The Heroine of Hope (Dragon B...

By DragonBallJ

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What happened if character from Dragon Ball Dimension meet with Boku no Hero Academia. Read to find out. (A s... More

Love Interest
First Day on a New World
Entrance Exam? Fidelia goes to U.A.?
Quirk Assessment Test
All Might vs Fidelia?!
Choosing a Class Rep and the Attack of USJ
USJ Incident Chapter 1
USJ Incident Chapter 2
Another Field Trip to USJ? Class 1-A Overcome their fears
Prepare for the Sports Festival
Sports Festival Chapter 1
Sports Festival Chapter 2
The end of Sports Festival? Who's winning?
The Emperor is Back?! Show everyone the power of a serious Saiyan!
Hero names
Interships and Hosu Incident
The origin of One for All
Prepare for Final Exam
Gear Up for Final Exam. Show them the power of Ki Team
A confession? Fidelia's Final Exam Begin
An awkward day
Encounter?! Shigaraki's True Identity Revealed!
Swimming Pool Training?
Summer Training Camp Chapter 1
Summer Training Camp Chapter 2
Summer Training Camp Chapter 3
Rescue Bakugo Chapter 1
Save Bakugo Chapter 2
Mask man identity and permission to stay at the dorms
New Life in U.A. Dorm?
Practicing Ultimate Moves
A sleepover? What is Saiyans? Heroes meet the warrior race
Provisional License Chapter 1
Hero exercise with Isami High School
Special and A/n

Aftermath of the Internship

290 8 0
By DragonBallJ

▶️Hosu's hospital▶️
~~~3'rd Person POV~~~
Todoroki sat up "Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?" he shake his head "No, not really" Lida nod "Me neither" Midoriya smile "Thinking about it now, we did something amazing, huh?" Todoroki nod "Yeah"

Lida look at his body "Seeing an ending like that really makes you feel like it's a miracle we're alive. With my leg like this, he probably could've killed us if he wanted to" Todoroki nod "Yeah, we were obviously left alive on purpose" then he look at Lida "Your amazing to have been able to face him after all the murderous intent directed at you" Lida shake his head "No that's not it" then they hear someone knock on the door.

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
I decided to visit Lida, Midoriya and Shoto, I knock on the door then open it to see Lida's both arms were bandaged, Shoto's left hand and Midoriya's right hand and left leg "I hope I'm not disturbing you guys" they shake their heads "I see" then I hear Shoto say "But you're pretty amazing Fidelia" Tenya nod "Yeah you take him down with that moves! What does it called again?" "Hellzone Grenade. It's a technique I learned from someone I know" I see Midoriya started the fan boy mode "Amazing!"

~~~3'rd Person POV~~~
The door to their room open "Oh, are you wounded kids awake?" "Grand Torino!" "Manual-san" Grand Torino walked to Midoriya "Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you" "Oh, sorry!" But before that, you've got visitors. Josh's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae" everyone look to see a police with a dog head.

Everyone stand up then he see Midoriya try to stand up "Oh you can just stay seated, woof. You must be the U.A. students who brought down the Hero Killer, right?" the students nod "Yes" Kenji say "Regarding the Hero Killer we arrested... He had fairly serious injuries, with burns and broken bones, and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof. Since you're U.A. students, I'm sure you already know. The four of you, and the Pro Heroes Endeavor, Manual, Great Saiyaman and Grand Torino must receive strict punishment"

Todoroki stand up furious at him "Wait a minute. If Lida hadn't done anything, Native would've been killed. If Midoriya hadn't come, the two of them would've been killed. And if Fidelia hadn't done anything, all of us would've been killed. No one realized that the Hero Killer had appeared. Are you saying we should've followed the rules and watched people get killed?" Midoriya put up his hand "Wait!"

Kenji ask "Are you saying that as long as it turns out all right, it's okay to bend the rules?" Todoroki shout "Isn't it a hero's job to save people?!" Kenji close his eyes "That's why you're not a full fledged hero yet. Goodness, what are being taught by U.A. and Endeavor, woof?" Todoroki walked to him angry "You dog!" Lida say try to calm him "Stop it, he's absolutely right" Grand Torino put up hand "Hang on a minute. Hear him out until the end" Shoto stop then look at Kenji.

Kenji explain "That was the official opinion of the police. And the punishment and such would only happen if this were all made public, woof. If this were made public, you would probably be applauded by the public, but you would not be able to escape punishment. On the other hand, this is a bit underhanded, but if it is not made public, the burn scars would support Endeavor and possibly Great Saiyaman being the hero who saved the day, and it would end there, woof. Thankfully, there were very few witnesses. This violation could be crushed here, woof. But this would also mean no one would know about your good judgment or achievements. Which do you prefer? Personally, I don't want to be the one to find fault with promising young ones because of one big mistake, woof"

Manual say tears fall on his face "😭Either way, we will need to take responsibility for being negligent in our supervisory duties" Lida bow to Manual "I am truly sorry" "All right. You'll cause trouble for others! If you understand, then don't do it again!" "I won't!" "I-I'm sorry" "Please take care of it" the students Bow to the Pro Heroes that they went to Internships with. Because of the unfairness of adults, you will not be able to receive the praise you would probably have gotten, but at least" he bow "As someone who also protects the peace, I can say thank you" Shoto look away "Please start with that next time" "Todoroki-kun"

~~~Midoriya's POV~~~
I hear my rings to see that it's Uraraka calling me "Todoroki-kun, Lida-kun I'll be right back" I went outside then take the call "Uraraka-san?" •Deku-kun I heard the news are you okay?• "Yeah" •That's good to hear• suddenly I hear someone call her •Uravity-san• •Deku-kun  I have to go now. See you at school•

Once she hang up I can't contain my excitement I talked to a girl! I can't believe that I talked to a girl! Her voice seems so close when we're speaking from mobile phone! I hear someone comment harshly 2 words: Creepy Otaku I look around searching for the voice My imaginations perhaps

~~~3'rd Person POV~~~
Ginji see Midoriya was blushing like crazy and read his mind that he speak to a girl so he telepathic to him 2 words: Creepy Otaku Midoriya went to search for his voice but when he couldn't find it he went back to his room.

He see Todoroki, and Lida's sad expression "What's wrong?" Shoto say sadly "Midoriya... Lida just finished getting examined" Lida say sadly "My left hand might have long term damage" he look terrified at him "Long term... damage?".

Lida explain "Both of my arms were pretty beat up, but it looks like the damage to my left arm was especially severe. There was damage to my brachial plexus. But it just means that I'll have trouble moving my hand and fingers and experience some numbness. Apparently, there's possibility that it can be healed with nerve transplant surgery"

"Actually I have something that could help you Tenya-kun" They look at her "Huh?" "It's an item that could heal any injuries" he shake his head "It's okay Fidelia-kun. When I found the Hero Killer, I stopped being able to think. The first thing I've should've done was tell Manual. But I forgot myself in my anger. I hate him, but he spoke the truth. That's why until I become a true hero, I think I want to leave my left hand as it is"

She nod in understanding "I could at least help a little" Lida ask "What do you mean by that?" she walked to him then focus her Ki and transfer it to body and see that the wound heal a bit "In this way, I could help heal you a little bit faster. That is if you want to Tenya-kun" he nod "Yeah, Thank you Fidelia-kun" she smile "Anytime".

All of a sudden Midoriya say "Lida I feel the same" everyone look at him then Midoriya look at his tightened fist "Let's become stronger together" "Yeah" Shoto look down "I feel kind of bad" everyone look at him then Midoriya ask "About what?" "I feel like if I get involved... other people mess up their hands"

Midoriya shouted while laughing "Todoroki-kun, I didn't know you could make jokes!" Shoto say bluntly "No, I'm not joking. I'm like 'The Hand Crusher' or something" everyone started laughing while shouting "'The Hand Crusher'!" Todoroki look weird at the others "What's so funny?"

😸This boy is very dense isn't he? Fidelia smile "Come on you 2 stop laughing at him" "Sorry, Sorry" "By the way, Fidelia-kun!" She look at Lida "Is it possible that we could do those lasers stuff?" "You could" they look shocked at her "Really?!" Fidelia nod again.

Shoto say "Then I want you to teach us" then she started explaining what Ki is while bright light came from her palm. After explaining Fidelia teach them to draw out their Ki. Lida ask not believing what Fidelia just said "Can we really do that?" "Izu-kun show them" Midoriya nod then he's surrounded by green aura.

Everyone look amazed then Lida ask "Midoriya-kun why did you suddenly glow green" "It's called Aura" Fidelia said while surrounded in white aura. Shoto ask "Why does it have different colors between Midoriya and you Fidelia?" "Well everyone have different type of Aura. I think that's why" add Midoriya smiling while Fidelia nod.

Lida raise good his hand "What is Aura?" Fidelia smile "The 'aura' of an individual is a general effect of ki being expressed outside the body, usually in the form of 'powering up'. When a user focuses their ki, it manifests outside their physical body in the form of energy that can interact with the outside world, displacing solid matter among different effects. Also Aura represents who you are"

Tenya smile "Fidelia-kun you're good at this kind of stuff" she shrug "Well I've been training ever since I was little" Tenya smile "Now that's a one powerful Quirk" "No she's Quirkless" they look shocked at Midoriya "HUH?!" 😺Why must you guys be shocked that she doesn't have a Quirk? Then he proceeded to roll his eyes She already explain that she use Ki rather than Quirk like 5 minutes ago! Fidelia smile at Ginji's comment.

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
I smile "From where I come from there's no such thing as Quirks" Tenya ask "Huh?! You mean you were born in a Quirkless place?" I shrug "Something like that, yeah. But there are some people there who knows fighting techniques, Martial Arts and knows how to use Ki. That's why the people there use it as powers"

Shoto say "Amazing, I never knew such place exists" Midoriya ask "Where is this place?" 😸What are you going to say now Child? "Satan City" they tilt their heads "Satan City?" Tenya say "Never heard of that place before" I chuckle nervously "Well it's all across the planet" "If I'm not mistaken you're a foreigner right?"

Tenya look shock at Midoriya "She's a foreigner?" Midoriya nod then Shoto ask "How did you know about this Midoriya?" Midoriya smile nervously "Well... she's living with me" mumbled the last part but they heard it. "Huh?!" Shoto ask "She live with you?" Midoriya nod.

Tenya smile "Must be hard huh? Just to come all across the planet just to become heroes" "Yeah, it is" 😾Liar! Shoto ask "Do you live with your parents before came here?" "No, I live with my older siblings" Tenya ask "Why?! What happened to your parents?" I look down "They were killed by villains when I was little" the boys say "Sorry to hear that" "Sorry Fidelia-kun, I didn't mean" "It's okay, you guys didn't know and it's already long time ago. Besides I'm really happy living with my siblings now"

We hear a knock then see the nurse went inside "The visiting hours is already over for today. So" I nod "Okay" then she went out. I smile at them "Let's start the Ki training tomorrow" Shoto ask "How do we" but Midoriya shout "Let's make a group chat!" Tenya tilt his head "Group chat?" Midoriya nod "Just the 4 of us" I nod "Alright who's going to make it?" "I'll make it!" add Midoriya excited. Suddenly I see notifications on my phone "K Team?" Midoriya smile "It means Ki Team"

~~~K Team Chat~~~

3✔️😄Hey everyone.

XXX-XXX-XXL: Hello! Todoroki-kun, Midoriya-kun, Fidelia-kun
XXX-XXX-XXM: ☺️Hey Lida-kun, Todoroki-kun, Fidelia-chan.

(A/n: I just realized that the numbers is sizes for clothes🤣)

I feel Ginji take over then he renamed all of them. Done! I see the name he gave them: Otaku (Midoriya); Ikemen Robotto Boy (Tenya); Half and Half Ikemen Boy (Shoto)

~~~Ki Team Chat~~~

3✔️😄Hey everyone.

Ikemen Robotto Boy: 👋Hello! Todoroki-kun, Midoriya-kun, Fidelia-kun
Otaku: ☺️Hey Lida-kun, Todoroki-kun, Fidelia-chan.
Half and Half Ikemen Boy: Hey

🤨Seriously Ginji? 😸What?! Those are the closer good nickname that I could think for them Why don't we just use their real names? He yawn Bo-ring!. I smile at them "Well I'm off. Get some rest you 3" Tenya smile "Yeah! Goodbye Fidelia-kun" Shoto nod while Midoriya smile "Be careful on your way home" I nod then I went to the Municipal Beach.

Once I arrive in Municipal Beach I see Ginji immediately appears behind me "Let's start training again Child" I smile "You got it" and just like that Ginji and I started training until night comes and then I went straight back to Midoriya's apartment.

A/n: I'm going to take Mic out of the Love Interest because I can't think anything about his personality.

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