alcohol.

TJ took a seat away from Cyrus but couldn't ignore the fact they might have to work together.

"Okay, so each English student will be paired with a drama students to run lines and give tips,"TJ's teacher said.

"As you know we have decided to do a genderbent version of the show to give the English students a writing challenge,"The drama teacher said,"Romina will be played by Miriam Lee and Julien will be played by Cyrus Goodman."

TJ growled.

Of course that brat was the lead.

"So, we have assigned the partners so listen up for your names. Today's goal is introductions and to begin running lines,"The English teacher said.

"Miriam you will be working with Jordan Gage, Cyrus you will be working with TJ Kippen,"The drama teacher started.

TJ stopped listening he just looked over to glare at the boy who glared back.

"Find your partner and start working,"The teacher instructed.

TJ didn't move, Cyrus came to him.

"Goodman,"TJ stated plainly.

"Look TJ, I'm just as excited about his as you are but don't ruin this for me. Can't we just put everything else behind us,"Cyrus asked.

TJ just grunted.

The boys reluctantly rehearsed over the first two weeks, having to change a couple things in the script to make.

There hadn't been much arguing, just small grunts here and there to show their hatred for the other.

To be honest Cyrus didn't hate TJ at all, it wasn't his fault about what his dad had done to Cyrus' parents.

And TJ didn't hate Cyrus, he hated his parents.

"Everyone needs to try and work outside of school, extra practice is needed to make this show great,"The drama teacher said.

"We can go to my house. My parents aren't home today,"Cyrus said.

"Probably for the best,"TJ stated.

After painfully working together for a couple weeks they realized that the other wasn't so bad.

They actually both enjoyed working together running lines and talking about the meanings behind them.

What was weird was they started hanging out at times, other than just to practice.

TJ forced Cyrus to play a game of one on one with him.

Cyrus dragged TJ to a play that was being put on at a theatre.

So, they became fast friends.

"Why did you even hate me so much,"Cyrus asked as he and TJ sat in his room.

Cyrus was lying on the bed while TJ lied on the floor tossing a ball in the air.

"I don't know,"TJ said,"I guess I hated you because I blamed your parents for my mom leaving."

"What,"Cyrus asked.

"After your dad fired my dad, my mom left and he started drinking,"TJ said.

"I'm sorry TJ,"Cyrus said.

"It's fine, I'm sure he wasn't a good employee,"TJ said.

"They caught him stealing from them TJ,"Cyrus said.

"What,"TJ exclaimed.

"My dad found out he was stealing money and said he wouldn't press charges if he returned the money and got fired so he did,"Cyrus said.

"He didn't say anything though,"TJ said.

"I'm sorry TJ, I guess he just wanted to forget about it,"Cyrus said.

TJ was a little angry, throwing the ball with a little more force.

"How are your lines coming,"He asked Cyrus after an akward silence.

"Good, I just don't really like acting with Miriam,"Cyrus said,"Don't get me wrong, she's nice and all but it's just hard for me to express with her."

"Oh,"TJ said.

"Hey TJ,"Cyrus said.

"Yeah Cyrus,"TJ said.

"I really like doing scenes with you,"Cyrus said,"Is that weird?"

"You're weird Cyrus,"TJ stated.

"But, If I like you playing my love interest, is that weird,"Cyrus asked.

"I think it's sweet,"TJ said sitting up on the floor,"Cyrus, are you gay?"

Cyrus nodded slowly once he had sat up on the edge of the bed.

TJ moved to sit next to him before grabbing one of Cyrus' hands.

"It's okay,"TJ said.

Cyrus smiled.

"How is it that we hated each other but now I feel like I can tell you anything,"Cyrus asked.

TJ shrugged.


Cyrus and TJ walked into rehearsal the next day to find everyone chatting while the teachers were running around.

"What's happening,"TJ asked Jordan.

"Miriam has larengitus, she can't speak for the next two weeks,"Jordan said.

"But the show opens in two days,"Cyrus exclaimed,"Who's going to be Romina?"

"Settle down everyone,"The drama teacher said,"Everyone knows now that our leading lady won't be able to perform."

"Who's going to play Romina,"Someone asked.

"That's the thing, we don't have an understudy for that part and no one knows the lines,"The English teacher said.

"We are afraid that this means we won't be able to put on the performances,"The drama teacher finished.

Groans and shouts of anger exploded from the group.

"Wait,"Cyrus said stepping forward,"There is someone who knows the lines?"

Everyone turned to look at him, waiting his answer.

"TJ,"Cyrus said turning to him.

Everyone else turned to look at him too..

"I don't know the lines,"TJ said.

"Yes you do,"Cyrus said,"You've done all the scenes with me off book and nailed it, not to mention you've been watching the choreography."

"But I'm not in drama class,"TJ said.

"That doesn't matter if you know the lines,"The drama teacher said.

"But I'm not a girl,"TJ said.

Everyone paused for a second.

"We'll rewrite the part of Romina back to Romeo, it'll be a contemporary romance between two boys who can't be together,"The English teacher said.

The whole group nodded, happy with the solution.

"I can't do this,"TJ said.

He then turned to Cyrus who pleaded with his eyes.

Please, Cyrus mouthed

"I'll do it,"TJ said reluctantly.

The group cheered.

The costume crew ran off to find him costumes while the English students started to rewrite.

"Romeo and Julien, find somewhere quiet to practice,"The drama teacher said.

"Cyrus, I don't think I can do this,"TJ said as the two sat rehearsing in a practice room.

"Of course you can do it TJ,"Cyrus said,"I know that I can rehearse with you much better than I can with Miriam."

"Cyrus,"TJ said.

"I know I made things akward yesterday. I'm sorry but the show needs you TJ,"Cyrus said.

"It's not that Cyrus. I wrote something but you might think it's weird,"TJ said pulling out a piece of paper.

Cyrus scanned over the paper.

"Did you write this scene from scratch,"Cyrus asked.

"After we talked yesterday I wrote this between Romeo and Julien,"TJ said.

"This fits perfectly into Scene 6. I'm gonna go talk to the director. We have to do this,"Cyrus said rushing out of the room.

TJ sighed watching the boy go before looking at his script.

It was the day of the show and whole everyone was freaking out, TJ was by far the worst.

He had just gotten into costume and wanted to find Cyrus to run their added scene.

He found him finishing his makeup hair.

"Cyrus can we run Scene 6 again,"TJ asked.

"TJ, you have all the lines down,"Cyrus said.

"But what if I just forget them on stage,"TJ asked.

"TJ, all of us are scared of that happening to ourselves. But you're going to be fine,"Cyrus stated as his hair and makeup was finished.

"This is the 10 minute warning everyone,"The stage manager stated.

"Thank you ten,"Everyone said.

"Places everyone,"the stage manager called only a few minutes later as the curtain speech happened.

"Cyrus,"TJ said turning to him.

"Hey, you're going to be great. And I'll be right onstage with you for most of the show,"Cyrus said.

TJ nodded before taking his place on the stage for his entrance.

As the show progressed the pair made it to Scene 6.

The scene took place in Julien's bedroom where Romeo had climbed through the window.

"How did you get in here,"Cyrus asked.

"It wasn't that hard to climb up that tree,"TJ responded.

"And what are you doing here,"Cyrus asked,"You're a Montague and I'm a Capulet. Our families hate each other."

"At the wrestling match I noticed you, and I noticed the pin you wear on the inside of your jacket where you think no one can see it,"TJ said looking around the room.

Cyrus looked down to the rainbow pin peeking out from his jacket so what.

"So what,"Cyrus asked.

"You're not the only one with that secret,"TJ said.

"Have you told anyone,"Cyrus asked.

"My best friend, Mercutio,"TJ said,"However he believes that true love isn't forever but simply to please certain needs."

"I've told my nurse and she believes similarly. She has always wished for me to marry and find true happiness,"Cyrus said.

"And what do you believe true happiness is,"TJ asked sitting next to Cyrus on the bed.

"Allowance to marry whom I choose, Someone who I can trust and depend on, and who is also attractive both physically and socially,"Cyrus said.

"Sounds like the perfect life to me,"TJ said.

"And what do you want to do with your life,"Cyrus asked.

"No Idea, I just know it doesn't involve me sticking to this pointless feud with your family,"TJ stated.

Cyrus smiled at TJ as the curtains closed.

Later on, Cyrus was on his balcony while TJ was on the ground below.

"I wish I could get up there,"TJ said.

"My parents found out about us meeting and had the tree cut down. They've locked me in my room,"Cyrus said.

"Then I'll visit you every night when they've gone to sleep,"TJ said.

"It's no use anymore. If they find out I'm still seeing you they'll keep me in the basement forever,"Cyrus said.

"I won't let that happen. I'll find a way to get you out of there,"TJ stated before the curtains closed.

After a couple more scenes it was the death scene.

TJ walked into Cyrus lying on the floor, passed out from a knockout potion.

"No, Julien,"TJ said picking Cyrus up into his arms.

"How I wish to be with you again,"TJ said,"I want to be with you forever. For both of us."

TJ pulled the dagger from his belt, carefully positioning the bag of fake blood to pop when he hit his head.

"I will be with you once again Julien. We will both be happy,"TJ stated before plunging the fake knife to his chest, making the blood splatter.

After he was dead, Cyrus waited a few moments before waking up.

Seeing the dead body next to his he gasped.

"Romeo,"He screamed,"Why Romeo?"

He looked at the dagger lifting it up.

"If you died for me then I will die for you,"Cyrus said plunging it through his heart to pop his own bag of blood.

The very fake dagger fell to the floor with an added clank sound affect.

"And so ends the tail of Julien, and his Romeo,"Mercutio said entering.

Applause erupted as the curtains closed to allow a quick stage cleaning before curtain call.

As the other parts ran out onto the stage and bowing Cyrus extended his hand to TJ.

"Ready,"He asked.

"Ready,"TJ said taking his hand,"No more fighting between the Kippens and Goodmans."

Cyrus nodded in agreement as the two boys ran onstage, hand in hand.

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