Harry's wolf

ajash10 द्वारा

719K 17.8K 4.1K

Angsty teen stuff. Harry misses his lover and decides enough is enough, he leaves headquarters and no one kno... अधिक

Discovery ✅
Interrogation Part1✅
Chapter 12✅
Chapter 13✅
Chapter 14✅
Memory Ink✅
Chapter 17✅
He's been sighted! Harry potter!✅
Letter from Mia✅
Update! Read!!
Dining with the Dark Side✅
Two-Way Glass✅
Well that's a surprise.✅
Beau-Baiser Rose✅
Authors note(update)
Juggling foolish lords✅(1/14)
Pack ✅(5/14)
An incident and a phone call ✅(13/14)


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ajash10 द्वारा

(Couple days later.)

Harry POV

I crouched down on the sprung hardwood floor and extended my legs to either side, stretching my muscles and relieving the tight knots in the tendons and joints.

I raised my arms above my head and arched my spine in a backwards curve, looking at the wall behind me as I lowered my arms and sat up again.

I continued to stretch for several minutes, making sure to release all of the tense muscles and prevent cramps that would otherwise occur had I not stretched enough beforehand.

When my body felt nimble and relaxed enough, I stood and moved to the table a few feet away. I flicked through the list of songs, contemplating what I wanted to do today.

I continued to search the extensive list for several minutes, various artists both catching and losing my attention as I moved past them. Finally I found a selection that I liked. I set the group of music into a playlist and clicked the play button, moving to the middle of the room as I waited for the track to load.

I thought about the routine and went through it in my head before nodding to myself and looking back up, straight ahead, into the mirrored wall.

The lights in the room buzzed lightly with the bright electrical currents passing through them. I closed my eyes, as I heard the click of the track starting, and took a deep relaxing breath. The buzzing faded out of my awareness, as I focused on the music, and I quickly lost myself to the beat and the feeling of my own movements.


As the song came to an end, I allowed my shoulders to sag in exhaustion. I had woken up this morning to an owl at the window with a letter from Fenrir saying that he would be back later on this evening... something about a pack gathering that he wanted to attend.

The note had arrived just before sunrise and, after reading it, I had been too restless to go back to sleep. I mean, yeah yesterday was exhausting and all, but I didn't really want to sleep in by too much. it would completely throw off my sleeping patterns.

It's an obvious issue. No sleep means a bad attitude, a bad attitude means that I become easily irritated and down right pissed off when something doesn't go my way. Then, that leads to Fenrir and I having a big argument where he ends up sleeping of the sofa or the sun bed outside while I hide in our room.

It's happened before. Regardless of the fact that we reconciled by the end of the next day, it still wasn't an enjoyable experience. That had been during my first summer here, actually. It was just after I had started my own dance and production company, 'Kismet', that the fight had happened. I had been overworking myself to make it a success(with the help of my old mentor Bang PD-nim), which it was, and Fenrir had come along and eaten the food that I'd made myself for lunch. He made me more once he realised that I'd made it for myself, but my temper had already run away with itself and I'd blown a fuse.

We'd both learned a lot that day. Mainly that my food is sacred territory, unless otherwise stated, and that our relationship is both strong and real enough that something like that only made our bond to each other stronger.

I sat down at the side of the room, my back against the cool panelled wall, and took a long sip of water from the drinks bottle that Blippy, one of our house elves, had brought in a little while ago.

I allowed myself to relax and enjoy the coolness of the water, as it passed through my throat; I had been dancing all morning. I suspect that my eyes widened slightly, as I realised that I needed to stretch before my muscles tensed up. I often stretched between songs because, if I'm not using the same muscles from the previous routine, the discomfort can make certain moves that require the action of any unused muscles to ache. It may also hinder further dances and actions later on.

I actually learnt that the hard way. I'd been at a conference for the company committees and had decided to do a bit of dancing, while I was there. But I didn't stretch before or after dancing and when I woke up the next day it was like trying to move limbs made from lead.

I extended my arms up and over my head, elongating my spine to a satisfying stretch as I moved towards the steps, to head up from the basement.

I think I've had enough dancing for one day. As it was, I was all sweaty and gross at the moment due to the continuous dancing that I'd been doing this entire morning.

I breathed in deeply as I walked through the basement doors to emerge into the natural midday lighting of the hallway, by the kitchen.

*POP* I startled slightly at the sudden crisp sound, darting my eyes around until they settled on the old elf a few feet away from me.

"What do you need Kreacher? Do you have a letter for me?"


Harry sat on a sofa in the living room, occasionally sipping at his drink as he stared at the opened letter on the table in front of him.

He let his mind wonder as he thought over the contents of the letter, his frown deepening as he tossed the words around in his mind.

Harry gave a frustrated huff. He, then, leant forward and nimbly plucked the unassuming letter from where it was left beforehand.

Placing down his drink, he unfolded the letter again and began to reread the elegant scrawl.


Kreature bowed deeply as he held out a large envelope.

"Master Greenleaf, rude potion man made Kreacher bring this. Told it's important."

Harry accepted the letter and nodded at Kreature, long having learned that verbal thanks were not well received by the elderly elf. Too set in his ways to accept anything more than polite acknowledgement for his efforts.

Kreacher waited as Harry stood and considered the letter. A few seconds later, Harry turned back to Kreacher and gave him instructions to thank, "the potion man", for the letter and to inform the sender that he should await a response.

After Kreacher left, Harry moved to the kitchen counter and used a knife from the cutlery rack to slice open the envelope.

He pulled out the thick parchment from within and stared at it for a moment before flipping it open and beginning to read what his father had to say.

I thought it would be prudent of myself to inform you that the Order, while no longer actively searching for you, has discovered a number of your lesser secrets during their pursuit.
For example, just recently, your friend Granger went up to that music room you'd commandeered and convinced Kreacher to make her a copy of the last box left, before he took the original away. Between her and Black, they managed to set up and hold a viewing of the contents in it and the entire order watched your albums from the year prior to last. They have questions. They also know that Silkoh is actually the guy you're seeing after Granger identified him from Miss Weasley's memories. Your friend is irritatingly observant. And why wasn't I told that the man you're seeing is actually the ferryman who supposedly took you to and from your relatives. I visited them recently, actually, absolutely horrid in every single way. Apparently they haven't even see you since the summer after your second year, care to explain that to me young man? You have a lot of answers to give.
I expect your reply.

Harry ran a hand down his face in frustration, beginning to dread the next time he would encounter his father. It's one thing having the order worried but when his dad was truly pissed off, well, Hell could rise and you'd still struggle to convince him that it was worth confronting his father. As it was, he didn't sound too angry... yet.

~~~*Flashback end*~~~

Harry rubbed his thumb and forefinger across his temples, sighing at the stress caused by his life. It really was so much simpler when no one knew anything about Fenrir or his singing or everything else that'd been out in the open recently.

And for that note, how his dad still hadn't cursed Dumbledore he found unfathomable. Don't get him wrong, the man was like his grandfather. But he's so stuck in his views of light and dark being good and evil that he can only seem to focus on Tom and completely ignores all the other schemes going on in the background. The ministry, for one, is completely corrupted. Fudge and his little groupies are destroying their economy and livelihoods and Dumbles is just watching it happen. Fudge probably doesn't have any control over them, he's basically just a spokesperson and smokescreen for all of their schemes. Having him in office just allows his "followers" to get away with manipulating the system and obstructing justice. Tom wasn't even responsible for the terror attacks, both several years ago and recently. That was all orchestrated by his groupies to strengthen his image and destroy both Tom and Dumble's support. As far as the support for the "leader of the light" went, they were slowly succeeding. Dumbledore's own ignorance and blasé attitude would be the fall of their cause.

Harry stood and moved out through the sliding doors to sit in a woven chair by the pool, thinking about all the political moves that Dumbledore had fudged up during his time as leader of the light. Really, all that the "ministry resistance" needed now was to find the smoking gun to Dumbledores plot and they'd suddenly rally a support network which exceeded both Tom and his together. What would be most damaging though? Dumbledore had a number of frowned upon misdemeanours from back in his youth. The list was extensive; muggle killing father, indirect hand in his sisters death, protests against muggleborn, sleeping with Grindlewald, bribery of officials to help Grindlewald, refusal to participate in the war because he wouldn't go against the man he loved, making Tom into Voldemort, leaving kids in abusive muggle homes etc. etc.

Harry grimaced as he thought about how royally fucked Dumbledore would be if they found out any of that information. He had fallen into the man's pensive years ago and after seeing things which he'd rather not, concerning the man and his lover, he had investigated the man's past. That had lead him to the man's brother Abe, or Abeforth, as he was known.

He took a sip of the berry cocktail, which had been brought to him while he was lost in thought, and smiled slightly when his ears picked up on the quiet pop of apparition at the front of the property.

Fenrir POV

He sighed as he bid farewell to the last of the wolves from the clan he'd been visiting. One of the three Alphas who'd met Harry must have let slip about their bonding as he'd been swarmed by lieutenant wolves as soon as he arrived and was then promptly ferried away to see the elders.

They had asked him many questions about his relationship with Harry and after several hours of answering the elders' questions about his bonding and their current status, he'd been released from their tent.

Only to be whisked away by Sheila, the alpha female of the pack- and a close friend of his- for a lecture and another slightly less invasive but much more intense bout of questioning.

He had quickly become fed up with the accusation behind her words and had used his alpha voice to command her not to mention it again for the duration of his visit.

The other wolves had quickly taken a hint from his angry aura and Sheila's curious silence, dropping the subject and focusing on why he was originally there. When all was concluded, he had been invited to stay for the evening and to join their feast. They were celebrating the successful birth of a litter of pups from one of the younger mated couples of the pack.

He had been hesitant, at first, but had ultimately decided to stay for the feast and to congratulate the mates. When the feast lasted longer than expected, the alpha of the pack had offered him a place for the night and he had quickly sent off an owl with a letter to inform Harry of his longer stay. He had hoped to visit all of the tribes by that evening but clearly he would be visiting the last one in the morning, instead. Harry would have to wait.


He woke up the next morning, had a quick breakfast and said his goodbye and thanks to the pack before moving on to the last one he needed to visit before going home.

The last visit did not take as long, as it appeared that the pack had not yet heard of his bonding and therefore felt no desire to hold him "captive" for hours for questioning about his love life and any number of other things that did not concern them. He could swear the elders did not know the meaning of the word 'boundaries'.

He bid his final farewell to the smaller, less intrusive, pack and headed off- set on his destination of home.

He appeared with a slight *crack*, the remnants of apparition frizzing out in the crisp but warm afternoon air. He took a deep breath and stood still, letting his exhaustion run rampant on his body for all of a moment, before the natural magic of the Greyback Ancestral home acted to reenergise him.

He entered through the front door and sent out his magic, through his connection to the wards, to locate Harry. Once he knew that he was out on the back deck, he continued up the central staircase.

When he reached their room, he quickly placed down his small selection of bags and began packing away any unworn spare clothes and gifts that he'd received from the packs which he had visited, both while Harry was away and just that morning.

He moved out of their room and went to his office, stacking the papers in his grasp alphabetically, by pack and by importance. He spent several minutes going through the last of the paperwork and filing it all away in the correct files, folders and cabinet draws.

He was about to head down to the pool area when he remembered something atrocious. He hadn't yet showered as he'd been too busy after waking up in the wolf pack that morning. He scrunched his nose, disgusted with himself, and lifted the collar of his shirt to sniff at it. The smell that reached him had him wincing as he realised that he smelt of boggy mud and sweat. He had forgotten about playing with the older wolf pups and was now regretting it as he moved towards the bathroom.

His nose scrunched up and his eyebrow furrowed as he pealed all of his dirty clothes away from his skin, chucking it into the bathrooms laundry basket and absently noting that it was immediately vanished by the elves to be washed.

He turned on the shower and waited as warm steam rose into the air and the spells on the bathroom adjusted the temperature to his preference.

His shower was quick and when he stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist, he felt satisfyingly clean. Definitely cleaner than he'd been since he first set out to visit the packs. It felt like forever, even though in reality it'd only been a couple of days.

He dressed in comfy, baggy clothes; a loose burgundy V-neck three quarter Henley, loose-fitting low hung cargo pants and a pair of black fluffy slipper boots.

Now ready, he headed down to where he knew Harry had not moved from at all since his return home.

He walked into the living room and could see Harry sitting on a comfortable woven chair on the deck out back. Harry's back was to him, so he couldn't see any expression on his face or what he was doing but he was definitely abnormally still.

Fenrir went over to the kitchen and opened the fridge to gaze expectedly upon the contents. He was sorely disappointed when he saw only a few fruits and some zero fat yoghurt- one of the weird health stint diets that Harry had been on.

He continued to rummage through cupboards and draws for several long minutes. He could've punched himself in the face when he realised that 1) he has a wand, and 2) they have house elves.

Fenrir quickly summoned Taffy, one of their older female elves, requesting that a chocolate smoothie be brought over to him outside.

Finally, through with the distractions that he seemingly kept managing to find, he moved out through the sliding doors and towards his little lover.

3rd POV

Harry sipped at his Red Berry Smoothie; he waited as he heard Fenrir come back downstairs and move towards the kitchen. The sound of him rustling around in the cupboards brought a smile to Harry's face. He wondered how long it would take for his dopey wolf to realise that he had a wan-... a loud mirthful echo of a laugh permeated the air and Harry had to use all of his self-control to prevent his shoulders from shaking with his silent laughter.

He waited patiently as he heard an elf pop in to the room and then pop away again a few seconds later. The pop was quite quiet, so it was likely one of the older house elves. Harry would bet on him summoning either Blippy or Edmund. He thought over his own mental words and then changed his mind- Edmund or Taffy. Fenrir was much more fond of those two than any of the others. Call it what you would; favouritism, partiality, preferential treatment... the list goes on. Harry smiled at his own thought, their house elves had it better than most, bar perhaps the house elf that ended up with Hermione.

Harry jumped , ever so slightly, when a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves under his arms and pulled him into the comfort of his mate's strong chest.

"You surprised me, Fen!" Harry lightly smacked the arm around his waist, pouting up at the tall male who now stood obstructing the light.

A deep chuckle reached his ears and Harry felt as the chest, still pressed against his back, rumbled with the sound.

"Sorry, Love. I thought you could hear me." A light kiss was pressed against the top of his head.

"I could, Fen. I was just a little bit lost in thoughts.." The arms moved from around his chest and waist and Harry watched as Fenrir came to stand in front of him, cupping his cheeks between his large warm hands.

"I'll pull over a chair and you can tell me all about what has you lost in thought." Harry smiled up at his lover, bobbing his head in agreement.

Fenrir smiled brightly as Harry agreed with him, moving away to get another woven chair. Taffy had popped in with his chocolate smoothie while he was on his way back over, carrying the chair in front of him.

He rose an eyebrow at the smug glint in Harry's eyes, but chose to dismiss his curiosity at the cause as Harry stayed silent and simply gave him a small smile, once again sipping at his own sweet smoothie.


The two mates discussed their time away from each other for several hours, telling each other of what they had done in the time that spent away from each other. They could have checked in on the other through their bonds but they had decided to only keep the soul bond unblocked while they were each doing their own things. It was more an experiment than anything else, to se if they could. Bearing in mind that they had both hated the feelings of separation and isolation, it was good to know what they could actually do with the bond.

Fenrir told Harry all about the packs and what the different ones were like; he told Harry about the differences in how the alphas treated their betas and how the different packs chose to delegate responsibilities. He even told Harry about the elders, loathe as he was to speak about the annoying oldies.

Harry was really interested in knowing about the elders' responsibilities and was especially amused, in-fact laughing his head off, after he heard about Fenrir being interrogated- due to not informing them that he had mated with Harry.

Harry did wonder which one of the alphas whom he'd already met had been the one to let slip about them being mates. But really it made no real difference now. If they were to find out, it would probably just mean that one of the main alphas had probably told a pack mate.

Generally, Alphas didn't really tend to keep information from their pack mates and if they did let it slip then you couldn't really blame them since it is quite a big deal. With a High Alpha Lord getting a mate, there would usually be a large bonding ceremony and all packs would be invited to the official announcement. By all means of the word, Fenrir had gone off the books in his way of going about things. Harry did begin to wonder why they hadn't actually told any of the wolves. Its not like they would go to the ministry about it.

Fenrir soon turned the topic towards his mate's previous evening and Harry sighed slightly as he described what had happened. He left nothing out and Fenrir found it very interesting to know what had happened. Albeit he had tuned into their mind bond a couple of times to check in on his little mate but really could you blame him. His mate went off to another country to have a political meeting with a group of people who were unpredictable at best. Fenrir was also beginning to think that Fudge had some weird mental heath issue- like a fame complex towards Harry. It was a little off putting.

"It was very successful in the end, I had thought that it might be a little bit shaky on some points but they seemed to actually consider and then agree with what I proposed. Regardless of whether it's all my original ideas, I'm sure that the Wizengamot will becomes more interesting now that we remove the knowledge of who is suggesting the bills."

Fenrir hummed in agreement and rubbed his hand over one of Harry's, which he was holding in his lap.

"So, other than grumpy elders and such, what happened while you were with the pack's?"

Fenrir considered Harry's question for a moment before responding thoughtfully, "Well, I was surprised that not all of the packs knew about our bonding, it seems that only 2 of the 6 packs that I visited were aware of you and I. I suppose some may not believe it and others just haven't heard about it yet."

"I know you said that they were shocked about our bonding but they weren't against it, right?" Harry let his own hand turn and curl around Fenrir's larger fingers, contemplating his own words.

"The elders are very stuck in their ways. They like tradition and they like plans. When neither of those happen, they're thrown through an unexpected loop and it takes them a while to adjust. They'll come around to the idea. I think a few of them were actually excited about it."

Harry nodded in understanding.

He turned away from Fenrir and looked towards the gradually declining sun, feeling the heat and decided to go for a dip. He stood, shrugging off his shirt and considering his tracksuit bottoms before making his mind up and sliding them down his legs, allowing his boxers to fall with them.

He ignored the gasp of breath behind him as he walked over to the pool steps and lowered himself in. He floated on his back completely exposed but not giving a shit. He could practically see Fenrir watching him, and he didn't even have his eyes open at that moment.

Fenrir watched as Harry stripped and climbed into the pool, he could at once feel the straining swell within his trousers and at that moment- watching his mate in all his beauty- he couldn't care less about what Small Fenrir was doing. (Harry's nickname not his.)

He cleared his throat as he continued to watch his Love, floating on his back across the surface of the pool. Certain areas bobbing out of the water with every few strokes from his arms. The kicking of his legs causing an occasional sway.

"The pups were very playful when I visited. They wanted to know all about you and I told them how wonderful you were. They would like to meet you later on, actually. Oh! And Nico says 'hi.' So you'll probably be seeing him soon as well."

Harry hummed in thought at Fenrir's words.

"If you see Nico before me, tell him that I said 'hi.' back to him."

"Will do." Fenrir looked down at the table, where he had set his drink, only to see an opened letter addressed to his mate.
"What's this?"

Harry glanced over as he floated by and sighed, before dropping his legs and swimming over to pull himself up the wall of the pool. A good level to speak with his mate comfortably.

"It's from dad. Read it. That's easier than explaining it all."

He waited as Fenrir slipped the letter from the envelope, reading the contents before growing a concerned expression.

"What do you want to do, love?" Fenrir tilted his head and Harry couldn't resist the comparison to that of a puppy.

"I'm not sure. I mean, I should write to them... right? I obviously can't visit them.." Harry trailed off as he spoke, hand scratching at the back of his head.

"Why not?" Fenrir's words made him look up sharply, a disbelieving expression adorning his features.

"You're joking right?" Harry gave him a disbelieving look as the taller man simply shrugged his shoulders.

"By right, you're emancipated. They can't keep you there." Fenrir finished off this drink as he allowed Harry to think.

"Nope. No. Nada, not happening. If I go and visit them then I'll have to act all blindly devout to the old man again. You can't ask me to do that, not knowing that he's had such an influence on everything that's happened. In the wars, in school..."

"Ssh sh, love, calm down. I'm not asking you to act devout to him. I just think that maybe you should go and visit them to put their minds at ease."

Harry seemed to calm down slightly, despite still refusing to look his mate in the eye. He didn't want to go.

"Love. It would only be a days visit, and anyway, if anything happens you can always just use our bond to contact me. Remember, you've also got the portkey that's in our bonding rings."

Harry seemed like he may say yes for a few moments before his expression closed down and he once again shook his head in refutal. He wasn't convinced that anything would actually be that simple when it comes to the order.

"Think about it Love, you would get to see your friends, Black and Lupin in person. You may even see your father."

Harry gave him a scorching look before simply nodding and agreeing to consider it as a possibility. Regardless of the fact that they both knew that he'd just completely rejected the idea of it.


Harry climbed into their large bed and laid with his head resting against Fenrir's shoulder. He sighed in relief as all of the muscles in his body relaxed and he leant into the soothing warmth of his mate's chest.

Harry Laos a small peck to the side of Fenrir's chest and gave a small smile, "I can't believe how lucky I am that you're mine."

A smirk came onto Fenrir's face, at Harry's words, and he quickly flipped them over.

The larger male rolled over onto his front, so that he was hovering above Harry. He leant in closely and began to pepper kisses across the smaller male's neck and chest. Sucking and nipping occasionally at areas of sensitivity.

Harry arched up into the sensations and wriggled slightly to give Fenrir more access to the places where he wanted him. His arms and legs all wrapped loosely around the man's muscular form.

A low rumbling grumble of a growl resonated from Fenrir's chest and Harry looked down to see his eyes practically glowing with predation.

He whined loudly in the back of his throat and bared his neck, exposing his submission to the animalistic man.

A feral rumble met his actions and he began to pant slightly when a hand teased its way down his clothed torso, Fenrir's face now buried in his neck and a hot wet tongue laving at his sweet spot.

"Fen~ Please..."

He felt a nip on his shoulder.

"Patience~" It was low and guttural sounding and all Harry could do now was moan and agree.

... ... ...

Harry panted heavily as he waited for his heart rate to return to its resting pace.

He was laying, half on top of Fenrir, naked and coated in a thin veil of sweat.

His mind was foggy and pleasantly buzzing from the euphoria of his climax.

The chest beneath his hand was rising and falling only slightly slower than his own, a sheen of sweat glistening across the muscles as it rose and fell. Harry's eyes quickly became transfixed on a single bead as it trailed down the contours of his mate's abdomen, licking at his lips slightly as he leant closer.

"Love... you really should go and visit your friends and godfathers tomorrow..."

The words were broken up and slowly calculating but Harry didn't register any of the hesitation. He didn't even fully register what had actually been said before he was agreeing and turning his focus back to Fenrir's body.

"Sure. Yeah, good idea."

He leant in and let his tongue track through the definitions of muscle, humming contentedly. Fenrir's eyes slowly became half-lidded and he let his fingers fall lazily into Harry's hair.

"Enough love. You need to rest, we can continue this another time."

Harry gave a strangled-sounding protest noise before pulling back and pouting up at Fenrir.


Fenrir cut him off with a finger to his lips and a small smile.


Harry frowned slightly, his brow creasing adorably.

"But I'm not," he let oh a large yawn, his mouth stretching and his eyes closing with the action, "tired."

Fenrir laughed and grabbed at his waist, pulling him closer to his side.

"Sleep, baby."

"But I'm... not.. tire-..." His words were cut off by his own light snuffles as he drifted into a warmth induced sleep. Fenrir's large body projecting heat around it and soothing Harry into a comfortable slumber.

"Sweet dreams, love." A kiss was pressed to his forehead by the large male, who then drifted to sleep himself. Not missing the small smile which formed on his little love's lips.


Harry's eyes fluttered open and he smiled as he felt light hitting the side of his face, warming his skin.

He turned slightly to his side, letting his face fall into shadows, as he looked at the face of the wonderful man wrapped around him. Oh Merlin, he loved the goofy wolf. His kind heart, his loving personality, his-

Harry's eyes widened dramatically as he remembered the events of the previous evening.

He leaned up, away from Fenrir, and sent the man a withering look. He continued to think about the previous evening and became increasingly irritated.

Having a thought, he grabbed his large fluffy pillow and positioned it above his own head, his arms raised high in a semi-stretch.

Harry held still for a short moment, before seeing a small twitch to Fenrir's face and swinging down. Hard.

Harry smacked the pillow down with increasing force and was only somewhat satisfied when Fenrir jolted awake in startled shock.

"YOU. TYRANT. HOW DARE YOU. MAKE. ME. AGREE. WITH. YOU. AFTER. SEX!" All were enunciated with hard pillow smacks to the larger male's face.

Fenrir began to laugh as he took the pillow from his mate and pecked his little Love's cheek.

Harry huffed and flopped back down onto the bed- still thoroughly unamused.

"you're evil fen...!"

He just chuckled and stroked Harry's hair, his arms wrapping themselves around his mate once more-even as Harry refused to return the gesture.

"I know, love"

Harry let a small smile flicker onto his face, as he continued to be pouty-angry at Fenrir, his head aimed away from him to disguise the quirk of his lips.

"Shut up.." he mumbled quietly, no longer meaning what he was saying.

"Okay." Fenrir agreed and they lapsed into silence, the occasional chuckle floating around the room, as they just laid there together.

Both knew that Harry was grateful for Fenrir's persistence, as it now meant that he would be seeing his family soon.

(A/N: Hi to all!!
Thanks so much for your patience! 😊 🙏🏻
Certain circumstance made it hard to update but thank you so much for your continued support/patience and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!
And follow me~ AJASH10 ).

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