Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.

Disappearing and Reappearing.

4 1 0
By ziakitty

This is different, every person I've met so far when it's their time to go, it's their time to go, but not this one. The numbers keep changing. It's like death itself doesn't know what it wants to do with her. I have to find out why this is occurring, if not I will surely go mad. I suppose I could put my plans on hold for a while. It's not like L will be going anywhere anytime soon, besides, there's no way he will figure out this case once it is done. Alone with my thoughts, I study the profile of a young woman from the shadows. She is completely unaware that anyone is watching her. If I had to describe her, I would say, attractive to some. That's if they're only interested in outward appearances, another way would be, simple. As in she likes the simple things in life, hard-working, honest, attentive. However, that matters little to me really.

My dark eyes focused on the numbers, they've changed again, it looks like she'll live another month. Just the other day they were a lot lower. Down to three days in fact. What could have happened to make that change? Was it the fact that the ginger didn't go out the last few days. Crawling on all fours until I reached the fridge I take out a jar of strawberry jam then head back to my spot on the floor. The laptops I have set up all show different parts of her daily life, home, work, and play. Nothing is hidden from me, and I mean NOTHING.

Normally she would have gone to the bank to make a deposit, however, upon leaving the shop she got a call. Which made her go back inside. Shortly afterward a figure came rushing out, going the opposite way of the bank. Of course, this figure was already known to be the bakery owner.

There was no mistaking or denying those luscious red tresses, with their unique streaks of black, gold, and white. Chocolate brown skin and multi-colored eyes. Later that day the bank was robbed, seven people were killed, and her death date had changed. It's fair to say that one little change can mean a world of difference when it comes to one's death date. At least that seems to be the case for this woman.

Another night down soon Miss. Lee will be going home, most likely to take a hot bath and unwind. Today was especially chaotic, one of her employees decided not to show up, leaving the ginger understaffed. Not much will happen tonight but I'll keep observing anyway.

It's been about two weeks since the last change, now Zia has two weeks left to live. I am curious as to what will end this woman's life. It could be me, she could be my first victim, it wouldn't be too hard to take her. Seeing those dark blue dotted eyes with their main base of gold and silver rolling to a close or slowly fading to a dull white as the crimson liquid flows. Listening to that soft yet high pitched voice as it whimpers, screams, and begs.

While my mind went on meditating on all the intriguing ways to kill, my eyes settled on something new. A girl in her mid-teens and a boy with shaggy white hair stood in the back of the bakery, they were fighting. Well, more like the purple and pink-clad individual was yelling at the cloud-based one. I've only seen him twice both times with Miss Zia.

He has grey eyes, skin as pale as my own, and only wears white. The way he plays with his hair reminds me of a young girl trying to flirt with her senior.

"I can't take this anymore. We never do anything! All you want to do is sit around playing with dice, cards, darts, puzzles, or work on books. That's just boring. Why can't we go on more dates or at least spend time alone OUTSIDE of your adopted family's bakery?" Cried out the overly dramatic teen.

While this happened the male merely kept his gray eyes locked onto his companion's. "Well, say something!" No reply was given to this outburst, not even a flinch. Huffing the girl left, pushing the boy out of the way as she runs off towards a 2002 black Chevrolet Camaro SS 35th Anniversary Edition. Jumping into the passager seat, she leans over to place a sloppy kiss onto the driver's lips before they drove off.

Unknown to the couple someone else had seen and heard their exchange. Wide eyes watched the scene unfold, they slowly moved towards the boy in white, who still stood there saying nothing, looking and acting like not a thing happened. Unhurriedly the figure wandered to the backdoor, a pale shaky, barely noticeable, hand gripped the doorknob allowing the snowy person to disappear.

After everything that happened with the young teen, who's name is Nate River, I know this thanks to these eyes I've been born with. He is the only brother of Lee.

Things almost appeared to be normal, at least on the surface. At night that was a completely different story. Not once did the cocoa-skin damsel go home after work, which meant I had to follow her, not that I mind too much. It just made it harder to fight the urge to take her from behind. I wonder how it would feel to see her wither away underneath me. Your lifespan is down to five days Miss Zia, what will you do with them?

She's been looking into Nate's girlfriend, not to the same extent that I have been looking into her life but close enough. Chances are higher than seventy percent that today will be the day the shorter woman makes her move. I wonder who will succeed. Dark blue, almost black irises watched as the teenager got out of a candy apple red sport's car. The driver and car were different from the previous one. Walking towards the back of the bakery, Lisa huffs before taking out a cigarette, the white thin paper with a brown butt soon dangled from her lips.

Gloved hands roamed over their own body attempting to find a lighter. That is until one was provided. "Thanks, I was just abo-" The younger girl's words died on her tongue as she stared dumbfoundedly into blazing dark blue hues. "You can scream or run if you want to, I really don't mind. From this angle, it looks like we're just having a friendly chat. Which is how it will stay if you don't move or scream." Despite having such a soft voice, the older girl came off as intimidating. "W-What's the matter, K-Koneko?" Lisa Smith managed to pant out, the cig fell from her quivering lips.

No movement had been made outside of giving the teen a light yet Smith started to back up until there was nothing but a wall behind her. The clicking of boots hitting the pavement, the tension so thick it was suffocating. A desire arose within me to join her in this little game. It was becoming greater and greater, that urge but sadly today I am not there in person. So being an onlooker from my little room will have to do. Swiftly the gap was closed, a hand shot forward, a gasp and low whine was heard. Leaning in the ginger spoke. "I know all your dirty little habits. Oh yes, every single one of them."

Watching my prey as she kept talking to the other female. She held the girl's olive-tone jaw firmly, her eyes shone with dominance. She's a top, much like myself, an aggressive top. Knowing this makes me want to break her. I have never once been submissive. It's one of the few things I can boast about. I have never even been submissive to a traffic signal.

"If you ever think of cheating on my brother again, I'll know. And I will show you pain that you've never known of. You will plead for me to stop while wanting to beg me to continue." The corners of her mouth turned upwards just the tiniest of bits. Hazel eyes widen in both fear and understanding. "Then I'll gut you like a fish, clean you up, get a nice base for you. Since I am a cook, a baker, I will know the right flavors, spices to use for when I serve your carcass to your friends, family, and anyone else you've loved besides my dearest otōto." Blinking away tears, the olive-complected girl tried to nod which only made Zia's hand tighten.

"Now, I think it would be best if you rethought your dating options. If my brother is hurt in any way, shape, or form." Her eyes spoke volumes. Stopping to observe the five feet seven, teen, as she started to nod. Lee smiled that dazzling smile, the one that normally reached her eyes.

"I'm glad we understand each other. Now, let's go inside, I am sure my employees would like their break now." Letting Lisa go, a nimble brown finger tapped a nicely tanned nose before walking away. Curvy hips swayed naturally as their owner kept going while calling out, "are you coming? It's not nice to keep others waiting." Reluctantly Lisa trailed behind. My jeans are feeling a bit tighter today.

Three days left, after this, I will no longer get to behold the seemingly innocent lady. Who knew that someone so friendly and kind had a mean streak. For the last two months that I've been stal--erm, observing the female, not once had something like this came up. I suppose this means there are other sides to Miss Lee that I have yet to see. A change of scenery might be in order. I know the perfect place too. Tapping at a few keys on my keyboard, I quickly start to pack up after sending then receiving an email. My new apartment is all set up.

Wasting no time and not wanting to be seen just yet by my sweet Koneko, I head over to my new home. The building itself looks old but has a modern feel to it, a bit like an old town loft. Walking up the few flights of stairs, I notice an old man peeking out his door the moment my own started to creak open. Noisy neighbors are never fun. Glancing around, my eyes land on the filth that was left behind from the last resident. Empty beer cans, broken glass, dirt, his bloated dead body. Looks like I'll be cleaning the new few days. I do not like messes, slobs, etc, it annoys me. Good thing I stocked up on bleach and cleaner. Slapping on a pair of gloves, I get to work making the place look and smell good.

It took a day and a half to get this place cleaned up. Being a neat freak can be exhausting. However, the mess was distracting me from what really needed to be done. Making observations of my lovely lady. I mean, I am just checking to see if her lifespan has changed at all. Firing up my laptops, carefully getting back into the security system, I immediately start to look for the scarlet haired woman. She's not here, nor at work, it's not the weekend so she's not at the bank. On Sundays, Ms. Zia reads to the kids at the library then goes to play chess in the park but it's not Sunday. Where did that woman go?

Right as I was about to go out looking, then my sweet Koneko appeared. Her death date still matched up, a little less than thirty-six hours. In her small hands was a bag, it was filled with cards, books, and what looked like wrapping paper. Maybe it's one of her employees' birthdays. Carefully the bag is sat down on the table, a card is taken out, along with a pen. Ah, it is someone's birthday, she's making invitations for their surprise party. Ten cards later Lee takes a break, stretching and yawning while going off to the bathroom. Thinking about the party makes me chuckle, my chuckle turns into full-blown laughter. Just like a shinigami's laugh, I know, I've been practicing.

The shower starts, soon her nicely toned, soft brown frame is exposed to me. Every time I see that plush looking body it makes me want to carve my signature into it. Leave my mark, claim every inch. Gentle humming catches my attention and pulls me from my musing. It's coming from her shower. A catchy ringtone stops the humming, grabbing the shower curtain, she waits and listens. Groaning, the water is turned off, the phone is snatched from its resting place on the rack outside the shower. "What is it now?" I wish I could hear the other person. "Tony, if you can't make the shift then don't sign up for them."

Sighing, soaked locks stuck to supple shoulders, neck, and forehead. "Fine, I will be there shortly but you better not pull this crap tomorrow." It's down again, down to a few hours now. Tonight's the night. I better prepare, I already know where to take her, just need the right time.

Excitement rushes through my veins as my thoughts get darker and darker. My first thoughts were to just break into her apartment and wait for her there. However, that would be too risky, especially with that noisy old man next door and thin walls. Armed with gloves and a few other items, I head out before the mixed hues girl is finished getting ready. Heading outside I noticed that the wind has picked up greatly, the sky is now overcast, lightning strikes, painting the clouds. The very heavens will weep for you, huh.

Emptiness, darkness, not a single thing has moved besides us. No cars, people, random animals, it's like everything has already been planned out. Like death has finally decided on what to do with its victim after toying with it. Now was the time to pounce.

The chloroform laced cloth is hidden within my pocket, handcuffs on my belt, the number is no longer at one day, it's less than that. With those headphones on I know the varicolored woman can't hear me. Slowly I start to close the gap between us. My long legs carrying me closer and closer still. Can you feel it, my girl? The icy grip of death, the yearning I have to squeeze your windpipe. I'm nearly within reach, from here my fingertips ghost over those shoulder-length locks.

Stopping when an all too familiar back alley comes into view. Now is the time, reaching into my pocket, those same digits toy with the fabric, ideas formed within my mind. Her cries, whines, whimpers, tear stricken face. Body bond to a chair, no, bed, shivering from pleasurable fear.

Caught up in the fantasy I barely had time to notice and react to the new figure. It jumped from a trashcan, grabbing both of our attention, causing me to slip into the shadows. My perfect opportunity has been ruined by a stray cat. Laughter so light and airy tickles my eardrums. "You scared me, I thought there was someone else following me all this time." Did she notice me? I wonder while removing my gloves so that I can press my thumb against my lips. Pressing my body flatly against the block wall, inwardly thankful of the fact that I am so slim, I watched as my prey opens the backdoor then disappears within the light.

It has to be tonight. There is only one hour left before she closes the shop and starts to head back home. Once the midday worker is gone, I can make my move. Before I knew it, my legs started to move once again, my feet carrying me towards the front of the building. My large palm pushed against the glass door, a bell chime brought me out of my semi-deep thoughts.

"Welcome, we're about to close for the night, but if you know what you want I can help you." Dully my black-hued gems fell upon the speaker, it was some random employee. The sound of his voice was filled with so much fakeness it seemed inhuman. "I'll take some Strawberry Jam," I stated bluntly while taking in my surroundings. In the back right corner, there is Lee, working on something. I take a mental note of what the shortest individual is working, seems like she's packing freshly made jellies and jams for the night. "One moment sir, let me see if there is any left in the back." Rolling his amber eyes, the man quickly walked into the backroom.

Moving closer to the counter, I monitor the female out the corner of my eye before turning my head completely. She's absorbed in her work. "There is no more jam. Is there anything else you want?" Yes, your boss. Standing there balancing on one leg as the other rubs at the back of the other one. Lifting my hand up, I point it towards the only woman in the room. This made the man look at me even more oddly than before. "I'm already working on the next batch, that is why he is pointing, don't be rude." Our eyes locked for a few seconds.

"There should be a new jar already done in the fridge, take these and put them away, Tony, then you can go. I'll take care of the rest." Finishing up with the jars, she then walked into the back, I could hear running water for roughly two minutes. During that time, Tony had done what was asked of him and happily left. Coming back into the room, holding a bowl full of berries, small cutting knife, and cutting board. Koneko stepped up to the register but I stopped her. "If it's no trouble I wouldn't mind waiting for you to finish what you were doing. It looked interesting." Cocking an eyebrow prior to nodding, she turns on her heels. "Have a seat then."

Sitting at the table in the back, I wait for my hostess to join me. First, the curvy figure moves over to the door, flipping over the sign, letting others know that the shop is now closed. A quick trip to the back again, more running water, then Zia returns to me with her ingredients and a new jar of sweetness. For a few minutes, it is silent, deadly silent. Just the sound of light chops as the baker works. Not once did she stop to say anything about the way I sit or the intensity of my stare. "What's with the cuffs and gloves?" This threw me off guard a bit, my gloves started to poke out my pocket when I shifted to sit down, the cuffs were in plain sight.

"Well, I am a private detective," I explain while picking my words carefully. "Is that why you've been following me, someone hired you?" Ah, she did notice, hm. Keeping my cool I continued to speak. "I've been following you? How can this be when I just moved into the neighborhood?" Even though my voice is normally monotone I let it slip, making it seem like I'm truly perplexed.

A shiver ran through me as those slowly darkening orbs fixated on me. Studying my every move. "When did you move in?" I almost feel like I'm the one being interrogated, preyed upon.
"About two weeks ago. I finally found an apartment that was suitable three days ago." Answering smoothly while reaching into my pocket, the cloth is still there but I ignored it. Calmly I produce my wallet with my detective's badge. Smaller hands nearly touched my own causing a rush of heat to embrace me.

"Hm, private detective." She mutters. "I feel the word 'private' carries with it an excess of neurotic egotism...You might say I am an un-private detective. A detective without ego. Now it's my turn to ask a question." I said emotionlessly. This has somehow turned into a game of twenty-one questions but I am trying to stall for time.

"If you only had twenty-four hours to live, how would you spend it?" The question was a weird one but I was curious as to how Koneko would answer. For a moment there was no reply, vivid eyes focused as their owner was deep in thought. "Honestly, nothing, I have everything set up the way I want it to be. My beloved ones would be well taken care of, the bakery would be fine as well. So I suppose I would keep living like I am now. Normally, enjoying the simple things. Finishing reading Akazukin Chacha before starting on another classic."

Pausing for a brief second, her small hands released my identification then started hulling strawberries, placing them aside to be washed prior to them being crushed. "Death is the last appointment of life, we're all just sitting in the waiting room." Those words took me by surprise, so that is your opinion on life and death. "I need someone to test this jam, I changed the recipe just a tidbit..."

On impulse my long fingers reached out, they grazed over soft, brown flesh walking over it like a spider, before plunging into the freshly made topping. With my index and middle fingers now coated in jam, I test the consistency, watching for runoff, it's slow, which is good. "It's the right thickness too", I muttered, with that, I slowly licked my fingers. Marginally my eyes widen, an unknown, unseen, expression appeared onto my face but was hastily replaced with my normal empty facade. "You've done a great job on this."

"Why thank you, Mister...?" Tilting her head, a kind, and gentle smile graced her features while recapping the jar and handing it to me. I know you're testing me, my name is printed on the badge. Getting up, my slender frame turns towards the door, stopping before stepping into the cool May night air. The wind whips my messy black mane making it messier. "Ryuzaki, Rue Ryuzaki. I look forward to tasting (You) more of your sweets and treats, especially this jam."

Darkness engulfed the young man, his lanky figure disappearing yet the lingering look that was given had stayed. It was curious, calculating, and hungry, very hungry. Unbeknownst to the young woman, a pair of gloves were soon destroyed, along with a small bottle and cloth.

"Ryuzaki huh. What an interesting man."

3770 words, on the short side for one of my one-shots but I enjoyed writing this.

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