The Heroine of Hope (Dragon B...

By DragonBallJ

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What happened if character from Dragon Ball Dimension meet with Boku no Hero Academia. Read to find out. (A s... More

Love Interest
First Day on a New World
Entrance Exam? Fidelia goes to U.A.?
Quirk Assessment Test
All Might vs Fidelia?!
Choosing a Class Rep and the Attack of USJ
USJ Incident Chapter 1
USJ Incident Chapter 2
Another Field Trip to USJ? Class 1-A Overcome their fears
Prepare for the Sports Festival
Sports Festival Chapter 1
Sports Festival Chapter 2
The end of Sports Festival? Who's winning?
Hero names
Interships and Hosu Incident
Aftermath of the Internship
The origin of One for All
Prepare for Final Exam
Gear Up for Final Exam. Show them the power of Ki Team
A confession? Fidelia's Final Exam Begin
An awkward day
Encounter?! Shigaraki's True Identity Revealed!
Swimming Pool Training?
Summer Training Camp Chapter 1
Summer Training Camp Chapter 2
Summer Training Camp Chapter 3
Rescue Bakugo Chapter 1
Save Bakugo Chapter 2
Mask man identity and permission to stay at the dorms
New Life in U.A. Dorm?
Practicing Ultimate Moves
A sleepover? What is Saiyans? Heroes meet the warrior race
Provisional License Chapter 1
Hero exercise with Isami High School
Special and A/n

The Emperor is Back?! Show everyone the power of a serious Saiyan!

485 8 0
By DragonBallJ

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
Midnight say "Winner Fidelia!" I saw Bakugo slammed his hands on the ground "Damn it!!" I offer my hand to him "Nice fight Kacchan" suddenly I feel something sting on my neck. I touch my neck then pull out a needle 😱Needle?! 🙀Are you okay Child?! Yeah 😾Where did it come from?! Suddenly I saw a huge ki blast went to the spectators seat but I shot a ki blast at it and I saw 2 flying pink disc fly to me but I managed to dodge it in time cause it cut some of my hair Those are Freeza's move.

Suddenly I see someone land at the front of me "We meet again Fidelia-san" I smile at him "You too Freeza" he smirk "So this is where you are, I've been looking for you everywhere on this wretched planet!" I smile "Now you found me" Freeza smile "Right, I've been dying to meet with you" he look a bit shock at me "Oh? You shrink a lot since our last encounter"

I hear the people shout while looking at Freeza "Villain?!" "Here?!" "No way!" I see 2 people land next to Freeza "Freeza-sama!" "Zarbon, Dodoria" Zarbon look at me "So that's Bardock's daughter?" "Yeah" "Hehehe... Bardock is a low class warrior! I bet she's the same as him!" "You shouldn't underestimate her Dodoria-san" they look at Freeza "Huh?" "I mean, she defeat many adversaries"

Freeza flare up his Ki sending powerful wind around them "She and her wretched brother!" suddenly he power back down and smile wickedly "Zarbon-san, Dodoria-san, get her" "Yes Freeza-sama" They rush to me then deliver punches but I ducked suddenly Zarbon kick my face but that only managed to cut my cheek and Dodoria shoot laser from his other hand.

I jumped to get some distance then wipe the blood from my cheek while smiling "Not bad, all of you have become stronger since last time" Freeza smile "Yeah, I've been training these 2 to become a lot powerful" I see everyone was looking at us 😥We can't fight here, there will be casualties 😾At the forest Child!

I jump but Freeza use his tail to grab my right leg then pull me down and grab my head "Trying to lure us away from people? It's no use" I try to elbow him in face but he blocked it with his left hand then he tightened his grip on my head and I hear a cracking sound "Ahhh!!" Freeza smile "That's cracking sound is satisfying".

I look up to see heroes surrounding Freeza while shouting "Pro Heroes! Release her villain!" Freeza chuckle "Ho, Pro heroes huh?" I don't want anyone to get hurt I shout "No don't fight them! Get away from here!" "Zarbon, Dodoria take care of them" I hear Freeza ordered them then I see the heroes got blown away by Zarbon and Dodoria.

I see All Might(AM) jump down "I am here!" Freeza look at him "Ho?" "Release Fidelia Shoujo" Freeza ignore him then he was blown away by All Might's smash. All Might catch me bridal style "You okay Fidelia Shoujo?" I saw Freeza rush to us then I push AM away "Wha?" and Freeza use his tail to whacked my body to the wall causing me to cough up blood while I hear he say smugly "Oh? You protect him".

~~~3'rd Person POV~~~
All might started to punches Freeza but he dodges all of them with ease then All Might brace his fist "Delaware... Smash!" It connect with Freeza's gut then he back away while holding his stomach "You... got me" All Might started laughing "Hahaha! How do you like that?!" Freeza say while looking down "Strong... But" suddenly he disappeared then he knee him in the gut then kick his chin upward "All Might!!"

Freeza shoot Destructo Disc at All Might but he dodge to side "Ha is it all you" suddenly Freeza appears at the top of him then grab his head and slammed him on the ground. Meanwhile Dodoria and Zarbon smiling while dodging attacks and countering them with their owns "This guys are weak!" "They fight un-beautifully" add Zarbon while swaying his hairs.

Suddenly Fidelia appears then punch them in the gut and jumped a few feet away and put up her fingers to provoked them "Come get me" they started attacking her 🙀They have combination attacks?! Since when?! 😠Now's not the time Ginji! Fidelia scolded Ginji while dodging attacks then kick them away and put hand on her hip while smirking "Is this all you got?".

Dodoria rush at her then started attacking her but she counter them with her own attacks. Dodoria punch her but she grab it then throw him away then he stand "You little..." then he looked behind her to see Zarbon charged his Ki suddenly he shoot a Ki wave at her but she jumped that cause it to hit Dodoria "Dodoria!" "Die!" she shoot Ki wave at Zarbon that blow him to bits.

Fidelia see Freeza walk to All Might then Mic use his Quirk "Yeahh!!" "You're too loud" Freeza said while shoots multiple death beam at him but Cementoss use his Quirk to make a wall in front of Mic but it penetrates his walls and Cementoss manage to dodge some of them "Midnight use your Quirk" she nod at Cementoss then ripped her clothes on her hand then pink smoke coming from her. Freeza smile while waving his hand on his nose "What a foul odor" then he shout while transforming and blowing everyone away.

Once the smoke is gone everyone see him in Golden Form "Let's see if you guys could handle Golden Freeza" then the heroes started fighting him but no one could touch him. Heroes start to shouting "What is he?!" "He's a monster!" Suddenly Freeza move a lot faster and kick everyone away. Freeza look up to see All Might's fist collided with his face but he just smile then grab his arm and started throwing him like a ragdoll.

(A/n: Switch Kale with Freeza, but less intense than that)

Freeza went to All Might then pick him up using his tail then started punching his gut several times while laughing "The stronger the better to torture! Hohohohohoho" Child! 😾Freeza's toying with All Muscles! Fidelia see Freeza point a finger at his head "Farewell" "Not gonna let you do that!" shouted Aizawa jump in the air then grab Freeza's hand use his bandages then pull it and use another part of it to tie his body "Ho?"

Aizawa see Freeza's hand start to move then he use his Quirk suddenly Freeza shoots 4 death beam at Aizawa but Fidelia shoots ki blast to counter it. Aizawa tighten it then Freeza smile "Do you think you could hold me with these weak bandages" then he power up and break it "Wha?" "Aaahh... freedom!"

Mt. Lady grab him with both of her hands "Got you!" Freeza sigh "😔Can't I get some fresh air around here?" Fidelia see Freeza move two of his fingers down "Aizawa Sensei! Use your Quirk on Mt. lady!" "Huh? Why?" "Just do it!" Aizawa do as Fidelia said. Mt. Lady look at herself "Huh? Why did I became small?" Then the Disc land at both of Mt. Lady side scaring her "Wha?"

Freeza smile "As expected Fidelia-san, you noticed it" Fidelia walk to him "All of you stay back! I'll take care of him" "Huh?!" "You can't be serious?!" "You'll be killed!" "He take down all of the heroes on his own" but she ignored them then walk to Freeza. Freeza smile "You already defeat Dodoria-san and Zarbon-san as expected" Fidelia merely shrug "They're still weak" "I agree with you" then he use his fighting position "Let's begin the next round" Fidelia put on fighting position "Bring it!"

They rush at each other and sent flurry of punches and kicks. A helicopter arrive at the scene then the reporter inside shout •We're bringing you live today! The number one winner in the sports festival Fidelia's fight with the villain!• Freeza punch her but she grab it then Freeza look shocked at her and she roundhouse kick him away. Fidelia grab his head started to shove him along the wall and throw him away.

Freeza stand up then look at her angrily She's only on her normal form but she's on par with my Golden form?! That's impossible! Fidelia smirk while hand on her hips "What's wrong Freeza? Is this all you got?" "Damn you!" She scoff "If it's all you got then you should just" suddenly her eyes started to feel blurry "Huh?" Freeza smirk at her "What's wrong Fidelia-san? Blurry eyes? Dizzy? Feel tired?" Fidelia look at him "The needle just now. What did you put in it?" Freeza started laughing "Ohohohohoho!"

Fidelia smile weakly at him "You said you've already improved! But look at you, fighting me using dirty tricks" Freeza smile "I may have improve, but it's to make sure that I win, I called it strategy" "Strategy huh? 😒More like coward!" Fidelia look at her right arm 😓I can't even lift it up suddenly they hear reporters started shouting •Take a look at this! The first place Fidelia is fighting with some kind of Lizard!•

Suddenly a tick form on Freeza's forehead "Lizard?" then he smile at Fidelia "They're very loud" "Don't!" Fidelia see he shoot death beam at the helicopter but it hit the tail of the helicopter while everyone who was in there started shout in panic "It's no use!" "The engine's busted!" Kamui shout "Mt. Lady" "I don't wanna! That's things on fire!" She look at him "What about you, Kamui?" "I can't either there's fire on it, it's my weakness".

Fidelia look at U.A. Students that looks like they're discussing something suddenly the helicopter explode then Freeza smile "That's a nice fireworks" the people inside the helicopter started to fall down very fast they shouting and praying in the air.

Yaoyorozu shout "Fidelia-san!" then she throw something at her and Fidelia caught it "Cushions? 😏I see" Fidelia throw it to the falling people 😸Bulseye! Fidelia shout "Now! Shoto-kun!" Shoto use his ice to make huge blocks of ice then they slide down the ice with the cushions below them. Kamui grab them and put them safely on the ground.

Freeza shout "You're wide open!" then use his Destructo Disc to hit her "😏That would be you" she smirked while flipped backwards and it hits him, cuts him in half. Freeza slammed his hands on the ground "Not this again!" Fidelia smile "What's wrong Freeza? Lose half of your body 'again'?" she point her left palm on his face "Wait! Let's talk this out" 😾Just finish him off Child "Sorry Freeza but you're going straight to hell" "Damn it!"

Suddenly he smile "And so are you" he charge an energy "No you don't!" Fidelia kick him but he grab her feet then twisted it "Gaaahhh!" Fidelia fell on her back then Freeza started chocking her neck "You think you win?!" he started laughing "Hohohohoho!" "Y-You.. bastard" the ground started to shake, pebbles start to flow up "Th-This is" Fidelia look at him in the eye then let out a roar. Freeza was blown away in the air then she point her hand on him "Riot... Javelin!" "Damn it all!!"

~~~Midoriya's POV~~~
After Fidelia's fights with the lizard looking villain I see some of class 1-A rush to her but the heroes told us to stay back and that they'll take care of her. I see the heroes take her away probably to see Recovery Girl Fidelia-chan is so strong while I hear Lida comment the same "Fidelia-kun is so strong" I hear Asui comment "Also that transformation, I think I see it somewhere" Kaminari ask "Is she somehow related to 'The Golden Warrior'?" "That's right! The Golden Warrior!" add Uraraka and Ashido.

I look confuse at the girls "The Golden Warrior?" Hagakure ask shock "You don't know him Midoriya-kun?" I shake my head and they shout shocked "Ehh?!" Jiro ask "How did you not know about him Midoriya?" Mineta comment "I guess there are heroes that even the Otaku Midoriya doesn't know" Uraraka say "Just search Golden Warrior and You'll find him Deku-kun" I nod.

~~~3'rd Person POV~~~
Recovery Girl see all of the Pro Heroes that work at U.A. carrying a beaten up Fidelia "Oh my! What happened to her?" "Villains" RG kiss Fidelia's forehead Ginji made a gagged sound Eww! How the hell can her lips be that long?! RG smile at them "She'll be okay for now" Ginji? 😺You okay Child? 😑My body feels very sore 😸Well you just finish fighting that Bastard Freeza

🤔Where am I? 😼You're in the Long Lips Grandma's place 🤔Long lips grandma? You mean Recovery Girl? 😸That's her! How about Freeza? He's gone Child, don't worry she nod then started to open her eyes only to see that she's indeed in RG's office "Recovery Girl?" RG smile at her "You're awake"

Fidelia sit up straight then she see all of the teachers looking at her "Is there something wrong?" All Might smile "That was a magnificent fight Fidelia Shoujo! Even I only listen to the other Pro Heroes what you did and I was so surprised!" Then some of them asked her who Freeza is.

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
I sigh "That's Freeza, he's a... villain and he's always find pleasure in torturing people first before killing them" Ectoplasm say "We've never heard his name before" Ginji roll his eyes Because he's not your average villain. I shrug "That's because no one ever come back alive when they met him"

Aizawa comment "You sound like you know him" I nod while grip my fist tightly "My parents did work for him but then he killed them mercilessly" Then there's an awkward silence. Snipe say broke the silence "She barely defeat him" "No" everyone look at Aizawa "She could win easily but because of this thing she can't" then he show the needle that was shot at my neck.

Midnight raise an eyebrow "What's that?" Aizawa say "Bakugo give me this told me that after their fights she was shot by it before fighting that lizard" I merely nod then ask "Is everyone okay?". Cementoss smile "Yeah, everyone's okay thanks to you" Vlad say "You're lucky that you only receive minor injuries and a twisted leg"

🙀Lucky?! LUCKY?! 😾That was her hard work! 😾😾You overgrown Bloody Man! 😓Ginji please stop I see All Might smile at me "Think you're up to receive the medal in the podium, Fidelia Shoujo?" Recovery Girl shout "She's already like this and you're asking that you stupid All Might!" then she punch him.

All Might rub his side, Midnight say "Your gonna have to stay here for a while" she merely nod then Recovery Girl say to the teachers "Now then all of you let her get some rest" "Excuse me" they look at the door to see a boy wearing a whitish shirt, with black vest and brown pants

I hear he ask "Is Fidelia-san here?" I sit up "Gohan? What's wrong?" Gohan walk to me while asking concern evidence in his voice "Are you okay? I saw the news" I shrug "Yeah well just a few injuries and broken leg nothing more" he nod "I see" then he smile widely "Also congratulations on winning the sports festival and... for not breaking other people"

I look shock at him "What? You think that I'll do that?" I put my hand on my chest pretend to be hurt "I feel hurt Gohan" He put up both of his hands and shake it "No of course not, I know you'll win it 100% without breaking anyone" "Nope, I hear doubt in your voice" "It's not!" "It is" "It's not!" I smile "It's not" Gohan shout in reflex "It is!"

I see Gohan just realized what he said causing me to giggle "Got you" I see Gohan blush while shouting in embarrassment "Fidelia-san no Baka!" I giggle at his reactions "Gomen, gomen" Unknowingly to them the teachers saw their bantering suddenly Present Mic shout "*English* Fidelia have a boyfriend!" surprising them.

Midnight grin "I didn't know you have a cute and handsome one at that" Cementoss smile "He looks like a nice and good boyfriend" and everyone started praising him. I see Gohan look at me in confusion Aunt-san why do they keep calling me your boyfriend? Well after everyone saw that you showed up a couple of times at the U.A. front gate waiting for me

I see his eyes widened in surprise But I'm only there because we have to discuss something important 😹He's really dense like his father isn't he? I chuckle No what I mean is they think that we're dating Suddenly he blushed madly at what I said B-B-But Just go along with it Gohan Huh?

He look at Ginji Gin-kun? It's actually Ginji's ideas he glance at me What? Ginji always like funny things 😺And since it's quite funny to see everyone's reaction so... Please go along with it Gohan while I see Ginji was making puppy dog eyes at him while Gohan sigh in defeat Fine 😸Yes!

Present Mic point at him "*English* Hey there listener! What's your name?" Gohan smile "*English* The name is Gohan, nice to meet you all" then he bow to all of the them "Thanks for helping her" Aizawa say "No we should be the one that thanking her" Mic squeal "*English* You understand what I'm saying?" "*English* Of course I do Present Mic" "And smart as well, good catch Fidelia" add Power Loader smiling.

Suddenly Recovery Girl shout shooing them "All of you out! The patient need rest!" "That's right before I forgot" he said then throw me a Senzu Bean "Catch!" I catch it with my mouth, chew and shallow it. Snipe ask concern "What did you just feed her?" Gohan smile at him "Senzu Bean"

Few seconds later, I jumped out the bed and land behind Gohan and started stretching while smiling "That felt better! Thanks Gohan" they look shocked at them except All Might and Recovery Girl "NANI?!" Before anyone ask what's it do Gohan already explain while smiling "It replenished all of your stamina and heal any injuries. But it doesn't cure sickness"

I see everyone keep looking shocked at us. Gohan smile at All Might "Now she's ready to receive it All Might-san" He smile "Let's go we don't want to make the others waiting" Gohan pulled out a camera "I'll make sure to get a good photo" "Thanks" I hear midnight squeal "You 2 look cute together" I look at Gohan to see he's a blushing mesh 😸Poor Gohan 😒And who do you think put him in that state huh Ginji?

~~~3'rd Person POV~~~
⏩Time Skip⏩
Midnight: Now we will award the medals! The presentation of the medals will of course, be by this man...
Midnight/All Might: All Might!/ I am here!
Midnight: 😅Sorry
All: It's All Might!
Midnight/All Might: Our very own, All Might!/I have brought the medals here!
Midnight: 😅Gomen All Might
All Might: 😭😭😭
Midnight: Now then, All Might, please present the medals, starting with third place

All Might went to Tokoyami then put on the bronze medal on his neck "Tokoyami Shounen, congratulations. You sure are strong" "You are too kind" then he hug him "However, in order to fight well against different types, you must not rely only on your Quirk. If you train your own strength more, then you'll have more options when you fight" "Yes sir".

All Might walk to Todoroki then he put the bronze medal on him "Todoroki Shounen, congratulations. I assume there's a reason you didn't use your left side in the final?" "I had an opportunity during my match with Midoriya and Fidelia, but then I became unsure of myself. I think I understand a little why you're interested in both of them. I wanted to become a hero like you. But I didn't think it would be right for me to be the only one to break away. There's still something I must settle"

All Might nod at him "The look on your face is completely different from before" then he hug him "I won't ask about the details. I'm sure that you'll be able to do what you need to do" "Yes" All Might walk to Bakugo who started thrashing around while shouting "I can't accept this! Fidelia you didn't even use your power on me! I want a rematch!" All Might show the medal to him "I don't need it!" All Might try to put the silver medal on him "Now, now Bakugo Shounen" "I don't need it!" Then the medal went to his mouth

(A/n: He's in second place)

😹😹He looks like a wild beast in human body! "And Fidelia Shoujo, congratulations" All Might said while putting the gold medal on her neck and she smile at him "Thank you All Might" suddenly he hug her "You earns it Fidelia Shoujo" while this happens Ginji started hissing at him 🙀Ahh! 😾Get away from her you All Muscles!

All Might: Well, they were the winners this time! But listen here! Anyone here could have ended up on these podiums. It's just as you saw... Competing! Improving each other! And climbing even further! The next generation of heroes is definitely sprouting! So I have just one more thing to say! Everyone please say it with me! Ready go...
All/All Might: Plus Ultra!/Thanks for your hard work!
All/All Might: What?! It should've been 'Plus Ultra!' there All Might!/Well, I thought everyone worked hard... sorry, sorry

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
I was walking around the hallway then see Aizawa leaning on the wall with his hands crossed over his chest, I bow a little "Good afternoon, Aizawa Sensei" I was about to walked away before he say "You're the one... that heal 13 and me with those weird beans aren't you?" I merely nod then I feel his eyes on me "How did the camera outside of Recovery Girl doesn't see you come inside her office?"

😸You're getting roasted Child I turned around to look at him I was about to my say but then hear Ginji warned me Child be careful of what you said to others "Quirk that made you invisible?" I nod "It's part of my Quirk" then I feel Ginji take control "Which is super speed Quirk" We shouldn't tell everyone what your capable of yet Child I nod Alright.

"What about that gold hair? Is it part of your Quirk as well?" I nod again then I hear Aizawa thought Super Strength, Super Speed, Transformation Quirk. How did she have so many Quirks in her Quirk? Son Fidelia, just what is your Quirk? 😼Since I'm feeling generous I'll tell you hobo man I raise my eyebrow at him 🤨Ginji you do know that I'm the only one that hears you right? 😸Tehee! I roll my eyes at his childish.

Words: 3900
Please give me some R&R. Until next time!

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